The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2217: Capricorn tribe

"Isn't it a glimpse of the heavenly kingdom? Then... Is it true that Heaven is born?"

"I don't know!" Xiaobai shook his head.

Xu Ziyan frowned and thought for a while: "Let's put this thing down first. Let's think about Sado. When you know that the Lord is still alive, why should you follow it?"

The two men frantically thought about each other while walking slowly between the jungles. Half a ring, Xiaobai shook his head and shook his head:

"Have no idea!"

"I can't think of it!" Xu Ziyan shook his head in frustration.

The two steps suddenly jumped, and the gaze looked toward the other path in the forest, and saw a pair of Mozu monks coming over from there. The team of the Mozu monks also saw Xu Ziyan and Xiaobai. At this time, Xiaobai was already the peak of the late Ren. The body exudes a sigh of scent, and the strongest of the Demon monks is a mid-century Emperor. Therefore, as soon as I sensed the smell of Xiaobai, I shivered and prayed toward Xiaobai and Xu Ziyan:

"See the adults!"

Xu Ziyan suddenly moved in the heart and waved at the Mozu monk. The Mozu monk came to Xu Ziyan in a treacherous manner.

" what are you going to do?"

"I have a question to ask you!" Xu Ziyan put his own attitude into harmony.

"Adults ask!" The Mozu monk saw Xu Ziyan just asking a question, and his heart secretly relieved.

"Why are you attacking the mysterious secrets?"

"Adults you..." The Mozu monk flashed his hesitation and vigilance in his eyes.

Xu Ziyan puts a hand in his hand: "Our sisters have been living in seclusion. They have just come out soon. They have been watching for a while ago. You are attacking the mysterious realm. Everyone is a Mozu, why should you kill each other?"


The Mozu monk reluctantly accepted the reason of Xu Ziyan, and whether it is the Mozu, the Terran or the Yaozu, there are many such monks who live in seclusion. And the strength of the other side is there, so he immediately explained:

"We attacked the mysterious mystery in order to **** the secret! There is a better cultivation illusion, and there is a true inheritance of the Mozu!"

Xu Ziyan looked at the look of the Mozu, feeling his spiritual fluctuations, knowing that he did not lie. Then stand there and think deeply:

"The original situation of the Mozu was originally the base camp of the Mozu in ancient times. It has the most complete inheritance of the Mozu. This is a normal cause of the Mozu of the Yuan Dynasty. As for the cultivation environment... This mysterious mystery is flying up to Shangyuan. After the mainland, the magical power has become extremely rich. It is reasonable to say that for these two reasons, it can definitely cause the madness of the Mozu, which seems to be a normal reason for attacking the mysterious mystery."

"There is no other reason?" Xu Ziyan asked.

"Nothing!" The Mozu monk shook his head immediately.

"Sister!" Xiaobai looked at the demon monk next to him, and said with a politeness: "He is a fairy emperor, but a small role of the Mozu, I am afraid I will not know too much."

Although the demon monk was not happy in his heart, he did not dare to show it. He nodded and said:

"Yes! Yes! Yes! It's just a small role. Just know that."

"Where is your camp?" Xu Ziyan asked quietly.

“The adult asked is to ask our tribe?”


"On the other side!" The Mozu monk stretched his finger behind him.

"Let's see us!"

Xu Ziyan decided to go to the Mozu tribe to see, even if it is not clear why the Mozu attacked the secret, understand the Mozu. She has that self-confidence, no demon can see through the white camouflage, but it is a congenital fairy, unless it is the demon Lord, or the peak of the late Tianzun. As for his own disguise, the Mozu is even more invisible.

The Mozu monk naturally refused to refuse, leading the way in front, leading Xu Ziyan and Xiao Bai to fly to his tribe. The tribe was not far from here or near, flying about a half hour or so, landing in a mountain range, where there are several valleys, and the same tribe is inhabited by these valleys. At that time, the Mozu monk led Xu Ziyan and Xiao Bai to the largest valley.

"Reed, how come back so soon?" Several Mozu monks were coming out of the valley and saw Reid asked strangely.

"There are guests who want to meet Capricorn!" Reed said with a smile.

The few Mozu monks looked toward Xu Ziyan and Xiao Bai behind Reid. This look was a change. They all felt the scent of Xiao Bai’s body. Xu Zi’s body was not exposed to the slightest breath, as if ordinary people But the noble temperament is hard to make others think of her as an ordinary person.

"See the adults!" Several Mozu monks shouted in unison.

