The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2017: Unbounded, is your little sister pregnant?


Zhou Dongxu has become dizzy, and the woman who has always made him feel mysterious in the air, he still can't understand it now. A fairy emperor turned into a fairy, and then the speed like a snail suddenly became like a meteor. The most important thing is that she rushed to the battle circle to do what?

Even Fang Tianhua is not an opponent. What is she rushing for?

Is it to fear that Fang Tianhua alone can not feed the fire cloud beast?


Just a moment, Xu Ziyan flew to Fang Tianhua's side, Xu Ziyan has been behind him, this Fang Tianhua already knew. And he has more or less war on Xu Ziyan.

But at this time, even if he was wary of Xu Ziyan, he could not do it. At this time, he did not even have the strength to escape. He watched Xu Ziyan come to his side, and then raised a small hand that had been white and tender. There was a remedy in the small hand and stuffed it into his mouth.

Fang Tianhua’s heart is a loose, knowing that Xu Ziyan is here to help him. Although the heart thought that the elixir would not have any effect on himself, but it was sent by the other party risking his life, he still gratefully looked at Xu Ziyan, Zhang mouth swallowed the immortal.

When the elixir swallowed in, his look was a change. He felt a huge force in his body. The force was not only to restore his strength, to repair his injury, but also to improve his Repaired.

"How can this be?"

An incredible flood in his mind, he has never encountered this situation, let alone meet. Even I heard that I have never heard of it, Fang Tianhua was stupid in the moment.


The big move of the Fire Cloud Beast finally came out. It was a white flame, and the temperature of the space reached an extreme. Some of the monks with low grades are still melting...


The body of Xu Ziyan suddenly spread out...

It is a world, a world that belongs to the water element. In this world of water elements, countless aquarium life is trying to release its own magical power. Going against the hot white flame on the opposite side.


There is no roar, only the rise of fire and water...

"what is that?"

All the monks on the ground are shocked and obsessively looking at the boundaries of Xu Ziyan's extension. It is such a beautiful, so majestic...

Where are the levels of these monks? Don't say that you have seen it, you have never heard of it. You must know that the inheritance of the world is in the hands of the Zongmen.

"That is the world!" Zhang Wujie's mouth flicked a smile.

"Bound? What is it?" Zhou Dongxu asked inexplicably.

Zhang Wujie had no words, only shook his head slightly, and suddenly she had a kind of depression. There is a little bit of grievance in my heart.

Master is good, that is, the level of this name is too bad. Why do you want to give me an unbounded name? Does this mean that I will not practice in my life?

The difference in the realm makes Xu Ziyan quickly show a disadvantage, even if the world can not resist the big move of the Huoyun beast, the hot white light is rapidly reversing the boundary of Xu Ziyan, and the Xu Zhiyan world will be seen. Forced back into the body. Xu Ziyan’s sweat on his face has already collapsed. She knew that there was another time to breathe and she couldn’t stand it.

A big hand was placed on the shoulder of Xu Ziyan, Fang Tianhua's firm tone came from behind Xu Ziyan.

"You rest, give it to me!"


Xu Ziyan spit out a sigh of relief and looked at the back of Fang Tianhua who had rushed out. He closed the boundary and fell to the ground without returning to the ground.


There was a thunderous roar in the back of Xu Ziyan, followed by a sigh of sorrow, and the hot white light on the Huoyun beast instantly dissipated and fell to the bottom. He fell on the ground.


A group of golden awns rushed toward the fire cloud beast that fell on the ground.


Thousands of swordsmen bombarded the body of the fire cloud beast. The fire cloud beast was blasted out again, and when it fell to the ground, it was already dead and could not die any more.

The entire underground world suddenly quieted down, not just human monks, but the thousands of flame lions were kneeling one by one at this time. I dare not make a slight voice.


Fang Tianhua stood there like a god, and released all the endless power. It is the kind of power that the three great pavilions and the heavenly merchants have never seen before.

Simply... too powerful...

That is, Liu Sheng, the disciple of Fang Tianhua, unbelievably licked his eyes and determined whether the man of the gods was his own master.

Not an illusion, really my master...

In an instant, Liu Sheng’s eyes were wet, and Master was so powerful...

Jiang Tianshui stood behind Xu Ziyan and looked at the back of Xu Ziyan, and his heart was amazed. Although his cultivation was sealed, the realm is still there. Others couldn't see it. When he saw Xu Ziyan flying to Fang Tianhua, he quickly stuffed a thing into Fang Tianhua's mouth.

