The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2212: The bottom card is out


The momentum of Yanshan's soul broke out. The body shape of the lord and the demon lord was in a stagnation in the air, and his look changed slightly. Their momentum from Yanshan soul has been able to distinguish that the Yanshan soul has reached the holy level five, and the cultivation of the lord is only restored to the fifth level, and the demon is only restored to the holy level. Four levels.

What is it, so that Yanshan soul becomes so strong?

In the endless ladder he must have encountered a big chance, but what exactly is this opportunity?


Both the lord and the demon saw the eyes of Yanshan soul. At this time, the eyes of Yanshan soul did not have a trace of confusion. They were very clear, but they were full of vigilance and alertness. This kind of alert is different from the past. The eyes of this kind of alert are completely strange. Human alert.


Will Yanshan soul be strange to them?

The three holy monks stood in the air and looked at each other. The wind whistling in the air, blowing the clothes of three people and hunting. The lord saw the alert in the eyes of Yanshan soul getting thicker and thicker, as if it would take a moment to pick up the wounded, and not help:

"Evil Lord..."

The eyes of Yanshan’s soul shrank, and then there was a glimpse of it, and then the eyes became sharp again:

"Who are you? Who are you calling?"

The lord and the demon Lord are a glimpse of each other, and they look at each other and think freely in their hearts. Is it true that Yanshan Soul can survive in the endless ladder and get a breakthrough, but lost its memory?

This drink, the heavens and the reincarnation, between the gains and losses, free to determine the number?

Just for a moment, the lord and the demon singed in unison: "The evil Lord, I am the lord! (I am the demon!) We are friends!"

"I am a lord?" The eyes of Yanshan soul reappeared in confusion, and the vigilance and alertness in the eyes dissipated a lot.

"Not bad!" The lord and the demon Lord nodded at the same time.

"What is the evil master?" The eyes of Yanshan soul are still confused.

The lord and the demon Lord smiled bitterly, and then the emperor explained: "There are five saints in the fairy world, which are the masters in the immortal world. They are the lord, the demon, the demon, the evil, and the prince, and you are evil. Lord, I am the lord, he is the demon Lord. We are the three best friends!"

"How can I be here?" There is still a little vigilance in the eyes of Yanshan Soul.

"Ha ha ha..." The lord laughed and said: "You are here to realize that I and the demon Lord are here to protect you. The evil Lord, what did you realize this time?"

Yanshan soul frowned slightly, thought for a long time, then shook his head and said: "Do not remember!"

"Can not remember?"

"I really don't remember, I don't remember anything. I am really a lord? Are you really my friend?"

"Of course!" The lord and the demon Lord honestly said: "We are friends who can pay for life and death! Just... you really don't remember anything?"

Yanshan soul frowned and frowned: "I really don't remember anything, just a familiar feeling for both of you. And... and... I seem to have forgotten an important person... It seems It’s a woman..."


A large palm in the air fanned over to the demon, and the sound of the scent of the purple smoke in the body of the smog was broken. The effect of the violent increase of the sacred manifested itself. Xu Ziyan repaired the realm of the early stage of the land. At the same time, there was a thunderous sound in the space, and Xu Ziyan’s hand clasped the Thunder giant sword.

The figure flew, Xu Ziyan's body shape was blurred, another person suddenly appeared in the side of Xu Ziyan, holding a purple smoke sword in his hand, it was chaos, the effect of the increase of Dan also appeared in her body, the early days of Tianzun.

Behind Yang Jiadi, with his mouth open and looking at the back of the chaos, he really couldn’t understand how suddenly one more person came out? Moreover, he still couldn't see the chaotic cultivation. The neck turned stiffly and looked at the back of Xu Ziyan. He couldn't help but look at it. He saw Xu Ziyan is the early stage of the land, and his heart is puzzled. How could this Lingbo be? In the early days of her respect, her strength is not only the beginning of the land! Is it still hidden?

At this time, Xu Ziyan and the chaos had already fought with the demon, and the bursting fairy and the devil collided, and Xu Ziyan and the chaos teamed up in the opposite direction.

Xu Ziyan and the chaotic gods communicated with each other, immediately changed the style of play, and no longer released the immortality of the fairy and the demon, but began to fight.

This battle, the advantages of two people gradually revealed. On the one hand, the two people are connected to each other, and the cooperation between them is seamless. On the other hand, what do these two people have in their hands?

One is the best innate Xianbao purple smoke sword, and the other is the Thunder giant sword that does not know what grade. And the devil's hands are covered with a pair of claws. This pair of claws is just a congenital fairy treasure, even the purple smoke sword is better than that, not to mention the Thunder giant sword.



The speed at which three people are spinning in the air is too fast. Just a moment of rest, there have been dozens of interlacings.


