The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2056: Depressed step

Isn't she Xu Ziyan not knowing to meet herself in the rankings, if she starts to pay more, will she die?

Does Xu Ziyan think she has the strength to compete with herself?

Just because she used to play with the soil? Is this her confidence?

The one-step face is already covered with dark clouds. If he has not been asking for himself with the style of a lord recently, he has already left his sleeves.

It’s nothing to do with his own sleeves, but it’s still influential for the establishment of Zongmen. If this matter is promoted by Xu Ziyan, leaving himself with no impression of being unconstrained and unconserved, it will not be of any benefit to his future sect.

Therefore, only one black face stood on the side and endured the chest and sulking to listen to the two people talking there.

Xu Ziyan feels that the performance of both the two-step and Shi Zhongtian today is very weird. Shi Zhongtian is too enthusiastic, and he is too gloomy. Xu Ziyan did not want to stay here for too long, eager to return to his valley, but looking at the appearance of the stone in the sky simply did not end the meaning of communication.

Don't say that Xu Ziyan is strange there, it is strange and unique. Doesn't it mean that the relationship between Shenji Zong and Cangwu Zong is not harmonious? Today, how is this stone Zhongtian so passionate about Xu Ziyan?

"Shi Shixiong, I still have some things..." Xu Ziyan is really unable to stand the enthusiasm of Shi Zhongtian.

"That day is going to visit Xu Shimei again," Shi Zhongtian said with a smile.

"Xu Daoyou, so clever?" From the left side of Xu Ziyan's left side of Qingshi Road, a voice of Xu Ziyan wanted to kill.

Looking back, it really is the book killer Zhang Luoshu. At this time, there were a few people with him, and each one looked at Xu Ziyan’s enthusiastic greeting:

"Xu Daoyou. So clever?"

"Qiao..." Xu Ziyan didn't smile like a smile. He didn't cry like a few people who were striding over. Two of them were accompanied by the elders of the Yuanmeng. They saw a lot of them. benefit.

At this time everyone has already arrived at Xu Ziyan. Shi Zhongtian and the one-step follower. The elder may have received a big gift today, and he is very caring for Zhang Luoshu and others. He said:

"Independence, I will introduce you. This is the shadowless building that advocates Luoshu. This is the ally of the Dissident League..."

The one-eyed eyelid jumped, how could a person like Zhang Luoshu put it in his eyes? Just want to deal with a few words and leave immediately, but I saw Zhang Luoshu and Luo Tianba and others did not look at him, but looked at Xu Ziyan with a pair of hot eyes.


I didn’t understand it when I was alone. I even laughed.

Because at this time he saw Xu Ziyan and the group of no photo studio, Sanxian League, Tiandan business. Huijing firm and others are talking.

Xu Ziyan is also the grade, and see what kind of people she is making? The next nine streams of the fairy world. I really looked at her before.

Shi Zhongtian on the side is also confused. He doesn't understand how Xu Ziyan knows these people? With the reputation of Xu Ziyan in the Nine Zongmen, it is impossible to make these people?

It is said that among these people, there are really two people who need them to value these sects. One is the patriarch of the Tiandan business, Situ Ming. After all, Tiandan Commercial Bank is able to refine the late stage of the nine products. The Xiandan of this grade is also absolutely attractive to the monks at this level of the one-step and Shizhongtian, and has a great auxiliary effect on their cultivation.

The other is the patriarch Huang Tian of Huijing. After all, the people who cultivate the immortal are inseparable from the fairy crystal. Huijing Firm is a land of great wealth.

As for the other people, they will not see it, even if it is the same as the Tiandan business. The highest-grade fairy that can be refined by the merchants is just nine products, and who wants to be the one who has these elite monks without a congenital treasure? Who will use the fairy?

Therefore, both Duo and Shi Zhongtian showed their intimate smiles toward Situ Ming and Huang Tian. Especially for Situ Ming, and a good relationship with the late nine-character Xiandan division, it will only take advantage of the shortfall.

I looked at Xu Ziyan with the lingering corner of my eye, and my mouth could not help.

Really no knowledge, these people are also worth talking about Situ Ming and Huang Tian, ​​Xu Ziyan actually put them aside, what kind of people are you looking around her?

The fairy thief is quiet. The killer leader Zhang Luoshu. The liar heads to loyalty, the step of selling the news...

It’s really a matter of gathering, and people are divided into groups.

Looking at who is standing next to me?

Stan Ming, the head of the Tiandan Commercial Bank, Huang Tian, ​​the head of the Huijing Commercial Bank...

Ok. This Situ Ming and Huang Tian have greatly helped me to establish Zongmen in the South. Today is an opportunity...


Being alone is a bit dumbfounded. Situ Ming and Huang Tian even went to Xu Ziyan to go there...

