The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1958: Cangwu Shuangxiong

Xu Ziyan did not wait until Jiang Jiuzhong said something, and continued: "I used to go to the place where the dragon girl was imprisoned, listened to your two touching stories, and remembered the dispute between the sovereign and the Tubo in the valley, so I Quietly left a palm of water in the cave."

The look of Jiang Jiuzhong gradually changed.

"Jiang Shibo, there is a lot of magic in the water of a palm, you can see for yourself!"

The water of one palm flew into the air and turned into a water mirror. Two people appeared in the water mirror, one was a dragon girl and the other was Jiang Jiuzhong.

"Dragon, we have succeeded!" Jiang Jiuzhong in the water mirror said excitedly.

"Really?" The dragon girl's eyes lit up.

"Yeah!" Jiang Jiuzhong went forward and said softly.

"Okay, nine!" The dragon girl was so excited that she trembled. The figure walked forward two steps, and squatted into the arms of Jiang Jiuzhong. The lock fairy rope fell to the ground, and there was no lock on the dragon girl. It was just a look.

Jiang Jiuzhong said in a deep affection: "Longer, I will take you away from the Cangwu dynasty. After I take over the position of the lord, it is when you and I reunite."

"Nine, is this true?" the dragon girl asked in surprise and joy.

"Of course!" Jiang Jiuzhong said proudly: "Cang Jiuyi has been killed by me, and the soil is still alive. Today, he will die and die. Hehe... Who else dares to block me?"

"Good! Nine, I am waiting for you in the Cangwu ancestors!"

Then there was the figure that Jiang Jiuzhong and the dragon girl quietly left, and the water of the palm of the hand returned to its original shape and landed on the shoulder of Xu Ziyan.

Jiang Jiuzhong’s gaze stared at Xu Ziyan’s half-sounding sound, and he looked at the rhetoric and easy-going sword. Suddenly smiled, there was no trace of panic on his face, said faintly:

"You know everything now, how about?"

“Why?” The rhythm of the rhythm with the face is somewhat distorted. Hearing, "Master, why are you doing this? Why kill the sovereign?"

Jiang Jiuzhong’s face sank: “Why? You asked me why? This position of the sovereign was originally mine. You asked me why? Master deprived my chief disciple of her identity as a demon woman. What happened? Is it because I will not do anything that is unfavorable to Cangwu?

Cang Jiuzhen actually sat in the position of the sovereign. Does he match?

and I? For thousands of years, how do you know how I came over this tens of thousands of years? ”

The sword shows no pain in the eyes: "You didn't look like this, how can you become like this?"

Jiang Jiuzhong’s look suddenly became awkward: “If you wander for thousands of years, try to see if you will change. The beloved woman is imprisoned in Zongmen, and my lord’s position is robbed. Why can’t I change?"

"Then you kill the sovereign? He inherits the position of the lord, and because you made a mistake, the old lord asked him to be the lord. He did not care for you." The sword snorted.

"I didn't want to kill him originally!" Jiang Jiuzhong recovered calm. There was even a smile on his face: "It should be said that I did not want to kill him immediately, because I did not find a suitable opportunity. However, when I saw that the purple smoke actually found the place where the dragon girl was imprisoned, I think The opportunity is coming."

Xu Ziyan was shocked and said: "The story between the two of you, the dragon girl told me, is fake?"

"Not bad!" Jiang Jiuzhong looked to Xu Ziyan's eyes full of praise: "I know that you are the inferior fairy singer, the sacred sect can't stop you, the ban on the stone door can't stop you. When I found you I happened to know the place where the dragon girl was imprisoned. I knew that the opportunity came.

I killed Cang Jiu, and then deliberately put the jade card in the hands of Cang Jiuyi. It is bound to make everyone think that the murderer is me. However, you will definitely go to see the Dragon Girl. With your age, you will mature again, and curiosity will still let you go.

So, after you and the condensed frost left the valley, I entered Dongfu and discussed a complete plan with the Dragon Girl. The story is our two edits. Ha ha... After returning from the cave. I will lie to Cang Jiu to the back cliff. Kill him. Hehe... Poor second brother, I still don’t believe that I will kill him, huh, huh..."

"How can you get out of the fairy squad and enter the cave?" The rhetoric changed with the face.

"Ha ha ha..." Jiang Jiuzhong’s face showed a trace of pride: "I am a genius. The only genius of the celestial sect. If my genius spends thousands of years studying the formation, you think I will not Becoming a singer of the late nine generations?"

Xu Ziyan’s eyes narrowed: “Since the story is false. So Li Yi’s medicine has nothing to do with this matter. Is he... killed by the dragon girl?”

"Smart!" Jiang Jiuzhong applauded: "Since doing the play, I have to do a full set, listen to my story, and then discover that Li Wuji suddenly died. I must have removed your gaze from me. As for the lock on the dragon girl. Ropes and seals, I can naturally crack them now. But this is not enough, huh, huh..."

"The image that has a sacred vision of the lord..."

