The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1991: acquaintance

The most calm here is Zhang Wujie. In fact, Zhang Wujie is not calm, but numb. She found that the longer she stayed with Xu Ziyan, the more unfathomable she was. Every time you think this is the limit of Xu Ziyan, but by the next time, you will find that Xu Ziyan will surprise you again.

Therefore, for everything about Xu Ziyan, Zhang Wujie is really numb. It was Xu Ziyan who was doing something in front of him, and she felt that she would not be surprised. Even if Xu Ziyan and Master are competing now, she will not be surprised if she slaps her sword and flies.

Bo Yan also performed very calmly. After all, he saw Xu Ziyan easily hit a late Emperor and two immortals in the middle of the immortal. The relaxed gesture proved that Xu Ziyan had no power at all, so Xu Ziyan killed. Although a Mozu revered him, he was surprised, but he quickly calmed down.

However, Zhou Dongxu and the Sword Court monk thought differently. The two of them saw Xu Ziyan for the first time, and they had not seen Xu Ziyan before, so they thought for a long time and decided that Xu Ziyan must have something powerful. It is to kill the Mozu monk with that baby. And her true cultivation is just the middle of the Emperor.

Thinking of this, Zhou Dongxu’s heart was secretly relieved, otherwise he would always be with a person who could casually kill a demon monk who was in the early stages of a person. The pressure in his heart was not generally large.

In this way, the conversation between Zhou Dongxu and Xu Ziyan is also free, not as cautious as before, which makes Xu Ziyan's heart relieved, and she does not want to be too eye-catching. Can not help but secretly:

"It's still low-key!"

But she did not know that she would reveal her true strength in the future. Zhou Dongxu’s evaluation of her will definitely not be a low-key, but...

It is not unconscious that five people have arrived at Huo Rongshan. Landing from the clouds, between the jungle, Xu Ziyan knows that almost all the elites in the sword are here.

There are more than 500 people. A camp was established in the woods. Moreover, not only the Jiange came, but also the top ten pavilions on the mainland of the Yuan Dynasty, one is Tianyi Pavilion and one is a mountain pavilion.

Each pavilion has also come to more than 500 monks. And they are all elite. Xu Ziyan was a little surprised. I don’t know what the Three Great Pavilions gathered for Huo Rongshan.

And the monks were arranged on the ground and in the air, blocking the road into Huo Rongshan.

This is obviously a big move, Zhou Dongxu did not say, Xu Ziyan is not easy to ask. However, he still secretly asked Zhang Wujie. Zhang Wujie only said that the owner had received a big task. As for the task, she did not know.

I don't know if I don't know, Xu Ziyan is not interested. She is only interested in the fire cloud beast. And it is also good to follow the Jiange, at least save a lot of trouble. If you come alone, you may be blocked by these people. Although you are not afraid of them, and they are unable to block themselves, it is possible to save a trouble or make Xu Ziyan feel good.

A crescent moon is on the horizon, and seems to be in love with this darkness and will not fall. It’s just that the sun is jumping out unstoppable.

In this sky, a fairy boat shuttles through the clouds.

The fairy boat suddenly stopped in the sea of ​​clouds, then sank from the sea of ​​clouds, sinking down, and finally stopped about ten meters from the ground.

As soon as the hatch of the fairy boat opened, several people came out from the inside and looked at the ruins of the town below.

"The town was killed here!"

"Yes! I don't know what the forces are doing?"

"Will she die here?"

"It shouldn't be!"

"According to the news, she and Bo Yan have been moving in this direction, if she did not die here..."

The monk looked at Huo Rongshan: "She should have gone there!"

At this time, five people of Xu Ziyan have entered the Huo Rong Mountain and fell from the cloud to the ground. One monk quietly sat on the grass in the forest. Here is the camp of the Jiange, and more than 500 people did not make a sound.

Xu Ziyan swept away and found that more than 500 people had more than 20 emperors and more than a hundred emperors. More than two hundred kings, the rest are also Xianjun. Xu Ziyan thought of it. I am afraid that the monks who come to Tianyige and Shange should be similar to Jiange.

This kind of strength is naturally not comparable to the nine major sects, but it is also a great force. What mission is that the three major cabinets have so solemnly ran to Huo Rongshan?

And looking at the relationship between their three cabinets seems to be the state of the league. What is the mission that makes the Three Great Courts capable of alliance?

On the side of Bo Yan is also shocked, he is not a rookie like Xu Ziyan has not experienced, he has a certain understanding of the Ten Great Court.

