The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1993: Unknown place

Xu Ziyan looked at the map from beginning to end, but did not get the slightest news about the Huoyun beast. However, it is to remember some dangerous areas and unknown areas.

Presumably, the strength of the Fire Cloud Beast should belong to a threat or unknown aspect.

Huo Rongshan is very large, not only high, straight into the sky, but also a rolling mountain range, the deeper and higher, the higher the level of the monster.

But Xu Ziyan found a place that confuses her, that is, it is marked as an unknown area not far from the foot of the mountain.

Xu Ziyan's eyebrows picked and picked up, and I was interested in it. Maybe the fire cloud beast is there, although she also feels that this idea is somewhat unreliable, but decided to go and see.

I thought about it, and now I am the master of the Mid-Emperor, but my own strength should be able to deal with the early stage of the human respect. If the Firebird has any special ability to feel its own strength, it is not hiding. It’s not good to come out.

I took out a piece of the peak of the Chinese character, and concealed the breath of the body. Then I adjusted it to the middle of the Emperor, and then I walked out of the tent.

"Zi Daoyou!"

Just out of the tent, I heard that Bo Yan was calling on the other side. When I saw Xu Ziyan looking over, Bo Yan hurriedly said:

"Zi Daoyou, where is this going?" Bo Yan has already made up his mind. Wherever Xu Ziyan goes, he goes there. Don't look at the crowd here, but Bo Yan still thinks that it is safest to be with Xu Ziyan. If Xu Ziyan’s people leave when Xu Ziyan leaves, these people may not be able to protect him. And the sword court may not be willing to protect themselves.

Xu Ziyan looked at Bo Yan and immediately understood his thoughts from the look of Bo Yan. He smiled and said:

“Do you want to go out with me?”

"Good fortune!"

Bo Yan’s face showed a happy color, and he hurriedly ran over. Two people walked out of the camp. Bo Yan asked softly:

"Zidaoyou, where are we going?"

Xu Ziyan said casually: "Go around and see if you can meet your chances, maybe you can find some materials."

" know the syllabus?" Bo Yan looked at Xu Ziyan with astonishment.

"Slightly understand!" Xu Ziyan said with a smile.

"That... are we going to hunt the monster?"

Xu Ziyan shook his head and said: "It is a chance to hunt the monsters! We walk around. Maybe we can get a better chance."

"A better chance?" Bo Yan looked a glimpse, since it was awkward, his face showed a surprise.

The production of fairy charms may not necessarily use the demon skin and blood, and several kinds of ore have been processed to produce the fairy charm, the effect is doubled than the magical creature's skin and blood, but it needs to be more advanced. Characterization. Bo Yan didn't think that Xu Ziyan actually realized the degree of the technique and realized that Xu Ziyan's gaze immediately became extremely respectful.

But this respect still has a bit of suspicion, so when walking along the mountain road. Bo Yan had a sneak peek at Xu Ziyan and chatted with Xu Ziyan. Most of Xu Ziyan was listening, and occasionally inserted a sentence, but this is an occasional interjection, but Bo Yan has a sudden and cheerful feeling. This can not help but let Bo Yan admire in his heart, he is also a proud person, with his own efforts to become a seven-character fairy. In his feelings about Xu Ziyan at this time, he thought that the worst of Xu Ziyan was also an eight-character charm teacher, and maybe he was still a nine-character charm teacher, and he could not help but sigh:

"I didn't think that Zidaoyou had already reached the realm of Jiu Pinxianfu, you are a genius!"

"Jiu Pin Xian Fu Shi... This is even a genius..." Xu Ziyan quietly groaned in his heart, but his face still smiled faintly, walking along the unknown area of ​​the memory of Xu Ziyan's mind.

Although Jiangege, Tianyige and Shange were both commissioned by Tianyi Commercial Bank and had a temporary alliance agreement, they were not stationed together. Instead, they are separated by a distance of several miles.

gradually. Xu Ziyan and Bo Yan left the three stations, and the unknown place is about one-fifth of the entire height of the mountain. It seems that it is very close to the foot of the mountain, but this Huo Rongshan is in the distance, and that one-fifth of the distance is also very far away.

Xu Ziyan did not fly. Instead take a walk. This will allow you to observe everything in detail on the way, and maybe you will encounter rare ore or herbs.

Not to mention. Although there were no extremely rare ores and herbs on the road, Xu Ziyan still encountered several strains of herbal medicines, and he collected them happily and handed them to the peach blossoms in the purple smoke space.

There were some monsters on the way, but the level of the monsters here is still very low. You don't have to shoot purple smoke. Bo Yan waved his hand and sent them.

There was a small plain in front of them, and it was a path that climbed up the plain and climbed up. Xu Ziyan spread the knowledge of God on the small plains to see if there was any good luck.

But until she and Bo Yan walked through this small plain, they did not find herbs or ores that were worthy of picking purple smoke. However, there are some low grades, and Xu Ziyan is too lazy to pick.

Go to the end of a small plain and climb up the path. When the height of one-fifth of the height of the mountain was over, a forest appeared in the sight of Xu Ziyan.

