The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2236: headache


The five people are in the heart, they do not think that Xu Ziyan is talking big. Although they don't know what Xu Ziyan is doing, it must be that Xianzun can't be wrong. The more than two hundred years old Xianzun, it is already certain that Xu Ziyan must have the day when he set foot on the peak of Tianzun.

Xu Ziyan made a speech today. If he and others are really betraying the Zongmen, Xu Ziyan will realize her promise. Maybe it will not be immediately put into action, but one day, Xu Ziyan will kill the rebel.

"The Sovereign, now that you are back, can you take us to explore the independent space?"

Xu Tianwo said with excitement, this sentence is exported, all the Xu family's monks are bright eyes, they have long waited for the arrival of Xu Ziyan, once remembered that they were in the mainland of the sky, in the lower galaxies, in the middle galaxies Follow the experience of Xu Ziyan's adventures, and the blood will boil.

When they followed the adventure of Xu Ziyan, although they were in danger, they also had companions alongside them, but there was no doubt that during that time they were the fastest growing period of time and the most time of the adventure.

Ever since they came to the Shangyuan Continent, they and Xu Ziyan’s repairs have been too big, and there is no chance to take risks with Xu Ziyan. Now that I have the chance to take risks with Xu Ziyan, how can they not be excited?

Sha Qianli, Pu Songhe and others looked at Xu Tianwo, Xu Qinyang and other people excited, and they did not understand very much. One by one, in the heart, is it so exciting?

Xu Ziyan also felt funny, but it was followed by a smile. It’s just that they’re repairing them today, and taking them to adventures, maybe it’s a big fall.

"Sovereign!" Xu Tianwo saw the heart of Xu Ziyan and said with a wide neck: "You don't want to look down on us. I thought that when we fled in the vast mainland of China, our repairs were too low to be low. It’s not too much for ants, but are we not coming over?

Although there is a possibility of degeneration, but Xiu Xian was originally against the sky. Even if we hide and practice, there will be a day when Shouyuan runs out of degeneration. You said that the person who cultivates the immortal must first have a strong heart. Is it necessary for the sovereign to cool our strong heart? ”

The bitterness on Xu Ziyan’s face is even more: “The brother of Sirius, this time is more dangerous than our previous experience. All the top players on the mainland of the Yuan Dynasty are gathered here. Shangyuan Meng 12 Tianzun, Nine The main patriarchs, the great heavenly lords of the South, the peaks of the four great deities of the Yaozu, and countless Tianzun are all gathered here. We are not even ants in front of them. If we take risks, it is not possible to fall, But there is a great possibility of corruption."

Speaking of this, Xu Ziyan paused: "In fact, I mean, it is best not to participate in this drowning, return to Taixu as well."

"Go back?" Xu Tianwo suddenly, half-voiced: "We want to go back to this kind of prosperity? Purple smoke, this is not like you!"

When Xu Tianlang was excited, he forgot to call the Sovereign, but he used to call his purple smoke directly. Xu Ziyan whispered:

"I just want you to go back, I will stay!"


This time, not only Xu Tianwo was shouting, but Xu Qinyang, Ling Hao and others stood up and shouted. A firm color on his face.

"The Lord left, we will stay!"

Xu Ziyan looked a sinking, but Xu Qinyang did not wait for the purple smoke to open again, and he pre-empted:

"The sovereign, the monks of the whole continent have arrived here. This is a big opportunity for the people who cultivate the immortals. The sovereign will not make things that let us avoid the opportunity to go?"

Xu Xingfan also said: "The sovereign, you are leaving, we will stay. When you return to the sect, we will return to the sect."

Xu Ziyan had a headache. She knew that the solitary smoke like Ximen, Di Yi, Ling Xiao, etc., who were not surnamed Xu, had already thought in her mind that she was a Xu family. Among the people of Xu family today, Xu Tianwo, Xu Qinyang and Xu Xingfan are undoubtedly the three core figures besides themselves. I looked at the three people and wondered how to deal with it at this time.

Under the eyes of Xu Ziyan, Xu Qinyang, Xu Tianwo and Xu Xing were a little bit guilty. Xu Qin Yang said:

"Ziyan... We don't care if we don't have a chance, we just want to sneak with you."

"Yeah!" Xu Tianlang also looked at Xu Ziyan: "We haven't been together for a long time."

"Aunt..." Xu Xingfan pleaded: "You will take us!"

Xu Ziyan could not help but raise his hand and rub his eyebrows for a while.

"Lord!" At this time all the people stood up and called.

"Okay! Ok!" Xu Ziyan put down his eyebrows and said: "Leave it and leave it!"

