The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1894: Situ Feng

I am very grateful to seaphay classmates (1888), w heroes eternal w classmates (588), witch? Yuling classmates (400), have you worry-free classmates (588), Susu children classmates (100), drifting with the wind Xiaozhou classmates (100), w heroes eternal w classmates (100), mableip classmates (100) reward!


Liu Qingmeng also has red eyes, don't overdo it. Liu Ba knife sank again and shouted:

"You are saying it yourself!"

"Yes, father!" Liu said with tears in his eyes: "Since the father left the wind and thunder city for the baby... After entering the thunderstorm mountain, the child did nothing, and did not grow up all day, and he could not help but be troubled. Today is in the city. Going around, I don’t know what’s going on, I’m going to talk... I’m playing... Father, the baby swears that this is the first time, it’s really the first time... I won’t dare anymore.”

When Liu Liu spoke, Xu Ziyan had always opened the eyes of Yan Peng, paying attention to his volatility. When Liu Liu finished, she knew that Liu Yi did not lie, and she could not help but sigh. This is also Liu Yi because he feels that his cultivation is hopeless, and his heart has produced a demon. Seeing his crying and sloppy look is not a ugly person. If you know that you can cultivate, you will be able to break the demons, and it is another look.

She needs to know the Thunder Mountain Range through Liu Badao. At this time, she also knows that Liu is not bad in nature and has no consequences. She also forgave Liu. However, Liu is not her, but Mu Qingqing and condensation cream, so she can not talk too much. Only sitting there silently.

After listening to Liu’s words, Liu Badao shouted outside the hall: “Come on!”

A figure flashed in and prayed to Liu Badao: "See the city owner."

"To investigate all the manners of Liu Liu during the time I left Fenglei City."


The man quickly retired and the silence was restored within the hall. The atmosphere inside the hall is awkward. In particular, Liu Qingmeng has been blushing and being teased by his younger brother. This is really an adult.

After an hour, the person who went out to investigate returned. I said the results of the investigation and there is no difference between Liu and Liu. Liu Ba's face was slightly slower, but it was a difficult color. He believes that the results of this investigation, no one in the wind and thunder city dare to deceive him. However, he believes that it does not mean that Xu Ziyan and others believe it!

Even if Xu Ziyan and others believe it?

Anyway, you have teased the same door and sisters, and people just don't forgive you. How can you?

"Xu Daoyou, Mu Daoyou. Cold Road Friends..." Liu Badao stopped here when he said that he really didn't know how to continue, and his face was flushed.

"Father!" At this time, Liu Yi looked up and said: "You just let them kill the baby. Anyway, the child is alive and doesn't mean anything..."

"Shut up!" Liu Ba knife screamed, but his eyes also showed love and pity.

"Liu predecessor!" Xu Ziyan said softly: "I believe that Liu Liu just said, I have been observing him, he is telling the truth."

Xu Ziyan immediately shut up after saying this. The meaning is very obvious. I can prove that Liu’s words are true. This is already done right. As for the two sisters who can not forgive Liu, I am not able to be the master. That requires you Liu family to fight for it.

Liu Ba knife gratefully glanced at Xu Ziyan. He understood the meaning of Xu Ziyan. As long as he could get the understanding of Mu Qingqing and the condensation cream, Xu Ziyan would make a chemical for Liu Yilian. Slightly thought about it, took a storage bag from the storage ring and came to the front of the condensation cream:

"Cold friends, I just heard that you came to the Thunder Mountain Range to find the Ray attribute demon, I have a hundred here. As a gift. I hope you can accept it."

The condensation cream glanced at Xu Ziyan, and when Xu Ziyan squinted and put on a posture of being out of the way, he looked at Mu Qingqing again. Mu Qingqing’s heart has already felt that Xu Ziyan seems to be unwilling to make trouble with Liu Badao, and there is no loss for himself and the condensation cream. It is enough to be able to get a hundred thunder attributes. I nodded lightly toward the condensation cream.

The condensation frost saw Mu Qingqing nod. This took over the storage bag and took it up. Liu Ba’s heart was overjoyed, and he turned back to Liu Yi and the two emperors:

"The three of you went to Hail Cave for a month."

Liu Liu and the two emperor faces were as gray as they were, and they said "yes", stood up from the ground and walked down to the outside with their heads down.

"Slow!" Xu Ziyan suddenly came out.

The figure of the three people is a meal, and the eyes of Liu Badao and Liu Qingmeng are not expected to come over, with anxiety in their eyes.

"Liu! I have promised that your father will refine a sacred dan for you. When you come out of the ice cave, it is the moment you take it for you."

Liu Yi was shocked, and then he trembled fiercely. He turned his head and looked at Liu Badao. He asked:


Liu Ba’s eyes nodded in the wet spot, and Liu’s “噗通” slammed down to the ground, smashing three heads toward Xu Zi’s smoke:

“Thank you for the immortal!”

