The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2127: Cloud forest

Xu Ziyan’s face showed a gentle smile, and the pressure on Xu Tian’s body suddenly disappeared. He could not help but take a deep breath and felt a wet layer on his back.

"What can be congratulated!" Xu Ziyan's face showed a hint of helplessness. This silk is helpless and true-minded. The true feelings of Xu Ziyan's heart are:

"I was originally not interested in establishing Zongmen, but Master is so strong. I originally wanted me to win what I did first, and I dare not violate it. Hehe..." Here, Xu Ziyan laughed two channels:

"But I also have my own way. I just built a third-rate small gate in this Wuthering Mountain Range. There is a place to practice."

Xu Tian's heart is in a move, and he has instinctive doubts about Xu Ziyan's words. You rushed to the south, just to build a third-rate small sect, who believes! Do you believe it yourself?

However, he has a very strange feeling that Xu Ziyan is telling the truth, and the emotion that has just been revealed is definitely from the heart.

Is it true that Xu Ziyan wants to establish a third-rate small gate in the south?

After returning to this matter, I would like to inform the city owner that it seems to change the plan for Xu Ziyan. Temporarily let go of my heart and look at Xu Ziyan sincerely:

"Xu Zongzhu, why are you coming to the demon territory this time?"

Xu Ziyan smiled and said: "Without it, your own Zongmen is built in the Wuthering Mountains. The surrounding environment is always familiar. Right, what are you doing so many people?"

Xu Tian's look is awkward: "How long has Xu Zongzhu entered the Yaozu forest?"

"Well..." Xu Ziyan thought a little bit: "Five days, how? What happened?"

"Oh..." Xu Tianyao sighed and said that Ouyang Liuxian’s thing was told to Xu Ziyan. Then he gestured toward the Xu Ziyan arch:

"Xu Zongzhu, I beg you to help."

Xu Ziyan indulged in a moment: "Well, I will go and see. But... If I personally rescued Ouyang Liu Xian, I am very interested in the heart of the tree."

"Understand. Understand! Thank you, thank you!"

After a series of thanks, Xu Tianyao went to gather the three thousand monks. Then everyone climbed to the White Tiger Mountains in a mighty way.

On the road, Xu Ziyan was still in the end with gold invincible. Xu Tianyao originally wanted to accompany Xu Ziyan and Jin invincible, but he was the chief commander of this team and had to sit in the middle of the town.

Because it can only fly close to the ground, the speed can not be fully opened, and the Baihu Mountain is extremely tall, and there are also many fierce demon people. This road is also killing constantly, waiting to turn over the White Tiger Mountains. It is already at dusk.

At this time, everyone is still camping, and now they are not willing to act rashly at night in the Yaozu territory. You must know that there has been some deep demon territory at this time, and they dare not use God to explore everything around them. Once the big demon was alarmed, the consequences were unimaginable. Therefore, these monks are walking by vision. So it is much more dangerous at night. Although Xu Tian's heart is very anxious, he still does not dare to act at night.

Xu Ziyan and Xu Tianyao sat on a thick tree, and Jin invincible ran to drink with those monks.

This is in the past camp. Xu Tianyao personally came to visit Xu Ziyan. Since he has the opportunity to walk with Xu Ziyan, he wants to know more about Xu Ziyan, even if it is just a little more. After all, he belongs to the person who is now the largest power town in the South.

However, without saying a few words, the words were biased by Xu Ziyan. He could not blatantly ask Xu Ziyan what he cares about. He could only speak in the words of Xu Ziyan.

"Your purpose is this cloud forest?"

"Yeah!" Xu Tiandui’s face showed a trace of anxiety: "There is only such a son in the city. If something goes wrong, not only will the city owner be grieved. The prestige that has just been established will be damaged..."

"But how do you know that Ouyang Liuxian must go to the cloud forest?"

"This is the judgment of the master of the city. But I have now decided that the fairy son must have gone to the cloud forest."

"Well? Why?" Xu Ziyan looked a glimpse.

Xu Tiancao smiled a bit: "I found the secrets left by the fairy son on the way. He said that soon after they entered the territory of the Yaozu, they met a group of Yaozu. In the fight, several of them were light. Injury. And the jade in the waist was lost. In the end, the secret destination he left was the cloud forest."

Xu Ziyan frowned slightly, and after a while he said softly: "Xu Daoyou. I think this thing is not so simple, it seems to be a conspiracy..."

Xu Tianyao also smiled bitterly: "This time the landlord has already seen it, but now the communication jade of the fairy son happened to be lost just after entering the demon territory, which made me more certain that this is a conspiracy. ""

"That Ouyang stays in the fairy..."

