The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2119: Talking about business

I am very grateful to Jie Jie (200), zaiyang_xia (100), Danfei Dance (100), mableip (100), and Lie (100)!


Thunder's heart began to despair. At this time, he already knew that these people were probably monks of the Xianzun level. But he couldn't understand why, what did the monk of the Xianzun level go to the Wuthering Mountains?

"It seems that I am going to die here today, I am not willing! I don't want to die..."

Lei Ming wanted to open his mouth and beg for mercy, but found that he couldn’t open his mouth. His body had a pair of eyes that could still turn, and no one else could move.

In his eyes, with endless fear and praying for the woman wearing a sapphire blue dress, a scream screamed in her ear.

He didn't want to listen to the screams, but the screams of that voice echoed clearly in his ears.

Forty-seven screams have been screamed, that is, at this moment, the golden robes have killed him thunder and forty-seven men, but the lowest is also a monk who is also a fairy king! It is the biggest card of thunder.

The golden robe is like a humanoid monster. It is not reasonable at all, just harvesting human life with one punch and one punch.

The thundering heart is bleeding, and the fear in the heart is also inexhaustible. He has never seen such a powerful monk, and has confined nearly 100 people to the local area.

Similarly, he has never seen such a perverted and ferocious person. Since you have already banned nearly a hundred of us, you will kill us with a fairy. Why do you want to punch it with a punch?

Is this not a metamorphosis?

Just when thunder felt that she was incontinent, she heard the woman wearing a sapphire blue dress said:

"Invincible, come back!"

The voice of Xu Ziyan just fell, and the invincible figure of Jin flew back behind Xu Ziyan. Silenced, as if he had not killed anyone at all.

Don't say thunder at this time, that is, the big monks who came together with Xu Ziyan, such as Langyue, are waiting for the gold invincible standing behind Xu Ziyan.

This is this... too strong!

Mo Wuwei could not help but look at Xu Ziyan with a guilty conscience, and he said that he did not offend Xu Ziyan on this road. She won't find a chance to kill herself? But think about standing behind Fu Zong, I must have promised that Ziyan did not dare to treat myself, and a face was restored to blood.

At this moment, the thunder of Jin Ming in the invincible back to Xu Ziyan, the body's imprisonment has disappeared, turned around and he sat down on the ground. He brought nearly a hundred monks, and now he counts the remaining thirty-seven.

Xu Ziyan walked toward Lei Ming, and she suddenly called back Jin Invincible. And did not let the gold invincible to kill. That's because she suddenly realized that she was black in this whistling mountain range. After waiting for the master and the single star to leave, all things had to be done by themselves.

For example, recruiting disciples, teaching disciples, maintaining the normal operation of the Zongmen!

Since it is to maintain the normal operation of the Zongmen, it is necessary to be self-reliant. If Xu Ziyan keeps paying his own money to raise a third-rate small door, it is not Xu Ziyan can not afford. But why?

Therefore, all of this requires a person familiar with the Wuthering Mountains. This person has so many people in front of him, and there are five emperors and dozens of emperors. Their power in the Wuthering Mountains should be good!

Xu Ziyan, who made up his mind, came to Lei Ming’s front and looked at the thunder that fell to the ground. His face showed a smile and squatted in front of Lei Ming’s body:

"What do you call it?"

Seeing Xu Ziyan in front of himself, the thundering body began to tremble. When I heard Xu Ziyan’s question, I dare not answer. But the mouth and the scorpion don't seem to be very obedient:

"Little villain...calling...Thunder..."

"Thunder. Don't be nervous. How do you say that you are also a person with nearly one hundred hands, a big man, you must have grace. Tension will destroy the grace."

Xu Ziyan said in a whisper, but also stretched out the thunderous shoulders with a delicate hand.

"Yes Yes Yes……"

The thundering chicken nodded like a glutinous rice. But my heart is bleeding, I have nearly a hundred hands. But most of them have been killed by your men. I thought of looking up and looking at the gold invincible standing behind Xu Ziyan, and the body could not help but hit another.

"What are you doing in the Wuthering Mountains? Is it not ordinary people to look at your dress?"

At this time, the thunder can not dare to have the slightest lie. He can't wait for the woman in front of him to be able to see his skills or resources to spare his life. So, hurriedly said:



Xu Ziyan’s heart is a move. I don’t say that I need a lot of ore to build a sect. Now, I need ore to maintain the sect of the Zongmen and refine some of the fairy and the flag. There is such a person who is busy with himself, but he has saved a lot of effort.


