The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1892: Wind mine owner

When the flute sounded, Xu Ziyan was overjoyed. This Thunder Leopard is very powerful, and its defense is not low, but the power of the soul is not high. Xu Ziyan speculated that this should be the life-threatening power of Lei Bao, not how powerful its soul is. Although there is already a half-step human retreat, its soul power is only the realm of the mid-century.

The shape of the leopard in the fighting is a meal, and the soul is somewhat confused. At that time, the middle-aged man also felt the fluctuation of the space. When he looked up, he saw Xu Ziyan in the air. He knew that someone helped him, and he greeted the female repairing and exploding all the potential to attack the Leibao.

The leopard was cut by the middle-aged man's knife, and the soul was shaking, but he woke up. However, it was a deep fear for Xu Ziyan, and at this time, the soul-killing was once again bound to it, so that Lei Leong’s heart was shaking, and he slammed and turned around and ran away. It has no trace.

Xu Ziyan's toes gently tapped the cloud baby, which originally fell to the ground.

"Thank you for saving the fairy!" The middle-aged man saw Xu Ziyan falling to the ground and bowed to Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan gently waved: "Do your best, not sher."

Seeing Xu Ziyan’s gaze is looking at both of them, the middle-aged monk hurriedly handed over again:

"Under the Liu Ba knife, it is the city owner of the wind and thunder city outside the thunderstorm mountain range. It is also the owner of the seventh branch of the Shangyuan League. This is my daughter Liu Qingmeng, a disciple of Baihuazong. I would like to ask a friend..."

"In the next celestial ancestor, a sword peak Xu Ziyan."

"You are Xu Ziyan?" Liu Qingmeng's beautiful eyes, it is difficult to hide the surprise.

"Yes! Purple smoke has seen Liu Shijie. I have seen Liu predecessors." Xu Ziyan arched his hand.

Liu Qingmeng quickly waved: "Don't dare, Xu..."

"I am one hundred and ninety years old this year, I don't know..."

Liu Qingmeng's face is red: "I am 789 years old this year, then I will call your sister."

Xu Ziyan rejoiced and said: "We were originally a family of Cangwu and Baihuazong. It is right to be called by the sister."

Xu Ziyan just heard that Liu Badao is the city owner of Fenglei City. His heart is secretly happy. With such a local snake, what should Leike know about some clues?

“I don’t know why Liu’s predecessors and Liu’s sister came to the Thunder Mountain Range?”

Xu Ziyan asked casually. Her heart is also very strange, a city owner did not stay in the wind and thunder city, but with his daughter ran to the thunderstorm mountains, almost killed by the Leopard, are they idle?

Liu Ba knife sighed softly and whispered to Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan understands that this Liu Ba knife has a son and a daughter. The son is called Liu, the daughter is ten years older than the son.

The previous side door was not able to compare with the Eastern Zongmen. Therefore, when Liu Qingmeng was six years old, Liu Badao spent a lot of money to send Liu Qingmeng into Baihuazong.

After another ten years, there is a Liu device. Originally, Liu Badao decided to wait until his son was five years old, and also sent his son to a sect in the nine sects of the sect. Later, he had already established the relationship of Luo Tianzong. Who knows that Liu’s body has inherent defects. The meridians are too fine. I am afraid that this life will not be able to cultivate immortals. It is to reluctantly cultivate the immortal, at most, to reach the Mahayana period is the apex.

This made Liu Ba knife grieve, and in the hundreds of years later, he searched for Dan Fang and wanted to solve his son's problems. Later, he really found a kind of elixir to solve his son's problem, that is, he needed a body to reshape his son. However, this creation of Dan is a nine-pronged immortal, which is nothing. He has a face and a lot of resources. He has asked a sect of the nine sects of Danzong to promise him a refining, but he lacks the main medicine. It is Thunderwood.

Thunder wood. According to legend, there is in the Thunder Mountain Range, so Liu Ba knife entered the Thunder Mountain Range with a hundred men. But I still feel that it is not insured. He doesn't know what Thunderwood looks like and can survive in any environment. So he sent a message to his daughter outside the Thunder Mountain. See if my daughter can find information about Thunderwood in Baihuazong.

After Liu Qingmeng received the message from his father, he immediately entered the library of Baihuazong. After seven days and seven nights, I finally found information about Thunderwood, and I came over personally.

As the land snake here, Liu Badao has already learned about the Thunder Mountain Range, but the danger of the Thunder Mountain Range exceeded his expectations. In a few months, not only did not find Thunderbolt, but also the monsters in the Thunderstorm Mountain kept chasing and killing, and finally his one hundred men died in the mouth of the monster. If they don't meet Xu Ziyan, they will die in the mouth of Lei Bao.

Make Dan?

The name is very familiar, Xu Ziyan immediately searched in the inheritance, and surely found the Dan Fang of the made Dan, which really needs Thunderbolt.

Xu Ziyan sank into a glimpse of the gods and came to the front of Dan Yi and Dan Er and asked: "Dan Yi, Dan Er, have you refining the creation of Dan?"