Xu Ziyan waved his sleeves and helped Liu Liu up: "Poor parents in the world, you can do it yourself."

At this time, Liu Badao was very moved. He knew that the reason why Xu Ziyan had to tell Liu in advance of the refining and manufacturing of Dan was that he was afraid of Liu Yisheng’s love and died in the ice cave. Now that Liu has a belief, he will definitely live out of the ice cave. Grateful in my heart, I immediately got up and said:

"Xu Daoyou, I will send someone to ask Situ Feng to come over."

Xu Ziyan waved: "Let's go and see for yourself."

Liu Badao nodded. He was also a last resort. After all, Situ Feng was also a monk with his father's era, and it was once a period of human respect. It is only because of the face of Xu Ziyan. It is natural that I will not object to seeing Xu Ziyan’s willingness to visit in person.

Mu Qingqing and the condensation cream did not know what Xu Ziyan was doing, but did not ask. Just followed Xu Ziyan out of the city government, a group of people walked to the shop of Situ Feng.

Soon, the group came to a shop, and Liu Badao took them directly into it. A man outside saw Liu Badao just want to talk, but Liu Ba knife waved his hand to stop him, and then walked straight into the back room.

Xu Ziyan and others followed Liu Bodao and went in. As soon as I entered, I saw an alchemy room. At this time, Situ Feng was doing alchemy there. Liu Ba knife looked back at Xu Ziyan, Xu Ziyan shook his head, and everyone stood quietly without speaking.

This is more than two hours, then Situ Feng was finished alchemy, opened the lid, looked at the elixir inside, shook his head and sighed, apparently very dissatisfied. The inside of the fairy was collected, and then I looked back at Liu Badao and showed a smile:

"Hey knife, how come you?"

"Uncle Stu, I brought you a few friends!"

Next, Liu Badao introduced Xu Ziyan and others to Situ Feng, and then said: "Uncle Stu, this Xu Daoyou has something to look for."

Situ Feng’s gaze swept away on Xu Ziyan’s body and said faintly: “What is the little doll looking for the old man?”

Xu Ziyan smiled and said: "Situ seniors. The matter of the younger generation is not urgent, let the younger ones look at your injury first?"

On the side of Liu Badao's eyes, he said: "Uncle Situ, Xu Daoyou is a nine-character Xiandan division."

Situ Feng’s eyes were also bright, and then it dimmed and said: “It’s useless. I have seen it before.”

Speaking of this, shaking his head and sighing, indicating that there was no way for the nine-character Xiandan.

Xu Ziyan smiled slightly and opened the eyes of Shun Peng to scan the body of Situ Feng. Just a glance, she saw the symptoms of Situ Feng, his Dan Tian was injured by the lightning attribute. The entire Dantian is full of thunder. Is destroying his dantian little by little.

"Uncle!" Liu Badao called.

"Well, trouble Xu Xianshi!" Situ Feng also took a look of hope in his eyes and walked to the front of Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan nodded and pretended to put his hand on Situ Feng's wrist. There is a revealing knowledge on his body. But in my heart, I wondered how to treat Situ Feng.

It seems that there is nothing elixir can cure Situ Feng's injury, Xu Ziyan slightly frowned. Seeing the difficulty of Xu Ziyan. Situ Feng’s eyes dimmed.

"I was hurt by the property of Lei..." Xu Ziyan thought quickly and suddenly, his heart suddenly brightened: "If you absorb those thunder properties, you will soon remove his roots, and then slowly adjust to restore his Dantian. After all, he Dan Tian did not hurt his roots. But... how to absorb the power of the Thunder in his dantian?

Sword kind!

Correct! The swords that I have cultivated have produced variations, which are completely Ray's attributes, and can absorb the power of Thunder. Can try. ”

Retracted the gods, loosened the hand of the pulse, and whispered: "Situ seniors, you were injured by the power of Thunder."

Situ Feng’s eyes are a bright light: “Yes, Xu Xianshi, is there any way?”

Xu Ziyan suddenly remembered that the condensation cream was the property of repairing the thunder. She could not expose her mutant swords. She still didn't want to be exposed, and turned her head to look at the condensation frost:

"Colder sister, you are practicing the nature of the mine, can you absorb the power of the thunder in the Situ predecessor Dan Tian?"

Situ Feng heard the excitement on his face and looked at the condensation cream. The condensation cream looked a little hesitant:

"I can try it, but my mine attribute has not yet been cultivated into the realm of Xiaocheng, I am afraid that it is of little use."

"Thank you for your cold friend!" Situ Feng hurriedly thanked him.

The condensation cream came to Situ Feng's knees and sat down. A small hand was pressed to the Lei Tian Xian at the Dantian of Situ Feng. At this time, Situ Feng also sank into the Dantian.

In the eyes of everyone, we can see that the power of a thunder is absorbed by the condensation cream. Everyone looks like a hi, but Situ Feng is a long sigh:

"Cold friends, no need!"


Comrades, don't forget, it's still double now!


*(To be continued~^~)

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