The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2138: Fire of stars

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"Is there something?"

"This one……"

The look of Xu Tiandiao is a bit embarrassing. The town of the demon city is the biggest force in the south, not what kind of people can see. In fact, Xu Ziyan is also qualified to see Ouyang Xunxing. In any case, Xu Ziyan is also a monk from Zongzong, and now is also the master of one. However, it is precisely because of the identity of Xu Ziyan that Xu Tianyao hesitated in his heart. He was afraid that Ouyang Xun would not give Xu Ziyan a good face, and he was very clear in his heart that Ouyang Xun will definitely not give Xu Ziyan a good face.

It was because of the identity of Xu Ziyan and the purpose of coming to the South, she almost became the object of the unwelcome of the southern monks. Ouyang Xun Meng has just become the city owner of the town demon city, the seat has not yet stabilized, in order to win the support of the southern monks, it is not pretending to give Xu Ziyan a good face.

However, now Xu Tiandiao understands Xu Ziyan. If Ouyang Xun really makes Xu Ziyan face down, who knows what this Xu Ziyan will do, will it immediately worry?

Thinking of this, I also looked at the gold invincible and the magical demon standing on the left and right of Xu Ziyan. The heart could not help but be pumping. Therefore, he decided that he would never be able to let the city owner see Xu Ziyan immediately. He would have to wait until he reported all the circumstances to Ouyang Xun. So, in the end, I still dared to say:

"Xu Xianzi, I will arrange a residence for you first, waiting for me to go back to the city owner and then ask my city owner."

Xu Ziyan stared straight at Xu Tiandiao, and his heart had already understood his mind, but his heart was also a bit uncomfortable. I am not coming to Ouyang Xun to meet. It is to get back the rewards that belong to you. Xu Xuyan said faintly until Xu Tianyao was stared at her face with an unnatural look.

"That would be a trouble for Xu Daoyou!"

"No trouble, no trouble!"

Xu Tianyao took a long sigh of relief and even arranged the monks who had recruited them. This and Xu Ziyan left, with their own people to protect Ouyang Liu Xian to the city government.

Xu Ziyan was idle, and suddenly remembered more than a hundred monks who had been recruited by Xu Tianyao. She wanted to learn from these monks about these people's ideas about establishing a sect in the south. They are few people. But it can also represent the views of some southerners.

Since you want to stand in the South, you must know your confidant.

Xu Ziyan thought for a moment, simply wrapped a layer in the restaurant, and then let Jin invincible to bring those monks to come over, those who saw the gold invincible to ask, which dare to put a fart? If you are anxious to win the gold, give them a punch, then who can suffer?

Moreover. A monk of the Xianzun period invited, and the owner of the guest was Xu Ziyan, and there were many faces! Thus, in less than a quarter of an hour, more than a hundred Xiandi were sitting on this floor.

After Xu Ziyan waited for all kinds of dishes filled with Xianyuanli, he took up the wine glass: "You friends, we can also fight one by side. After two days we will be separated. So today purple smoke is prepared some Everyone gathers thin wine!"

"Thank you a fairy!" Everyone also raised their glasses and drank them.

After that, everyone will talk and drink, some tell their own stories, and some exchange ideas about cultivation. The monk with a table of Xu Ziyan will naturally not give up the opportunity to ask for advice. They saw it at the beginning, although Xu Ziyan looked just like a peak of the late Emperor, but the combat power is definitely more than that. Therefore, I have asked Xu Ziyan for a place that I don’t understand. Xu Ziyan also answered one by one.

Today, Xu Ziyan is not a rookie who has just flew up to the mainland. She not only has a panoramic view of the ancestral library, but also watched the various legacy of Thunder Tianzun in the Thunder Xianfu. The temple has realized various attributes and has the inheritance of Dan Fuzong. After her integration, she realized. After the understanding of the gods in Kuitian, Xu Ziyan was not high, but in theory has reached the realm of the master.

Therefore, every point of her guidance has made other monks have a clear and open mind, and the eyes that look at Xu Ziyan are more and more revered.

Other monks saw this situation. One by one, they put down the wine glass and rushed over to ask Xu Ziyan to point out the confusion in his cultivation.

This question and answer. Time passed quickly, and two hours passed. When Xu Ziyan saw it almost, he took a clap and was surrounded by a quiet, all looking at Xu Ziyan.

"Dear friends, Ziyan has another identity and has not said to everyone. Ziyan is a disciple of the Eastern Emperor, and this time he came to the South to build a sect."

All around, I was quiet, my eyes were communicating with each other, and then I looked at Xu Ziyan’s eyes with some unnaturalness. Seeing this situation, Xu Ziyan could not help but smile. I saw that the southern monk had a great resistance to the eastern sect. It seems that I have to explain it, so that these people can spread their words and let the southern monks reduce their hostility towards themselves.