Dan Yi and Dan Er immediately shook their heads: "There is no refining, because there is no Thunderbolt."

"Thunder wood?"

Xu Ziyan slightly frowned, it is better to ask the Thunder giant sword, they have the word Thunder, maybe you will know some. God knows to shout at the space:

"Thunder giant sword!"


Thousands of thunder and lightning gathered, and the Thunder giant sword appeared: "What?"

"Do you know Thunderwood?"

"Know!" Thunder giant sword said: "Remember the Thunder Mountain that I made on the purple smoke planet? There have been thunder trees growing there."


The consciousness of Xu Ziyan immediately shrouded the thunder mountain peak on the purple smoke planet, and I saw a few purple thunder woods.

"This purple plant is Thunderwood?" Xu Ziyan shouted at the Thunder giant sword.


Xu Ziyan said nothing, immediately picked a Thunderwood and threw it in front of Dan Yi and Dan Er:

"Come and refine me for a good job."

"Yes, master!"

Dan Yi and Dan Eryi saw that Thunderwood was also a big joy. They were able to refine the elixir that they had never refined. They were more anxious than Xu Ziyan, and immediately rushed into the alchemy room with Thunderwood.

After Liu Badao and Liu Qingmeng saw Xu Ziyan after listening to the speech, they were not talking here, and they did not know what Xu Ziyan was doing there. They could not help but look at Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan finally lifted his eyes, and his face showed a hint of joy: "Liu predecessor, Miss Liu, I just looked for it, then I have some thunder wood."

"Really?" Liu Badao and Liu Qingmeng were overjoyed, and Liu Qingmeng was stepping forward and grasping Xu Ziyan’s arm tightly, his face full of expectations.

Xu Ziyan reached out and patted Liu Qingmeng’s hand: “Of course, how can the purple smoke deceive the sister.”

Liu Ba knife was so excited that his hands didn't know where to put it. Looking forward to Xu Ziyan: "Xu Daoyou, you see... Can you sell it to the next Thunderbolt, the price is fair, you can rest assured."

Xu Ziyan smiled and shook his head. "No need to be so troublesome. Let me go back to the city with Leicheng. I will return to the city to prepare an alchemy room for me. I will refine a Dan for you."

"You... are you an immortal teacher?" Liu Ba knife looked incredulously at Xu Ziyan.

Liu Qingmeng suddenly realized that although she did not go to the nine ceremonies, she listened to Li’s lazy back and said that Xu Ziyan’s deeds. She also heard that Xu Ziyan was Xiandan, and that the broken Dan was Xu Ziyan’s refining. of. Only she did not think that Xu Ziyan turned out to be a nine-character Xiandan division.

Now it is excited and admiring to look at Xu Ziyan: "Ziyan, you turned out to be... Jiu Pin Xian Dan Division!"

Xu Ziyan said with a smile, she naturally can not show that she is the next product. But this is enough, Liu Qingmeng excitedly turned back and said to Liu Badao:

"Hey, purple smoke is a Xiandan division. You don't know in the north. The original order of the purple smoked sisters made a sensation in the eastern Zongmen."

Liu Badao is a straightforward temper. When he listens to his daughter’s words, he believes in his daughter’s words. His face is full of excitement, and even some of his eyes are moist. He has applied a courtesy to Xu Ziyan:

"There are some friends who have made a hard work, just what price is needed, and Xu Daoyou said clearly."

Xu Ziyan sank a bit and said a price, Liu Badao nodded quickly. He did not inquire about the creation of Dan for two days. The price given by Xu Ziyan was very fair. He even had to be 10% cheaper than Danzong’s nine-product Xiandan. The present is a thankless.

Three people flew to the Thunder Mountain Range on the cloud baby. In the cloud baby, Liu Qingmeng had been entangled with Xu Ziyan to ask about the nine classics. Although she had already heard about the deeds of Xu Ziyan in Baihuazong, Xu Ziyan is in front of her, how can she miss this opportunity.

Xu Ziyan will come together with the nine classics. Although it is not as exaggerated as rumors, the parties have been more vivid and vivid, and Liu Qingmeng’s face has always been envious and admired. Even Liu Badao, who was on the side, couldn’t help but sigh with fear.

During the period, Xu Ziyan also asked about some things about the Thunder Mountain. As long as it is an abnormal purple smoke in the thunderstorm mountain, you have to ask. At this time, Liu Badao also realized that Xu Ziyan seemed to come to the Thunder Mountain Range for any purpose. He told him about the unusual things that happened in the Thunder Mountain Range in detail.

Xu Ziyan listened all the way and felt that he didn't have much help for himself. He could not help but frown slightly. The Liu Ba knife on the side was also frowning and thinking, suddenly his eyes lit up:

"Xu Daoyou, maybe someone will help you."

"Who?" Xu Ziyan's eyes lit up.


The pink ticket list fell to the seventh place, and the comrades, rise up!


*(To be continued~^~)

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