The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2178: Was teased

I am very grateful to Jie Yan students (200), Shannee classmates (100), mableip classmates for their rewards!


No one knows exactly what Xu Ziyan had made, so he only stayed aside to continue to observe Xu Ziyan, and warned the bosses of his shops to still report that the shelves were almost empty, in case Xu Ziyan suddenly appeared in their shops. . Anyway, in any case, it is impossible to let a little resources flow into the hands of Xu Ziyan.

So, what is Xu Ziyan doing?

Xu Ziyan was not practicing at this time, because he had cultivated habits in the large-scale chamber of the Juyuan, which was laid out by the veins, and then practiced in this ordinary inn. It was really a bit of a chicken, but it was barely cultivated for three days. I finally gave up. After practicing here for three days, it is better to practice an hour in the secret room of your own imaginary peak, and you will not be sinned here.

In the boring waiting, Xu Ziyan sank into the purple smoke space, she has not looked at everything in the purple smoke space for a long time.

First, the gods wrapped the whole purple smoke planet, and the face could not help but show the color of smile. This planet is the biggest planet that Xu Ziyan chose in the body space. At this time, half of the planet was opened by peach blossoms. It became a medicine garden and the other half became a forest.

Xu Ziyan estimated this time. If the herbs needed for alchemy alone, the herbs that Xu Ziyan has on this planet don't say that it is too imaginary, that is, there is no problem in raising the entire nine sects.

Sweeping the gods through the peach blossoms and the spring thirty mothers, the heart is not happy. Today's peach blossoms and spring thirty mothers have reached the realm of the early human respect, even the same as Xu Ziyan's realm. Xu Ziyan could not help but sigh the richness of Xianyuan in his space. In particular, the planet that I have chosen is even more intense. Moreover, these practitioners here have not modified and competed for their cultivation resources, vying for the power of heaven and earth, and because of their relationship with Xu Ziyan. Every time the purple smoke breaks through, they will get more heavens than other demons, which makes their cultivation leaps and bounds.

Looking at the spring thirty mother, Xu Ziyan in the heart of the dark road. This cultivation can let her go out and help herself fight when there is an opportunity.

Looking at the peach blossom, I couldn’t help but look at the body of the peach blossom, the big peach tree. Xu Ziyan swallowed a spit, and the person who is in the honor of the big peach does not know what it is?

Xu Ziyan thought of a heart, a glimpse of the gods spread under the big peach tree, rolled up a big peach, instantly appeared in front of the room in the purple smoke. A cleansing technique was released on the big peach and then bite gently. Immediately I felt a scent of fresh scent poured into my mouth and went down the throat. From the inside out, the pores of the sweat seem to open gracefully.

Carefully ate the big peony in his hand and released a cleansing technique on his hands. Then once again sank into the purple smoke space.

The six monks of the first-class sorcerer and the sorcerer found that the cultivation of six people at this time has also reached the late Emperor. The gods turned around and came to the front of the ten trees, and the nine were huge. One is still very weak. How long did it stay here, Xu Ziyan’s knowledge came to the front of the Enlightenment Tea Tree.

I saw the tea tree of Enlightenment, and Xu Ziyan remembered that it seemed that she had not learned tea for a while. Immediately took back the gods and took out the tea set in the room, brewed a pot of tea for himself, and slowly drank while comprehending the heavens in it.

This pot of tea has been drinking for half a day. Xu Ziyan's understanding of Tiandao has been added a bit, especially for alchemy.

Xu Ziyan thought about it for a moment, and his heart was a bit stunned. This enlightenment tea was originally added to the cultivation of the monk's state of mind, and alchemy is also the way to increase the monk's own cultivation, both of which have inner Taoist trajectories. Therefore, it is not unusual to drink Gou Tea to understand a little bit of Dan Dao.

After the tea set was cleaned, it was collected. Once again, Shen Shen sank into the purple smoke space and came to the front of Jianmu. At this time, Jianmu had grown into the sky, and Xu Ziyan’s knowledge was scanned around the building. In the heart, I don’t know if the building will bear fruit! If you can bear the fruit. What will it be like?

With a wonderful delusion, Xu Ziyan came to the dark star again. At this time, almost half of the dark star was filled with undead grass, and the other half was planted with various dark attributes. The dark attribute tree demon was flying in the air. Take care of these dark attribute herbs.

Xu Ziyan looked at those undead grasses and thought about it. With such undead grass, I should use it! I don’t know if it’s not dead, but also the refining of Yanshoudan and Zengshoudan. What kind of medicine can it refine?

Looking for an opportunity to study, there should be other uses!

