The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2122: Disciples

I am very grateful to the bookmates, Shayue (200), 140102181923589 (100), mableip (100), and the bookmate 140214214637202 (100) for the reward!


"Little girl Xu Ziyan, Hu Yandao friends, this big demon corpse is one billion brilliant crystal one?"

"Yes! Xu Daoyou."

Hu Yan just looked at Xu Ziyan nervously. He also saw that Xu Ziyan was the peak of the late Emperor, and the repair of the golden robe with her behind him was even worse.

"Do you have a credit card for Huijing?"

"Ah?" Hu Yan looked at Xu Ziyan with a sigh of relief. He responded with a half-sound, and hurriedly shook his head: "No!"

Xu Ziyan slightly frowned, and the two billions of fine crystals are not a small number. After all, it is a bit of trouble. Then he said to Hu Yangang:

"Hui Yandao, do you want to hand over the bodies of these two big demons to me?"

Hu Yan just shook his head and refused, joking, going to you, not knowing how to die, or staying safe in the city. Seeing that Hu Yan just refused, Xu Ziyan smiled helplessly, and then sank into the purple smoke space and let Peach Blossom prepare her two billion yuan.

After thinking about it, Xu Ziyan simply let the peach blossom put the 2 billion best crystals into a space fairy, and then directly took out the space fairy and placed it in front of Hu Yanang:

"Two billion of the best crystals are here, and you send someone to go in and collect it."

Hu Yan just used his knowledge to sweep away, and his heart was also a bitter smile. When did he see so many of the best crystals? Today, the price of the 2 billion best fairy crystals was also shouted out. He didn’t know the price of the big demon body. But I dare not take it to the mountains to sell.

There are too many masters outside the mountain. I am afraid that not only will a fairy crystal be sold, but life will be worrying.

Recovered the knowledge of God. Hu Yan just turned around and collected all the storage rings of all eight of them, and then personally entered the space fairy, began to collect the best fairy crystal inside.

At this time, Xu Ziyan ignored them, but came to the front of the two big demon bodies to check. The damage to the body is serious, but it is okay, and most of the bodies can be used. With a wave of hand, the bodies of the two big demon were collected into the purple smoke space and handed over to Chun 30.

Waiting for a while, Hu Yan just excitedly came out from the space fairy, came to the front of Xu Ziyan, took a hand and took a pile of jade bottles on the ground:

"Dao friends, this is the blood of the big demon."

Xu Ziyan nodded. With a wave of hand, the jade bottle on the ground was collected, and the eyebrows also showed joy. Hu Yangang got the excitement of the 2 billion best products, and Xu Ziyan was excited. The bodies of these two big devils can make a congenital fairy. A congenital fairy can sell at least 5 billion yuan of fine crystals, and Xu Ziyan earns a lot.

Xu Ziyan left Jinfang with joy and thunder, and the whistling squad also quickly left the city, because they knew that their body suddenly had more than two billion yuan. It has definitely become the fat in the Wuthering Mountains.

Hu Yanang has decided to flee the Wuthering Mountains immediately after leaving the city, and even the South does not stay, go to the East. Looking for a place to live in seclusion, with these two billion best crystals enough for eight people to practice for millennia.

In the crowd of the city, there was a young monk who looked at the back of Xu Ziyan and then hurriedly rushed toward the entrance of the city.

Xu Ziyan and Hu Yangang just walked out of the city, and they saw a group of demon people standing opposite the square, with more than three hundred. One of the big devils stepped forward and shouted to Hu Yan just:

"Hu Yangang, left the body of the big demon."

Hu Yan just looked at the opposite side of the demon look is a change, could not help but step back. The big demon shouted:

"Hu Yangang. Don't think about hiding in the city. Do you stay in it for a lifetime?"

Hu Yanang took a deep breath and just wanted to talk. Xu Ziyan was already impatient and waved his sleeves. When the sky is empty, it will leave.

"Stand up!" The big demon sighed: "No one is allowed to leave before I get the body of the big demon."

The big demon on the opposite side is not stupid. He had long thought that someone had bought the body of the big demon. So before he got the body of the big demon, anyone was suspected and no one could let it go.

This time, he got the blood, and brought his own hands. Not to mention the other big demon, that is, the big demon of the late Emperor's peak is also full of eighteen. So he is confident of getting the bodies of the two big demon.

As long as you swallow the bodies of the two big demon, it is very possible to break through the barriers and become a demon. Therefore, the bodies of the two big demons are bound to win.

Xu Ziyan frowned slightly and waved his hand at Jin Invincible: "Give it to you."

A golden voice rushed out with the words of Xu Ziyan. The leading demon had not figured out what Xu Ziyan said, "I have given it to you." It has already been smashed.

