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Xu Ziyan glanced at the pangolin, his heart, if it wasn’t for his own troubles today, he might still be hiding in the time array.

With the memories of Xu Ziyan, those pictures could not be seen again in the sea of ​​Xu Ziyan. That was the picture hundreds of millions of years ago. At that time, the whole world was still under the rule of the Yaozu, but the dragon and the phoenix had been fighting for many years, and the Terran has quietly risen.

At that time, Jin Invincible was the personal guard of his uncle Jin Dijun. And Jin Dijun is the master of Longzu, the demon who specializes in resources.

This big demon has always been loyal to the dragon ancestors, and he is in charge of all resources in the rear. It also plays a decisive role in the Longzu side.

Only after the war between the dragon and the phoenix became more and more fierce, the war stretched for thousands of years, and the tragic and depletion of it caused shock to all the creatures in the world.

However, in such a situation, Jindijun, who is loyal to Longzu, still believes that the dragons will win the war, and spare no effort to let the demon people gather all kinds of resources everywhere, and continue to provide the dragons.

Just, one day hundreds of millions of years ago.

A day that should be recorded forever by history.

Long Zu and Feng Zu finally decided to use the duel between them to end the war.

That war Jindijun did not see, no one saw that all the creatures in the world were waiting silently, waiting for the victory between Longzu and Fengzu.

Both the Dragon and the Phoenix have temporarily stopped the war. They are waiting, and the Dragons are waiting for the Dragon to win. The Fengzu are waiting for the ancestors to triumph. Every day they live in anticipation, but they have neglected a race at this time - the human race.

The war between the Dragon and the Phoenix is ​​not just a war between two races. There are countless Yaozu, Mozu and Terran who have been dragged into this war. The world is almost divided into two camps. Under the leadership of the dragon and the phoenix, they fought each other.

However, at that time, the Terran was the weakest of the three races. It can be said that the Terran at that time could not be compared with the Yaozu and the Mozu. Therefore, the Terran almost did not directly participate in this long-running war, but only to find and dig resources for the two camps behind the Dragon and Phoenix.

It is only in such a war that the two dragons and the phoenix camps in order to let their own side strengthen their strength as soon as possible, the original many unconventional exercises are open to the monks of their own camp, and the low-ranking Terran is no exception.

The demon has a strong defense and a magical power, and the demon has an endless life. None of these peoples. But they have wisdom.

Before, the exercises of those who cultivated the immortals were in the hands of the Yaozu. They were never open to the human race except for a limited number of human beings. The human race has always been weak, and because the life of the human race is extremely short, there is no basic condition. under. It is even less likely to create a practice that is suitable for human cultivation in a limited life.

However, the Yaozu has disclosed a large number of exercises, and the people who are full of command have experienced the efforts of several generations, and created a large number of exercises suitable for human cultivation based on the Yaozu practice. In the 10,000 years, the Terran has quietly developed into a group that cannot be ignored.

Later, after waiting for the return of Longzu and Fengzu, it took 10,000 years, but in the past ten years, Longzu and Fengzu had no news. At this time, there was friction between the Yaozu and the Mozu, and the Yaozu who lost the Longzu and Fengzuwan years had gradually lost their deterrent power to the Mozu. At that time, the Yaozu and the Mozu still did not put the Terran in their eyes.

With the expansion of the friction between the Yaozu and the Mozu, another fierce battle followed the battle between Longzu and Fengzu.

The Yaozu and the Mozu still call the Terran like the original Longzu and Fengzu. But what surprised them was that their solicitation was rejected by the humble people in their eyes. The Terran declared neutrality. And at this time, the Terran had a leader, he was called Yutian.

At that time, the strength of Yutian revealed the leader of the Yaozu and the Mozu. The Yaozu and the Mozu were also taboos and conflicts with the Terran. Because they are afraid that they will persecute the Terran, causing the Terran to vote for the other side.

and so. Both the Yaozu and the Mozu were conquering their opponents and then cleaning up the human race. They temporarily put the Terran aside and the Demon War entered a full-scale war.

The Terran has always been neutral, but it has also been sold to both sides of the immortal, immortal, fairy and fairy. When the Yaozu and the Mozu played a fierce battle, the Terran was developing rapidly.

This demon war lasted for another thousand years, and both sides were badly hurt. At this time, the number of Terrans has grown to an expansive number, and the original territory is not enough to accommodate so many people.

It was a spring. When everything began to recover, the Terran launched a war and began to expand its territory, expelling the demon and the demon who had been badly hurt.

