The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1989: Combat

A black whirlwind was created in his mouth, and the broken limbs on the ground were sucked into the mouth and swept away. I saw a burst of purple smoke and stomach, almost spit out.

At this time, the remaining Zhou Dongxu and the other monks of the five swordsmen had already returned to the three corpses to take care of the broken limbs. The face was pale and the eyes showed endless fear.

Xu Ziyan’s face was also very ugly at this time, and she knew that her real trouble had come. At this point, even if he killed the Mozu monk, the three corpse will not dissipate, but the control of the Mozu monk will be more ferocious. The most important thing is that once the Mozu monk dies, the three corpse have no control, and his body is almost invisible. If the three corpses want to escape, Xu Ziyan simply cannot catch up with him. As a result, I am afraid that it will cause a lot of disaster. The Mozu monk is not dead, this three corpse must be controlled by the Mozu monk, can not leave the 500 meters around the Mozu monk, said that in order to completely solve the immediate crisis, you must kill the three corpse.


Where the three corpses are so good to kill, even if they condense the sword of the dignity of the land, it may not be easy. It is said that the owner is not dead, the three corpses are not dead, that is to say, as long as the Mozu monk does not die, the three corpses will not die.

The only way to kill them is to constantly attack the three corpse, let his cultivation continue to decline, when his repair is reduced to the extent that he can not break out, at that time, the three corpse masters will be killed, three The corpse will die.

"Try it!"

Xu Ziyan’s face showed a helpless smile and a heartfelt thought.


The sword of the first three people took off.



The three-handed sword blew on the three heads of the three corpse, and the three heads of the three corpse were instantly broken. Made into powder.

Xu Ziyan breathed a sigh of relief, but suddenly his look was tense. I saw that the three necks that had lost their heads gave birth to three black whirlwinds that seemed to be black holes. They sucked in the power of the air squirt that was still in the air, and then "squatted" again. Three heads were born from the inside of the neck.

This is not the most fearful of Xu Ziyan. The most feared is that Xu Ziyan actually found that the power of the three corpse has increased a little, although it is only a trace, but let Xu Ziyan understand that the three-handed qi sword that he detonated seems to be not only useless for the three corpse. Instead, the energy that is detonated is still a big complement to the other side.

"Hehehe..." The Mozu monk smiled sullenly, and suddenly his hands slammed into the sky, and a deep and screaming release from his mouth.


With this scream, the sky suddenly darkened, and the fingers disappeared, and even the stars in the night sky disappeared. From the dark air, I sneaked down countless black tentacles to the ground, all over the town.


The town has uploaded a scream of screams, and Xu Ziyan’s face suddenly became pale. She knew that the Mozu monks began to slaughter the town.

"You can't go on like this anymore. If you want to find a solution, you will have to fall here today!"

Xu Ziyan’s heart was anxious, and it was obvious that all his means had no effect on the three corpses, but it would increase his power.

"Measure! Way!"

Xu Ziyan’s frowning brow suddenly picked!

"Light! The light attribute is the nemesis of the three corpse! It is only the cultivation of oneself today. If you go up yourself, it may not be the opponent of the three corpse, and if you go up in person, who can come to fend off the Mozu monk?"

The heart suddenly moved. Quickly and chaotically switched the body, then smashed and protected Zhang and unbounded, and then plunged into a one-to-one time array.

As soon as he entered the formation, Xu Ziyan immediately stripped out the light attribute Xianyuan force and began to condense the pure light attribute sword. Xu Ziyan knows that even if the light attribute is the nemesis of the three corpse, but there must be more than three corpses on the power, otherwise the three corpses will become the nemesis of the light attribute, so Xu Ziyan is condensed at this time. Respect the initial sword.

The chaos outside has been hit with the three corpses, and now the chaos is already the peak of the late Emperor. And she has a three-family heritage. The combat power is second only to Xu Ziyan. It was a fierce anomaly with the three corpse.

At this time, the black tentacles of the sky have been strangled by Zhou Dongxu and Zhang Wujie. In these long-range tentacles, human monks are simply strangled like fragile paper.

At this time, Zhang’s unfamiliar family was rich, and Xu Ziyan gave her a lot of congenital charms. At this time on the verge of death, where does she dare to keep it?

A piece of congenital fairy is released. Zhang Wujie, Zhou Dongxu and the monk of the sword court, and Bo Yan were protected.

In the face of the tentacle attack of the human respect, the congenital fairy will soon burst...