"It's too cruel!" Xu Ziyan looked at Jin Invincible's mind and thought that the realm of these big demons was lower, but it was also a good material for the squad, and hurriedly shouted to Jin Invincible:

"To the whole body."

"Yes, master!"

Kim invincible while harvesting the lives of those demon people, while agreeing.


Those demon people see gold invincible and unstoppable. However, they immediately felt a fascinating pressure from the robes of the golden robe. It was only this moment that they were suppressed by the power, not to mention running, even a finger could not move.

The golden figure flashed in the demon group, just an instant, more than three hundred demon people were lying on the ground. The people around me were stunned, but they still couldn’t see what was invincible.

Xu Ziyan is very satisfied with Kim Invincible. He controls his power very well and only covers the power of the Yaozu. There is no trace of power that can spread, so that other people and demons in the field can't figure out his strength, just know that the worst invincible gold is also the beginning of human respect.

Xu Ziyan waved the body of the demon corpse on the ground into the purple smoke space, and they were handed over to Chun 30. With gold invincible and thunder to go empty.

Going back to the valley, I threw it to the thunderous 100,000 fine crystals as a thank you, and the thunderously left with joy. After that, it was quiet for a few days.

This day.

Xu Ziyan is sitting in the cave house that was temporarily opened up for cultivation. I heard the sound of gold invincible outside:

"Master, someone wants to see!"

"Who?" Xu Ziyan's voice came out from inside.

"They said that they are descendants of the descendants of the monk."

"Hmm?" Xu Ziyan frowned slightly. Then he stretched out again: "Is there a descendant of the descendants of the monk?"

As soon as he was in shape, he came outside the Dongfu and saw 17 people standing outside. Fifteen adults and two children.

When I saw Xu Ziyan coming out, the seventeen people showed excitement on their faces. One of the early emperors marched toward Xu Ziyan:

"When is the face of the monk Xu Zun?"

"Exactly!" Xu Ziyan nodded: "You are?"

"Seeing Xu Zongzhu!"

Xu Ziyan has some understanding of the purpose of their coming, but although he only wants to build a third-rate small gate, not everyone will accept it. The sleeves waved, but a soft but unstoppable force spread out. Helped the seventeen people in front of you and condensed:

"Speak your purpose."

The soft power of Xu Ziyan was raised, and a total of seventeen people had a tribute in their hearts. The strength of the seventeen people can not resist, but it is upright, it seems that Xu Ziyan is effortless. The early monk of the Emperor Xiandi hurriedly prayed:

"We want to join the sect of Xu Zongzhu."

"Reason!" Xu Ziyan said faintly.

Seeing Xu Ziyan's softness and the look of endless majesty, the hearts of the seventeen people are even more admired. They can tell that the majesty in the look of Xu Ziyan is definitely not hard-packed. It is the natural majesty of a superior who has been cultivated for many years.

"It seems that this Xu Ziyan is really not simple! We finally have a backing!" The emperor's surprising heart was a burst of excitement. Moved toward Xu Ziyan again:

"We are all descendants of the monks of the monks..."

At this time, Langyue, who was doing nothing, heard the movement and came to Xu Ziyan’s side, listening to the early Emperor’s life. When he finished speaking, Langyue was excited and screamed again and again:

"Good! It is a descendant of the descendants of our monks and monks."

"This is?" The monk of the late Emperor of the Emperor looked at Langyue.

"This is my master brother!"

When the seventeen looks shook, they immediately bowed to Langyue: "See the master."

"Exemption, exemption!" Langyue's big sleeves lifted the seventeen monks with a wave. This made the seventeen monks feel amazed again. The master's cultivation is such that people can't see the depth!

"Little sister!" Lang Yue turned his head and looked at Xu Ziyan: "Take them down."

Xu Ziyan proudly looked at Langyue, the meaning is clear: How? Master, this is called luck. You can still be full while lying down. I don't have to recruit my disciples. Naturally, there are disciples to go.

Langyue did not look at Xu Ziyan with a good spirit, but his heart also relaxed. With these seventeen people, the third-rate Xiaozongmen of Xiaoshimei can finally be established, and will not be shameful.

These days, he did not hear the eight sects and the monks of the Shangyuan League sneer in the back. Said Xu Ziyan built Zongmen here, where will anyone come to go? It is said that Ziyan is not alone. Even a third-rate small gate can't be built. Waiting to return to the mainland, to promote the matter out, not only the big jokes of Xu Ziyan, but also the big jokes of Mou Zong.

Moreover, they secretly ridiculed Xu Ziyan, saying that the things they gave to Xu Ziyan were all the garbage of their sects. They were all sold out publicly. Many medium-sized sects went to their sects to buy them. It was already bad, and Xu Ziyan still Be a treasure. It’s enough to suffocate the moon.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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