The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2102: Too unexpected

Congratulations to the students of the light wine tea to become the best law!



A handle squid was inserted on the ground, and a large Sunday sword was placed in front of Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan's hands are constantly clinging to the fairy, and all the pangolins that entered the big Zhoutian sword array were smashed by the sword array, even those who were in the king's period were no exception.

Xu Ziyan’s Yuan Li was originally deep, and the intensity of the gods reached the peak of the late Zun. At this time, the swords of the entire Zhou Dynasty were filled with air, and the purple gas was vertical and horizontal, and numerous fragments of pangolins fell on the ground.

The big Zhoutian sword array is like a scorpio that separates the Xu Ziyan and the pangolin in the middle. Although the pangolin is endless, it is fragile like a thin paper in front of the big Zhoutian sword array.

However, Xu Ziyan did not have a triumph in her heart. At this time, she already had a speculation that it should be a resident of a big demon, and from the endless void, and the layout here, this big demon is definitely not simple, Xu Ziyan feels I am definitely not the opponent of the big demon, even if I throw all the cards.

"I just don't know if the big demon died. If it's dead, if it's not dead, then it's awful..."

While Xu Ziyan controlled the big Zhoutian sword array, he turned back and began to watch the ban on the stone gate behind him, hoping to have time to crack the symbol on the stone door.

Before she even waited for her to see the moment, the space also violently fluctuated.


The uneasiness in Xu Ziyan’s heart became more and more intense, and he refused to look at the plaque on Shimen. He hurriedly looked back at the stone door in the center.


From the Shimen, there is still a pangolin in the emperor's period...

The pangolin of the Emperor. Its defensive power is equivalent to the emperor of the human monk. Although Xu Ziyan's big Zhoutian sword array can still kill them, the consumption has begun to increase. What's more, there are countless low-level pangolins that are not afraid of the big Zhoutian sword array.

"This time I am going to die..."

The heart of Xu Ziyan began to sink slowly. The flocks of the Emperor's pangolins have already appeared, so will the group of Xiandi period pangolins be far behind?

What is the respect for people? What is the honor period?

If the big demon is not dead, what will it be?

I am afraid that it is also the peak of the late Tianzun?

Xu Ziyan’s heart really began to panic because she knew that even if she had cracked the symbol on the stone door, it would be useless. How about going in?

This is the site of the big demon. It must be able to control everything here. At that time, it was not blocked by these pangolins in Shimen.

Nowadays, there is no place to run when I want to run. The twisted light door disappears, and I am waiting in a closed space.

This is being beaten by people...

I have been hitting myself and I have no strength and no resistance. The only thing that these people can do is to reluctantly insist that it takes a while to live longer.

However, in the end it is still a death...


The pangolins in the central Shimen suddenly burst out like high tides. There was a fierce volatility in the inside. This time, the pangolins came out of Shimen, and did not immediately attack the large Zhoutian sword array set by Xu Ziyan. Instead, they surrounded Xu Ziyan and stacked them layer by layer. Soon the dense hall was full of pangolins, just like in Quickly build the wall, a golden wall is stacked by the pangolin. Soon there was too much Xu Ziyan, and Xu Ziyan fell into a golden tiankeng.

However, the entire golden tiankeng has left a passage from the stone gate to the front of the big Zhoutian sword array.

A golden figure slowly came out of the stone door, the golden armor of the whole body, the skin color on the face was pale gold, the face was fortitude, and the body was full of a sly atmosphere. Like the ancient warriors, every step of the way, there is a turmoil in the volatility.


Xu Ziyan sighed silently. A heart has sunk to the bottom of the valley.

Xu Ziyan knows that this golden armor battle that is slowly coming will be a high-grade pangolin. With the intensity of the consciousness of Xu Ziyan, it was instantly seen that the other party turned out to be a peak of the late Ming Dynasty.

This is a true peak of the late Ming Dynasty, rather than the late peak of the pseudo-prestige that used the secret method to temporarily improve the cultivation. The difference between the two is too great.

The addition of Luoyang is only strength, but the real peak of the late Zun is the understanding of Tiandao at that level. Just feeling the breath of the other party, Xu Ziyan felt that it was difficult for him to be the opponent of the other party.

Looking up and looking towards the high golden walls around him. The crater surrounded by the golden walls showed a row of glazed eyes and looked at the purple smoke and dense eyes. They are all stunned by Xu Ziyan.

"This time it is really troublesome..."

