The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2006: Fire cloud beast

I am very grateful to the book friends 131106140302790 classmates (588), shenli719 classmates (100), mableip classmates (100) for the reward!


"Pig head..."

Hearing this title, Jiang Tianshui can completely imagine his appearance today, and he can't wait to find a piece of fire steel to kill him.

"Ask you?" Xu Ziyan reached out and took a picture of Jiang Tianshui's face.

"Ah..." Jiang Tianshui made a scream, not to mention that Xu Ziyan used his hand to pat his face. He just blinked his eyes and felt pain in the bone marrow.

He knew that he was finished, and his life was completely in the hands of Xu Ziyan. A kind of fear arises from the bottom of my heart. He worked hard from the day after tomorrow to the present monk, and he has a lot of time for him to enjoy. He does not want to die.

Although it was very painful, it still forced me to show a pleasing smile towards Xu Ziyan, and said with difficulty:


"How much is it?" Xu Ziyan patted his face again.

"Hey..." Jiang Tianshui took a breath of cold air, and his face showed a smile that was more ugly than crying: "Thousands."

"Specific!" Xu Ziyan patted his face again.

"I don't know!" Jiang Tianshui's voice was filled with a cry.

"do not know?"

Xu Ziyan gave Jiang Tianshui a "you know" look. He stroked his little fist toward him. Jiang Tianshui cried. At this time, his heart was really remorseful to the extreme, and he was a monk who respected the monks and shouted. The elders of Tianfu Commercial Bank. How come to such a miserable situation?

He has a dream at this time...

He has never been here before, and he has never seen Xu Ziyan...

"I really don't know..." But in reality he still cried and said: "I am an elder, how can I care about those little things..."

"Oh, yes, oh..."

Xu Ziyan nodded. Approved, then asked: "What are you doing here?"

"Come to kill..." Jiang Tianshui closed his mouth in fear.

"kill me?"

Jiang Tianshui nodded his mouth and closed his mouth. Then he grinned. He was too embarrassed by Xu Ziyan.

"Why?" Although Xu Ziyan already knows the reason, she still wants to make sure.

"Because... because you killed the autumn water and the autumn wind." Jiang Tianshui whispered.

"Oh..." Xu Ziyan nodded. It seems that Luo Tianba is right. He raised his finger and stood on the side of Beyan Road:

"Don't kill him?"

Bo Yan’s body was a trembling, and his heart said: “Grandma, are you okay to mention me?”

There is a hint of confusion in Jiang Tianshui’s eyes: "Who is he?"

Bo Yan’s heart was a burst of excitement, and he couldn’t help but blurt out: “I don’t know, I don’t know!”

"His name is Bo Yan!"

Xu Ziyan helped explain that Bo Yan’s face was a stiff face. Jiang Tianshui’s gaze is a flash:

"You are Bo Yan? That fairy teacher?"

"" Bo Yan took a head and said weakly.

Jiang Tianshui, who was insulted by Xu Ziyan, seemed to have recovered his self-confidence from the humble Bo Yan, and was shot into a sewn eye to explode.

"You dare to refuse to join the Tianfu business, you can't run away, you just wait to be caught by us, even if you promise to join the Tianfu business, it's too late, for someone like you. Must be awkward You, let you know the pain, a long memory..."


The clay figurine is also three-dimensional, not to mention that Bo Yan is not a clay figurine, but a fairy emperor. At this time, Jiang Tianshui was still in the possession. Bo Yan passed the fear of Tianfu Commercial Bank at the beginning, and was provoked by Jiang Tianshui. At this time, there was still a lot of control, and he hit a fist in the river. The face of Tianshui.

"Go to your *Mom* memory!"

"Do you dare to hit me?" Jiang Tianshui looked at Bo Yan incredulously.

"Oh..." He answered a fist.

Jiang Tianshui did not know whether he was beaten or psychologically wronged. There was a tear in the face. It was just a meal by a fairy emperor. Now it is a meal by a fairy.

A famous name...

"Well, kill it again!" Xu Ziyan looked at Bo Yan with a funny smile.


Bo Yan stopped his hand and gasped a few mouthfuls of gas, waiting for Jiang Tianshui lying on the ground. At this time, Jiang Tianshui is full of fear.

"Right!" Xu Ziyan's voice pulled Jiang Tianshui's gaze: "You are among the people you came here. There are several monks above the honor period. You will always know?"


The voice of Xu Ziyan has just fallen. The earth began to vibrate, and the dense screams were trembled.


Outside, the sound of the flame lion ran, and even the flame steel on their heads came the sound of the lion's four-footed strutting.