The thunder of this time has already been afraid of the extreme. I haven't waited until Xu Ziyan asks, and I have said that my experience and how many veins I manage now are like a bamboo tube. Xu Ziyan heard that it was a long time, and the heart was dark:

"It’s really like the master said, this whistling mountain is really a wicked!"

Knowing the experience of the other party and the scale of the mine, Xu Ziyan also put aside scruples in his heart, watching Lei Ming smile and said:

"Thunder is it, my name is Xu Ziyan."

"Xu... Fairy..."

Lei Ming said, he is really strange to the name Xu Ziyan. In fact, the name of Xu Ziyan is now unfamiliar to most monks on the southern continent. The Upper Yuan Continent is too big, and the things that happen in other regions are vigorous and vigorous, and in other regions it is also a strange state. Nowadays, in the southern continent, the masters of the big forces know the name of Xu Ziyan.

Seeing that Lei Ming’s name was awkward, Xu Zi’s heart was a joy. She did not want her name to be a household name when she first arrived in the South. This is a problem for yourself. Under the joy, the attitude towards thunder is also a lot better:

"Thunder, I have a business that wants to talk to you!"


Thunder's heart is a joy, but also a shake. The good news is that Xu Ziyan has a business talk with himself. That is to save my life. What is shaking is that this so-called business is probably to swindle yourself and exchange your life with Xianjing. The face did not dare to show dissatisfaction, piled up a smile, respectfully said:

"Please tell the fairy!"

Xu Ziyan copied all the materials needed by the eight monks to help them establish their own ancestral halls. Then handed it to the thundering road that was still sitting on the ground at this time:

"Look at these materials, I am in a hurry."

Lei Ming took over the jade and probed the side with the gods, and the tears flowed down quickly. This is exactly what he ordered. With his small value, where can I have more materials, it is not enough to sell himself a hundred times! Looking at Xu Ziyan’s trembling and shaking, he said:

"Xu... Fairy... Little man... Little man... not so much material..."

"If you don't, just buy it for me!" Xu Ziyan said very naturally.

The thundering tears really flow down, and he whimpered and said, "The villain can't afford it!"

"Hmm?" Xu Ziyan only reacted at this time. It turned out that this thunder was thinking that he had blackmailed him. Can not help but dumb but laughed:

"I am not letting you buy Xianjing. I will give you all the materials here, and I will not give you one less."

Thunder didn't cry at once, but his face was full of surprises. Xu Ziyan still said faintly: "Do you want me to deposit money first?"

"" Thunder quickly waved: "I have some relationship with some shops outside the mountain. Yes... I can send them with materials, you are paying Xianjing."

"Yeah!" Xu Ziyan nodded slightly and looked down and thought about it, but Xu Ziyan’s thoughts of thinking changed the thunder. Quickly said:

"Fairy, I don't want the material I have, I will give it to the fairy."

Xu Ziyan didn't look at him, but just waved his hand and let him shut up. In fact, there are a lot of better materials in the purple smoke space, but Xu Ziyan does not want to use it. It is violent to give those high-quality materials to eight of those monks. Xu Ziyan is prepared to keep the things that were given to her in the future to the extreme, and then use those high-quality materials to refine.

What she thought at this time was what kind of materials to use for the Zongmen established here. I thought about it. Anyway, I just wanted to build a third-rate small door, or I didn’t want any good materials. It was too wasteful. Just use medium materials.

Think of it here. Xu Ziyan took out a blank jade, sent the list of materials he needed, and handed it to Lei Ming:

"There are these materials!"

"Yes is..." Thunder quickly took over Yu Jian and looked at Xu Ziyan with his eyes.

Xu Ziyan thought for a moment. This sect needs to work, and I have to refine some things to sell. This thunder is in front of the operation of ore. It is better to refine some of the fairy weapons and sell them through him. In this way, the ore is provided by him, and the sale of the fairy is represented by him, and he is a lot easier. But what level of fairyware is refining?

Looking at Lei Mingdao again: "Thunder, what level of fairy wares are in the South China? That is to say, if I want to refine the sale of fairy wares, what are the most demanding devices?"

"She is a fairy teacher?" Thunder's eyes released light, swallowed a mouthful of water: "The level of refiners in the southern continent can not compare with the East and the North. But there is no way out of the four-piece fairy, the most demand It is the fairy of six products and seven products."

"Yeah!" Xu Ziyan nodded, took out a jade slip, sent the list of materials he needed, and handed it to Lei Ming:

"You are ready to give me these materials, I will give you the market price."


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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