God’s knowledge left here, and went to see the big bears. When I saw a big bear with a holy fruit screaming on it, Xu Ziyan’s heart was happy, and then I saw the earth’s different bears broke through, and my heart was even more It is happy. Nowadays, the fruit of the strong bears in the earth's different bears has been able to make a fairy emperor break through the realm of Xiandi. This is just to take the holy fruit directly. If Xu Ziyan is made into an elixir, this holy fruit can be It is not only that a fairy can break through to the Emperor.

God's knowledge came to the chaos, and the chaos looked up and looked at the direction of Xu Ziyan's knowledge. Xu Ziyan knew that the two gods had figured out, and when she found her in confusion, she gathered the body image and looked at the chaos. The corner of her mouth passed a smile, and the chaotic cultivation had been promoted to the early stage of the land.

After chasing a look at Xu Ziyan, he lowered his eyes and cultivated there. Xu Ziyan did not bother her, the image of the gods condensed silently disappeared in the air, and the next moment came to the edge of the space, looking toward the ancient vine hope and Xiaobai in the chaos of chaos.

The cultivation of Gu Teng has now surpassed Xu Ziyan to reach the middle of the human respect, while Xiao Bai has reached the peak of the late Ren. Xu Ziyan is very skeptical that if Xiaobai is always cultivating this chaotic gas, her strength will soon exceed chaos.

The gods retreat from the purple smoke space, and the Xu family disciples have not yet arrived. After a little thought about it, I brewed a pot of enlightenment tea for myself, and then took out the phoenix feathers, wrapped the gods in the roots of Feng Yu, and sang the tea, and realized the technique.

This has passed three days.

These three days, Xu Ziyan has been immersed in the comprehension of the system, but the atmosphere in the town of the demon is suppressed to the extreme.

Because Xu Ziyan has been in the inn after the town has been closed for six days. In the past six days, the shops in the town of the demon city have avoided the purchase of resources for them, but the shelves are almost empty. There was almost no profit in six days, which caused huge losses for each store.

This is not the main thing. The main thing is that there are still a lot of scattered repairs in the town of the demon town. These scattered repairs need to buy cultivation resources! There are also scattered repairs that enter the town of the demon city from the outside every moment. Are they coming to the town demon city not to buy cultivation resources?

However, they found that almost all the shops in the town of the town had no goods on the shelves, which inevitably caused a quarrel. It can be done two days a day. For six days, the conflict in the town of the town has already shown signs of escalation.

You must know that you are not allowed to sleep in the town of the town, you must go home at night, or live in the store. Those who ran here to buy resources will have a place to live in the town of the demon city, originally thought to buy the resources to leave the town demon city, but now have to live in the inn.

The price of the inn in the town of the demon city is very expensive. These can be used for a day, but now they have lived for six days. How can they get it?

Ouyang Xun Meng and those families are really mad, this purple smoke is not intentional, right?

She knew that the families in the south would not sell her to cultivate purple smoke. She went to the town demon city to disgust the southern monks. I couldn't buy resources, and you didn't want to sell resources, and the town demon town was chaotic.

Just as Ouyang Xun Meng couldn't stand it, and prepared to personally visit Xu Ziyan and ask her what she wanted to do, Xu Ziyan came out from the inn. With gold invincible directly to the outside of the town of the demon city. Because she received a message from Xu Haotian, they have arrived outside the town of the demon city.

Outside the inn, the monks who had been monitoring Xu Ziyan saw Xu Ziyan leave the inn and immediately reported to their homeowners. Ouyang Xun Meng and other homeowners heard the report of their men, it was really mad.

When you let the purple smoke come to the town of the demon city, you will not be able to stay in the inn, so that we have almost no business for six days in the town. Then you came out, went to a shop and didn't go in and look at it, and immediately left the city.

What are you doing?

Isn't this amused us?

The Southern monk not only did not laugh at Xu Ziyan, but saw that Xu Ziyan could not buy the resources of embarrassment, but instead let Xu Ziyan be put together, how can one heart pass?

Immediately ordered to monitor Xu Ziyan's men to continue tracking Xu Ziyan, to see what Xu Ziyan is doing after leaving the city?

After an hour, they finally understood what Xu Ziyan came to the town of the demon city. It was originally to pick up people, and to take over the monks of Taixu, there were more than one hundred people.

"It's really mad..." The thoughts of each southern family.

When Xu Ziyan came outside the city, he saw one hundred and twenty-eight disciples standing outside the city gate and saw Xu Ziyan coming out of the city. The Xu disciples excitedly "hula" and came around, one Excited and Xu Ziyan greeted.

Xu Ziyan first met with Xu Zhentian and Xu Zhenshan, and they greeted each other intimately. Since everyone has come, Xu Ziyan understands everyone's feelings, and there is no need to blame them for their own opinions. Moreover, Xu’s disciples were determined to live with her, and Xu Ziyan was also very happy.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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