The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1978: shocked

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The flame under the alchemy furnace was moving, Xu Ziyan suddenly opened his eyes, took a gourd from the storage ring, then opened the lid of the alchemy furnace, poured the liquid in the gourd into some, and then covered the lid, will The gourd was collected.

He took a sniff and his face changed.

"Fairy liquid..."

"She is going to refine her temper!"

"How can this be?"

The eyes of the swearing clothes are straight, and the qi dan is not Wu Pin Dan, but the late peak of the nine products.

Just a young girl who is so young, will it really be a late nine-character teacher?

Then... I am a young man... What?


its not right!

Refining a qidan is only using seven bamboo and fairy liquids, but with an alchemy handcuffs?

And the gimmick on the opposite side closed his eyes again...

The so-called Yiqidan is a kind of Xiandan, which is second only to the broken Dan. When Xu Ziyan did not refine the Dan, the Qidan is the immortal that the monk regarded as the treasure. Although it can only increase the chance of breaking through 30%, it is This 30% has also added countless confidence to the monks on the verge of breaking through. Therefore, this immortal is not only a cherished material, but also a set of versatile alchemy techniques. It’s not as easy to sleep as Xu Ziyan.

I saw it here. The swearing is really not calm. At this point, he already had a judgment in his heart.

This **** in front of you is not an alchemy waste, or an alchemy master. Now, from her calm look, it is not like a waste, it should be a master.

Is it... she still has another high-level alchemy technique?

Yin Sier, who has been standing on the side, has been stupid. Even if she doesn't understand alchemy, she has seen alchemy! No alchemy teacher is sleeping alchemy!


Even if Yin Sier does not understand alchemy, but her old line is to be a guide, the basic skill of the guide is to observe the words. Xu Ziyan performed too calmly. It is so calm that people believe that she can sleep a fairy when she sleeps.

Although Xu Ziyan has closed his eyes, but his body exudes a strong sense of self-confidence, and it is this feeling of self-confidence that makes Yin Sier have the idea that Xu Ziyan can sleep out of an elixir.


How can this be?

So, Yin Sier is stupid!

At that time, the jeweled monk also sat up straight, staring at Xu Ziyan. The light that is released from the eyes is brighter than the original congenital treasure on his body.

He really couldn't help it, turned his head and looked at him and said: "What is she doing?"

He said with some hesitation: "In alchemy?"

"How do I feel she is sleeping?"

The face of the swearing suit was a little black. In the heart, he said: "What is it that she is sleeping? Is she clearly sleeping?"

“What kind of immortal she is refining?” asked the nouveau riche of the jewels.

“One dan!”

“A madness?” The upstart turned amazed and then changed his face: “Isn’t she squandering material?”

I took a look at my clothes, but I didn’t say anything. However, his white eyes made the upstarts misunderstand. The face once again showed a shocking color:

"Daddy, is she really refining her enthusiasm?"


"But I have seen you refining a madness. Isn't it necessary to have a versatile technique? That time, you refining the temperament, but I saw that you are too tired! You can't even get up with your waist. How? Where is Shantou sleeping?"

Speaking of this, he whispered again: "Is her alchemy level higher than you?"

I was so angry that the whole face was dark. In the heart, "They are numb, you can't talk, what can't I feel tired when I am tired? What is her alchemy level higher than me? Can't talk, close your mouth?"

The nouveau riche saw a dark face at this time, and quickly closed his mouth, just focusing his eyes on Xu Ziyan. I was afraid that Xu Ziyan suddenly opened his eyes and did something, and he did not see it.

Xu Ziyan’s eyes opened again, and the swearing and upstarts immediately opened their eyes.

Xu Ziyan gave a shot. Another fire spirit bullet hit the bottom of the alchemy furnace. Then I closed my eyes again.

The swearing and upstarts were almost suffocated in one breath. After waiting for a long time, I will wait until Xu Ziyan pops up a fire charm...

The nouveau riche couldn’t help but said to the obedient: "Are you sure she is in alchemy?"


I haven't waited until the voice of the nouveau riche has fallen, and I see Xu Ziyan suddenly moving. A small white hand was placed on the alchemy furnace.


The alchemy furnace made a humming sound, and in the place where Xu Ziyan’s palm slammed, it burst into a thousand glare. Those symbols circled around the alchemy furnace and then slammed into the alchemy furnace.


The stunned eyes of the singer, the nouveau riche on the side is also shocked to see what happens in front of him.