Xu Ziyan knows that he can't hide this time, but he is also a bit strange. You said that Zhang Luoshu ran for the Dan Fang, and the rest of the people also followed and ran over?

"Xu Daoyou, I heard that you are also one of the disciples who participated in this ranking competition?" Huang Tian ran over and asked with a smile.

"Yeah!" Xu Ziyan nodded.

"That is here to congratulate Xu Daoyou for winning the first place in the South!"




There was a wave of congratulations around Xu Ziyan, as if Xu Ziyan had already won the first place in the rankings.

The one-step face instantly became iron, and the first time in the ranking game was seen as his own bag. Now these people are actually congratulating Xu Ziyan nakedly in front of him.

"A group of monks!" In the heart of the single step, the blackness on his head continued to move. He couldn’t stay any longer, and he waved his sleeves and left, and the space sounded his teeth:

"Xu Ziyan, I will definitely let you die on the ring. Deaf, deaf, deaf..."

Xu Ziyan had no choice. She knew very well that these people were running by themselves. What I am looking at is the identity of my own Xiandan division. Especially here, Situ Ming already knows that his innate Xiandan division is even more likely to let go of the opportunity to be close to himself.

And they also need these connections, as Yanshan said, don't underestimate these people. However, now Xu Ziyan still has to cultivate, the ranking game is about to begin, and can't always waste time on these people?

Therefore, Xu Ziyan finally brought these people to a restaurant outside the Shangyuan League, and revealed his meaning during drinking.

These people may not be high, but the experience is extremely rich. I know that Xu Ziyan is somewhat uncomfortable with their arrival and is unhappy.

Think about it too, and Xu Ziyan is at a critical moment. If you can win the first place in the ranking competition, it is immediately the identity of a lord. It is indeed inappropriate for yourself and others to come forward at this time.

After eating a meal in a noisy way, Xu Ziyan finally calmed down. Those people came to Shangyuanmeng and left Xu Ziyan to express their goodwill after they further expressed their goodwill.

Such a purple smoke does not need to use the valley, and then returned to his dormitory. Pushing open the door of the dormitory, I saw a figure jump to her.

"Ziyan, help me dismantle a fairy!"

Looking at Ma Jingying's impatience, Xu Ziyan smiled and nodded: "Yes, but it can only be a fairy, not more."

"Know, know!" Ma Jingying seems to have been prepared for a long time. When Xu Ziyan agreed to come down, she put a jade in the hands of Xu Ziyan.

Lan Bailing's temper is somewhat introverted, but this thing is not the time to face, but also blushing in the hands of a jade slip to the beginning of Xu Ziyan:


"Give me!" Xu Ziyan smiled and reached out and took over the jade in the hands of Lan Bailing: "You are here for a while."

Xu Ziyan entered his room and then set up the law, which entered the time array of the purple smoke space. Lan Bailing and Ma Jingying did not have a cup of tea in the hall. They saw Xu Ziyan pushing the door out and handing them to the two.

the next day.

Xu Ziyan just came out of the room and saw Lan Bailing. The dance color clothes and Ma Jingying sat neatly in the hall. When they saw Xu Ziyan coming out, they jumped up from the chair and shocked Xu Ziyan.


Three people looked at each other and eventually became a big nerve Ma Jingying: "Ziyan, we want to learn from you."

Xu Ziyan thought for a moment, and he seemed to have nothing to do, then nodded and agreed.

Four people rented a mustard space and then learned it in the mustard space. First, three people played against Xu Ziyan. They and Xu Ziyan played against each other and discovered the true gap between themselves and Xu Ziyan.

Said to be a discussion, in fact, Xu Ziyan is pointing.

Later, it was Lan Bailing, the dance color coat and Ma Jingying, who were besieging Xu Ziyan, but they were still completely suppressed by Xu Ziyan.

There are a lot of monks watching in the clouds. Now Xu Ziyan has realized the power of God in the world of Quebec. Her strength has been raised to a higher level. The use of Xianyu has almost reached the level of instinct. Let the monks watching it look so intoxicated.

When Xu Ziyan opened the door the next day, he saw Ma Jingying and the three people sat in the hall the next day waiting for Xu Ziyan. When the door rang, the three people jumped up and looked at Xu Ziyan with eager eyes.

Xu Ziyan did not reject the discussion with the three of them, and Xu Ziyan also suppressed his cultivation in the late peak of the Emperor when he was discussing with the three of them. This also honed her understanding of the use of Xianyu and reached the level of micro-level.

Xu Ziyan thought for a moment, simply led the three of them into their room, and then arranged the array in the room, Lan Bailing, dance color clothes and Ma Jingying looked at Xu Ziyan and released the flag, the heart was shocked, no Thinking of Xu Ziyan is still a fairy singer?


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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