Seeing this forest, Xu Ziyan knew that he had arrived at his destination.

The destination is not the entire forest, but the southwest corner of the woods. When Xu Ziyan saw the unknown land on the map, the heart was a bit strange. The whole small forest was explored clearly. Why is the corner of the southwest only listed as an unknown place?

"Bo Yan, be careful!"

Xu Ziyan reminded Bo Yan of a sentence, then stepped into the forest and headed toward the southwest. Although the map only marks the danger of the southwest corner, Xu Ziyan tightens his spirit as soon as he enters the forest.

Be careful not to be too careful!

But there is no danger on this road, and there is no difference between it and other places, although the occasional monsters here are much stronger than the foot of the mountain. But it is not enough to make Xu Ziyan and Bo Yan difficult.

Xu Ziyan thought of the southwest corner of his memory while walking toward the southwest corner. About an hour later, two people came to a position near the southwest corner.

Xu Ziyan listened and looked to the front.

One hundred meters ahead is the location marked on the map. However, Xu Ziyan did not see any danger. I scanned it with my knowledge, and I didn't feel any dangerous atmosphere. This made Xu Ziyan feel some confusion.

"This southwest corner is no different from this forest!"

Xu Ziyan groaned and turned to Bo Yandao: "Bo Yan. Have you heard any rumors here?"

Bo Yan immediately shook his head and said: "I haven't heard of it. There is nothing valuable in this forest. Although I have been to Huo Rongshan many times, I have rushed through this forest and went to the mountainside, and sometimes I It’s just flying straight up and not staying here.”

Xu Ziyan nodded. It seems that this unknown area was only discovered occasionally by the sword court. It must have been something. Moreover, it is impossible to probe with the strength of the sword court, so that it is marked as an unknown area.

It seems that there may be something interesting here. Xu Ziyan’s heart has a strong interest.

"Let's see it in the past!"

Of course, Bo Yan doesn't care. He really can't understand why Xu Ziyan is interested in this place, and there is no difference!

However, he followed the footsteps of Xu Ziyan and walked forward. Xu Ziyan walked away and transmitted his own knowledge. I kept sweeping the woods in front of me and observed a slight change.

After a quarter of an hour, Xu Ziyan and Bo Yan also went deep into the southwest corner, but still found nothing. Just as Xu Ziyan frowned slightly, the brilliance in his eyes was a flash.

She felt the change of space, and a smile appeared in the corner of her mouth. Looking around, the eyes are brighter. Turning his head to look to the left, at this time, Bo Yan is no longer her side, is three meters away from her, dancing with her hands constantly bombarded. But the immortal that he bombarded was swallowed by the space mercilessly. Even a glimmer of space has not appeared.

Xu Ziyan took a light step to the side of Bo Yan, who was mad at the place, and his hands quickly pulled up the afterimage in the air, and made eight handcuffs to the surrounding parties.

At the moment when the Guanghua of the eight handcuffs dissipated, Bo Yan saw Xu Ziyan.

just now. Bo Yan suddenly found Xu Ziyan disappeared, and countless monsters rushed over to him. He strangled in a panic.

However, the overwhelming monster that made him desperate suddenly disappeared. When he was confused, he saw Xu Ziyan. Shen Zhi suddenly woke up, looking at Xu Ziyan stuttering:

"Just... is that... the law?"

Xu Ziyan nodded and looked curiously around. The eyebrows suddenly picked up and the face showed a dignified color. She found that the formation that had just been broken by herself began to be generated again, and the grades were improved. It was like a master who was in a hurry with Xu Ziyan. He just started to use a force and found that he could not add a purple smoke. force.

Xu Ziyan immediately pulled the Yuanshen into the sea of ​​knowledge, which is the current formation, Xu Ziyan also has confidence to break, although Xu Ziyan is not a congenital sect, but also has some understanding of the formation. However, she feels that this formation will continue to improve. Under caution, she will pull the Yuanshen into the sea.

"Bo Yan, you sit down and hold on to the gods!" Xu Ziyan said softly.


Recommend a friend a book

Title: "Ukiyo-e"

Book number: 2985264

Introduction: Tian Wujiu, who vowed to join the WTO, worshipped Master and went down the mountain to make a living by selling witchcraft. Catch the little three, fight the evil spirits, collect the fox demon, soak the beautiful man. The style is relaxed, the writing is smooth, the woman is not Mary Su, not the Virgin, not invincible. Called the first person classic!

Tian Chujiu: "Auction! It is a kind of male demon with a good appearance and a good variety. It sweeps the hall, washes the latrine, catches the rich woman, warms the bed, has nothing to look at, but it is difficult to take him. Block the knife!"

Yang Xiuyi: "All people say that men and women are different. People and ghosts are different. You are not a man or a woman, and you are like a ghost. There is no contradiction."

Originally cleared: "Oh, the bucket has fallen out of the well? Nothing, we still have her waist."

Hua Xi Xue: "You are the most charming water ghost I have ever seen. Look at the clean and innocent moon. My love for you is more pure than her... vomit! Don't do it! Wild monkey! Don't hide! I said Not going down!"


*(To be continued~^~)

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