This war, which was first triggered by the Terran, did not last for a thousand years. It was only a thousand years, and the Terran had already achieved an absolute advantage. The Yaozu and the Mozu were defeated.

At this time, Jin Dijun has seen the defeat of the Yaozu, knowing the great holy land belonging to the Yaozu. The temple where the old ancestors lived was destroyed by the human race. At the same time, more than 20,000 years later, Longzu still did not. The return also made Jin Dijun's heart cold. There is a faint guess in my heart that the dragon ancestors fell...

Jin Dijun quickly made a decision, with his own pangolin family, all the resources in the warehouse were scraped off, and secretly left the dragon sanctuary in one night, and fled to the original Xionger Mountains, which is now the shady plain. .

After fleeing here, Jin Dijun began to command his own family to establish a palace in the underground, relying on the ability of pangolin, and he was a monk at the end of the Tianzun period. At the same time, when the dragon and the phoenix were still friendly, they also learned from the Fengzu. I have a lot of skills.

Therefore, after the city was built in the underground palace, he began to arrange all kinds of symbols, and handed everything to his invincible gold.

When everything is done, Jindijun is hidden in the ground and practiced in his own practice room every day, but this calm day has not been a few days.

Suddenly, one day the entire palace passed a violent shock, and then a huge force penetrated the thick ground and slammed into the ground. It happened to be blasted into Jindijun’s cultivation room, and Jindijun was blasted on the spot.齑 powder.

When the shock stopped, the invincible Kim rushed to look at everything that happened in front of him.

The entire cultivation room has been completely destroyed. It is bombarded with a larger space. There is a huge light group in this space. Jin Invincible looks at the eyes with a slight squint. In that light group is a feather. The tail feather of a phoenix.


How could this feather be so familiar, I seem to have seen it there...

The dusty memory was opened and he finally remembered. This feather is the tail feather of Fengzu. Kim’s invincible heart immediately became excited. What did Fengzu’s tail feather fall to here?

It shows that Longzu won the victory, and at the very least, Longzu took the upper hand.

However, at this time, the accident happened...

A brilliance suddenly burst out from the blue feathers. When Jin Invincible did not respond at all, he was hit by the Guanghua, and then he became the slave of this blue feather.

After that, the feather commanded Jin invincible to guard the place, and not let any creatures come close to here. I have been waiting for Feng Zu to come here to collect the cyan tail feathers she lost here.

At the same time, the blue feathers also set up a time array for Jin Invincible, so that he stayed in that time array when he was fine.

In the past hundreds of millions of years, Jin Invincible has been staying in the time array, only occasionally going out. The pangolin family brought by Jin Dijun experienced hundreds of millions of years of breeding and has reached a terrible number.

The days passed quietly, and finally one day, the fierce battle shocked the gold invincibility in the time array. As soon as he came out of the time array, he felt a familiar atmosphere...


It is Xu Ziyan and Jin invincible encounter.

After understanding all these things, Xu Ziyan’s eyes fell on the gold invincible standing in front of him. At this time, Kim Invincible looked at Xu Ziyan's eyes full of fear. He can feel that the power to control his life and death has been transferred to Xu Ziyan.

"Feng Zu adults..." Jin Invincible "锵" screamed in front of Xu Ziyan, the voice trembled.

"Get up!" Xu Ziyan said faintly.

"Yes!" Kim Invincible stood up honestly.

Xu Ziyan turned over and folded the half-feather. She knew that the half-feather contained some deep rules and heavenly rules, only to have time to slowly comprehend.

"Invincible, lead me to turn around!"


Jin Invincible led Xu Ziyan to start to turn around in the entire underground palace. Just when he came, Xu Ziyan was jealous of those stone rooms, and wanted to see if there were any baby inside. But after spending a lot of time, he was disappointed. Because there is no treasure at all. This is not to make Xu Ziyan strange, then turned to ask for gold invincible:

"Invincible, how is there nothing here?"

"Feng Zu adults, have been used up by the children!" Jin Invincible answered.

"Baby?" Xu Ziyan's look stunned, and then he reacted. The children in Jin's invincible mouth were the pangolins.

Think about it, it’s been hundreds of millions of years, and there are so many good things that have been consumed by these pangolins. Suddenly, Xu Ziyan remembered something and turned to Jin invincible again:

"But how can there be so many fairy crystals inside the stone gate outside the gate? What is inside another stone gate?"


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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