" got it right again!" Jiang Jiuzhong said with a smile: "Killing Cang Jiuyi, I naturally took his gods away. The handcuffs that cracked the locks and the seals were known by his gods. The Dragons have a secret method. After I have controlled the gods of Cang Jiuyi, I will give a glimpse of the gods, and then leave that image, let him say something, so the earth will fall into the water, hehe... ..."

"come out!"

The rhetoric suddenly screamed, and eighteen figures appeared around Jiang Jiuzhong, encircling him in the middle. However, Jiang Jiuzhong did not have the slightest panic, but said faintly:

"Speaking of the younger brother, you are now very clear about the situation on the mainland. The situation of the Cangwu sect is more clear. Under this situation, who can lead the Cangwu dynasty out of the predicament?

only me!

Only me Jiang Jiuzhong!

For Cangwu Zong, the Cang Jiu and the soil are insignificant. As long as you are willing to follow me, after I became a lord, I will definitely bring glory to Cang Zongzong, and you will also get the inclination of Zongmen resources. ”

"Kill!" The rhetoric was like a water, and he did not hesitate to issue an order.

"Ha ha ha..."

Jiang Jiu replayed his laughter, and his body suddenly let go, and the momentum of the peak of Tian Zun suddenly broke out.

"Is it you? Can you stop me?"

The look of the monks were all changed, and the words took a deep breath and the emotions calmed down:

"With the qualifications and savvy experience of the masters, it is not unexpected to reach the peak of the late Tianzun."

"Oh, huh..." Jiang Jiuzhong cloud smiled lightly: "The younger brother, the younger brother, the so-called literary person is Junjie, not to mention that you are not for your own sake, but for the celestial sect. Xiu Xian, the survival of the fittest. Only I can bring the Cangwu Zong out of the predicament and go to glory.

What are you waiting for?

Isn't Cangwu Zong in your heart as good as Cang Jiu and Tu Yishui? ”

The sword is not empty and gently shakes his head: "Master, this is not a question of contempt, but a matter of principle. If you are to be a lord, what is the sect of the celestial sect? How do the lords pay attention? ?

If the Cangwu Zong opened this precedent for you, Cangzong Zong will never have a better future. A generation of disciples will learn from you, let alone the glory of the celestial sect, and may have ruined the foundation of the celestial sect because of this error.

Master, you were also the chief disciple of Cangwu, who was the old lord who took you back from the shackles and raised you adult. Do you really want to destroy the roots of the celestial sect?

Are you worthy of the old lord? ”

Jiang Jiuzhong silently, his face looks constantly changing.

"Master brother!" The rhetoric said with a sigh: "Let's go back!"

Jiang Jiuzhong bitterly smiled: "I can't go back! Since you have already seen this game, I don't have to stay in Cangwu. The dragon girl has left. From now on, I have nothing to do with Cangwu Zong, and the Dragon Girl. Laughing and proud."

The surrounding monk's look was tight, and his eyes were tightly locked by Jiang Jiuzhong. Jiang Jiuzhong has caused such a big storm in the Cangwu sect. If he is allowed to leave, the Cangwu dynasty will not be mixed in the Yuan dynasty. Just keep your face mixed and you will be looked down upon by other sects, and your reputation will plummet.

However, before the reign of Cangwu Zong’s attack, Jiang Jiuzhong’s face was sharp and he looked at Xu Zi’s flue:

"Xu Ziyan, I did not expect that you will destroy my good deeds, take your life!"

Jiang Jiu slammed a heavy sigh, his body rushed toward Xu Ziyan, and the big hand caught it. The five fingers turned into five tentacles and entangled with Xu Ziyan.

The accompaniment of the sword and the sword is not imaginary, but when you see a figure, Xu Ziyan appears in front of him, and a soil wall is erected in front of him. A loud bang, the earth wall shattered, but the five tentacles also collapsed at the same time. The figure rushed out from the broken earth wall and forced it to the opposite side.

The earth under the foot of Jiang Jiuzhong fell, and the hard earth now rotates like water, like a vortex formed by mud, giving off a huge gravitational pull of Jiang Jiuzhong's body to the bottom.


In the air, a dragon screamed, and a water dragon opened his mouth to the head of Jiang Jiuzhong.

"Tusi, you really did not die?" Jiang Jiuzhong exclaimed.

Xu Ziyan said coldly: "Jiang Shibo, have you already seen this phoenix on my shoulder? Have she, do you think that the blood fairy that you left in advance will work?"


The swords of the sky shattered the vortex and the water dragon, and the earth restored its original appearance. The water dragon in the air also turned into a water element that dissipated in the space.

Only Jiang Jiuzhong and Tu Yishui’s faces were very pale, and Jiang Jiu looked at the opposite soil with water, and the earth said heavily with water:

"Master, you didn't think that I was also the peak of Tianzun's later period? No one knows about this thing, except for the second brother. It is the second brother who let me hide the cultivation. It is prepared to give the enemy a surprise when the sect of the sect is robbed. I didn't think I ended up using the master."


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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