Just when two people were shocked, they saw Xu Ziyan opening the alchemy furnace cover and taking out three green medicinal herbs from the inside. Three medicinal herbs were put into three jade bottles, and then two of the jade bottles were collected, and the last jade bottle was handed to the servant:

"All right!"

"Really good?" The eyes of the swearing are unbelievable.

On the contrary, the nouveau riche on the side sucked the nose and said: "It is a scent of anger."

At this time, when Xu Ziyan collected the medicinal herbs, the smell of the qi that was emitted in the air had not dissipated, and the nouveau riche naturally smelled it.

Xu Ziyan just smiled and took the alchemy furnace and collected it. At that time, the swearing suit also opened the jade bottle, and the one qi was poured into the hand, and then he looked up at Xu Ziyan, and he only felt embarrassed in his mind. He really didn't understand how Xu Ziyan would easily refine it, and when he refining his temper, he was too tired to die.

"How did you refine it?"

At this point, the swearing body was straight and the eyes were stunned. It is a swearing that can't cover his charm, and people ignore the clothes on him in an instant. At this time, his feeling of giving Xu Ziyan is completely a good man.

At this time, the clothes are really sincere to Xu Ziyan. When he was in his hand, he recognized that it was a true qi, and it was a perfect one.

The color is perfect, the medicine is perfect, and the texture on the Dan Pill is perfect.

After all, he is a nine-product late peak Xiandan division, just take a look at this remedy. It is possible to determine that the other party's alchemy level is higher than itself.


A peerless genius in the alchemy world!

At this time, where is he still a little bit slow?

It’s just that his heart is very itchy. He understands at this time that the reason why this one-way dan is able to refine and be so perfect is that in addition to the fire of the other party’s fire, the most crucial thing is that the last chapter of the other party is hit. Thousands of symbols, it is definitely a peerless alchemy handcuffs.

A palm hits thousands of handcuffs. I can imagine the other person’s seemingly relaxed palm, but when I shoot a palm and go to the palm of the alchemy furnace for a short period of time, the handcuffs of the other party can change thousands of times. This is such a enchanting existence!

He fixedly looked at Xu Ziyan, hoping that Xu Ziyan could give him an answer. But Xu Ziyan is a faint smile:

"Predecessors, I need the demon skin and blood of fire attributes and soil properties."

There was a disappointment in the eyes of the swearing, but there was no remorse, but the original appearance was restored:

"I only have the blood of the soil attribute people, I can give a bottle. But I want a dead grass!"

An undead grass slid to the blood of a beast of the human body. According to the value, Xu Ziyan can be said to be a big loss. But the undead grass is invaluable to others. For Xu Ziyan, it is no different from an ordinary grass. There is so much in her purple smoke space, almost full of a planet.

I took out an undead grass and handed it to me. That suit also took out a jade bottle and handed it to Xu Ziyan, connecting the one-of-a-kind.

"He has a demon skin there. At that time, I had only blood in the demon, and the rest were there." He took up the undead grass and pointed his finger at the nouveau riche.

Xu Ziyan looked happy and couldn’t help but look at the upstart.

"Little friends, I am just a monster skin with soil properties. There is no fire property." The nouveau riche said.

Xu Ziyan said softly: "I don't know what the seniors need, but what about the demon skin?"

The nouveau riche blinked and said: "I don't need to die, I just like equipment, high-grade equipment."

Speaking of this, I also swayed my body in the burning of the bag, and showed the jewel of the whole body.

"No problem!" Xu Ziyan said with a smile, but she has a wardrobe of innate treasures, all from the Thunder Xianfu. And those clothes that were scraped from Thunder Xianfu are not all Ray attributes.

Some underwear can't get some lightning properties, and it is not comfortable to wear, so the original Thunder Tianzun refining some water properties. This water-based dress is not only comfortable to wear, but also has an effect on the Thunder. Therefore, not only underwear, but also some outerwear also have water properties. Besides, today's Yihe and Erji are already the masters of Zhongpinxian. These days, they also refine some of the inferior Xianbao, and Xu Ziyan naturally does not lack these things.

After thinking about it, she decided to use the Thunder Tianzun's top-grade Xianbao exchange. After all, it is all men's clothing. Yanshan soul has a disdain to wear, and it is useless to keep it.

"I can exchange with you a piece of congenital Xianbao! What do you need?"

"Top grade Xianbao?" The upstart excitedly jumped out of the chair and reached out to hold the hand of Xu Ziyan. The hand stretched out in general, which made it feel unsuitable.

"What are you talking about?"

"of course it's true!"


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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