The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2199: Silver armor zombie

The hurricane of the sky finally dissipated, and the five-and-a-half-step zombies in the distance suddenly accelerated the speed, but only came to the front of Xu Ziyan and others in an instant, and the corpse of the sky rushed.


There was a humming in the air, and a huge Xuanwu appeared, and the people were once again shrouded in it.


The five-and-a-half-step zombie's hard arm hit the basalt.

"Oh..." Twenty-two monks within Xuanwu neatly squirted a blood, and his face became extremely pale. The eyes could not help but look at the Xu Ziyan standing in the middle.


The outside hits couldn't help but the whole basalt's color became lighter and thinner, and the figure was crumbling. Twenty-two monks in Xuanwu, the face at this time has been pale as paper, and blood leaked out within the seven gongs.

"It's over!" The face of Yang Jia's monk was gray, and they felt that they could not support it. The power of the body had already been consumed, and Xu Ziyan was still slowly carrying a mark there...


That Xuanwu only has a very light and thin light curtain left, and it will collapse when he sees it. The bodies of twenty-two monks have begun to shake.


A roar rang in the basaltic, but this scream shook the last light of the basaltic martial arts. The monks suddenly widened their eyes and saw that the eight congenital charms had disappeared and turned into a giant. Dragon, it is a fire dragon, while hovering in the air, while zooming in on the body.


The huge fire dragon swooped down toward the five-and-a-half-step zombies, and the huge body was crushed by five and a half-step zombies. The five powerful zombies seemed to be in the sun in the eyes of the monks. The ice and snow generally melted and was burnt into powder.


The whole sky turned into a fiery red, and a piece of fire cloud lingered around the fire dragon. The fire dragon collided all the way to the front, and the zombies turned into powder.

The monks followed the fire dragon and flew forward. Although the zombies above the road were very dense, and even later appeared zombies in the early days of the people, they were all crushed by the fire dragon released by Xu Ziyan.

Far away, they have already seen a tall flagpole. Xu Ziyan and others are delighted. Under the urging of Xu Ziyan, the huge fire dragon roared and spurted a hot flame toward the flagpole. It became a sea of ​​fire, and the sea of ​​fire rolled over to the front.

In the vision of Xu Ziyan and others, the zombies blocking them in front of them turned into ashes in the sea of ​​fire, and they were infinitely close to the high flagpole.

At this moment, because the zombies in front of Xu Ziyan and others collapsed, their sight can be seen under the flagpole without any hindrance.

Below the flagpole.

The man stood there, full of silver armor, and a giant sword behind him. The body is extremely tall, more than three meters.

Xu Ziyan's gaze is shrinking. Although the man has been keeping his eyes closed, the armor of the whole body is very clean, as if he is always wiping. But there is no slight breath on the body, so Xu Ziyan immediately knows that the other party is also a zombie.

It’s just that this zombie is much stronger. In the eyes of Kuang Peng, he can clearly distinguish that he turned out to be an early stage of the land. What makes Xu Ziyan strange is that this zombie does not collect the weapon in the body, but is behind it. The whole body is full of ancient atmosphere, as if from ancient gods.

I saw that the left hand of the ancient **** suddenly lifted up and pressed forward. The sea of ​​fire that is spreading is a stagnation, and then it is extinguished as if it were covered by frost.


The huge fire dragon in the air hovered in the air, and the huge head went down to the bottom, opening a big mouth and ejecting a hot flame.


The hot flames flow down the sky, like the volcanic eruption of the magma, which will cover the ancient gods.


All the monks took a sigh of relief and finally destroyed the last zombie. Everyone has a glimpse of each other, and there is a feeling of restoring the rest of life.

Only Xu Ziyan’s brow wrinkled more tightly. In her eyes, she clearly saw that the **** in the flame package would not disappear at all. Even the body did not have any damage. The flames could not be close to him, only in him. Around the spinning dance.

The **** will slowly raise his head and head toward the huge fire dragon in the air, his eyes closed and his two gray eyes ejected from his eyes.


The huge dragon in the air that is swooping down is shattered like a soap bubble...

God will slowly put the raised head down and look at the opposite Xu Ziyan and others. The gray light in the eyes was flowing, suddenly shocked, and sprayed toward Xu Ziyan.

At this time, Xu Ziyan still dared to retain his strength. The double fists slammed out, and the Golden Fist was instantly transported to the Great Consummation. Two huge golden fists banged the two gray lights.