"The lord is wise!" Xu Tianwo and others are very happy, and they shouted in unison.

"Let's leave you wise?" Xu Ziyan couldn't help but smile bitterly: "But stay is left behind, you still have to keep a low profile as before, and don't even go inside the independent space, stay in the camp, wait. Let me first understand the situation here and then make a decision."


Xu Tianwo and others answered very simply. Anyway, they have to follow Xu Ziyan. How did Xu Ziyan decide that they should do this?

"Lord!" At this time, Shaqianli finally put a mouth: "How do we do now?"

Xu Ziyan slightly thought about it: "Since the Shangyuan League, the four ancestors of Danfu, the ancestors, Luo Tianzong and Tianxiangzong sent people to invite me to a narration. I always have to visit. Then I will go to independence. Only after a space exploration can the final decision be made."

After a wave of saying: "Well, let's go down and practice. The magical and Sirius brothers stay."


Everyone went back and went back to their own room to practice. Xu Tianwo and the magical demon stayed, and some looked at Xu Ziyan with confusion. I don’t know what Xu Ziyan left behind.

Xu Ziyan looked at Xu Tianwo: "Sirius brother, you originally merged with Louzhuzhu. I don't know if you still have a Louzhuzhu, can you blend?"

Xu Tianwo’s eyes are bright: “Yes, of course. I feel that the effect of squatting on the cultivation of my squats from three years ago has disappeared, but I have left me with a special method. If I have A squatting pearl, not only will my cultivation be a leaps and bounds, but my special tactics will multiply."

"That's good!" Xu Ziyan took out a squatting pearl and handed it to Xu Tianwo: "Sirius brother, you will refine this slab."

"Really is the squatting!" Xu Tianwo jumped up.

"Master!" The magical demon also widened his eyes, staring greedily at the squatting pearl in the hands of Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan waved his hand to stop the magical demon. The magical magic had to swallow a spit, and looked at Xu Ziyan with a grievance and stood aside.

Xu Tianwo’s hand has a trembling, and his hands have taken over the Dragon Ball, excitedly said:

"The Sovereign, with this slab, I will break through the early days of the Emperor in three days, and this Dragon Ball can continue to assist me in the next 100 years, so that my cultivation is speeding up. fast."

"Well, the brother of the wolf will quickly refine this tower, and maybe we should act after three days."

"Well, I will go to refining!" Xu Tianwo turned and ran out of the door.

Xu Ziyan glanced at the magical demon who was enviously looking at the back of Xu Tianlang. He couldn’t help but laugh:

"Fantasy, is this 蜃楼珠 useful to you?"

"Of course useful!" The magical screamed with a big mouth: "Master, that 蜃楼珠 is the most treasure for our magical magic, what is the effect of 蜃楼珠? It is illusion. What is the instinct of our magical genie? It is illusion. So one The 蜃 蜃 珠 can directly raise our illusion to a level."

“Oh?” Xu Ziyan said with amazement: “Isn’t that if you have ten eight sacred beads in your magical demon, you can directly become a monk in the late Tianzun?”

" is it so easy..." The illusion said with a smile: "The magical magic can only swallow a squatting pearl in his life, and the second one will have no effect."

“Hmmm?” Xu Ziyan frowned slightly: “The wolf brother has refining a squatting pearl that day, will the second lose its effect?”

"Of course not!" In the eyes of the magical demon, there is a color of envy: "The Terran can refine and refine the three sacred beads, but it can only be refining three squatting beads, but only the fourth one." used."

"Oh, this is good!" Xu Ziyan nodded and calculated: "If today, the wolf brother is refining the second squatting pearl, he gave the magical one, and there are still two left. Waiting for the brother of Sirius One, there is one left."

I took out a squatting pearl and handed it to the magical demon: "The magical demon, you refining this squatting pearl. Right, I have a squatting pearl, what kind of fairy you want, I will use it for you. Refining a fairy."

The magical hand trembled and almost dropped the squatting pearls in his hand to the ground, and excitedly looked at Xu Ziyan:

", have one?"


"There is no need for master refining. Although I can only refine a squatting pearl to improve my cultivation, I can savour the second squatting pearl and use it as my fairy. The squatting pearl was originally born in heaven and earth. Have the power of the innate Xianbao."

"Oh!" Xu Ziyan nodded, and took out a Louzhuzhu and handed it to the Magic Road: "Give you!"

"Thank you! Thank you master!" The magical devil was so excited that he held a squatting pearl in his hand and his body was shaking.

"Then you will go to refining!" Xu Ziyan waved his hand.

After the magical demon was also sent away, Xu Ziyan sat there and thought a little, then stood up and walked out of the door and walked outside the camp.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!



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