The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2227: Ninth floor

I took back my eyes and stood up calmly, heading for the eighth floor.

"Do you want to stay in the Taoist!" said the first Mormon monk who entered.

Xu Ziyan stayed in the footsteps and turned his head to look at each other calmly. That Tian Zun stood up from the ground:

"This Taoist friend, the eighth floor is very dangerous, not as good as our five companions, how do you get the black wind beads?"

Xu Ziyan slightly frowned, she did not want to be with the four Tianzhong mid-term monks, and now it is not shot, the other side can not see their depth. However, if you go hand in hand, as soon as you shoot yourself, you will immediately see your true cultivation in the middle of the four days of the Sun. This is an unknown danger to her who sneak into the Mozu.

Xu Ziyan shook his head gently and said faintly: "I am used to one person!"

When the words fell, Xu Ziyan no longer stayed and turned and flew away from the passage. The look of Tianzun was a change, but he couldn't understand the repair of Ziyan, but he did not dare to turn his face immediately. He just snorted and watched Xu Ziyan's body shape rush out of the passage and entered the eighth floor.

"Let's go!" Another Tianzun stood up from the ground.

"Go! Let's see how she searches for the black wind beads on this eighth floor!" Another Tianzun stood up. On the fourth day, Zun stood up silently, but did not say anything, but the eyes that were revealed were full of curiosity.

The four celestial bodies in the middle of the body swayed, and they rushed out of the passage and entered the eighth floor. The gaze is a stay. In their gaze, the shape of Xu Ziyan has disappeared.

"How is she so fast?"

This is the voice that four heavens have emerged at the same time.

"She is there!" A Tianzun suddenly pointed to the front and said.

The eyes of the four gods looked in one direction. At this time, about 500 meters away from them, countless wind dragons hovered around a place, and there were more than one hundred, forming a wind dragon. The vortex that makes up. Although they can't see the shape of Xu Ziyan, they all know that there must be a monk there to attract so many dragons to attack.

At this time around Xu Ziyan, more than a hundred wind dragons roared and swayed toward her constantly, each wind dragon has a length of kilometers, Xu Ziyan turned into a wind, the sword of the wind spread, the road The wind wall expands outward, blocking a dragon, but the wind wall is broken with the dive of a dragon.


The wind dragon finally hit the body of Xu Ziyan, and Xu Ziyan flew into the air. A wind dragon hit the body of Xu Ziyan, and then more dragons hit her, constantly slamming the purple smoke into the air. The defensive mascara shrouds Xu Ziyan's body shape and rebounds in the air. It is like a ball that is generally jacked up by a wind dragon. Looking at it in the distance, it is a picture of a group of dragons.

Seeing this scene, the faces of the four Mozu Tianzun are not sardonic...

Deep in the cloud forest.

The soul of Yanshan, the lord and the demon Lord are three in the cloud.

"Evil Lord, are you really leaving?" said the demon Lord.

"Yeah!" Yanshan soul nodded gently: "I have to walk around, maybe I can remind me of something. Two big brothers, thank you for taking care of the younger brother these days, the younger brother will leave."

"Take care!" said the lord and the demon Lord at the same time.

" Take care!"

The sound of Yanshan soul scented, turned, and sleeved, and the figure disappeared into space instantly.

Looking at the space where the soul of Yanshan disappeared, the demon Lord frowned slightly and asked: "Danzhu, don't you say that Yanshan soul has only three endings? Or fall, or break through, or become awkward. But now he is not Any kind of ending, but the endless ladder collapsed, but people lost their memory. What is going on?"

The lord also frowned slightly: "I have been pondering these days. It is reasonable to say that only the ruthless stone and the fusion of the sensible springs can make the endless ladder collapse, but he is first on the top of the endless ladder, and the fusion is endless. The ladder collapsed, and he did not become a beggar in the end, nor did he merge the ruthless stone and the sentimental spring, but lost his memory. It is very puzzling."

"Yes! Will he combine half of the ruthless stone and the sentimental spring..." The demon Lord frowned.

"Some don't make sense!" The lord shook his head and said: "Let's go to the endless ladder to see!"

"it is good!"

The two figures disappeared in space and instantly appeared in the endless ladder. At this time, the endless ladder has disappeared, and the figure of the lord and the demon lord fell from the sky and landed on the ground where the endless ladder was laid, spreading the knowledge. The gaze of the two people is a change. The two of them feel that there is still a breath of endless ladder here. This kind of atmosphere is wrapped in a heavenly way, a kind of heavenly lord that they have never touched before. The two men looked at each other and immediately sat on the ground and closed their eyes...


