The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2109: reason

Song Wanzhong finally wanted to understand the other party's thoughts and then asked: "Yang, brother, can you tell me to follow the purpose of Xu Ziyan?"

Yang Shixiong will make a waist: "My purpose is to follow Xu Shimei to the south to create a large sect, to create a big situation."

"Oh..." Song Wanzhong was almost suffocated in one breath.

If you don’t say anything, you will be in the late stage of the Xianwang, or in the late stage of the Xianwang, where you will go to the southern Yaozu to create a big situation. Do you believe that you believe it?

This is obviously an old oily lie without blinking, and the mouth screaming loudly, I am afraid that I really encountered danger and ran faster than anyone else.

Forget it, he is also a fairy king anyway, and he will hear that he will still be alchemy and keep him, even if he keeps the alchemy for the younger sister, although the alchemy level of the younger sister is very high, but it can’t be everything. Let the little sister and sister do it by hand.

"Yang, brother, I heard that you will still be alchemy?"

"Not bad!" Yang’s face was restored with a trace of pride. As an old oil, he was naturally able to hear from the words of Song Wanzhong that he had been left behind.

Song Wanzhong’s face looked a little better. I thought that this Yang’s brother has lived for so long. If you study Dandao seriously, should you not be low grade? So, Song Wanzhong asked with some expectation:

"I don't know Yang's brother's alchemy"

"Five Pinxian Danshi!"

Song Wanzhong’s face was a stiff, and finally he said helplessly: “Well, you left and passed the primary election. But in the end, you need the Ziyan sister to decide.”

Purple smoke peaks.

Xu Ziyan and Xu Tianwo sit opposite each other, and the atmosphere between the two people is very dull. Half-sounding, Xu Tianwo snorted:

“Today is the first day of screening. I don’t know what Song’s brother is doing?”

“How can it still be?” Xu Ziyan is somewhat listless.

Xu Tianwo's face is also somewhat unsightly. These days, he really sneaked down to the foot of a Jianfeng Mountain every day, but did not see a monk with real strength to sign up.

He also went out and inquired about it. He also carefully inquired about the situation of the disciples who had been separated from the ancestral monks and went to the outer door to open the disciples before the monk, and the number of purple smoke was the worst. He doesn't understand what is going on.

At this time, Xu Qinyang came in. Xu Tianlang hurriedly asked: "Qin Yang, how is it?"

It turned out that early in the morning, Xu Qinyang just said that he had just come to Mou Zong. Not many people knew him. He volunteered to go to Jianfeng to check the situation of recruiting disciples. It was only then that he would return.

When I heard Xu Tianwo ask, Xu Qinyang pulled a head and said: "Song brother has only recruited two people so far."

"I only received two people in the morning?" Xu Tianwo looked horrified. It was Xu Ziyan who also showed a hint of surprise.

“Yeah!” Xu Qinyang nodded. “Looking at the meaning of Song’s brother, he is not satisfied with these two people.”

The three people were silent again. The faces of the three people were very embarrassing. This is not a question of Xu Ziyan needing people, but this way, Xu Ziyan will become a big joke of Mou Zong. In the past, the predecessors went out to open the school and did not have some disciples to follow?

Even if there are not many disciples to follow, some predecessors only bring a few people. But those people are also deeply cultivated, where is it like Xu Ziyan?

"Or... we also secretly go and see?" Xu Tianlang whispered.

Xu Ziyan’s look is hesitant. To be honest, she has lost confidence in recruiting her disciples. She really doesn’t want to go out and find the uncomfortable.

"Go and see?" Xu Tianlang once again advised.

"Let's go check it out!"

Xu Ziyan stood up from the chair. The three changed their looks and left the Ziyan Peak, showing that they flew out from the other direction before they swept toward a Jianfeng Peak.

Suddenly, Xu Ziyan stopped and she saw many people standing not far from Jianfeng. Two or three are gathered together to talk about something. And from time to time look at the sword peak.

The three people looked at each other and put on a chattering attitude while slowly approaching, and then stopped there to sit and chat. The look looked like a sword, but the ears stood up and listened to what the monks were talking about.

The monks also saw three people from Xu Ziyan coming. However, after seeing the three of them, they found that they didn’t know, and they stopped paying attention to the three of them. They chatted on their own, accompanied by laughter from time to time, but the laughter was thick. The sarcasm.

"This time the purple smoke has become a big joke of Mou Zong!"

"Oh, not just the big joke of Xu Ziyan, it should be said that it is a big joke of the whole Jianfeng."