Needless to say, the flame lion is already covered outside at this time.

It is undoubtedly dangerous to stay here. Xu Ziyan immediately grabbed Jiang Tianshui and shouted to Bo Yan:

"let's go!"


The voice of Xu Ziyan just fell, in the direction of the only riverway that they left, facing the direction of the magma river, the flame lion had been rushing in with a flame.

"go with!"

A squirting sword came out of the body, and a purple light shot from the forehead of the flame lion and passed through.

Xu Ziyan's body shape followed closely. At the moment when the flame lion died and fell to the ground, he jumped from its body and ran toward the mouth of the magma river. The sword was returned in the air and hovered around Xu Ziyan.

Just a few breaths of time, Xu Ziyan and Bo Yan have come to the exit, the body spurt out, floating above the magma river, looking towards the shore, seeing countless flame lions are running.


"Oops, I was seen!"

Xu Ziyan was shocked and shouted at Bo Yan: "Run!"

Two people squatting along the river in the magma river, and countless flame lions on the river bank chased them.


Countless flame lions jumped into the magma river. After chasing them, the flame lions are not afraid of the hot magma at the same time. At the same time, Xu Ziyan heard the roar of the fairy and the voice of the human monk in the far distance. She knows that this is Tianfu Shangxing and San The people at the Grand Court have already rushed here.

but. Xu Ziyan did not rush to the other side. She knew that there were more flame lions gathered there. Maybe the fire cloud beast was there. She now only wants to hurry back to the cave she came to. As long as I enter the cave, the staggered passage is the treasure of her life.

Suddenly, Xu Ziyan’s face turned pale and she could not help but spit out two words:


At this time, she has not been caught by more flame lions. Anyway, she has been discovered and will soon be seen by more flame lions. Although the sky is still falling from the flame steel, but it is no longer dense, Xu Ziyan body shape rises. Fly in the direction of the hole in the distance.


This scream made Xu Ziyan's body shape shake in the air, and almost did not fall from the air. The shock wave of the sound turned the space extremely unstable, making Xu Ziyan's flight difficult.

What made Xu Ziyan pale was that the sound came from under the magma river. This is also so powerful across the magma river. What would happen if that thing came out of the magma river?


The magma river is boiling. Exploding toward the sky, the hot magma is like a tiny meteor masculine in all directions, and dozens of lavas are directed at Xu Ziyan. At this time, Xu Ziyan simply ignores those magma. She only has one idea at this time, that is, to leave quickly. Here, find the entrance to the cave.


Bo Yan almost threw out his family's bottom, and a piece of fairy charm was released, just to resist the lava that came from the lasing.

"Puff puff……"

The magma that was shot at Bo Yan was blocked, and it blocked a lot of Xu Ziyan. But there are still a few drops that have been shot to Xu Ziyan.


Bo Yan was shocked. A total of five drops of magma shot to Xu Ziyan, four of which shot on the body of Xu Ziyan, but Xu Ziyan was like no response, and continued to fly in the sky.


However, Jiang Tianshui’s mouth uttered a scream of killing pigs. Because a drop of magma fell on him. There is no fire body protection on his body.


This squeaking is bigger than the shock caused by the previous screams, and the body of Xu Ziyan and Bo Yan directly swayed down to the bottom. Xu Ziyan looked back down and saw an avatar, like a horse. The beast under the four hooves was standing on the magma river and looked up at her.

"Fire Cloud Beast!"

Xu Ziyan now has a crying heart, because she found that the fire cloud beast was actually the beginning of the land.

“Who told me that it was the beginning of the people?”

Xu Ziyan immediately flew out without heading back and flew toward his memory.

"Where is that cave entrance?"

At this time, the underground world has completely changed its appearance because of the collapse. Xu Ziyan really could not find the hole when he came. But she did not dare to look back, but she fled without life.

But the fire cloud beast is a land-honored period, and its speed is comparable to that of Xu Ziyan. It is only a moment when Xu Ziyan feels that there is a hot spray behind his brain, and Xu Ziyan accelerates, and he feels the distance himself. There was only one inch of distance, and there was a sound of the teeth snapping. Don't ask, as long as she slowed down by an inch, she would be bitten in the mouth by the Huoyun beast.


I haven't waited until Xu Ziyan's horror is a little bit, and the Huoyun beast's mouth spurts a huge fireball to slam on the back of Xu Ziyan.

"It’s over... it’s dead...”

The shape of Xu Ziyan was bombarded and the whole person was wrapped in a flame.


Seeing that the eyes of the fire cloud beast turned over, Bo Yan swallowed a bite and spit...


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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