Xu Ziyan just nodded slightly, and kept walking forward. He went all the way to the depths of the valley and saw a black palace. Xu Ziyan looked at it. This palace is not majestic, but the scale is not too small. . Reid stopped and said to Hui Ziyan with respect and respect:

"Adult, please wait a moment here, let me sue the Capricorn!"

"Yeah!" Xu Ziyan nodded gently. Hold hands and look at the palace.

Reid stepped up before he came to the palace, and whispered a few words before the guard at the gate of the palace. Then he saw the guard's gaze looking toward Xu Ziyan. The look was slightly changed, then turned into the middle. De said, he took Reed toward the palace.

Shortly after the time passed, I saw a big demon with a height of more than three meters in the gate, followed by Reid and the Mozu guard behind him.

The big devil's gaze was first attracted by the scent of Xiaobai, and his look was a move. He did not think that Xiaobai turned out to be the cultivation of the peak of the early human reverence. His eyes were looking towards Xu Ziyan, and his eyes flashed a stunned look. He couldn’t see the repair of Xu Ziyan.

At this time, Xu Ziyan was also looking towards the big demon, and his eyes also showed a hint of surprise. The other party turned out to be a mid-term peak.

The big devil strode toward Xu Ziyan, although Xiaobai revealed the cultivation of the late peak of the person, but his gaze fell on Xu Ziyan's body at once, because Xiaobai showed a strong breath, but it was A pair of innocent. While Xu Ziyan was there, he showed the noble temperament of a superior.

"In the next step, welcome the friends."

"In the next purple smoke, this is my sister Ziyun, I have seen a friend."

"Please, let's talk in our temple!"


Capricorn and Xu Ziyan walked side by side, and Xiaobai followed behind Xu Ziyan. Capricorn inadvertently swept a little white, his heart secretly:

"Sure enough, the repair of the purple cloud is not as good as purple smoke, otherwise how would she be willing to follow?"

Three people entered the hall and there was a little magic to send tea and fruit. Xu Ziyan and Xiao Bai just took a sip of tea and put the cup down. Drinking the two of them who are acquainted with the tea, it is really impossible to drink this tea. However, there are two kinds of melons in the land of the Mozu, which have a special taste. The two people have eaten a little.

Capricorn has been observing Xu Ziyan and Xiaobai, and seeing the performance of two people, the heart can not help but be shocked. He can feel it, Xu Ziyan and Xiao Bai's actions are very natural, definitely not artificial, it is a kind of nature formed by the long habits.

The performance of two people simply does not look at their own tea and melons. It is important to know that these teas and melons are the best in his place. Even among the various tribes of the Mozu, they are counted as top grades, but from Xu Ziyan and Xiaobai. The performance is not lacking in taste.

"Zi Daoyou!" Capricorn put down the teacup and said softly: "I don't know which tribe from Zidaoyou?"

Xu Ziyan said faintly: "The place of seclusion, not to mention it! This time our sisters came out to practice and took the liberty to go to the door, but it was somewhat reckless."

"No! No! No!" Capricorn waved: "The two friends come to make the house shine!"

The two sides chilled a few words, and Xu Ziyan asked the Capricorn hand: "The Capricorn friend, there is something unclear, I want to ask a friend."

"Oh? Do you know the Taoist friends?"

“Thank you for your friends.” Xu Ziyan thanked him again, and then continued to ask: “Our sisters came out to experience and once saw you attacking the mysterious secrets. Isn’t that the reason?”


Xu Ziyan’s voice just fell, and there was an infinite roar between the heavens and the earth. The whole earth was shaking, and even the magic palace shook violently.

When Captain's look changed, he did not have time to greet Xu Ziyan. His body shape disappeared into the palace. Xu Ziyan and Xiao Bai looked at each other. The figure disappeared instantly within the palace and came outside the palace. Looking up, I saw a giant peak behind the palace shaking. Xu Ziyan’s knowledge was released, and he caught the Capricorn in an instant. He flew with a small white volley and fell to the side of Capricorn. He asked:

"What happened to Capricorn?"

"The ancestors had an accident!" Capricorn's look became very anxious.

"Old ancestors?" Xu Ziyan's look was shocked.

"Not bad! The ancestors and the retreat a hundred years ago, want to break through to the Tianzun period. Even the siege of the demon's secrets did not participate, but the situation seems to be an accident..."


It was another roar of shaking the mountain. After the crumbling was crumbling, it finally split to the sides, like a giant beast opened his mouth.

The endless magical spurt out of the cracks of the giant peak, and in the endless magic, a huge black figure rises, the huge head, the body of the stalwart, four arms, red eyes like blood, releasing madness and killing Breath.

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