The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2183: Refining heart

Is it true that in addition to raising some demons, the master’s community also raises some human monks?

The array has always looked around and said: "What size is the master's layout?"

"Nature is the highest level of the big array! There is no problem with the innate fairy tales of the late peaks?"

There was no opening in the array, and Jin Invincible and the magical face were discolored. I couldn’t help but look at the array. Is this human being a top-level leader in the late stage?

"This is no problem, it just takes a lot of time."

"Time is not a problem, you can lay it out slowly, there is no problem with the material?"

Xu Ziyan asked with some concern. If there is a lack of materials, Xu Ziyan can have a headache. Now it is the biggest problem to let her buy some resources in the South. The southern blockade of Taixu resources is too strict.

"This is not lacking!" The array shook his head. "There was some material in the original. Later, the master got a batch of precious materials in the ground of the shady plain. And the most needed material for refining the pillars is ordinary materials. For example, there is no scale iron, just add a small amount of rare materials inside when refining each column.

As for the ordinary materials, it is possible to find the veins directly in the Wuthering Mountains. It is mainly because it takes a long time to deploy a large array. It takes only ten years, and it will take eight years to fully deploy this large array. ”

“Good!” Xu Ziyan nodded. “After you go back, give me the materials and quantity needed to set up a large Zhoujianjian. I will let Zongmen disciples find the veins in this Wuthering Mountain and then mine. After you finish the refining. After the post, I will let the invincible and the magical two protect you from laying a large array of guards."

"Yes, the master!" replied reverently.

When Xu Ziyan thought about it, he took back the purple smoke space. Then I returned to Taixufeng with Jin Invincible and Magic.

Returning to the Taixu Zong in the main hall, Xu Ziyan summoned Sha Qianli through the gods, and then he sat down there with a slight squint. After a while, Sha Qianli came to the hall with great enthusiasm, and saw Xu Ziyan sitting down there with a slight squint. Did not dare to disturb Xu Ziyan, they had to stand quietly.

After a while, Xu Ziyan got a jade from the array where he needed to lay out a large array of materials. He took the jade in his hand and swept his finger with a god, then the finger was shot. The jade was easily in the air. Drifting toward the sand. Sha Qianli hurriedly caught the jade slip and looked at Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan said:

"I will immediately let the array and the instrument hall give me the full force to search for the veins recorded in this jade, first of all to distribute these veins to our family."

"Yes, the lord!"

The monks and the monks in the Wuthering Mountains began to scream...

In the demon territory, the depths of the cloud forest.

A large array of endless ladders was laid out under the joint force of Yanshan and the Lord and the demon.

Within the big array is an endless void, and only one endless ladder extends toward the endless void. At this time, there were two people standing outside the big array. One was a fairy in a white robe, and the other was a demon Lord in a golden robe. Both of them were holding their hands and their eyes were tightly locked in the black robe youth in the big array.

The Yanshan soul is standing at the end of the endless ladder, surrounded by no wind and no sound, everything seems to be in eternity. The soul of Yanshan looked at the ladder that stretched to the endless void, and knew that as long as he stepped on the ladder, he would never have to turn back. Only able to move forward, not to retreat.

Or become a ruthless beggar of the last world, or fall here, or...

The smile of Xu Zi's soul emerged in front of the eyes of Yanshan, and he looked forward to seeing him. Yanshan soul drooping eyes, closed his eyes. When I opened my eyes again, my eyes became firm.

Stepping out, stepping on the first step of the endless ladder...

The lord and the demon Lord, whose mood has been cultivated and stabilized, are also binocular, and their eyes flashed toward the soul of Yanshan.

Yanshan soul took this step, and there was no pause. Step by step, not slow or slow, but it was the same frequency to climb step by step toward the endless ladder.

Yanshan spirit keeps the mind and makes his mind become ethereal, climbing step by step upwards, but the endless ladder is endless, and Yanshan soul keeps walking.

One day, two days...

January, two months...

One year, two years...

Ten years, a hundred years...

Millennial, 10,000 years...

Yanshan soul can no longer hold the ethereal mind, retreating from the ethereal, reluctantly sighed, examined his body with the knowledge of God, and found that nothing changed.

There is a hint of joy in the heart, and there is a trace of loss...

Yanshan soul continued to climb up step by step, but gradually became annoyed. There is silence in the surroundings, it is an eternal void, and only one ladder extends toward the void...

Another hundred years have passed, the soul of Yanshan is in this silence, there is no hope, and the mind gradually falls.