Xu Ziyan swallowed a spit in a difficult way, and the heart was secretive. It was not necessary to use the pangolin of the late peak of the land. The pangolin pile around the crater could also kill me.

Even if you have a strong reserve of power, even if you still have 365 potholes, it is difficult to reach so many pangolins, not to mention the other side has a late peak of the land?


The pangolins of this late peak must not be the big demon created here...

If that big demon comes out...

At that time, the pangolin of the late peak of the land had already reached the outside of the Great Zhoujianjian array. He looked over Xu Ziyan from the big Zhoujianjian array, and then he did something that made Xu Ziyan almost sit down on the ground.

Through the big Zhoutianjian array, the golden armor war will gradually look like Xu Ziyan's gaze, as a slave servant looks at his loyal master, slowly descending toward Xu Ziyan.


The sound of a metal collision slammed on both knees, and then he heard his voice rang inside the hall:

"Fengzu, your old man is finally here..."

Xu Ziyan stood there in a sluggish way, and even Xianyu forgot to knot. After a half bang, I screamed:


Xu Ziyan’s heart is a violent shock. I, I, I... How did I become Fengzu?

Feng Zu?

There is a trace of guilt in Xu Ziyan’s heart. Is it the reason why he knows the ancestors of Fengzu in the Fun Palace?

That glimpse of the gods is finally integrated into one's own soul, presumably your own soul should bring a glimpse of Fengzu.


Xu Ziyan raised his hand and touched his face...

How do you look like Fengzu?

For a long time, Xu Ziyan is still unbelievable. Looking at the pangolin outside the big Zhoutian sword array, the voice trembled and said:

"You, you, you... get up first, you..."

"Yes, Fengzu adults!"

Then the pangolin stood up from the ground and looked at Xu Ziyan with a sincere look:

"Fengzu adults. Let the villain take you to collect your things?"

"My stuff?" Xu Ziyan looked at the pangolin inexplicably.

"Yes!" said the pangolin, respectfully.


It was too unbelievable to happen in front of me, so Xu Ziyan thought that she suddenly fell asleep and dreamed. Squeakly twisted his thigh and then licked his mouth. Looking at the gentle pangolin, Xu Ziyan decided to give it a try.

"You let them go back first!" Xu Ziyan said with an exaggerated gesture toward the surrounding pangolins.


The land of the late peaks of the pangolin waved toward the pangolins, and the pangolins that were stacked in the tiankeng flowed like the golden quicksand to the stone gates, and soon disappeared without a trace.

Looking at the pangolin that disappeared, Xu Ziyan hesitated for a moment, and finally carefully closed the big Zhoutian sword array. The gas sword was taken back into the seal. Then facing the only remaining pangolin:

"Well, would you take me to see that thing?"


The pangolin said reverently, then turned and walked toward the stone door in the center.

Xu Ziyan looked back at the stone door and finally broke the symbol on the stone door by pressing it, and letting them release the impulse to see it with themselves.

Because she is somewhat worried, once something happens that is unbelievable in her, it is not easy to explain. Will be seen as a freak by the same door.

Xu Ziyan took back the gaze that fell on Shimen, and followed the pangolin and walked toward the central Shimen.

The adult-shaped pangolin is very heavy. Every step is like a metal hitting the ground. Xu Ziyan is behind him, while walking and looking around.

The passage is still extending downwards, passing through a stone gate with numerous stone chambers. Seeing that the pangolin that led the way did not stop, Xu Ziyan did not ask him to take a look at the stone room. Only the mind was put away and he was behind him.

I don't know how many stone gates passed, and then came to a stone gate. The pangolin with the road turned back and said to Xu Ziyan:

"Fengzu adults, this stone gate is the residence of the king. You are careful."

“Dawang?” Xu Ziyan’s heart is jumping: “What big king?”

"The king is the king..."

Xu Zi smoked his brain with a black line. What is this answer? But... forget it, he is just a pangolin, his brain is a bit clumsy, and he is born.

But my heart is still afraid of what the king. Then he whispered, "What about the king?"

"The king is dead!"

"Dead!" Xu Ziyan breathed a long sigh of relief, and his heart continued to recite: "Dead is good! Dead is good..."

Then Xu Ziyan got nervous. Because when they entered the stone gate, Xu Ziyan found that there were many symbols on the passage. Xu Ziyan immediately opened the eyes of Peng Peng, and the shock in his heart was even more unrecognizable.

This is completely killing, extremely powerful killing. This big demon created here really pays attention to his defense!


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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