The intestines of the earth are repenting, and they have attached great importance to Xu Ziyan, and they have suppressed the cultivation of the people in the early peaks of the people, rather than the early stage of human respect. But how can this girl be so fierce...

Not only the strength of the more difficult challenges, but the key is her control and understanding of the heavens, as well as the accuracy of using Xian, the grasp of the situation. She just gave her such a slight advantage, and she was able to grasp this advantage by her life, and she continued to expand and push herself into desperation.


The power of the meteor fire is gradually disappearing, and all the monks seem to have seen the failure of the earth. Just waiting for Xu Ziyan to release the next fairy.

The same is true of the soil, and he has given up the resistance.

The name of the world is destroyed on this little girl.

Thinking of hundreds of thousands of monks watching outside, Tu Yishui really thought of using the earthen fairy to drill into the ground and sneak back to the sky.


At this point all the monks are stunned...

Because they all saw Xu Ziyan's face pale, his body shape was tumbling in the air, and finally he simply fell to the ground...


"what happened?"

It’s just that everyone will be in a hurry, this is the performance of Xu Ziyan’s exhaustion.

It’s normal to think about it. What is Xu Ziyan’s repair? It’s just a mid-peak of the Emperor!

With such a monk but the strength of the mid-term peak of the people, and the ability to adhere to a quarter of an hour, this is enough to go against the sky.

However, the monks still felt sorry in their hearts. Unable to make a long sigh neatly, this long sigh gathered in one place, making a huge humming.

What a pity!

If Xu Ziyan can stick to it a little bit, then the great honor of defeating a peak of Tian Zun will fall on her. What a dazzling honor!

Looking at Xu Ziyan has fallen on the ground at this time, the face is pale, everyone knows at this time that Xu Ziyan has overdrawn the Yuan Li.

Think about the process of fighting, Xu Ziyan after grabbing the first advantage. In order to constantly expand that advantage, they quickly released one after another, and they squandered the water on the soil, because only in this way can they force the time when the water does not breathe. However, the result is that Xu Ziyan's vitality is consumed in large quantities and quickly. This is a kind of gambling of Xu Ziyan. The bet is to beat the soil by water before the energy is consumed.


It’s a pity that she was at the last juncture and had no strength in the door where one foot had already entered the victory. It fell outside the gate.

Even then she was able to release a cone of ice...

I have been paying attention to the uniqueness of the battle and secretly sighed in my heart.

"Scared me……"

This is the voice of a single step at this time. The strength that Xu Ziyan has shown since the battle has shocked him and shocked him to lose some confidence.

Originally, he believed that the opponents who won this ranking game had only nine of the nine masters, and he had a very detailed understanding of the nine people in the early stage. He believed that he would not win this ranking. There will be any suspense.

However, the strength of Xu Ziyan’s outburst today has scared him a big jump. Fortunately... Xu Ziyan eventually consumed her power.

Slightly frowned, thought of my heart. After this battle, I am afraid that the purple smoke also knows its own weaknesses. The soil is to use the defensive method to drag the purple smoke to the body and consume it. Through this incident, I told Xu Ziyan that it is important to use Yuanli in the battle. Sex.

Now that Xu Ziyan understands this truth, then in the rankings, it will not be as impulsive as it is today, and it will tighten its nerves from beginning to end, regardless of the vital reserves in its body.

So, Xu Ziyan is difficult to deal with a lot!

But... is it not impossible to deal with it? The angle of the mouth of the one step showed a proud smile.

On the high stands, Ye Haotian’s mouth was also plucked with a strange smile. Whispered in a low voice:

"Xu Ziyan is good! The fate of this soil is also good!"

at this time. Where is the soil, there is still a mind to go to the point of the map to shine and cold and clear, and so on, he also does not care about those people, directly with the sword and the virtual purple with Xu Ziyan left the mustard space, one step. The next step has already landed outside the dormitory of Xu Ziyan, and entered the room with Xu Ziyan. Closing the door and setting up a ban on it, he slammed Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan was guilty of being guilty of two people, namely, the soil and the sword. "Why?"

"What's the matter with you?" The soil was waiting for Xu Ziyan.

"what's wrong with me……"

"What is your strength?"

"Depleted! You didn't see my face so pale now? I can't stand even the station!"

Speaking of this, Xu Ziyan's body has also shaken a few times to prove the correctness of his words.

"Let's come with me!" Tuyi water blows his beard and blinks: "Don't think that I am a fool, I live more years than you eat. You can feel the power of the last meteor fire." Very good, it is not the appearance of exhaustion."

