The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2111: Pure yin body

After cordially talking with the four principals of the Danfu Array, he personally sent the four masters out of the city's main house. Ouyang Xunmeng returned to his study with a smile.

At this time, in his study, he had several confidants waiting for him. When he saw Ouyang Xun rushing into the study, he stood up and shouted toward Ouyang Xun:

"See the city owner."

After Ouyang Xun sat down on his seat, he said with a sigh: "Everyone is sitting!"

Several people sat quietly, and one of the thin old men’s eyes showed a vicious color;

"The city owner, we simply kill the four churches of the Danfu Array, and then hold the four churches forever."

Ouyang Xun shook his head and shook his head. "Do you think that we really have the strength to swallow the four symbols of the Danfu dynasty? For thousands of years since ancient times, the town of the demon city has not changed, but the four symbols of the Danfu dynasty have been Inheriting to this day, and they have always been divided into 30% of profits, their strength can not be underestimated. What we see is only the superficial power, who knows if they still have the power to hide? Even if we can finally defeat the four, I am afraid By that time, our strength was running low and we were finally wiped out by other forces."

"That... since they have such a foundation, why do they never compete for the position of the city?"

"Oh..." Ouyang Xun sighed with a sigh: "This is also their savvy, not contending, but no matter who is the seat of the city, they must respect them. And they do not need to directly occupy the town of the demon city. Resources, because we will take the initiative to send them to their hands, let them refine the Danfu array. Then they can naturally leave 30%."

"This... too unwilling!"

"Let's talk about it for a long time! But you must remember that you don't have any respect for the four halls of Danfu."

"We understand!"

Ouyang Xun stunned and said: "The most important thing is that my biggest enemy now is not the Danfu Array."

"Who is it?" A few fierce eyes showed a fierce color: "But the forces that competed with us for the position of the city?"

Ouyang Xun shook his head and shook his head: "These people naturally need attention, but they are not our biggest enemy. Our biggest enemy is Xu Ziyan."

"Xu Ziyan?" Everyone is a glimpse: "But is that the purple monk who wants to come to our southern school to open a sect?"

"Not bad!" Ouyang Xun's fierce eyebrows floated a faint worry.

"What is terrible for her? But it is a fairy emperor!"

"She naturally has nothing to fear." Ouyang Xun said with a sigh: "But she stood behind the Yuanmeng and the Nine Zongmen. After all, she came to the South to open the sect of the sect. The support of the Da Zongmen. We can't afford the Shangmeng League and the Nine Zongmen."

"The big deal is that we secretly killed her, even if it is the Yuanmeng and the Nine Gates. There is nothing like this in the past. We have not done this in the South."

"This time is different!" Ouyang Xun suddenly shook his head again: "This time, the purple smoke has received the collective attention of Shangyuan League and the nine major sects. It is best to not go that step."

"What do we do then?"

"Let's sit on the sidelines! Look at how much this Xu Ziyan is going to make here. If she doesn't have any ambitions, we don't have to be hostile to her. If her ambition is big, she will kill her directly. The South does not need Zongmen, Zongmen also do not want their forces to penetrate."

"Yes, the city owner!"

"Well! I asked you to investigate what happened to the disciples in the South?"

"Returning to the city. There are two kinds of disciples in the south. One is the disciples who came to the South to experience. These disciples are often short in the South, and they often enter the demon territory to kill the demon. When they reach their goal, they will return to the Eastern Emperor.

The other is the descendants of the disciples who have left the Zongzong disciples. Since ancient times, many monks have been separated from the Zongmen to open the school. But the vast majority of people ended up failing. Some of these failed monks returned to the ancestral temples, and some monks were ignorant, and they moved away from the East to the West, the North and our South.

Of course, at this point they are no longer a monk. It is not the founder of the Zongmen, but a disbanded identity.

These people are often very bad at the end, and a monk will have a lot of deaths since he cultivated the emperor. Therefore, these monks are often killed by their vengeance, but they are trying to protect their descendants from escaping. Slowly and from generation to generation, their enemies have forgotten their descendants. However, after the descendants of these monks experienced a generation of scattered repairs, the cultivation was not high, and they could not be compared with their ancestors.

