The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2020: Thousand cups drunk

I am very grateful to Feitian V Night Painting Classmate (588), Jie Yi Classmate (200), Susuer Classmate (100), mableip classmate (100) for the reward!


Ma Jingying turned her eyes to Xu Ziyan: "I decided that I have already replaced the person who is practicing with you. You have just come back from Huo Rongshan. You must be very tired. Now it is a bully for you. You have a good rest, tomorrow. Let's talk about it."


This time it wasn't Lan Bailing who said it alone, but Lan Bailing and the dance color clothes said in unison.

"How to drop?" Ma Jingying jumped up from her chair.

"Right, purple smoke..." Lan Bailing was too lazy to take care of Ma Jingying. The reason why she and Ma Jingying became a tie, it was because she first played with the dance color, but she passed such a long time. Understand Ma Jingying, she is a big man, and there is no bad heart, so Ma Jingying is still there.

"Someone has come to see you!"

"Hmmm?" Xu Ziyan thought of Liu Jinsong at once. It should be what the meeting of the Danfu Commercial Bank was to begin, and he whispered:

"Is the old man who came last time?"

"No!" Lan Bailing said: "It is a young monk. I can't see his cultivation. He said that he is your brother, called a thousand drunk."

"Five brothers!" Xu Ziyan is a jump in the heart, how come the five brothers come? Looking down at his waist, he found that the jade that he had hung on his waist was gone, and he should have lost it in the underground world.

"Is he there now?"

"It seems to be in the cold sister."

"Then you practice, I will go to see the five divisions!" Xu Ziyan also refused to take a shower at this time. I hurriedly left my dormitory and flew to the cold and clean dormitory.

She knows that the five divisions will not go to the Yuanmeng League to find themselves without any reason. Is it a problem with a Jianfeng?


Xu Ziyan’s figure fell in front of the cold and clean dormitory, knocking on the door. The door was open without wind, and Xu Ziyan strode in and saw a female repair in the hall. Seeing Xu Ziyan, his eyes lit up. I stood up from the chair and smiled:

"You are looking for a cold sister, she is in that room."

Xu Zi fluttered a thank you, and he came to the door of the cold and clear door and reached for the door.

Xu Ziyan’s fingers had not yet been knocked on the door, and the door was quickly pulled open, revealing two anxious faces in front of Xu Ziyan’s eyes.

"Three sisters, five brothers..."

The voice of Xu Ziyan had not yet fallen, and he was pulled into the room by the cold, and then the door was closed with a bang.

"What?" At this time, Xu Ziyan realized that things were big. Otherwise, the three divisions and the five divisions will not be so rude.

"There is something wrong!" said Leng Qingyu anxiously.

"It’s a big deal!" Thousands of cups drunk and added.

Xu Ziyan's face is very calm, although her heart is also very anxious, but she knows that if she also shows an anxious appearance at this time, it will make the three divisions and the five divisions more anxious.

"Sit down and talk slowly."

Seeing the calm look of Xu Ziyan, the cold and clear and the drunken heart of a thousand cups also settled a bit, with Xu Ziyan doing it down.

"It's a big deal!" Just sat down. Thousands of cups were drunk and anxiously said: "The land of the Western Mozu is a big deal!"

Xu Ziyan’s heart was a shock. When she came, she thought about a lot of things, but she didn’t think it would be the place of the Western Mozu.

"What is going on?" Xu Ziyan's voice is still calm, because she feels that the West Mozu land accident has little to do with her own. Besides, isn't it that there is nothing left there? The Mozu is fighting, and the monks who went there in the eastern Zongmen have withdrawn. What big things will happen?

At most, the fighting in the land of the Mozu was over, and it began to reorganize the Western site. However, he is also somewhat worried about Xu Xiang, do not know how Xu Xiang is now?

"The mob's infighting is over?"

"I don't know!" Thousands of cups drunk and shook their heads.

Xu Ziyan couldn't help but sigh: "What is going on?"

"It's such a thing!" Thousands of cups drunk and gasped a few mouthfuls, and also took out a wine gourd and drank two wines. This says:

"Because of the infighting between the Mozus. Our Terran has occupied a lot of space in the West. But it is difficult to advance again. Although the power of the Mozu is retreating, it is also a contraction. After this contraction. Their power has become very powerful, and the Terran has to stop moving forward.

and so. Most of the monks in the eastern Zongmen returned to their respective sects, leaving only a part of the territory where the monks guarded. Get the resources there.

The Terran has a division there, and we have acquired the plain of the darkness and built the fairy city there. However, just last month, the black screen fairy city was lost. ”

"Lost?" Xu Ziyan's eyebrows picked.

"Well! The Mozu suddenly launched a massive offensive, and we didn't hold it."

