The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2124: Big things

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"Then trouble the brothers to set up a big Sunday sword!"

The big monk of the sect did not speak, just nodded and turned and left. The great monk of Fuzong also said at this time:

"Xu Ziyan, the material I have refining, what kind of pattern do you want to lay?"

Xu Ziyan looked a lot around, and then pointed to the middle of the inner valley: "You will take this as the center, unite the inner valley and the outer valley, and lay out one thousand and eight attributeless attack patterns for me."

Mo Wuwei looked at Xu Ziyan with a big open mouth and then became extremely depressed. One thousand and eight attributes-free attack patterns! How much time and energy it takes! Still not exhausted?

Xu Ziyan was very happy at the moment, so that you can be right with me all day, not tired of you.

Finally, Mo Wuwei closed his mouth and gloomy face: "The material is not enough!"

"Get it!"

Xu Ziyan waved and gave Mo Wuwei a storage ring. He did not use his knowledge to clean up his face. His face was even lower and heavier. He turned away and left the valley to refine the materials.

"Oh..." Waiting for the innocent back disappeared into the valley, Xu Ziyan could not help but laugh out loud.

A burst of robbing sounds came from the air, and Sha Qianli flew in with lightning.

"The lord. Lei Daoyou said something happened."

"Oh?" Xu Ziyan’s face immediately showed interest: "Thunder, but there is a big demon's body?"

Thunder’s face looked awkward, and then there was a bitter smile: “Hsu Zongzhu, there are so many big demon bodies.”

"Oh..." Xu Ziyan’s interest on his face weakened and said: "What is that. Let you run again and again?"

"Big thing!" Thunder snorted and gasped.

Xu Ziyan did not speak. She knew that Lei Ming, as a businessman, had an exaggerated habit, just looking at the thunder with a smile. Thunder felt the meaning of Xu Ziyan. But this time, instead of blushing, I said aloud:

"Really big!"

Xu Ziyan is speechless, but still keeps a smile: "Okay, well, I know it is a big thing, but you can say it!"

"This is the case..." Thunder gasped again and breathed two breaths: "Xu Zongzhu, town demon city, do you know?"


"That Ouyang Xun Meng is now the city owner of the town demon city, you know?"


"Do you know who the son of Ouyang Chengzhu is?"

"There is something to say!" Xu Ziyan was thunderous and almost lifted his leg and licked him. Is there such an ink?

"Yes is... Ouyang Xun's son is called Ouyang Liu Xian. It is a late Emperor. But he is now missing."


"Well, it’s missing!" Thunder nodded hard and said: "It has been missing for a month. Ouyang City owner found it on the third day of Ouyang Liuxian’s disappearance. He sent a large number of people to investigate. The most investigated result is Ouyang. Liu Xian was deceived by a hunter team."

"Hunting squad? Deceived? A fairy was deceived in the late stage?" Xu Ziyan asked in surprise.

"Yeah!" Thunder again nodded hard and said: "It is said that Ouyang Liuxian went out to practice, and drank in the restaurant on a town not far from the Wuthering Mountain Range, and was attracted by a conversation of a hunting demon squad. According to the monks who were drinking in the restaurant at the time, they said that they were talking about an ancient relic in a cloud forest in the demon territory. They only had a battle and they could not get in. Then Ouyang Liu Xian left. In the past, I talked to the squad squad for a while, went out together, and then disappeared."

"Just disappeared?" Xu Ziyan is completely unbelievable: "He was only a late Emperor, dare to follow an unfamiliar hunter squad to explore the ancient ruins?"

"No!" Thunder repeatedly shook his head: "Ouyang Liu Xian and the hunter squad are very familiar. Before that, they had done a lot of transactions with the squad squad. Many people know this. And Ouyang Liu Xian is not alone, his I was followed by two late emperors. The most important thing is that Ouyang Liuxian is an eight-character singer, so he followed.

Xu Ziyan indulged for a while and suddenly looked up: "No!"

"Why not?" Thunder looked at Xu Ziyan with some confusion.

"Even if Ouyang Liu Xian is very anxious, but I can always find a time to contact Yu Ji and his father by mailing it?"

"You don't know this!" Thunder shook his head and said: "Maybe Ouyang Liuxian wants to get the ancient ruins with his own strength. I don't want to rely on the strength of his father. You know, young people always have some It’s full of vigor. Maybe it’s the jade that was lost...”

"I don't want to say this, what news have you heard?"

"Ouyang City Master decided that after the accident of Ouyang Liu Xian, the people who had been drinking in the tavern all grabbed the city government and asked for all the news. Everyone heard the words of the squad squad and gave it to Ouyang Xun. Ouyang Chengzhu integrated a bit and determined the direction in which Ouyang Liuxian went."


