In this way, the monks in the Wuthering Mountains, no matter how many demon people they hunted, how many medical gardens they had opened, how many veins were dug, they still lived in hardship, while the southern monks gained huge benefits because they indefinitely lowered the price. .

"Some plans seem to have been implemented in advance! Since you want to fight, fight it!"

Xu Ziyan's eyes flashed through anger, took a deep breath and calmed down the emotions, and walked toward the refining shops in the town.

"Come on, don't go late!"

A few monks walked by the side of Xu Ziyan and said, "This time, the Yang family recruited monks to go to the demon territory. I heard that there are thousands of gifts for Xianjing."

"Do you know what Yang family is going to do in the Yaozu territory?"

"I don't know, it's nothing more than hunting the demon or exploring the ruins. Maybe we can get some treasures in the ruins besides getting a thousand of the best."

Xu Ziyan frowned slightly, Yang Jia is one of the eight major families in the South. What do they do to recruit monks to the Yaozu territory? Are they going to the demon territory, or do they want to target the Wuthering Mountains?

Today, Xu Ziyan could not be careless, and followed these people behind him. After a long time, Xu Ziyan followed them to the mission hall of the town demon city. Suddenly, there were people from Yang family who recruited monks there. Xu Ziyan stood by and watched for a while, as long as the monks Yang Xi’s masters were recruited. . After the agreement was reached, it was agreed to gather at the gate of the city three days later, and the monks could leave.

Xu Ziyan left the mission hall and decided to register with them after they purchased the Jingjing Copper to see what the Yang family wanted to do.

Turned out of the mission hall, along the street, looking at the shops on both sides. When the eyes were bright, I saw a refiner shop and stepped forward.

There are more than a dozen customers in the shop. Xu Ziyan glanced around and the shop was divided into two parts. Half of them displayed various kinds of fairy instruments, and half of them displayed samples of various ores. Xu Ziyan walked towards the side where the ore was displayed.

When Xu Ziyan stepped into the shop, a few guys in the shop looked at the door and then frowned. No one came to greet Xu Ziyan.

This time, Xu Ziyan came to the town of the demon city, not only changed the appearance very ordinary, the clothes on the body also changed into a very ordinary dress, and Xu Ziyan now has a breath of volatility like ordinary people. Anyone who looks like this will immediately think that it is a person who has no oil and water. When I saw Xu Ziyan not buying the fairy, but thinking about the ore, there was no more buddy to take care of her.

Can the price of the ore sold be compared to the sale of the fairy? Can the profit of the ore be compared to the profit of the fairy?

Therefore, Xu Ziyan stood on the side of the ore for a long time, and there was no such thing as a buddy to take care of her, but Xu Ziyan at this time was not annoyed because she saw the copper in the sample. Turned around and looked around, beckoning to a guy.

The face of the man was helpless, and the guest had already greeted him, and could not pass. The smile on my face is definitely gone, and there is a slight impatientness:

"What do you want to buy?"

Xu Ziyan is a joy in his heart, and he has never seen such a rude buddy. However, Xu Ziyan now wants to buy Tianjing Copper as soon as possible, and he is too lazy to care about the other side. He then points his finger at the piece of Tianjing Copper Road:

"Tianjin Copper!"

The guy took a look at the piece of Tianjing Copper Road: "The big piece of fine copper needs ten pieces of fairy crystal."

Then I also looked at Xu Ziyan with disdain, and said: "A poor ghost, buy a piece of fine copper. Delay Laozi time."

"Well, give me 100,000 pieces!" Xu Ziyan said faintly.

"Ah?" The look of the man is a glimpse. He is not shocked by the price of 100,000 pieces. The 100,000 pieces of Tianjing copper are only a hundred pieces of the best, and he is a folk of the refining shop. The Nikkei hand is not only a hundred pieces of the best fairy crystal. He was shocked by the amount of Xu Ziyan needed.

"No... not so much?" the man said a little stuttering.

Xu Ziyan frowned slightly and took out a storage bag and put it on the table. "There are 150 pieces of the best crystals. You can buy it for me. The extra 50 pieces of the best crystals are yours." It’s up."

The guy’s eyes lit up and his face immediately burst into the biggest smile: “Fairy, you wait here for a while, I will go right away.”

