The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2149: Ouyang Xun’s fierce confusion

At this time, Shaqianli was a five-body cast on Xu Ziyan. When he heard the call of Xu Ziyan, he immediately followed Xu Ziyan toward the back of the valley.

"Here!" Xu Ziyan pointed to the eyes of the big Zhoutian array of law: "This is the battle of the guardian ancestor, the big Zhoutian array of law, I am now teaching you the control of the big battle."

When the words fell, Xu Ziyan extended a finger at the eyebrows of Shaqianli, and a message was passed into the sea of ​​Shaqianli.

After a quarter of an hour, Sha Qianli opened his eyes and nodded toward Xu Ziyan: "Sovereign, I understand!"

"Good!" Xu Ziyan nodded: "Try it!"

Sha Qianli excitedly nodded his head and then moved the fairy with his hands. In a moment, a scorpion appeared in the air and fell into the eye.


The space was rippling, and all the people looked up and saw a huge mask in the air, covering both the inside and the outside, and the entire mask was so arrogant. However, this is only a moment, the vertical and horizontal swords will disappear, and then the air shield will begin to sway, everyone is like the bottom of the water.

It was a time of rest, and the mask disappeared. Everything has been restored to its original state, as if there were no big bouts in the valley.

However, as a control of the big array of Sha Qianli, it is very clear that this big Sunday sword array has been opened. At this time, I want to enter the valley. Only through the road of the mountain gate, if I enter from other places or in the air, I will be strangled by the Great Zhou Jianjian.

"This big array has been open. It uses the underground metal veins instead of Xianjing, don't worry about the cost!" Xu Ziyan's face showed a smile.

"Xiao Fan, Dong Tian!"

Xu Ziyan shouted. Then he walked back toward the valley. Sha Xiaofan and Liang Dongtian hurriedly yelled "come", trotting all the way to chase Xu Ziyan, behind their two, their parents kept glaring at them.

Passed through the passage. Came to the inner valley. Xu Ziyan, with two children passing through the Taolin, explained to them how to enter and exit this magical array. Waiting until the Taolin passed, Xu Ziyan stopped to look at the two children and asked:


Two children said: "Remember!"

"Take it again and show it to me!" Xu Ziyan smiled and held his hand.

The two children rushed back into Taolin with enthusiasm and ran back later. Standing in front of Xu Ziyan, his face is full of excitement.

"it is good!"

Xu Ziyan nodded with satisfaction. In fact, she was very satisfied with the two children. Sha Xiaofan is a girl, 13 years old this year, Xu Ziyan has been explored with the knowledge of God, turned out to be a superb water spirit. The volume of the sky is a boy, 12 years old this year, but it is a superb fire root.

This is a treasure for Xu Ziyan. She has a good mind to accept these two disciples, but also to observe the heart of these two children.

Turned around and pointed to the large piece of space in front and said: "Xiao Fan, Dong Tian, ​​have you seen this open space?"

"Yeah!" Xiaofan and Dongtian both hurried nodded.

"To build a large pharmacy here, the work of building a pharmacy and taking care of the pharmacy will be given to you two."

"Well, the disciples are guaranteed to complete the task!" Sha Xiaofan and Liang Dongtian immediately said.

"Good! Here are the seeds of some herbs..."

Xu Ziyan took out a dozen small bags, and the seeds in one bag explained to the two children. Their medicinal properties, how to grow, how to care, and so on.

“Remember?” Xu Ziyan whispered softly. The reason why Xu Ziyan did not use the immortal to inject them directly into their knowledge of the sea was to try to test the understanding of the two children in this way.

After all, for the people who cultivate the immortals, qualification is only a foundation, and understanding is the pillar.

"Well, remember!" After Xiaofan and Dongtian thought about it, they nodded confidently.

Xu Ziyan was very satisfied, and the two children were able to think about it before nodding. Prove that their heart is not impetuous.

"Good. Come with me first!"

Xu Ziyan took them out of Taolin and walked toward the main hall, pointing to the waterhole road under the cliff behind the main hall:

"When you usually use water, go there!"

"Yes, the lord!"

After entering the courtyard. Xu Ziyan took them both from the door on the right side and pointed to the two rooms: "The two of you will live here in the future. The tools to open the distance are in the yard."

"Yes, the lord!"

"Okay! The medicine garden doesn't need to be rushed to open up. You two can take two hours each day to open the sputum and take care of the medicine garden. The rest of the time is well cultivated. Today I will teach you how to teach you well. Comprehend, I will give you some advice tomorrow."

"Thank you, Lord!" The two children were overjoyed and bowed toward Xu Ziyan.

"Okay! Go, go!"

Xu Ziyan waved his hand, then walked out of the side door with his hands, and then followed the gold invincible and the magical road behind him:

"You two live in the room in the left door!"