"It's the cloud forest!"

“Have there been any ancient ruins there?”

"I haven't heard of it! But it is said that it is very dangerous. The reason why it is called the cloud forest is that there is no cloud in the year. So few people go there, and there is no wind from the ancient ruins."

"and after?"

"What later?"

"After Ouyang Xun has determined the direction, how do you decide?"

"Oh! He posted a reward and hired monks to rescue his son."

Xu Ziyan frowned slightly: "Why didn't he personally save his son?"

"He can't live without it now. Ouyang Xun has just sat on the position of the city owner. Everything has not stabilized yet, and there are soaring movements. How can he leave at this time? Moreover, Ouyang Liuxian is now alive and dead, and maybe he is already dead. If he is far away from the town of the demon city, if the town demon city has something wrong, then he can lose a lot."

"Also!" Xu Ziyan nodded. "We will listen to such a thing."

"Lord, you don't want to hear the reward of Ouyang Chengzhu?"

"Oh? Listen, let me talk about it!"

Thunder’s face showed excitement: “Ouyang City’s owner rewarded 10 billion yuan of fine crystals.”

Xu Ziyan immediately had no interest. The heart can't help but thunderous for a while, and the one billion billion fairy crystals will excite you like this?

"There is still a reward for the heart of the tree!" The thundering voice continued to sound.

"The heart of the tree?" The look of Xu Ziyan was somewhat moving.

The heart of the tree is a good thing. Xu Ziyan naturally knows that she has received the heart of eighteen trees. Suddenly I thought that my **** is refining the heart of the second tree, and I couldn’t help but look at the gods in the sea. I saw that the heart of the second tree had already been finished, and my heart could not help but .

I took back my knowledge and gave me a slight indulgence. Xu Ziyan decided to try to save the Ouyang Liu Xian. Although Xu Ziyan has eighteen trees. But this thing is not too much! Looking at the thundering road:

"You want to go?"

Thunder hurriedly shook his head like a rattle: "Don't go, I don't have that strength. However, with the strength of the fairy, you can try it."

"Well, I have to consider this matter."

After sending away the thunder, Xu Ziyan found Langyue and said things to the master, Langyue sinks for a while:

"Small sister. How do I feel that this matter has a strong conspiracy, I am afraid there is no trace at all, is that the hunting demon squad will kill Ouyang Liu Xian?"

"I think so too!" Xu Ziyan nodded.

"Then you still want to go?" Lang Yue stunned Xu Ziyan and said: "I don't think there is any ancient ruins at all, and that Ouyang Liu Xian is already dead. The corpse is probably called the big demon to eat, you still go. What are you doing? It’s not a matter of doing business.

Xu Ziyan smiled bitterly: "But...the heart of the tree is really important!"

"People are dead. Where are you going to save Ouyang to stay immortal? If you don't have Ouyang Liu Xian, where are you going to get the heart of the tree? Little sister, don't make trouble."

"Master, I still want to go see it. Here is the master to take care of."

Langyue shook his head helplessly: "Okay. Since you want to go and have a look, let's go back and don't stay outside for too long."

"I know, Master!"

"Then I am gone!" Xu Ziyan turned and walked away. Let Lang Yue in the back can not help but smile again and again.

"Invincible, come over!"

I heard Xu Ziyan calling. Standing in the invincible gold invincible moment, standing in front of Xu Ziyan.

"Invincible, let's go out and explore a monument, and save the person by the way."

"Yes, master."

Xu Ziyan looked up and down the gold invincible, and groaned his ear and thought for a long time: "The Ouyang Liuxian was deceived by a hunter squad. If you go out with gold invincible, I am afraid it is not yet close. Scared them away."

Thinking of this, Xu Ziyan took out a collection of charms into the invincible body of the gold, and then thought about what level of gold invincibility will be repaired. Too high, conspicuous, too low, maybe someone is looking for trouble, and finally Xu Ziyan decided that both of them adjusted the cultivation to the early days of Xiandi.

Two people left Taixu and flew to the city. Xu Ziyan had just learned that although Ouyang Xun Meng could not come in person, he still sent his strongest man, Xu Tian, ​​the peak of the late Emperor, with the town demon. A brigade of the city went to find Ouyang Liuxian.

On the way to the demon territory, Xu Tianyao constantly recruited monks. His one team had only a thousand people, and now it has expanded to 5,000. However, Xu Tianyao stopped at the Wuthering Mountain Range. He knew that these people in the Wuthering Mountains were all desperate, and they were more familiar with them than the demon territory. So he wants to recruit some monks in the Wuthering Mountains.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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