A series of explosions, Xu Ziyan's body flew backwards, and the body of Yan Yalong and others behind him was blasted out. This is still the majority of the power has been picked up by Xu Ziyan, they just received a little bit. Even so, their bodies are completely out of control, rolling in the air and falling out.


Xu Ziyan spit out a sigh of relief and looked at the opposite god. He couldn’t help but sigh: "It’s amazing!"

It is necessary to know that the body strength of Xu Ziyan has reached the end of the land, but he did not expect to be defeated by the eyes of this god.


The opposite **** took a big foot on the ground, and the body shape rushed toward Xu Ziyan, and the palm of his hand came to Xu Ziyan as a knife.

This palm seems to open the world, and the space seems to have been torn open with a crack toward Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan’s eyes were suddenly stunned, and he did not retreat. The double fists were enough to complete the golden fist, and the flow of the cloud was fully unfolded, and the gods would be greeted.


Xu Ziyan and God will fight together. This person is a zombie. You come to me and fight together. The movements of both sides are too fast. The whole space can no longer see the two of them. The whole two are blurred. The afterimage.

The space between the two people cracked a smashed crack, and the huge energy collision caused the 匡亚龙 and others to step back. The hurricane cut their skin like a knife, and it hurt into the bones.

The Yang family monk opened his mouth, half-sounding, and secretly said: "Isn't she the early Emperor of the Immortals? When was the early Emperor's Emperor so powerful?"

For a long time, I turned my head and looked at Yan Yalong Road: "Yu Daoyou, Xu Daoyou... What is it... What is it?"

Yan Yalong is also a big open mouth. Although he already knows that Xu Ziyan is the early stage of human respect, but shouldn't it be such a power in the early days? Therefore, he did not answer the Yang family monk at all, but stared at Xu Ziyan.


Yang’s mouth closed and his face turned pale. They suddenly thought that the Yang family wanted to kill all the non-Yang family monks, including Xu Ziyan, but the surnamed monk was not good to kill!

However, I thought that the Yang family had an early Tianzun and two middle ages, and there was a follow-up method. A heart was slightly released.

At this time, Xu Ziyan was very hard. She originally relied on the strength of the body to reach the late stage of the land, while the other side of the zombie was not in the early stage of the land, so that she would not be in danger. However, she did not think that this zombie is only the beginning of the land, but the strength of the body is absolutely no less than her purple smoke.

After interacting with the other party for more than a dozen moments, Xu Ziyan reacted. The other party is not a living monk, but a zombie. Can the body strength of a zombie compare with a living person? The physical strength of the zombies naturally exceeds that of the living ones. That is to say, the body strength of the zombies in front of the eyes is definitely beyond the initial stage of the land, and it is no less than the purple smoke.

What makes Xu Ziyan even more shocked is that this **** will not repair the zombie's fists more than the purple smoke. Xu Ziyan came back and forth from the golden fist to the meaning of the fist of the water, to the meaning of the wooden boxing, to the fire fist, and finally to the boxing of the soil.

The five elements of the boxing spirit repeatedly blasted out, and each boxing was sent to the Great Consummation of the Five Elements. Even so, she still fell to the bottom.

However, Xu Ziyan not only did not have the slightest discouragement, but the fighting spirit was upright. Only the disadvantages of Xu Ziyan are getting bigger and bigger. In terms of body strength, Xu Ziyan and Wu Zhezi are equally divided, and the repair on the fists is still in the downwind, and even if the explosive power and endurance of Xu Ziyan is equivalent to the ordinary monk's early stage, it is only with the other side. In this way, the overall strength is completely suppressed by God.

"It's over! It's over!"

The Yang family monks are nervously looking at Xu Ziyan, as long as Xu Ziyan is defeated, that is, when they fall. These people are all masters of the immortal period. In the early days of a land, there is no such thing as luck.

"It's over! It's over!"

Yan Yalong and others are also a mourning. Finally, there is a ancestral gate that can be trusted. Now Xu Ziyan, the tyrant of the tyrannical sect, is going to die here. Isn’t he and others become the phoenix without roots?

"It's over, it's dead!"

The eleven squad monks also had pale faces like paper, which was originally low, and the body's strength was almost exhausted. Don't say that there is a zombie in the early stage of the land, that is, to come to a fairy emperor, you can also slap them to death.


There was a roar in the air, and Xu Ziyan’s body shape once again turned backwards. The opposite **** would rush toward Xu Ziyan like a sharp sword.

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