Xu Tiandui once again shook his head: "Xu Zongzhu, you don't know, the immortal son is an eight-pronged sect, and it is very fanatical about the historic sites that have the ban."

"But the two people who protect him..."

"The two people followed the Xianxian son for nearly a thousand years. In the nearly a thousand years of their follow-up to the fairy son, as the founder found a few monuments in the south, although they experienced a lot of danger, they also got A lot of cultivation resources. I think that the two of them were also fooled by the hunter team, and they wanted to get the treasures in the monuments and completely forgot their duties, hehe!"

“Where is the cloud forest?” Xu Ziyan asked curiously, but there is only a brief understanding of Xu Ziyan in the cloud forest. He believes that since Xu Tiandiao came to save Ouyang Liu Xian, there must be a more detailed To understanding.

“Where is the cloud forest?”

"Not very clear!" Xu Tianyao shook his head and said: "I haven't even heard of it before. This is still after the accident of the fairy godmother, the urban master immediately made great efforts to collect all the news about the cloud forest. That cloud forest though It is not in the center of the Yaozu territory, but it is also deep into the territory of the Yaozu, so it is normal for the Terran monks to understand that there is no cloud. In the ancient times, there was no cloud in the ancient times.

Later, the big demon died, I don't know how to die. The country that was established has also become a ruin. After another few thousand years, the ruins of that country suddenly began to fill with clouds, and this cloud is very special, able to isolate the gods, and only use vision to see everything. ”

When Xu Tianyao stopped, Xu Ziyan said: "Continue to say."



"Well, no, I know that."


Xu Ziyan gently spit out a sigh of relief, the heart of the dark road, this cloud forest is really mysterious. It seems that this trip to the cloud will not be very easy.

“Xu Daoyou, how far is the distance from the cloud forest?”

"With our current speed, we can reach the cloud forest in about another 12 days."

the next day.

The people began to board the journey again. The deeper they came, the more demon people they met. Fortunately, this time there is gold invincible, and the Terran has no big loss.

On this road, Xu Ziyan did not even shoot. With the invincible gold and three thousand monks, it has been able to solve the Yaozu on the road. Your purple smoke is really like a big lady who came out to go out, let the three thousand monks despise in their hearts, and even look at the eyes of Xu Ziyan without disguising their contempt.

Xu Tianyao did not reveal the identity of Xu Ziyan, so the monks did not know that Xu Ziyan is now also the identity of a sovereign. In fact, even if Xu Ziyan is now the master of a third-rate small sect, they will not care, but will despise.

What is the sovereign of a third-rate Xiaozongmen? When it is said to be destroyed, it will be destroyed.

In their hearts, Xu Ziyan is a sage second generation with a escort. The robes of the golden robes are powerful, but the more the guards are, the more the bears are proved on the side. Therefore, the gaze from time to time on the road fell on Xu Ziyan's body, especially when fighting with the Yaozu, others are working hard, and Xu Ziyan is holding hands, like watching a movie, it makes people feel like her. More contempt.

Finally on the twelfth day, everyone came outside the cloud forest. In front of everyone, there is a sea of ​​clouds, boundless.

Xu Ziyan didn't have time to waste it here, and Wuthering Mountain was waiting for her to go back and establish Zongmen. At this point, she stepped toward the clouds, and Jin invincible followed, but let Xu Ziyan stop, indicating that he stood outside the clouds waiting.

In the invincible heart of Kim, only obeying orders, he stood by the clouds and waited. Xu Ziyan took a step and disappeared into the clouds.

The three thousand monks couldn’t help but look awkward. They didn’t think that there was never any move along the way. It’s like Xu Ziyan, who is in the mountains and waters, will be the first to walk in the clouds.

Naturally, they will not stand outside the cloud forest. What are they doing here? It is to save Ouyang Liu Xian. It is to get the reward. Therefore, immediately I wanted to rush into the cloud forest, and even Xu Tianyao could not stop it at this time. Fortunately, he was able to control his own thousand monks, simply and his own thousand monks did not move, standing I will observe it for a while before the cloud forest.

The remaining two thousand monks also have cautious people. Not all of them are smashing into the forest and cloud forests. Or there are nearly eight hundred monks who have not acted rashly, but they are standing in the same place as Xu Tiandui.

They are waiting, waiting for the situation after the more than a thousand monks entered the cloud forest, and are waiting for the situation of Ziyan.

Time passed in the silence, and soon half an hour passed, and the hearts of the people began to get nervous. Because so far, people who have entered the cloud forest have lost news, and there is no news back, as if no one has ever gone in before. If they didn't see the more than a thousand people coming in, they almost suspected that they had entered a dream.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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