However, these people are very proud of themselves. They always live in the descendants of the great monks, and refuse to join the forces of the southern parties. They have always lived a pure day. So their days are very hard, they are very low, and the number is getting smaller. About ten people are still left today. ”

"Yeah!" Ouyang Xun's face looked slightly loose: "Remove the people who monitor them, and the purple smoke must come soon. We should not take the initiative to rub with her. In the future, we will deal with her secretly, and don't let Shangyuan League and the nine major sects grabbed the handle."

"Yes. The city owner!"


Tianfu Mountain Villa.

Here is the headquarters of Tianfu Commercial Bank, one of the three major commercial banks in the mainland. At this time, the inside of the villa is as bright as white.

Tianfu Commercial Bank did not participate in the battle for the town of the demon city in the south. This has almost become a rule. The three major commercial banks have never participated in the dispute between the owners of the southern town of the demon city. They don't need it, nor do they need it

However, no matter which party finally got the position of the town demon city, they showed enough respect to the three major commercial banks. This is strength. The three major firms are eligible for such treatment.

Therefore, for Ouyang Xun suddenly became the town of the town of the demon city. Tianfu Commercial Bank did not show much enthusiasm. It was only the person in charge of the South Headquarters. Mu Dayong personally went to congratulate him and returned to Tianfu Mountain Villa.

Today, Tianfu Commercial Bank is a big banquet. Mu Dayong has also smashed a room for a small shack. At this time, he is drunk and walks toward the cave. He didn't have the power to force out the alcohol, he wanted this drunk.

Along the way, his men in the manor like him to congratulate him, his face also showed a smile and nodded. In the past, he didn't even bother to look at them at first glance, but today he is happy and really happy.

Because the room he was smashing today is different from the past. This little encounter was discovered by chance, and it turned out to be a very rare undead body. Now Mu Damong is the master of the early peak of the land. As long as Mu Dayong slowly absorbs the yin of the woman's body, within a decade he has great hope to break through the barrier to reach the middle of the earth.

As soon as he absorbed the pure yin of the woman, the woman would become a mortal, and it would not be his worry to live for ten years.

Thinking of the woman's beautiful face, the convex and concave body, Mu Dayong was even more excited. He decided to play well before absorbing the pure yin, and live up to the night of this cave.

Struggling to the outside of the cave, he reached out and pushed open the door, his eyes brightened. A beautiful woman is sitting on the bed with a very soft temperament.

The femininity of the pure Yin body is different from ordinary people, that is, the gentle temperament naturally radiated from the body is pitiful.

Mu Dayong stepped forward and opened the hijab. A pair of bright and radiant eyes appeared in front of him. The gentle sweet smile on his lips made Mu Dayong heart. At this moment, Mu Dayong almost wanted to give up the pure yin that absorbed her.

"Master!" The woman stood up and looked at Mu Dayong gently, but the words in her mouth made Mu Dayong feel amazed, and the feeling of drunkenness disappeared instantly.

"I know that I am a pure Yin body, I also know that the master wants to absorb the pure Yin body to get a breakthrough, and after being absorbed by the master, the body has not lived for ten years."

Mu Dayong looks like a glimpse, but he has nothing to worry about. At this time, the woman in front of her has become a bird in his cage. If she wants to escape, she will definitely not escape. It’s a big deal, it’s a big deal, but it’s just that it’s a lot of fun. Therefore, he just looked at the gentle woman in front of her and wanted to see what she was going to say.

The woman smiled and said: "I must know in my heart that you forcibly absorb the pure yin in my body and the effect that I offered to you is completely different."

Mu Dayong's look changed. He naturally understood this truth, so he was deceiving to deceive the woman in front of her eyes, just to prevent her from resisting, and unwittingly absorbed the pure yin of her body. Although this is not as good as her dedication, but it is better than she has always resisted.

Mu Dayong’s heart suddenly moved, because he had some reaction at this time. From the woman’s words, she seemed to hear a message that she was willing to take the initiative to dedicate her pure yin to herself.

Mu Dayong is immersed in meditation. In front of this woman, she can give her the pure yin of her body to her, regardless of her life. Then she must have the reason why she has to do it, and the most important thing is that she must have the conditions, and this The conditions are not low.

But does Mu Dayong have a choice?

If you can get the initiative of the woman in front of you, his cultivation can be more than just the promotion to the mid-term, and there is a great possibility that it will be promoted to the mid-term peak in ten years. How can this temptation he refuse?

After that, listen to her condition first!


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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