"I think that the purple smoke was also the famous town of Zongzong, and it was the first in the ranking of the Shanghai League. It is said that this is also a name for the foreign door, and it is only... oh... it is pitiful! ”

"Yes! Xu Ziyan left the Zongmen to open the Zongli School. Xuanmen Baifeng did not have a disciple to sign up. There are very few disciples who are enrolled inside the door. This is really... unprecedented things..."

"What do you know." A fairy emperor said faintly: "In the past, those monks who had left the Zongmen to go out to open the school were not the monks of the Xianzun period. Can they go out to open the school as a disciple?"

The surrounding monks heard the fairy emperor's words nod, and the fairy emperor said triumphantly: "A disciple of the Xiandi level went out to open the sect. How does this make Xuanmen disciples believe that she can succeed? This is only one."

"Oh, is there two?"

"Of course!" The Emperor said proudly: "You think about it. Where did our predecessors who had left the sect to go out to open the sects to establish sects?"

"Of course in the East!"

"Here!" The Emperor shouted loudly: "But this time, Xu Ziyan went to the southern Yaozu to establish the Zongmen. That place is the world of the Yaozu. Every year, I don’t know how many people are dead there. It is us. There are also many disciples who have died there. There has been no existence of Zongmen since ancient times. The reason is not only because of the Yaozu, but the situation there is very complicated. Apart from the threat of the Yaozu, various forces are staggered. The same is a threat.

For tens of millions of years, it was not that no monks wanted to establish a sect in the past, but in the end they did not succeed, and most of them died in the south. The death is unclear.

Now Xu Ziyan is going to a place where he has never established a Zongmen to open a sect. You said that she can also recruit a truly powerful disciple? ”

"Don't those garbage disciples not know this? They are not afraid of death?"

"They?" The emperor snorted and said: "In the days when Mou Zong will never be in the first place, it is better to go out and try with Xu Ziyan. First, you can get a batch of cultivation resources, then go to the south, if It’s dangerous, they can’t escape.”

"Well, maybe they blindly trust the strength of Xu Ziyan, and they are confused by the reputation of Xu Ziyan, holding a lucky heart."


Xu Ziyan on the side finally understood why no disciples who really have the strength came to follow themselves. On the one hand, they were repaired too low, creating a new low from the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect, and on the other hand the danger of the South. It has been terrible that no one has successfully established Zongmen there since ancient times. When the two are combined, naturally no disciples are coming to sign up. Those who come are also those who are low-educated and unbearable, and who want to fight for a way out.


Such a person Xu Ziyan does not need it! She does not want to raise a group of useless people with purple smoke.

What's more, she didn't have a promising sect, she just wanted to build a third-rate small door like a task.

Xu Ziyan was a little disheartened when he arrived, and he continued to hear in his ear: "This time Xu Ziyan went to the south to establish the Zongmen. It has been doomed before it has begun. The reputation she has worked so hard to build is ruined. Some re-emergences are bound to be implicated, and her days will be sad."

"I want to say that she is used to the limelight. You said that she has a great future in Miao Zong. It is said that the sect is interested in making her a chief disciple. That is the future ancestor. Do, you ran to the first league to win the first place in the rankings? This is good, maybe the purple smoke in this heart regrets to die."

"This is called the scorpion in the first place!"

"Ha ha ha..." The crowd was laughing.

Xu Tianwo and Xu Qinyang were gloomy and couldn't help themselves. They wanted to go forward and argue with them. However, Xu Ziyan grabbed his arms with both hands and shook his head:


Xu Tianwo and Xu Qinyang sneered at the hatred, then followed Xu Ziyan toward a Jianfeng.

"Ziyan, what do you do with this?"

Xu Zi’s mouth floated with a smile, and said nothing: “No big deal, let’s go to a Jianfeng and let the four brothers end the solicitation. I don’t have one.”

"You... do you want to go to the South alone?" Xu Tianwo and Xu Qinyang asked at the same time.

“Yeah!” Xu Ziyan nodded. “I am more convenient, I want to stay and stay, I want to leave. It’s cumbersome to take them.”

Xu Tianwo and Xu Qinyang nodded lightly: "Also, just like this, purple smoke you... some are too bleak."

"Oh..." Xu Ziyan once again smiled indifferently: "What we naturally seek is to be comfortable. Why should we go to see other people's ideas? If you want to be comfortable, you must be comfortable in your heart. The two brothers are like you."

"Or do we still follow you!" Xu Qinyang said with no confidence.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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