The shape of the Yanshan soul falls on the top of a lonely mountain, standing with his hands on it, and Renshan wind blows his clothes. The eyebrows lock the body and sink the **** into their own body world.

At this time, his body in the world is vast, but there are five large islands in the ocean, divided into five colors, dark wood and fire.

Yanshan soul frowned deeply. He had already heard the fairy and the demon Lord told him that he was a five-color stone born with wisdom, and his heart was secret. Is these five islands a five-color stone division?

But how can they split?

What is this piece of ocean?

The lord and the demon did not tell Yanshan that there was a sentimental spring, nor did he tell him about the endless ladder. He only told them that they were friends and gathered together to cultivate. I don’t know how the Yanshan soul came out.

Is it because this five-color stone split has made me lose my memory? Is it possible that I can reintegrate these five big islands into one place?

Xu Ziyan sat on the ground, and the Yuanshen entered the world of the body. The avatar space promoted the five large islands to the center.


The five big islands shook and began to gather toward the center. But the vast ocean has set off waves and prevented the movement of the five big islands.


The spirit of Yanshan spurted out a blood, and the Yuanshen returned to the sea of ​​knowledge. The body swayed and fell to the ground.

I don't know how long it took, the space was rippling, and a figure appeared above the soul of Yanshan, holding a golden compass between the hands. As soon as his gaze fell on the body of Yanshan, his face changed dramatically, and he waved his hand and tore the space. The sound of "嗖" went in and disappeared.

Three days have passed. Yanshan soul opened his eyes, his hands clenched his head and frowned, and he felt severe pain in his head. I took a deep breath and barely sat down on my knees and began to adjust my interest.

Half a day passed, the look on the face of Yanshan soul relaxed, and opened his eyes, but the eyes were full of stunned, and the mouth whispered:

"How is this possible? My world can't be completely mastered. What is that piece of ocean? How can I not control it when I am incarnate?"

The eyes looked at the endless void, as if there was a familiarity in the midst of calling him. The figure disappeared leisurely in the peak...

Batu Caves.

The eighth floor.

A wave has formed around Xu Ziyan. Every time he waves the sword, he has set off a wave of waves and bombarded the dragon in the air. Not far behind her, followed the four middle-aged mid-term, while squatting in the air, the wind down the dragon, while looking incredulously at the back of Xu Ziyan.

"She, she, she... she actually realized the sword of the wind into the realm of Dacheng!"

"Yes! It is indeed a realm of Dacheng!" Another Mozu Tianzun said with envious color: "It’s just that her cultivation does not seem to reach Tianzun, huh? It seems that the original respect of the land is stronger. Who is it? When did our Mozu appear such a master?"

Xu Ziyan's sword tip was picked, and a wave of winds slammed into the air, and a wind dragon hit a head in the air, and then roared and thought that Xu Ziyan swooped down.

Xu Ziyan’s footsteps rushed away and drove the wind dragon behind him. The figure is like the wind, the fairy sword flutters, and the provoked trend is getting bigger and bigger, more and more fierce, and whistling to the ninth floor.

The four Mozu Tianzun immediately followed Xu Ziyan's body. They did not understand the sword of the wind like Xu Ziyan, but they also realized the meaning of Zhongcheng's wind. Together with the cultivation of Tianzun, the hard dragon and the dragon will be one. Tianlong broke.

There was a huge black whirlwind on the left and right sides of Xu Ziyan. At this time, Xu Ziyan was completely immersed in the understanding of the sword of the wind. He did not see the two black whirlwinds and rushed straight through.

But behind her, the four Mozu Tianzun saw the two black whirlwinds, and the eyes were all bright. They immediately changed their direction and rushed toward the two black whirlwinds. When the four of them broke two black whirlwinds and got two black beads, they looked in the direction of Xu Ziyan, and they could see a trace of Xu Ziyan.


Xu Ziyan slammed into the cliff and woke up the intoxicating Xu Ziyan, and looked around and saw himself hitting the cliff on the side leading to the entrance to the ninth floor.

Xu Ziyan smiled at himself and walked into the entrance to the ninth floor.

Entering the passage, the eyes did not see any traces of the monks, Xu Ziyan immediately sat in a corner and swallowed the drug into the interest rate.

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