The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1909: One of the Big Three

Xu Ziyan walked slowly into the hall, followed by four people like her. The faces of these four people were calm at this time, but they were shocked in their hearts. I didn't think that Xu Ziyan just stunned a Xian Emperor in a single boxing. At this time, he spent three and a half steps in the heart and thought of it. This is where it is possible to defeat an early Emperor, that is, it may not be her in the middle of the Emperor. Opponent!

In an instant, the hearts of these four people made up their minds, and they were absolutely unable to let Xu Ziyan fall here. When Xu Ziyan grows up, it is the time when Cangwu Zong is brilliant.

Xu Ziyan, who walked into the hall, swept his eyes toward the surroundings. There were thirteen people sitting in the hall at this time. Needless to ask, the two people sitting on the top were the tigers of the **** machine and the celestial domain. Dragonfly.

Sitting on the left side wearing a star-shaped costume, Long Yao did not go to see Xu Ziyan, but instead looked over the four people behind Xu Ziyan and looked at her, hate and laughed:

"Good! Good! Good! Who is the hand, dare to stand up?"

Five people did not speak, just staring coldly at the opposite dragon. I spent three and a half steps in the leisure time. I don’t know what Xu Ziyan played, and it’s not good. And Qing Qing knows that Xu Ziyan has a platy, and he is not worried.

When I saw five people, I didn’t say anything, and Long said with disdain: "What? Don't you have the guts to stand up?"

Xu Ziyan’s face appeared in a confused and incomprehensible look at the opposite dragon’s face: “Don’t you see me standing in front of you?”

"Well?" It’s not just a look at the dragon’s look, but the other half-step Tianzun is also a shock.

"Is this Nima really true? A fairy emperor stunned an early Emperor in the middle of the immortal? Well? When was she in the middle of the emperor?"


Long Hao’s face sank and his eyes spurred with anger. The monks who have always been Stars have invaded other monks. When is the turn of the other sectarian monks more and more injured in the Stars of the monks?

And... the more order is not generally big!

Sitting in a chair, a punch hit, and as he punched out, the space was full of gold, and a gold wire was cut toward Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan’s eyes narrowed. At the moment when Long Hao issued the punch, she felt that this was not the power of half-step human respect, and it was almost very close to the power of the early people.

Xu Ziyan thought of a move, and the moment and chaos switched over. She does not want to use the market. She wants to show a real strength in front of these people, let others respect their own strength, rather than just respecting the market, not her own.

The chaos is now in the middle of the Emperor, and it has the inheritance of the ancient demon. Xu Ziyan was able to sweep the peak of the late Xian Wang with the repair of the peak of Xian Wang. The chaos is a little worse than the purple smoke, and it is not much worse. In the mid-term of the Emperor, the cultivation of the Emperor can be able to exert the power of the peak of the people.

Seeing the golden silk of the sky has already rushed to the front of Xu Ziyan, and the three-and-a-half-step people behind Xu Ziyan want to go forward. However, an arm that was stretched out by the cold road stopped the road. At this time, Lin Tingtao also stunned from the chair. He was very dissatisfied with the flowers and other people. Just behind Xu Ziyan, why did he see Xu Ziyan? In case of distress, do not shoot. I was thinking about the shot, but suddenly stopped my footsteps, and my face was unbelievable.

Start with a punch from Long Yao. The breath of Xu Ziyan began to rise sharply. When the golden silk of the sky reached the front of Xu Ziyan, the cultivation of Xu Ziyan had climbed to the middle of the Emperor.


Xu Ziyan slammed out a fist, and the sound of the sound of the fairy voice was heard in the hall. With this punch, the emperor’s sudden appearance appeared in the field of vision of everyone, breaking through the heavy gold wire and crushing it toward the dragon. The past.


A series of collisions, a series of explosions, the sky is in the dust. The fairy palace is also shrinking. But in the end, the power of the Imperial Palace is a bit bigger. He crashed into the dragon's body, and the chair under him crashed and flew out toward the rear. After turning a heel in the air, after falling to the ground. He took a few steps toward the rear and stopped.

Long Hao looked shocked at the opposite Xu Ziyan, he had no strength at all. I want to kill Xu Ziyan in one fell swoop and not give others the opportunity to save.

But...but... Xu Ziyan actually knocked him back...

Is this Nima really true?

Do not believe! I do not believe!

He can't break through the middle of the Emperor! No such genius!

Long Hao suddenly stepped forward, his hands moved a few handcuffs, and then his palms turned to Xu Ziyan.


In front of the dragon's scorpion, there are a lot of golden spears, and each golden spear releases the power of the early people.

"go with!"

The dragon screamed and screamed, and the golden spear screamed and screamed toward the opposite Xu Ziyan.

"Xian Gong Yin!"

There were five fairy palaces in the space, which formed a five-line pattern and bombarded the past with the golden handle of the opposite.


