The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1995: Look at each other

"Since you have no problems, the three immortals will be handed over to you in the middle!"


Xu Ziyan’s words just fell, and the young boy from the opposite side heard a sneer. At this time, he had learned from the monk’s mouth that the two people on the opposite side were only two immortals, but they had three middle emperors. There is no need to mention other monks.

The opposite two people should have one is a mage, but what about the mage? Isn't it Xuan Tianao?

The juvenile is full of intentions at this time, as long as the two men are killed, not only the green beads are their own, but all the things in her are their own. Decisive big hand wave, a dozen or so centuries in the air whistling to the past with Xu Ziyan.


The fairy that has been in the air bombarded the past with Xu Ziyan and Bo Yan, and made a loud explosion...


A loud slap in the air rang, and the boy’s body flew out, crossed the head of the monk behind him, flew far away, and sprinkled more than a dozen teeth in the air...


The boy who fell from the sky to the ground screamed in pain and looked at the purple smoke that fluttered him with a horror.

At the same time, the dozens of monks also reacted, and the body shape hurriedly withdrew. At the same time, the fairy in the air was recruited back and bombarded the past with Xu Ziyan and Bo Yan.

Bo Yan shot, his body rushed toward the middle of the immortal, while his hands were rising, and a piece of Zhang Xianfu flew out, layered, fascinated...

Xu Ziyan looked at the grand power of Bo Yan. My heart can't help but say: "There is a power that I used to shoot before!"

When Xu Ziyan was repaired to a low level, especially on the mainland of the Cangwu, he often used the symbol to win, and the shot was a fairy. Layers stacked, fascinated...

The three immortals did not have the slightest tension in the middle of the period. The three of them had recognized that the fairy charm released by Bo Yan was only seven. The power of this fairy charm had little threat to them in the middle of the emperor. Killing Bo Yan is just around the corner.

The three emperors think it's right, and the seven-character fairy is almost no danger to them. But that means only one case.

Bo Yan itself is a clerk, and the use of the fairy symbol is naturally more proficient and proficient. At this time, his use of the fairy symbol is almost exactly the same as Xu Ziyan's original use.

Layers of fairy charms are instantly laid out with a fascinating array of characters, wrapped in three emperors.

In this case, as long as Xu Ziyan took a glance, he knew that the three emperors were hanging.

For a time, the air fairy charms coiled together, and the power of a group of fairy charms together sent out to attack the three emperors in the array. And the three emperors also rushed out to break through. But that Bo Yan kept offering the fairy charm, so that the number of immortals would continue to increase, like a huge whirlwind that wrapped the three emperors tightly inside.

These three emperors were restrained by Bo Yan in the middle, but there were eleven monks. Moreover, the eleven monks knew that the green beads were on the body of Xu Ziyan. At this time, the teenager who had been smacked by Xu Ziyan and slap in the face of the teeth rushed toward Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan did not put these people in his eyes at all, and he could not put it in his eyes. However, what she did at this time did not quite match the identity of her famous disciple. It was a bit like playing a game...

If she is in the middle of her immortal. Not to mention that she can still challenge the more difficult, that is, an ordinary Xiandi can also kill these eleven people in an instant, but she is not so dry, but the cloud is unfolding, letting eleven monks She chased after her, but she couldn't catch up with her, that is, the fairyware that was released, and she was escaped by her.

The absolute difference in the realm makes the eleven monks have no way to Xu Ziyan.

Of course, Xu Ziyan did not dodge to make them play. She wanted to try the power of the heart of the tree. Just for a while. She has already figured out the usage of the heart of the tree.

The heart of the tree was originally the starting center of the tree. The power of the tree is released through the heart of the tree. And she found that the heart of the tree has been wise, although this wise is only seven or eight years old. Thinking about it, there is no such thing as a surprise, if there is no wisdom. How can you let the tree walk, how can you let the tree take the initiative to attack?

It’s easy to be smart. And it’s just that the intelligence of seven or eight years old is much easier to handle.

Xu Ziyan immediately branded his own knowledge on the heart of a tree, and the intensity of the current **** of Xu Ziyan to deal with a tree of only seven or eight years of ingenuity is simply a matter of thought. Then she threw the heart of the tree that branded her own consciousness toward the eleven monks who chased her.

