If it was Jiang Jiuzhong who was jointly counted by Cang Jiuyi and Tu Yishui, the Cang Jiu Dang became the lord, and the soil became the deputy lord. Moreover, Cang Jiuyi almost handed over all the sects to the earth to deal with water. Is this normal?

There is only one explanation, that is, the use of the original water to threaten Cang Jiu, the fact that Cang Jiuyi had to deliver more and more Zongmen things to the soil.

Xu Ziyan remembered the dispute between Tu Yishui and Cang Jiuyi, which was seen outside the imprisonment of the Dragon Girl Cave. Perhaps it was that Tu Yishui made further requests and was rejected by Cang Jiu, which made the soil leave with anger.

As the saying goes, the human heart is not enough to swallow the elephant. Even if the soil is basically the actual sovereign, it is not the real sovereign. His heart must have the righteousness to sit on the position of the sovereign. However, there is no chance to suffer. Once Cang Jiuzhen dies, Cang Zong will certainly investigate thoroughly. He is not sure that he will not be suspiciously pointed at him.

However, Jiang Jiuzhong’s return gave him the opportunity. If he and Jiang Jiu replayed together, no one would doubt the soil, and he would doubt Jiang Jiuzhong. After all, the earth is operating in the water for thousands of years, and Jiang Jiuzhong is a smudge.

The way to do this is to attract everyone's eyes to Tu Yishui and Jiang Jiuzhong. That jade card that was given to Cang Jiuyi by Jiang Jiuzhong played a crucial role.

Such a double-edged sword killed Cang Jiuyi, and then led the murderer to Jiang Jiuzhong, and then Jiang Jiuzhong was put to death. This is not his position, or who?

Xu Ziyan thinks that the murderer is the soil, but this is only speculation. There is no evidence.

"Ziyan, what exactly did you find?" The sword saw that Xu Ziyan was silent for a while, and he asked in a loud voice.

"Master doesn't know anything between Jiang Shibo and the Dragon Girl?"

"Know! Master and the Dragon Girl are happy, but they violate the rules."

Xu Ziyan sighed in the heart. It seems that Jiang Jiuzhong concealed some facts. Looking at the sword and saying nothing:

"Master, I just went to see the Dragon Girl."

"You went to see the dragon girl?" The sword had no sorrow on the face: "How do you know the place where the dragon girl is imprisoned, even the master does not know where the dragon girl is in captivity."

Xu Ziyan whispered how to accidentally know the place where the dragon girl was imprisoned, and told the story of the dragon girl and her story to Master. The sword is silent and silent. a long time. The sword sighed without a virtual sigh:

"Ziyan, you suspect that the master's work was done by the lord and the brethren, and then the death of the lord was done by the terracotta brothers?"

“Yes!” Xu Ziyan nodded. “Just there is no evidence.”

The sword frowned and deepened, and thought for a moment: "Ziyan, I think we should go to the cave of the lord and searched. The lord did not die in Dongfu, so we all ignored the lord’s cave, maybe In the cave house of the lord, you can get clues. If the master is really the act of the lord, he will not forget it for so many years, and he will entangle in his heart every day. In this case, he always looks for a way to vent. Maybe it will be found in his cave house."

Xu Ziyan heard the spirit and could not help but shake his voice: "Master, let's go."

The sword stood up and said: "Ziyan, this matter is not urgent. Let's go to the teacher and go to the teacher. After all, he is the owner of the law enforcement hall. And..."

There is a trace of memories in the eyes of the sword: "At the beginning, the master brother, the lord, the earth brother, the brother and the me, the relationship between the five of us is the best. I did not think that the lord is now fallen, and the master and the earth brother have become... …Ugh……"

Three figures have just landed on the Rainbow Peak. The shape of the earth depends on the water, and there is no vain in the way of saying:

"The younger brother, the younger brother, went to visit late at night. But with the news of killing the murderer?"

"Tudor brother!" The voice said with a soft voice: "We want to go to the cave house of the lord."

"it is good!"

There is no change in the look of the earth. Leading the way ahead, going to the main house of the lord.

Entering the lord's Dongfu, Xu Ziyan pulled the Yuanshen and Xiaomumu into the sea. Soon, Xiaomumu pointed the direction. Xu Ziyan immediately walked toward the bedroom of Cang Jiuyi.

The easy-going and easy-going swords have changed their minds. Both of them now know that Xu Ziyan is the inferior fairy singer. Xu Ziyan is so behaved, that is, it must be discovered. Immediately after Xu Ziyan's body, the earth stunned and stunned, and he followed.

The four people soon came to the bedroom of Cang Jiuyi, and the eyes of Xu Ziyan fell on the opposite wall. There is a nine-product late peak illusion. Xu Ziyan’s heart is a glimpse. He did not think that Cang Jiuyi would be a singer of the late nine dynasty, hidden deep enough.