Xu Ziyan’s face showed a bitter smile, and he said that he had come to the south to establish the ancestral hall. Finally, he smiled and said:

"At the beginning, my teacher wanted me to be the peak of Miao Zongyijianfeng. I resigned. Later, the lord wanted me to be the chief disciple of Zongmen, and I was also resigned. The character of Ziyan is somewhat weak, except for cultivation. I just like to travel around. But the teacher’s life is hard to break, and I have to come to the South."

Speaking of this, Xu Ziyan’s eyes swept over the monks and saw their appearance naturally a few points, then went on to say:

"I also know that the South does not seem to like the Eastern Zongmen, so I thought for a long time and decided to establish a third-rate small gate in the Wuthering Mountains. If you have time, you are welcome to go to the purple smoke to sit down."

Although the hearts of the monks did not believe that Xu Ziyan came to the south just wanted to establish a third-rate Xiaozong Gate, but he heard that Xu Ziyan built the Zongmen in the Wuthering Mountains, but he believed a few points about Xu Ziyan’s statement.

What is the Wuthering Mountain Range? Where is it allowed to build a large gate? It is the medium-sized Zongmen that may cause the attack of the Yaozu. Xu Ziyan built Zongmen there, at least from this point of view, there is no ambition.

At this time, a monk's face showed a self-deprecating color: "Xu Xianzi, in fact, you have a small relationship with us in the establishment of the Zongmen in the South. We are basically scattered, that is, some people are in the family. People are not people who are valued in the family, otherwise they will come out to take this risk.

The reason why the South is hostile to the eastern Zongmen, but those big families, the big forces are hostile. They are afraid that the eastern Zongmen will come over and compete for resources. However, whether or not the eastern Zongmen has established a sect in the south, there is no difference between those of us who have lived before. ”

"Yeah yeah!"

The other monks heard this and they reacted. The reason why they are hostile to Zongmen is that they are instinctive because of the tradition of the South and the constant spread of these big family forces. Now that I heard the monk say this, I feel that it is such a thing. What's more, Xu Ziyan saved their lives and distributed the resources in the castle's tall buildings to half of them. What makes them even more lamentable is that Xu Ziyan has the grace of a large disciple, but there is no embarrassment of a large disciple, and he is willing to point out their problems in cultivation.

The so-called teacher of a word, not to mention Xu Ziyan is not a word?

Therefore, Xu Ziyan relied on her personality charm to conquer the more than one hundred emperors present, and ate at a banquet, and everyone was close to a lot. Xu Ziyan looked at the backs of the emperors who had left, knowing that these people would gradually promote their own people from today, and they could not help but feel a little relaxed.

The fire of the stars can be saved!

Turning around and looking at the gold invincible and the magical demon on both sides of his side, he asked: "Yes, how have you two have no fairy?"

"There is no hand to do." Jin Invincible said in a sullen mood: "I have a sword, I always feel that I don't fit, I throw it."

Xu Ziyan looked at the burly figure of Jin Invincible. I imagined that he had a sword in his hand. He couldn’t help but laugh and felt very inappropriate. He asked:

"So what do you think you use?"

Kim Invincible shook his head and said: "I don't know, I like the heavy fairy."

"Heavy fairy?" Xu Ziyan frowned slightly and thought for a moment: "How about giving you two sledgehammers?"

Jin invincible eyes are a bright light, nodded to Xu Ziyan, and there is a desire in his eyes.

"Well, I will refine two sledgehammers for you in a few days!" Xu Ziyan said, and looked at the magical demon.

The magic sees Xu Ziyan looking over and hurriedly said: "Master, you also know that my original repair was not high, there is no strength to get a good fairy, and later I hid in the cloud forest, I know that I need There is no way to get what kind of fairy."

"Oh? So you know what kind of fairy you need?"

“Yeah!” The illusion nodded. “What I need is the kind of fairy that can create a fantasy.”

"This way..."

Xu Ziyan frowned deeply. To say that the magical requirements are not high, it is not difficult to create a fairy that can create a fantasy. Just add some psychedelic powder or better illusion stone in the refining process. Refining a fairy with a fantasy.


Such a fairy is a chicken rib for the magical magic. The magical illusion that the magical magic itself can be transformed is stronger than the above-mentioned fairy. Where do you need the fairy?

How can you match the magical magical instrument? But where can I find the baby at that level?

Xu Ziyan will be a little discouraged to the magical road: "Magic, your fairy will wait to talk later!"

"Yes, master!" The magical heart is a joy. He understands the meaning of Xu Ziyan. At this time, he does not give him a fairy. It is thinking of giving him a good one.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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