Zhou Dongxu, who originally saw Zhang Wujie released a congenital fairy, was still surprised. Now that he saw that the congenital fairy has not supported the time of two interest, it is broken, and the eyes can not help revealing despair...


Zhang Wujie released a congenital fairy, then another one... another one...

Zhou Dongxu started from the panic to the later surprises, and then to the final numb...

What is the identity of this unbounded one? In the past, it was not obvious that the mountains were not exposed. I didn’t think that the family was so rich...

The Mozu monk saw that Zhang Wujie kept releasing the congenital fairy, and there was a shock in his eyes, but he did not pay attention to Zhang Wujie at this time. At this time, he was busy in the town, waiting to be in the town. The monks are killed without leaving, and it is not too late to deal with these few people.

Within the time array method.

For four days, it was less than a quarter of an hour.

The monks in the whole town were slaughtered, that is, in front of the Mozu monks, there were only three people in the swords of Zhang Wujie and Bo Yan, and there was a chaos that was fighting with the three corpses.

The chaotic force is almost in the middle of the man, although it has the upper hand, there is no way to take the three corpse. Although the three corpses were kept fighting without any help, but the three corpses were smashed to the ground every time, but they stood up again and again, and they were still consuming the power of chaos. Increase it bit by bit.

The four people of Zhang Wujie have disappeared at this time. They are wrapped in countless tentacles. If they are not Zhang Wujie, they will release the congenital fairy to form a shield. They have been twisted into powder.

However, at this time, Zhang Wujie’s heart was desperate, and his face showed an anxious color. Xu Ziyan gave her more innate charms, and could not stand this consumption. At this time, she had only nine congenital Fu, these nine congenital charms can only support twenty years of interest. And she just saw it, and Xu Ziyan, who is fighting with the three corpse, obviously has no good idea.


The chaos once again flew out the three corpses, just wanted to rush, but suddenly stopped. At this time, Xu Ziyan and Chaos switched their bodies.

Just like the demon monk who had teamed up with the three corpse, he found that the cultivation of Xu Ziyan changed again. It was originally the mid-century of the Emperor, and then the peak of the Emperor's logistics. Now it has become the middle of the Emperor.

what 's wrong?

Is it her secret method, and the time of the secret law has passed?

At the thought of this, the Mozu monks were excited. Just now, he saw that Xu Ziyan was the cultivation of the peak of the late Emperor, but the combat really amazing. It is not worse than the early stage of this person, otherwise he will not join hands with the three dead bodies. Now that Xu Ziyan’s secret law is pouring in, and repairing it as a fall, is it more pleasing than this?

The heart commanded the three corpses to attack, but he had already rushed toward Xu Ziyan.

He rushed out, but the three corpses did not move, but the three pairs of eyes showed a fear...


Xu Ziyan’s body suddenly released a dazzling white light. The white light spread around the center of Xu Ziyan, illuminating the night sky and setting Xu Ziyan to be more holy...


The two screams of screaming and screaming were sent out from the mouths of the Mozu monks and the three corpses. The white light ruthlessly swallowed the bodies of both of them, and their bodies boiled like boiling water...


The fifty-and-a-light qi sword releases a strong white light around the body.

"go with!"

Thirty-six stalks of light attribute gas swords, each handle is the first power of the earth lord to the enchanting of the Mozu monks, a dazzling circle, with a sharp sound of breaking, laid around the Mozu monks A small Zhou Jianjian array trapped the Mozu monks.

Xu Ziyan could not kill the Mozu monk. She had to knock down the repairs of the three corpse demons and landed on him back to the body of the Mozu monks, and could not break through.

According to records, the three corpses are not free to come out of the owner's body, which requires his strength to a certain extent, otherwise it can only be hidden in the owner's body. Moreover, the conditions for practicing the three corpse demons are very harsh, and I really don’t know how this monk monk was cultivated.

Xu Ziyan hovered around the body with a 14-handed light attribute sword, holding a purple smoke sword in his hand, paying attention to the light attribute, and the power of the innate Xianbao was filled in the space.

"go with!"

Xu Ziyan screamed, and the fourteen-handed swords screamed toward the three corpses and attacked the past. At the same time, Xu Ziyan moved a large amount, and the purple smoke sword in his hand released the white light to the opposite three corpse.


A scream of screaming, the three corpses were twisted into powder. Xu Ziyan did not relax his vigilance in the slightest, controlling the fourteen-handed swords in the air, and his eyes glanced at the surrounding space.


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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