After he finished, he left in a hurry. He had been in this line for a long time. It was naturally related to the shops in the town of Demon Town. It was only less than half an hour and he rushed back to put a storage ring on Xu Ziyan. In front of him, Xu Ziyan took over the storage ring and probed it with the gods. He nodded with satisfaction and collected these days of fine copper into his storage ring. Then he returned the storage ring to the buddy and saved the reserve. The bag was pushed to him, and he stood up and walked out of the door. The guy looked at the back of Xu Ziyan's disappearance, still wondering why Xu Ziyan had to buy so many days of fine copper.

Xu Ziyan quickly left the shop and did not stop at all. After all, the amount of copper in her acquisition was somewhat large, and it was in the time of blocking resources. Although she changed her appearance, she was worried that she was suspected that this was from the roaring Mountains. After a round in the town of the demon, and did not find someone to track themselves, this was a soft sigh of relief.

After thinking about it, I couldn't help but laugh at it. With my own cultivation, I consciously sneaked. Even in the Wuthering Mountains, there are submarines of the Southern monks who will not find their whereabouts. How can anyone doubt himself?

I was sure that no one found myself. Xu Ziyan went to the hall of the town of the demon city and went to the main hall of the mission. I saw that the Yang family members who were recruiting monks were still there. At this time, there were some monks who were enrolled there before the Yang family. The Yang family monks were also very simple. All the monks above the Xianwang were recruited.

Xu Ziyan frowned slightly, only to think of his current physical condition, others could not see their own cultivation. Reflexively retired from the mission hall, came to an unoccupied hutong, took out a convergent fairy to release on his body, adjusted to the early Emperor's cultivation, and then returned to the mission hall.

Go straight to a Yang family monk, with a smile on his face: "This Taoist friend, is this the place where Yang family recruits monks?"

That person is a peak of the late Emperor, and the gods swept Xu Ziyan. When Xu Ziyan was a fairy emperor, his face also showed a smile:

"Yes, this Taoist friend is interested?" Before the purple smoke opened, the monk went on to say: "Daoyou, as long as you join this action, our Yang family will pay you a thousand pieces of Xianjing. And everything you get on the road is yours."

Xu Ziyan’s eyes flashed and hesitated and asked: “I can ask what is the mission this time?”

"Of course!" the monk said with a smile: "We are going to explore a relic this time."

"Relics? What remains?"

"This... can't be said at the moment, but there is one point that can tell you that there are many treasures in the ruins, and as long as you get one, you have to go far beyond a thousand pieces of fairy crystal."

The look of Xu Ziyan immediately became firm: "Well, I will join."

The smile on the face of the Yang family monk once again magnified: "Three days later, gather at the gate of the city, where we will send you a thousand pieces of the next fairy crystal."

"Thank you!"

"No thanks!"

Three days later, early morning.

Xu Ziyan is still the ordinary appearance of the deputy, wearing a very ordinary, only five defensive celestial robes, and she also let the first one give her a refining of a five-pronged sword, revealing the repair is also In the early days of Emperor Xian, it made people look at a lonely and scattered work, and walked toward the gate of the town.

At this time, her face was smiling, because this time of the night, in the time array method, all the pillars of the big Zhoutianjian array have been refining successfully, just waiting for Xu Ziyan to return too imaginary, you can start to deploy large Zhou Tianjian array.

Came to the gate of the town demon city, has seen a large number of monks gathered here, Xu Ziyan eyes swept away, my heart could not help but be a little surprised.

The scene is not small, there are actually more than two thousand monks. Xu Ziyan stood on one side and looked at the monks. The more he saw it, the more he was shocked. He didn’t know what Yang family wanted to do. Among the more than two thousand monks, there were more than a hundred peaks of the late emperor. What surprised Xu Ziyan was that there were still six people who were honored as monks and two monks, and this was definitely a terrifying force.

A group of people came out at the door, twenty-one monks, and Xu Ziyan’s eyes were slightly stunned. There were two middle-aged men in the twenty-one, and a monk walking in the middle released a strong breath. Xu Ziyan could not help but tremble in his heart. This person turned out to be an early Tianzun.

Xu Ziyan immediately tried to converge on his own breath, making himself even more unobtrusive.

One of the deities in the middle of the wave waved, and the 18th of the twenty-one monks began to distribute Xianjing immediately, and Xu Ziyan also received a thousand pieces of the best, and then retreated to the side. The eyebrows suddenly picked one. She did not expect that there would be an acquaintance here. It turned out to be the eight people of the Wuthering squad led by Hu Yangang.

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