The three people were once again staggered, and the demon rushed through the middle. Xu Ziyan and chaos swept from his left and right, and the space rang a sharply rubbing sound, which was sour. At the same time, the gods, Xu Ziyan and the chaotic body spurted blood.

The left and right ribs of the demon were cut by two swords in the hands of Xu Ziyan and Chaos, leaving a shallow blood mark on both legs. On the shoulders of Xu Ziyan and Chaos, they each left a deep scratch.

The demon turned around in the air, and the two wings swiftly cut the air to make a sharp whistling sound. Immediately after the two claws toward Xu Ziyan and the chaos, two huge paw prints caught toward Xu Ziyan and chaos. Xu Ziyan and the chaotic figure hovered rapidly in the air and flashed away.


The wings behind the demon suddenly left the body, hovering in the air and thinking about the purple smoke and the chaos. The wings cut the air rapidly, and the sharp whistling sound seemed like hundreds of women screaming in unison.

At this time, Xu Ziyan and the chaos were hiding from the previous two claws. The fairy had already used the old one and could not escape the two huge wings.

"Xian Gong Yin!"

"Five lines!"

The chaos and Xu Ziyan continuously released the Xiangong Yin and the Five Elements Ring. The two men each released six immortals and five lines that slammed toward the two wings.


Two wings continually smashed the immortal print and the five-row ring.

First, second, third...

The pair of fast-circling wings under the resistance of the Xiangong and the five-line ring finally fell, although the sixth immortal print and the five-line ring were still crushed, but it gave Xu Ziyan and chaotic reaction time. The figure is staggered in the air, pulling out the residual image of the road, a hand raised, a purple smoke sword, a thunder giant sword was sacrificed into the air, turned into two streams of light to the demon.

The demon is in the middle, and a pair of giant claws keep intercepting the purple sword and the Thunder giant sword in the air. The two wings are hovering in the air, like two giant knives constantly screaming at Xu Ziyan and chaos.

Xu Ziyan and the chaotic right hand swayed to control the thunder giant sword and purple smoke sword in the air like a meteor, constantly attacking the demon quickly, sprinkling the hall full of shaking. The left-handed cage was turned over in the sleeves, and the large sleeves fluttered. The roads of the immortal palace and the five-line ring flew continuously to withstand the huge black wings that circled in the air.

Yang Jiadi, who stood in the corridor, was already stupid at this time, because he saw the chaotic face and could not help but shock the earthquake:

"Isn't this a purple smoke? When did she come here? And how could her cultivation be so strong, stronger than me? Seeing the power of her battle with the demon, it has clearly reached Tianzun..."

At this time, the battle between Xu Ziyan and the chaos and the demon was extremely fast. The demon was standing in the middle, the two claws were flying, the dense percussion sounded in the air, and the two wings circulated rapidly around him, forming a huge black vortex. .

Xu Ziyan and the chaotic figure flew around the hall in the hall, pulling out two blurred afterimages. It was impossible to tell that it was Xu Ziyan, and that was chaos.

However, at this time, Xu Ziyan was anxious, and her situation at this time was even worse than chaos. After the chaos took the violent increase of Dan, the strength has been raised to the early days of Tianzun, and Xu Ziyan has only been promoted to the early stage of the land, under the oppression of the demon.

And this violent increase of Dan is time-sensitive, as long as the past aging, Xu Ziyan and chaotic repair will fall down to the original state, to that time in the opposite of the devil, is vulnerable.

"Oh... it’s not working, just leave it through Xiaomumu!"

However, Xu Ziyan is really not reconciled. When I think of those treasures, Xu Ziyan regrets why not collect those treasures first?

Thinking quickly, what can help you. The repair of Xiaobai and Guteng can't help, Xiaoshui...but it can only increase defense, and other spirits can't.

Soul array?

No, not before the demon, the soul array will be shattered by the two hovering wings.

Symbol array...

Xu Ziyan suddenly moved in the heart, she rang the pen, the god. When the mind is moving, it will summon the god. When the **** came out, it turned to Xu Ziyan in the knowledge of God:

"Xu Ziyan, you promised that I would not put me in the storage ring!"

"I am not easy to accommodate. If you are carrying you again, isn't you discovered your identity?" Xu Ziyan hurriedly explained in the gods.

"Hey..." Fu Shen flew to the opposite side of Xu Ziyan, looked at Xu Ziyan's face, and the tone was slow: "Sure enough, change your face, okay! This time God will forgive you once."

"Fu Shen, don't talk nonsense, hurry up and help me clean up the demon!"

"God? What kind of demon?" Fushen looked at the demon, then "wow" and jumped out of the air and shouted:

"Ziyan, how do you guys provoke!"

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