The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1981: Return to Shangyuan

It can be said that if Tianfu Commercial Bank fully concentrates these forces, whether it is wealth or strength, it is a terrible existence.

Of course, there is still a big gap between Tianfu Commercial Bank and any of the nine sects. This gap is dominated by cultivation in the nine major sects, while Tianfu is mainly based on wealth.

Therefore, Tianfu Commercial Bank may be close to any of the nine major sects in wealth, but it is far from the strength. In fact, they are not as good as ours.

However, sometimes the power of wealth cannot be ignored!

The patriarch of Tianfu Commercial Bank is called Tiantianyu. Not only does his own strength have reached the early days of Tianzun, but his character is more overbearing. With his overbearing character, Tianfu Commercial Bank has been extremely expanded.

It can be said that this generation of Tianfu commercials has already overpowered Tiandan Commercial Bank and Tianchao Commercial Bank, and has reached the glory that Tianfu has never had in the history of the business.

He has seven sons and twelve daughters. The autumn water you killed is his little daughter, and the autumn wind is his fifth son. ”


Xu Ziyan was very depressed at this time, and did not expect that there would be such a remarkable life experience in Falling Autumn Water and Falling Autumn Wind. I am afraid that Tianfu Commercial Bank has already saved its own minds, but it is not that they stay in the Zongmen, or they stay in the Shangmeng League, and they have not given them opportunities.

Luo Tianba also thought of this possibility, with a worry on his face: "Ziyan, if you have been staying in Zongmen or Shangyuan, there should be no problem, that is, occasionally go out once, because the time is short. Tianfu is not too late to do There will be no problem with the reaction. However, if you go out and experience... to the hegemony of falling Tianyu..."

Xu Ziyan naturally understands the meaning of Luo Tianba, and only smiles in his heart. May I have been hiding in the Zongmen?

Do not say fall autumn wind. It is said that Luo Qiu Shui is a royal disciple of the Xingyu Zong. He can become a king disciple of the Xingyu Zong. Not to mention her qualifications, I am afraid that Tianfu Commercial Bank does not know how much effort has been devoted to her body. How she was killed by herself. Will Qin Tianyu’s hegemony let him go?

Moreover, after killing the fall water, he did not wait until Tianfu Commercial Bank to find his own revenge, and he once again killed the son of Luo Tianyu, and it was light if he was not mad.

This is not only a simple killing of a son and a woman, it is slap in the face of the overbearing falling feathers, and it is "squeaky".

I saw that I can live to the present, one is to stay in Zongmen and Shangyuan League, and the other is to go out suddenly. Then suddenly came back.

Just like when I went to Thunder Xianfu last time, no one thought that I would go there, and I had my own master and lord there. When I returned to the Yuanmeng, it was the life Tianzun who brought me back. The opportunity for the first business.

However, if you wait for yourself to travel outside in the future. I am afraid it is really dangerous!

Xu Ziyan was indulging in that, Luo Tianba indulged, and asked:

"need my help?"

"Thank you, but don't bother Luo Mengzhu!" Xu Ziyan immediately shook his head and refused the good intentions of Luo Tianba.

This thing is not to hurt the autumn water and fall autumn wind, if this is the case, there is still room for circulation. But now it is killing the fall water and the fall wind, which is the hatred that cannot be resolved.

If Luo Tianba is involved, it is to turn his face with Tianfu. Xu Ziyan asked himself and Luo Tianba's friendship has not yet reached that point.

Such an adult loves Ziyan and does not want to owe it.

After I understood everything, Xu Ziyan had no good way for the time being, so I had to put this thing aside first. However, it is obvious that the enthusiasm of the purple smoke is not as high as before. After chatting with Luo Tianba for a few more words, Xu Ziyan left Tianzhu City and returned to Shangyuan League.

I went to Shangyuan League and returned to my dormitory. Then I saw Lan Bailing, the dance color coat and Ma Jingying, who were sitting on the chair with a swollen face.

Xu Ziyan’s heart was a shock: “What’s wrong? How to make it like this?”

"Ziyan. We have been killing a lot of monsters in the past few days, and then we met a monster in the early days of the Emperor. We almost didn't come back and were killed by it!"

Xu Ziyan could not help but smile and shake his head. For the sake of an imaginary first, these three people seemed to be fighting for their lives. No wonder three people are so embarrassed, and their faces are exhausted.

However, Xu Ziyan suddenly brightened his eyes, this Ma Jingying turned out to be the peak of the late Emperor, and Lan Bailing and dance color clothes also reached the critical point of breaking through the early Emperor Xian, and could become a fairy emperor at any time.

It seems that stress is also motivation! Even if they did not hope to get the first, they also benefited from such a lifeless cultivation.

"Ziyan, we are not going to go out for trial in the future, we are going to stay in the Shangyuan League for training. How? Ziyan, can we train together?"

"Idiot!" The voice of Lan Bailing appeared as usual.