In the memory of the Ten Great Courts, there has never been an alliance. Not to mention the alliance, it is not bad to fight each other. These ten major pavilions are all of the same type of organization. The so-called peers are the embarrassing family. How can there be no competition? How is it possible to form an alliance?

But now they are allied, and it can only be said that the task they received is extremely difficult.

Xu Ziyan was not easy to ask, but the curiosity in her heart was completely hooked up, with doubts in her heart, her eyes glanced around, and followed Zhou Dongxu into the camp of Jiange.

As soon as I entered the camp, the tense atmosphere came. More than 500 swordsmen cleared the middle of the jungle into an open space, not only the array of methods, but also the use of earth-based spells on the four corners of the camp to build four towering towers, and there were monks on the high platform. Scanning in the air. On the ground, there are also whistle, and there are two types, one is a fixed whistle, and the other is a patrol whistle.

"So nervous!"

Looking around, Xu Ziyan saw two familiar figures, and they couldn't help but have a stunned look.

That is a group of swimming whistle is being patrolled. This team has a total of twelve people in the swimming whistle. It consists of four princes and eight sages. Two of them seem to be the vice-president’s monks. At the forefront, there is a man and a woman, and both of them are the peaks of the late Xian Wang.

"It's two of them..." Xu Ziyan woke up from the shock: "They both flew up, and they all reached the peak of the late king..."

It’s not someone else who walks in front of the squad. It’s Yang Ling’s and Long Aotian.

I did not expect these two people to reach the peak of the late King of the King so soon. It seems that they are stronger than the Sirius brothers. Is this the reason for their mutated attributes?

It seems that they joined the sword court!

"The owner, you are back!" Yang Lingxi saw Zhou Dongxu, her face showed joy, and then she saw Xu Ziyan, the expression on her face was a stay:


"Exquisite, proud!"

At this time, Xu Ziyan did not know what he and Yang Lingwei were. What happened to Long Aotian? However, after the combination of the Chinese and Xingxing Xinghai, the grievances of at least three people seemed to be temporarily put down, but they were also pleasantly surprised.

Yang Lingqi and Long Aotian saw Xu Ziyan at this time, and the mood was very complicated. The two people and Xu Ziyan actually had no hatred. The laydown was already put down in the middle of the galaxy, but a triumphant heart remained. Did not put down. In particular, Yang Linglong, did not think that she once said to Xu Ziyan that she would one day challenge Xu Ziyan, the heart is not a taste, now Xu Ziyan face, she can not see the cultivation of Xu Ziyan, the look on his face can not help but stunned.

Xu Ziyan strode up and happily pulled up Yang Ling's hand: "When did you come up?"

"Some years!"

Xu Ziyan blinked at Yang Linglong and Long Aotian, and then excitedly said: "Let's go, let's go find a place to talk."

Yang Lingqi and Long Aotian did not understand why Xu Ziyan blinked at both of them, and they heard Zhou Dongxu coming over to this side.

"Zi Daoyou, do you know Linglong and Aotian?"

Yang Lingqi and Long Aotian instantly understood why Xu Ziyan blinked at both of them. It turned out that Xu Ziyan did not tell the truth to Zhou Dongxu. This is easy to handle. He also manages Xu Ziyan as a purple Taoist friend, or like the original purple smoke. It is. As for Zhou Dongxu’s other questions about Xu Ziyan, he did not know it. He only met Xu Ziyan when he tried it in trial. Besides knowing her name is Ziyan, the rest are not clear.

"Yes!" Yang Lingyi nodded to Zhou Dongxu: "We have been in the trial for a while."


Zhou Dongxu heard that he had only been a peer for a while, and he was no longer interested. Simply saying a few words, he personally settled Xu Ziyan and Bo Yan.

Xu Ziyan originally talked to Yang Lingyan, but Yang Lingwei was on the whistle, Xu Ziyan had to give up, and after Yang Lingyi had a time, he left with Zhou Dongxu.

The monks of the Jiange Pavilion live in tents, including the tents where Zhang Wujie lives. Xu Ziyan naturally does not take out a space fairy, but she also has no tents, things like tents are so low-end, Xu Ziyan has I haven't used it for a long time, and my face is not revealed.

But Bo Yan took out two tents from the storage ring, one gave Xu Ziyan, and one gave it aside.

All of this Zhou Dongxu naturally looks in his eyes, and his identity to Xu Ziyan is really a bit uncertain. Her sister-in-law has so many innate charms, and how can she be so poor that she doesn't even have a tent?

Is it that I guessed it wrong?

Unbounded and this purple smoke is not a disciple of Fuzong at all, nor is it a disciple of disciples, or a disciple of a distraction, but what opportunities have you encountered in the unbounded world and got those congenital charms?


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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