Under the guidance of the first one, Xu Ziyan quickly cracked the magic array, and then saw a secret door of a size. The three people standing behind Xu Ziyan's body were slightly changed in appearance. The sacred and easy-to-follow sword slid the soil in the middle, and the rhetoric made orders with the gods.

The look of the earth depends on the water. It seems to be a little uneasy. As a god, he naturally feels that the rhetoric around him has fluctuated with the knowledge of the past. Although he does not know what the rhetoric is doing, it seems that he is not good for him. Moreover, at this time, he also clearly saw the move of the accompaniment of the sword and the sword.

Xu Ziyan stretched out the small door and saw that there was only a jade slip inside, and his eyes were shrinking. He reached out and took Jade Jane out. He looked at the words and the easy-going sword and looked at it. He saw that the two people were very nervous at this time to guard against the soil, and where there was energy to read the jade, they would transmit the knowledge into it.

In the jade slip, there is a picture of Cang Jiu, the whole person gives a feeling of numbness. Xu Ziyan originally had a strange feeling, but when he heard the image of Cang Jiu in Jade, he immediately concentrated on it. .

"Oh... I know that for many years I have been breaking through the peak of Tianzun's later period. It's not that I don't work hard enough. It's not that I don't have enough understanding, nor that the resources of the Zongmen are not strong enough, but I have a my heart.

Millions of years!

For thousands of years...

At the beginning, I colluded with the Tusi brothers to count the masters..."

The next words are almost the same as Xu Ziyan's guess, and the words are full of remorse for the past. And finally mentioned the soil.

"I know that the Tusi brothers are increasingly wanting to be the true lords of the Cangwu sect. I have lost my master brother and I don't want to lose the younger brother. I am saddened by the friendship between the three of us three thousand years ago. Every day, I caressed the jade brand that the master gave him when he burst into tears. So that he can help the younger brother, and hope that he will one day be able to repent.

Master... He is back... I am very confused. I found that the Master has gone to imprison the cliff of the Dragon Girl. I am sorry, Master, I want to talk to the Master...

The Tusi brother and I agreed to imprison the valley of the dragon girl. He proposed that the master brother be also imprisoned there. I did not agree. The Tusi brother went in anger... I am worried..."

Xu Ziyan took back his knowledge and was very upset.

Outside, there was a sound of robbing, and 18 law enforcement halls appeared in the cave house outside the bedroom.

Eighteen Tianzun blocked the doorway of the bedroom, making the sorrowful and easy-going sword look a little relaxed, and the sword looked at Xu Ziyan:

"Ziyan, what is recorded in the jade?"

Xu Ziyan held the jade in his hand and stretched forward: "I also asked Shi Bo, Master and Tubo to verify whether the image inside is a saga of the lord."

The three people heard a glimpse of their words, but they did not expect that the one left in that jade would be a glimpse of Cang Jiuyi. The three men immediately passed through the gods and swept them in the jade, and they took it back. The easy-going sword of the law is not because it is to look at the soil, so it is only certain, and did not listen to what a glimpse of Cang Jiuyi said there. Anyway, Xu Ziyan will say that they can see it later. However, when the soil sees the water, the swords and the swords are not seen, and naturally they will not look at them. After confirming that it is Cang Jiuyi, they immediately retracted the gods.

After retracting the gods, the three men nodded at the same time: "Yes, it is indeed a glimpse of the lord."

Xu Ziyan has been watching the look of the opposite side of the water, and seeing the look of the earth and water, although somewhat confused, but not the slightest tension, the heart can not help but secretly:

"It’s a very old man!"

The sword has no imaginary and the words follow Xu Ziyan's face has already seen some signs, the soil is tightly clamped by the water bag, the sword has no gaze to lock the soil, but the mouth says:

"Ziyan, what did the owner's message say?"

Xu Ziyan will also be upgraded to the peak, and his eyes will closely lock the earth to the waterway: "There is no exact statement about who killed him in the words of the sovereign, but from those words it can be judged that the murderer is the earth!"

Even if it is a simple and easy-going sword, there is already a mental preparation, and the body shape is not shocked. The soil is more changed with the face. The body shape is just moving, and the left and right hands are pressed against his two. On one shoulder, he sealed his air. However, at this time, the soil was completely disregarded by his own air, but he shouted toward Xu Ziyan:

"Bold, who is pointing to you, dare to filthy and me?"

Seeing that the soil was controlled by the master and the words, Xu Ziyan was relieved. Outside the bedroom door, the 18th day listened to the words of Xu Ziyan, and saw the movement of the sorrowful and easy-going sword, and could not help but look at each other.

At this time, the hand of the easy-going sword of the easy-going sword is still pressed against the shoulder of the earth, and the face with the words is sad, and the voice trembles to the soil and asks:

"why why?"


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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