Yanshan soul sighed softly, and the feeling of being mad was really unbearable for him. If he goes on like this endlessly, he really doesn't know if he will go crazy.

He began to recall that he began to recall his wisdom from the last world, and he always remembered the reincarnation of the reincarnation, and then recalled that he met with purple smoke, and now...

At this time, even the Yanshan soul did not know how long the time had passed, but it felt that it had passed tens of thousands of years. Looking up at the endless ladder in front, Yanshan soul has no choice but to start the second memory...

Outside the big array, the lord looked at the shadow of the Yanshan soul in the footsteps without a slight confusion, and sighed a bit:

"After the past day!"

"This endless ladder has not been visited by anyone. However, once this large array is completed, it will coincide with Heaven. The time inside is certainly not more than a day. The number of steps that follow the path of Yanshan is probably tens of thousands of years." ?"

“Should be like this!” The Yaozu nodded and admired: “Just walking in the endless ladder for tens of thousands of years, and not being able to cultivate, I began to admire the realm of Yanshan soul.”

"Oh, it seems that his reincarnation has also benefited. This state of mind is much stronger than the previous one."

"Not bad! Even I am jealous of him!" The Yaozu smiled and said: "But if the Yanshan soul is really degraded here, we can say it well. His airlifting is half of our two."

"That is natural!" The lord nodded.

The two people no longer speak, looking at the Yanshan soul on the endless ladder, time is passing in the silence...

"The lord..." The demon whispered: "Do you say that the Yanshan soul will fall on the endless ladder?"

"There should be 30%!"

The demon Lord looks at it: "Is this the result of your deduction?"

The lord suddenly smiled and said: "What do you want to do? I pushed it again in the last two days, and the result is still 30%."

"What about the chance that he will become a beggar?"


"So, the chance of a breakthrough in Yanshan Spirit is only 10%?"

"This is already good, at least there is a chance." The lord said faintly.

The soul of Yanshan has been recalling the past six times. The past has not been deliberately thought of, just like the flowing water has emerged...

Too imaginary.

I have been busy for nearly three months and recruited 690 disciples. The number of people in Taixu has reached 943. Although the number of people has increased, the strength of Zongmen has not increased at all, because the disciples who have just been recruited are all fifteen years old, and there is almost no strength. Too imaginary needs to wait for them to grow up.

Half of the monks in the Wuthering Mountains are attached to Taixu, and the remaining half of the monks are free to use themselves and are unwilling to attach to Taixu. Some are separate monks with no power, and some are teams of only about ten people. Such monks are attached to the Taixu and are not useful. Even if you are too imaginary to point you to a drug garden, are you managing it? Even if it is too imaginary to find out a vein, can you dig it?

In these three months, Taixu Zong has discovered a lot of veins, which are distributed to the family that belongs to Taixu. Xu Ziyan did not do anything these days. Everything that was too sinister was handed over to Sha Qianli and others, and she was single-mindedly locked in the alchemy room to understand alchemy.

Alchemy indoors.

The purple horn of Xu Ziyan has already oozing sweat. This is her hundred and one refining of Jiu Dan, which is a kind of Xiandan in the early stage. As long as this furnace is successfully refining, she will enter the ranks of the innate angels in the early stage of the first grade.

Xu Ziyan's arms pulled out the blurry afterimage in the air, and a dandelion hit the alchemy furnace in front of him. The ground fire had been opened to the limit by Xu Ziyan. The entire alchemy furnace was faintly red, and the entire alchemy room was like a stove. .


Xu Ziyan's last handcuffs were printed in the alchemy furnace, and the alchemy furnace rang for a while. This sounding sounded for a long time, and suddenly the entire alchemy room was so beautiful...

Xu Ziyan’s face showed excitement. Standing up and stretching his hand, he opened the alchemy furnace cover. A Xiangyun rose from the alchemy furnace. The five crystal clear elixir vibrates in the alchemy furnace and has a tendency to rush away.

Xu Ziyan understands that he has succeeded in refining the innate Xiandan in the early stage of the product. If the grade of Xiandan is higher, it will rush away.

It’s just that the Xiandan grade of Xu Ziyan’s refining is not enough now, so Xu Ziyan is not in a hurry. Instead, he is excited to look at the five elixir on the alchemy furnace. One by one, taken out from the alchemy furnace, and watched it again in the hand. Only then took out five jade bottles and placed five pieces of Jiulong Dan into the jade bottle.

Such a purple smoke has really stepped into the threshold of the first generation of Xiandan in the early stage of the product. As long as many different Danes are refining in the years to come, it will gradually consolidate and eventually stabilize its own realm.

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