A loud explosion, the hall with the ancient array reinforcement is shaking, and the shape of the dragon is once again receding. This time he was prepared, his body was not bombarded, but it was all the way back and forth, and there was a burst of blood in the body. After the pace was settled, the dragon was angry and shivered with anger.

Was in the middle of a fairy emperor... No... The Emperor of the Emperor forced him to retreat all the way. When did this happen to him?

Moreover, Xu Ziyan still called himself, and he once did not hide himself from killing Xu Ziyan and suppressing the minds of the celestial sect. But what about the results?

The result is that he has been defeated again and again!

This result is not acceptable to Long Yao. At this time, it is not a matter of revenge for the fall of the autumn and suppressing the celestial sect, but his own face.

He can't afford to lose this person!

Stepping forward, he released his world.

It was a metallic world, and it quickly spread to the past, and a golden mangling flashed. Like the lake under the sunset.

The chaotic right foot also stepped forward and released her world. The burning red earth, the dark clouds cover the sky, and the middle fairy circle. Endless power can collide with the dragon's world.

The two worlds collided, and the dragon's world only had a tendency to collapse when it insisted on two moments. It was only necessary to shrink its own territory to resist chaos.

The half-step people around him saw the dilemma of the dragon, and each face showed a shocking color. Each of them has played with Long Hao. No one is a dragon's opponent except the tiger scream of the **** machine. However, nowadays, Xu Ziyan has been forced to step by step, and the trend of defeat is obvious.

This is too... too...

These half-step people can't find any words to describe the scene in front of them, only the eyes reveal an incredible look.

Sitting on the side of the **** machine Zonghu Xiaozhuzhu turned and knew that at this time can not let Xu Ziyan completely defeat the dragon, or kill the dragon. If so, I lost the team with Long Hao. In the face of Xu Ziyan does not occupy the slightest advantage.

Suddenly fought from the chair, stepped forward, released his own mid-point that thought of the intersection of Xu Ziyan and Long Yao, and screamed at the same time:

"Please ask the two to stop!"


Three circles hit a place, although the attack from the Tigers was not biased, but Xu Ziyan also understood his mind in an instant. I know that I have lost the opportunity to kill the dragon. And Xu Ziyan is very clear, and it is very difficult to kill the dragon. The possibility is small. Unless you make it out of the market.

However, at this time, the tiger scream has already been shot, if you insist on it, you will completely offend the two sects of Shenji Zong and Xingyu Zong. In today's complex situation in Thunder City, it seems that it is not a wise choice to cause a fierce human struggle.

At this time, Long Hao saw the tiger screaming, and his heart also took a long breath. Although the tiger's whistle is unbiased, it is actually helping him again, avoiding the scene where he was defeated by Xu Ziyan in public and lost the adult.

then. Long Yuqiang endured the shame in his heart. Take the initiative to slowly and vigilantly withdraw their own boundaries. At the same time, Xu Ziyan also let the chaos retreat to the world. When Hu Xiao saw this situation, he naturally recovered his own realm.

Three people recovered instantly, Xu Ziyan. Hu Xiao and Long Yu are in a triangle. Xu Ziyan did not go to see the tiger, and his eyes still locked the opposite dragon. Long Hao is not willing to show Xu Ziyan weakly. But at this time, individuals can see that there is a hint of concealed fear in his eyes.

"Cough... Xu Shimei..." Hu Xiao’s face squeezed a smile: "Everyone is in the same breath, they are brothers and sisters, don't hurt. Please come, please!"

When the tiger screamed in a big sleeve, a chair was led to his seat. As a result, he had three chairs at the top, indicating his attitude. Xu Ziyan became one of the three giants here.

"哼~~" Long Hao snorted and strode to his position, sitting down.

"Xu Shimei, please!" Hu Xiao said with politeness.

"Thank you brother!" People gave themselves a smile, and Xu Ziyan couldn't be cold with a face, and Hu Xiao was so polite to each other. At this time, the cold and the three celestial ancestors and the half-steps of the human nature did not find any boring. Blow them out, isn't that irritating Xu Ziyan?

The result of angering Xu Ziyan has just been seen. No one feels that he can resist the anger of Xu Ziyan.

After Xu Ziyan sat in the chair, he immediately switched to the body with chaos. Everyone’s face could not help but show a trace of surprise. Seeing the breath of Xu Ziyan from the middle of the Emperor to the middle of the Emperor.

Although everyone was surprised, no one wanted to ask. The silence inside the hall was a while, or Hu Xiao said:

"Xu Shimei, we decided to leave the Thunder City tomorrow and explore the depths of the secret. We decided this way. We set up two six-in-one arrays. The first six-in-one array, by Shenji Zong, Xingyu Zong, Dan Zong, Fu The sect, the sect and the sect. The second Liuhe squad consists of Luo Tianzong, Baihuazong, Cangzong Zong, medium-sized Zongmen, small Zongmen and the coalition forces of Shangyuan League and Sanxian League."


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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