Xu Ziyan scratched his head and said: "Maybe... your old man feels wrong..."

The face of the earth's water suddenly swelled into a purple-red color, jumping from the chair and screaming at Xu Ziyan:

"I will feel wrong? I will feel wrong with a late monk in the Tianzun?"


"Ziyan!" The sword is nowhere to be said. "Do you think that these old guys are too focused on the face, afraid that you will win the Sovereign, and the Lord’s face is not good?"


Tu Yishui first glanced at the sword, then turned his head and glared at Xu Ziyan: "Say!"

The earth is still very depressed, and it is not a big deal to be defeated by Xu Ziyan, and he is still in the state of rectification. There is nothing to be shameful about, and God has been forgotten for a while. What's more, now he has seen the potential of Xu Ziyan. He believes that one day he will be defeated by Xu Ziyan.

However, Xu Ziyan clearly defeated him at the last minute, but pretended to be clean and the body was not supported, indicating that she failed. This is serious for the soil. In his view, this is the humiliation of Xu Ziyan to him. This kind of behavior is to tell him nakedly that the purple smoke is for you.

When do I need someone else to give up? The earth is really angry at this time!

Seeing the way the soil is going to run away. Xu Ziyan is also somewhat speechless. It is also a reason for Xu Ziyan to pretend that he is running out of water, but it is not the real reason.

At this time, I saw the look of the earth, and Xu Ziyan knew that he needed to explain it, otherwise it would leave a flaw in the heart of the soil.

Thinking of this, Xu Ziyan’s eyes showed a slight apology: “This... Sovereign, sorry, I kind of used you...”

"Using me?"

It is a glimpse of the soil that is ready to go away at any time. Is she using me? Is it not letting me? Not the same as I thought?

"I do have a fairy power. It is not consumed. But in order to reassure my monks in the future rankings, I just use the sovereign to show that my power is not sustainable."

"You mean that you have to leave some cards, so you can use them in the rankings?" A look of doubt in the eyes of Tu Yishui.

"Yes!" Xu Ziyan took it for granted: "I am just a mid-level peak of the Emperor. You let me go to the first place with ten people. If I don't leave a little card, isn't it going to die?" ?"

Tu Yishui’s dubious gaze looked up and down Xu Ziyan. His eyes gradually became deep. He thinks that Xu Ziyan should have half of the reasons, but there are still half of the reasons for not saying that Xu Ziyan is giving him a face.

Because he is not completely clear about the strength of Xu Ziyan, but he also knows that Xu Ziyan still has some cards he knows when he is fighting with him.

But when things got to this point, it was Xu Ziyan who handed him a ladder. It would be even more shameful if he didn't go down. So, his face is all the way:

"Well! Although it is wrong for you to use your elders this time, I will forgive you, and I will not care about you!"

"........." Xu Ziyan stretched a big thumb to the soil in his heart, and he couldn't help but sigh: "The cultivation of the thickness of the skin is much worse than these predecessors."

"Okay!" Tu Yishui’s face showed a happy smile: "I am very happy today. I am glad that we have produced a talent of purple smoke. So I decided to look for a picture to shine them. I will give them some advice. No. Virtual Master, let's go together?"

"Good!" The sword did not say anything, and stood up and left with the soil.

Xu Ziyan’s heart was awkward, and he was also worried about several people in the third division. Where is the soil, where is the water happy? Clearly, it is depressed in my heart. I went to find a few disciples of the Cangwu Zong.

I really don't know how much the disciples will be abused!

Xu Ziyan just thought about it and thought that the same door was so poor!

The door was closed and the array was laid. Xu Ziyan sat on the bed with his knees and began to recall the scene of the fight with the earth.

Bit by bit...

Every subtle scene is revealed in the sea of ​​Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan knows that he can win the soil, or because he despised himself. Don't look at the earth to attack the water, it is he wants to give Xu Ziyan a pointer, to tell her the importance of winning the opportunity. But he did not do his best, and in his heart did not take Xu Ziyan as something.

In fact, this is normal. How can a monk in the late Tianzun period put a monk in the middle of the immortal in the eyes?

Even this mid-century peak of the Emperor is genius again!

Therefore, in this case, Xu Ziyan won the first opportunity and maintained this opportunity until the end.

However, this does not mean that the strength of Xu Ziyan must be stronger than that of the soil. On the contrary, the performance of the soil under the inferior position made Xu Ziyan open his eyes.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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