When the heart of the tree was thrown into the air, it immediately released a layer of green light to cover the eleven monks. The eleven monks who were chasing Xu Ziyan stopped their steps and then began to run wild. Only the direction of their running is not toward Xu Ziyan, but in the same place. But seeing the look on their faces is absolutely not knowing that they are in the circle, as if they are still struggling to catch up with Xu Ziyan.

Soon, the faces of the eleven monks showed horror, as if they had encountered something terrible, and began to bombard them with fairy instruments.

With such a small space, eleven people ran around and bombed, and soon they came across. But at this time, the eleven companions did not seem to know each other, or they used the other as an enemy, and immediately went to a fight.

Xu Ziyan looked around and found a rock. He jumped up and sat down, staring at his chin and looking at the eleven people in the array of hearts released by the tree.

"It's really powerful! A heart of trees will trap them!"

Looking at this side has nothing to do, then looked at the side of Bo Yan, and at this time, Bo Yan also fully occupied the upper hand.

Bo Yan did all his best this time, throwing out all the seven-character charms on his body. A super whirlwind consisting of seven-character charms tightly covered the three half-step emperors. At the moment, the Emperor Emperor had no beginnings of dashing and spreading dignity.

The hearts of the three emperors in the middle of the period were full of shocks. The other party was the same as the one in the middle of the emperor, but they were trapped in the three by the power of the immortal.

Do not!

It’s not just sleepy. The power of these bursts of innumerable seven-character fairy has gone far beyond the original power of the seven-character fairy. At this time, although they have no damage, they are in the body. Yuan Li consumes very severely. With this trend going on, the celestial power in their body will soon be lost, and then it will be the moment of their own fall.

"It's too unlucky! Why do you fly to provoke these two people, can a monk who can throw such a weird big trunk be an ordinary person? It is really greedy by greed!"

At this time, the three emperors had already regretted the mid-term, but this time regrets that it is too late, only struggling to struggle.

Xu Ziyan looked at it for a while and could not help but nod. This Bo Yan is very talented for the understanding of the technique. Xu Ziyan has a thought of cultivating him.

But if you think about it, forget it, and now you have time to teach your apprentice!


The space rang a scream of Bo Yan.


A layer of seven-character emeralds around the inner circle of the three immortals in the middle of the emperor exploded, which made the three immortals who had already consumed ten layers of celestial powers become more embarrassed. The breath is clearly unstable.

Xu Ziyan nodded with appreciation and knew that the three immortals were probably not in the middle of a quarter of an hour.

I didn't think that all of Bo Yan had such a strength when it broke out, but looking at the situation is also the strongest strength of Bo Yan.

No longer worried about the situation, Xu Ziyan immersed himself in the search for information in the heart of the tree, collected a little bit of information about the heart of the tree, and then began to think from beginning to end.

At this time, the air suddenly burst into the air. Xu Ziyan took back his mind and looked up. He couldn’t help but feel tight. This time, it’s not a dozen people, but dozens of people.


The dozens of people fell from the sky, and Xu Ziyan’s brows were loose. She had already recognized the monks of these dozens of swords, and she also knew the early Emperor’s head, which was from the town destroyed by the Mozu monks. The monk who survived.

At the beginning, a total of five people survived in that town, namely Xu Ziyan, Zhang Wujie, Bo Yan, Zhou Dongxu and Xu Ziyan who had never known the name of the monk. The head of the team consisting of dozens of people is the monk.

Xu Ziyan can't name people, but people know the name of Xu Ziyan. This did not just fall from the sky, he recognized the Xu Ziyan who was sitting on the big rock at this time.

"Zi Daoyou, how are you here?"

As he said as he looked around, he couldn't help but breathe a cold breath.

Beyond there, of course, he knew what it was, but he did not expect to launch Weilai now, and even the three immortals in the middle of the game did not have the slightest effort to fight back. It seems that in the town, it was because the Mozu monks were strong enough to make Bo Yan have a chance to show up.

The three emperors he knew, but not the ordinary immortal mid-term, they are battle-type monks who have been through the battlefield. Everyone is the leader in the middle of the emperor. But it is such three emperors in the mid-term, but now they have been beaten by Bo Yan without the power to fight back.

As the early Sun Emperor's Sun Ce, at this time, he thought of more than just Bo Yan, but he thought of Xu Ziyan. The Bo Yan with Xu Ziyan is so strong, what about the purple purple in the middle of the Emperor?


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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