Don't ask, it must be an elixir.

Xu Ziyan is still a Xiandan teacher...

At this time, Zhou Dongxu really wanted to grab Zhang Wujie’s neck and shake it to ask the question: "What is the origin of your teachers and sisters?"

Fang Tianhua, the **** of the sky, quietly stands there silently, without saying anything.

"Little sister, what is he doing there?" Fang Tianhua, who looked at the air in Zhang Wujie, whispered softly. She said, all the monks erected their ears.

"He is feeling, I must have passed this time, and his cultivation should be improved."

Xu Ziyan said that the violent Dan is not only the power to give Fang Tianhua Tianzun the peak of the late stage, but also let him personally experience the realm of the cultivation of the peak of Tianzun in the late period. This is too precious for a monk in the early days of Tianzun. It is.

In the past, he only had a vague feeling about the above level, but now he is completely clear and has found his own direction of cultivation.

Such an opportunity does not know how to cherish, isn't that a fool?

Therefore, Fang Tianhua quietly stood in the air and realized the world that violent Dan brought to him.

However, he did not move there, Xu Ziyan could not wait. Waiting for another time, the blood of the fire cloud beast will flow, although Xu Ziyan has collected some blood and skin of the fire cloud beast, but this precious thing is not too much!

Therefore, Xu Zi smoked, and the fire cloud beast that fell in the flame lion group walked over.

Everyone's eyes moved with the shape of Xu Ziyan, but no one dared to stop her, because at this time, Xu Ziyan's body also fluctuated with a strong breath, which is the atmosphere of the mid-term peak of the human respect, although there is no Fang Tianhua strong, but Not surrounded by these people can resist.

And they just saw Xu Ziyan use a "boundary" thing to fight against the powerful Huoyun beast, and the beautiful world has also shocked them.

Those flame lions did not dare to move under the huge pressure of Fang Tianhua. Even when they saw it, they did not look at Xu Ziyan. They just slammed their heads on the ground, squatting there, and even daining out with the tail and the atmosphere.

Xu Ziyan soon walked to the body of the Huoyun beast, took out a jade bottle and placed it under the broken leg of the Huoyun beast, and then thought of it, the jade bottle turned into a big tank, and then she quietly Stand there and immerse yourself in the sentiment.

The violent Dan brought Fang Tianhua's sentiment about the level of the Tianzun period, and also brought the feelings of Xu Ziyan's honor period. The entire underground world has become silent.

The monk of the celestial firm originally saw Xu Ziyan walked to the side of the Huoyun beast, and his heart was still determined. If Xu Ziyan wanted to capture the body of the Huoyun beast, they would not stop it. After all, they lost a lot of money this time. This fire cloud beast. However, the strength of Xu Ziyan made them jealous. When they saw that Xu Ziyan was only collecting the blood of the Huoyun beast, they all let go of their hearts.

After all, they are the merchants, the blood is of no use to them, they need the skin, bones, tendons of the fire cloud beast, although the blood can also sell Xianjing, but ... still forget...


Fang Tianhua opened his eyes. He felt that his realm was gathering enough for Tian Zun's late peaks. Looking at the Xu Ziyan standing on the ground, his heart could not help but raise a huge feeling.

Who is this woman? And just made it out of bounds.

After all, he is a god, or he has heard of the world. At the moment when Xu Ziyan was out of bounds, he thought of the world and heard the determination of Zhang Wujie. At this time, his heart had already determined that Xu Ziyan must be from the nine masters.

As for the small and medium-sized Zongmen, he did not even think about it. Can such a young monk be able to make an out-of-bounds, and can also come up with such an instant improvement? Is the Xiandan a disciple who can be cultivated by a small and medium-sized sect?


Xu Ziyan standing on the ground suddenly vomited, and it looked very painful to see it, and the whole person was convulsing.

what 's wrong?

At this time, Xu Ziyan’s heart is so embarrassing!

What broke the heritage! It is also said that violent Dan will not have side effects when taking food. Is this not a side effect? This vomited stomach quickly spit out.

If this is known to other people, Xu Ziyan’s thoughts at this time will instantly rush to countless people to stretch out their ankles on her face.

What do you want to drop?

One is enough for you to repair a big step in half an hour, and then just let you spit a few times, what else do you complain about?

Far away, Zhou Dongxu looked at Xu Ziyan, who was suffering from vomiting. He said to Zhang Wujie with some concern:

"Unbounded, is your little sister pregnant?"

"........." Zhang Wujie has a black line.


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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