"Yes, master!" Kim Invincible and the Magic Reminder agreed, and walked toward the left door.

Xu Ziyan walked out from the back door of the main hall, entered his room, and sat down on the bed.

Waving a shot and slamming into the roof, inspiring a line of Chinese-inspired fairy tales arranged here, and then flashed into the purple smoke space.

Came into the purple smoke space, Xu Ziyan did nothing, just put a happy rest. Fishing, fishing, picking up the medicine garden, eating the delicacies that Peach Blossoms made for her, drinking Gouda tea and licking the big peach.

This relaxation is three days, and the physical and mental state of Xu Ziyan has been adjusted to the best. Then she entered the time array method, her legs were on the plate, sitting on the ground, and she calmly took out the scent of the fairy. When Zhang mouth sucked, he sucked the sacred sage into his mouth.

A trace of the sky began to spread in the body of Xu Ziyan, she entered the ethereal state in an instant...

Town demon city.

Early in the morning, Ouyang Xun fiercely danced in the courtyard with double sleeves. The Yuanli condensed into a long dragon and fluttered in the air with his sleeves flying, and the clouds in the air smashed. With both hands in the air for a while, the Yunlong in the air dissipated, and the power disappeared without a trace.

The figure came from the trail. It was Ouyang Xun’s fierce confidant Xu Tianyao, who took back the look of the air and made an admirable look toward Ouyang Xun:

"The city owner, your cultivation is getting deeper and deeper!"

"Oh... Tiandiao, since I won the position of the town of the demon city, I feel that my mind is well-informed, and I feel that I can do more with less. I continue to do so, I feel that it will take a long time to break through to the Tianzun period. Hahaha..."

"Congratulations to the city owner!" Xu Tian's eyes are also bright. If Ouyang Xun can really break through to the Tianzun period, then the town demon city will be as stable as Taishan.

"The city owner, the people of the southern parties are coming soon, and you should have prepared it!"

Ouyang Xun fiercely held his hand and stood silently, but he sighed for a long time: "Hey..."

"The city owner you..."

"The thing that the southern forces gathered in the city government to talk about was the fact that Xu Ziyan came to the south to open a sect. This thing I can’t take off as a town demon city. This is also a meeting that has already been set. The second thing was made a lot. In the past, the monks in the eastern Zongmen were separated from the Zongmen. The fact that there was only one sent some resources, and Xu Ziyan was given resources by Shangyuanmeng and the Nine Zongmen, and jointly stated that they supported Xu Ziyan. It was opened in the south. This has given us great scruples in the South."

After Ouyang Xun fiercely released a cleansing operation on his body, he went on to say: "The strength of our southern region is not as good as that of the east. Therefore, since Xu Ziyan is jointly supported by Shangyuanmeng and the Nine Zongmen, we are really not good on the bright side. What to do with Xu Ziyan."

"But... can we let Xu Ziyan open a school in the south?" Xu Tianyao's face showed unwillingness.

"Do not do it on the bright side, it does not mean that it is not done in the dark. The difference is to what extent, otherwise everyone will come to my meeting to do something?"

"That... what does the city owner mean?"

Ouyang Xun fiercely frowned, and shook his head and said: "The key is that I can't figure out Xu Ziyan's mind now. It is reasonable to say that since she got the support of Shang Yuanmeng and the Nine Zongmen, she should shoulder the burden. The Zongmen forces have been working hard in the South. However, at the banquet a few days ago, she said that she only wanted to establish a third-rate small gate in the Wuthering Mountains."

"Is this going to be her enemy?"

Ouyang Xun shook his head and shook his head: "I don't look like it. And you think about it, she built the Zongmen in the Wuthering Mountains, which is doomed to have no big development. If she dares to make a big move in the Wuthering Mountains, don't When we are these people, the Yaozu will destroy her."

Xu Tianyao stayed for a while and couldn’t help but shook his head: “It’s really hard to think about this purple smoke!”

"And I have sent people to explore these days. She really chose a small valley in the center of Wuthering Mountain as the land of Zongmen, the small valley..."

Having said that, Ouyang Xun Meng couldn't help but laugh: "Although it is the inner and outer valleys, it is simply a small sect. It is impossible to develop into a medium-sized sect. It is impossible for a third-rate medium-sized sect. And she only has one hand. Seventeen disciples, the seventeen disciples are descendants of the monks.

From this point, we can see two aspects. One aspect is that Xu Ziyan really just wants to establish a third-rate small sect, at least for the time being. On the other hand, Xu Ziyan’s disciples are also very cautious. It’s not that as long as someone goes to her, she only accepts her trusted disciples. ”

Xu Tianyao thought: "So, isn't she not incompatible with the South? Is this Xu Ziyan telling us that she has no ambition?"


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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