"Who are you talking about idiots?" Ma Jingying immediately widened her eyes and spurred her eyes.

"You and the purple smoke are practicing against it? It is looking for abuse!" Lan Bailing said disdainfully.

Ma Jingying’s look stunned and then turned to Xu Ziyan: “When I didn’t say it.”

Then he turned to Lan Bailing and said fiercely: "Then we are two pairs to practice, see how I abuse you!"

"Idiot!" Lan Bailing was too lazy to lift his eyelids this time.

Xu Ziyan's head has raised a few black lines, and he also admired Ma Jingying's courage. It is easy to see the realm of Xu Ziyan. Lan Bailing and Ma Jingying are practicing, and the abused must be Ma Jingying. I really don't know where Ma Jingying is so confident.

"Ziyan!" said a dance costume with no sound on the side. "Last night, the Emperor Danzong came to see you, let me tell you, he will come today, let you wait for him."

"Oh!" Xu Ziyan nodded, wondering what Liu Jinsong was looking for him? How did he come out of the Palace of the Immortals, did the Tianmen have been cracked?

"Right!" Ma Jingying's eyes immediately raised the raging gossip of the fire: "Ziyan, I heard that you and Liu Jinsong are brothers and sisters, is this true?"

The eyes of Lan Bailing and the dance color clothes immediately gathered on Xu Ziyan's body. The eyes are all released by the raging gossip.

Xu Ziyan immediately shook his head: "No, it can only be counted as a forgotten year."

"Forget the year!" Ma Jingying sighed and said: "After that, I got a good medicine from Liu Zongzhu, don't forget us!"


Xu Ziyan nodded in nowhere, sitting on a chair. I started to think of my heart.

Nowadays, the material that makes the nine symbols is the skin of the fire and the blood of the fire, and it must be solved as soon as possible. If Xu Zi was not very anxious before, she is very anxious now.

Because she already knew that she had a Tianfu business that had been staring at herself and wanted to kill her revenge. It is impossible to say that Zi Ziyan does not care. Faced with such a huge thing. It is Xu Ziyan who is inevitably afraid of heart. Therefore, Xu Ziyan must have the ability to protect himself, and Jiufu is the best means of his current self-protection.

If there are enough nine characters, even if you come to the feathers, you have a chance to escape.

The thing to be solved now is where to hunt a monster that is respected by a person? Although killing a person's respected monsters is a lot of trouble, but the many means of Xu Ziyan's current, there is no chance, so the most important thing at the moment is to find out where to find a person's fire attribute beast.

Who are you asking?

Xu Ziyan could not help but look at his three roommates. The opening asks:

"Who do you know who is in the vicinity of the fire property?

The three people immediately shook their heads, and at the same time they flashed a surprise in their eyes. They didn't understand what Xu Ziyan asked about the demon's demon. Is she still trying to find a person who is respectful of the demon?

However, what disappointed them was that Xu Ziyan saw that after they shook their heads, they then lowered their eyelids and seemed to have something to worry about. This made the three people feel embarrassed to ask again.

The room was quiet. Ma Jingying felt a little depressed, and her eyebrows picked it up and said to Lanbuling:

"Lan Bailing, do you have the courage to go out and practice?"

"Idiot, since you want to find abuse, I will fulfill you!"

At this time, Ma Jingying has stood up and said to the dance color dress: "Dance of the dance, you come. Waiting for me to finish the Malbailing, then abuse you."

The dance color suit stood up from the chair and walked toward the door and said, "To tell the truth. I really don't want to practice with you?"

“Why?” Ma Jingying looked proud: “Afraid!”

"I am afraid!" said the dance color dress: "Fear of contact with you. You infect me with idiots!"


Three people quickly disappeared into the doorway, Xu Ziyan silently looked at the door where the three people disappeared, and the brain filled up for a while Ma Jingying was turned into a pig's head.

After an hour, Xu Ziyan finished the shower. And the demon skin and blood were given to Fuyi, let him start making. And Xu Ziyan is sitting cross-legged on the bed, while accumulating the body of the fairy power, while waiting for the arrival of Liu Jinsong.

The door knocked on the door, and the figure of Xu Ziyan floated, and he came to the door, opened the door, and stood outside the door with Liu Jinsong.

"Liu brother!"

"Little girl! You also ran out to try it out?" Liu Jinsong went inside and said with a smile.

"Oh, go out and turn!" Xu Ziyan said with a smile: "Liu brother, Tianmen broke open?"

"No!" Liu Jinsong immediately shook his head.

Xu Ziyan looked like a sigh: "So how come you?"

"I have something big for you!" Liu Jinsong looked serious.

"The big thing?" Xu Ziyan looked tight, and the big thing that Dan Zongzong said in the main mouth must be a big event. He couldn't help but look serious and looked at Liu Jinsong.

"Two days ago, my younger brother came here and found me through Ye Haotian, who stayed at Shangyuan League. Do you know Tiandan Commercial Bank?"

"Know!" Xu Ziyan nodded immediately.


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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