"Are they really so strong?"

"Not!" Thousands of cups drunk and shook their heads: "Their strength is very strong, but it is not strong enough to exceed us too much, but they have a lot of symbols this time."

“A lot of symbols?”

Xu Ziyan is a shock in her heart. As a congenital fairy, she naturally knows the importance of Fu Xi in the battle. Two monks who are equivalent to a monk, if one has a large number of high-quality fairy, it is absolutely able to kill each other.

Xu Ziyan’s mind quickly analyzed that from the beginning of the counterattack of the Mozu, the infighting of the Mozu should be over.

There are two kinds of situations in this end. One is that one party will defeat another and conquer the other. One is that the two sides have reached an agreement to temporarily stop the war and jointly deal with the influential people. But in either case, the Mozu suddenly has a lot of symbols, which is a matter of concern.

"What grades do they have?"

"It's very strong!" There was a bit of pain in the face of a thousand cups of drunkenness: "I can't believe that the demon who has always been missing in Fuhua will have so many fairy charms, and there are also nine grades of fairy charms. We are on They are simply defeats. Although we also have fairy charms, we don't have much preparation, no matter the quantity or the quality, it is completely suppressed by the Mozu."

"Nine-level fairy?"

Xu Ziyan’s heart was a surprise, although the nine-level fairy was nothing to her. But she knows that the nine-level fairy charm is not so easy for the Mozu to the Eastern Zongmen. Now the Mozu has it, and the number is still quite a lot.

This had to remind her of the Tianfu business.

To know that the price of the nine-level fairy is very high, that is, a nine-level fairy also needs at least 10 million top grades. And the fairy is not the same as the fairy, the fairy is almost always used, and the fairy is a consumable. Even if you don't detonate the fairy symbol once and use it repeatedly, it has the number of uses, and it can't be used indefinitely.

The Eastern Zongmen monk is the richest of the Shangyuan continent, but it is not easy for a monk to have a nine-character fairy. If you have more than a dozen nine-character charms. Constructing a matrix, as long as you don't encounter monks above the human level, there is no problem at all.

The Mozu has always been scarce in this aspect of the fairy, why do they suddenly have so many fairy charms?

"Five brothers, do you mean that the Mozu’s counterattack this time did not send high-ranking monks, but with a lot of fairy charms?"

"Yeah!" Thousands of cups drunk and nodded.

Xu Ziyan frowned and thought for a while, and finally asked: "Three sisters. I don't know much about the Mozu. Does the Mozu have a large group of powerful sects?"

“How is it possible?” Leng Qing immediately shook his head. “You don’t know, training a clerk can be done without resources. It needs inheritance and understanding.

The savvy will not be said, and the inheritance of the demon is not there at all. How can they cultivate a large number of qualifiers? What's more, is Jiu Pinxian Fu Shi? ”

"Notice Zongmen?"

"Notice! Zongmen is sending monks to the Shady Plain."

"Five Masters, Three Sisters, do you know Tianfu Business?" Xu Ziyan was silent for a while and suddenly asked.

There was confusion on the face of the cold and the drunken cups, and the two of them did not understand what was going on in the Western Mozu. How to make purple smoke mentioned the Tianfu business. Thousand cups drunk and shook his head:

"I heard that there is such a business and I have not paid attention to it."

Xu Ziyan sighed in the heart, and the nine sects were really high! Completely ignore those low-level existences. At this time, the cold and clear, but some stunned, tentatively asked:

"Little sister. You mean Tianfu business..."

Xu Ziyan nodded: "The Mozu suddenly has so many fairy charms, and the Tianfu business is doubtful."

Thousands of cups are drunk. There was a sigh of relief on the face: "If it is really a business, we will kill them!"

Xu Ziyan thought for a while again: "Is this offensive of the Mozu a full counterattack?"

"No!" Thousands of cups of drunk immediately shook their heads: "Only our black-screen city was attacked by the Mozu, and the other sectarian territories were not attacked. Little sister, you don't know, now we are going to become the Eastern sect. The door is a joke."

Xu Ziyan’s look was a lot more dignified, and she became more and more suspicious of Tianfu’s business. Is it true that the Tianfu merchants have fallen into the autumn wind and fall in the autumn water, ready to fight the ravages?

Do they really think they have such a good mouth?

It's hard to say that this is something that an extremely inflated person can do. Presumably, Tian Yuyu is now such an extremely inflated person.

What is the purpose of his doing this?

Do you really want to have a hard touch with Cang Zongzong, or do you want to use this opportunity to calculate yourself?

If the Tianfu business and the Mozu secretly reached an agreement, the Mozu attacked the Cangwu sect and took the shady fairy city. Cang Zongzong can't afford to lose this person, and he will definitely give the Mozu a lesson.


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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