The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2252: a good place to break through


As soon as the Dan demon entered the purple smoke space, he did not react, and was smashed by Xu Ziyan, who was transformed into a purple smoke space.

The Dan demon died, and did not turn into an elixir as Xu Ziyan imagined, but turned into a gas. Xu Ziyan was overjoyed. He still had to take a good look at the gas, but found that the gas was dissipating at a very fast speed and was integrated into the space of the purple smoke.

Xu Ziyan is a stay, she understood at this time, this Dan demon turned into a gas containing Yuanli and Tiandao was absorbed by the purple smoke space. This is undoubtedly good for the purple smoke space, but Xu Ziyan does not want this! She also wants to put this gas into the jade bottle and leave it to her own cultivation.

"It seems that I have to speed up!"

Xu Ziyan glanced at the pagoda floating in the purple smoke space. When he moved in his heart, he entered a tower of gods and entered the tower. At this time, those who were too imaginary monks were sitting in the tower one by one, looking one by one. Anxiously talking about it.

"Fantasy, is it like this? The sovereign will not have anything?"

At this time, the magical demon has already told the people in the valley, so everyone is aware of the danger of Xu Ziyan. The magical devil is shaking his head:

"I don't know, but since the owner has let us be here, should there be a way?"

The knowledge of Xu Ziyan was swept over by the monks, and the repairs of the monks were clearly revealed.

The magical devil is the beginning of Tianzun, Sha Qianli, Pu Songhe, Tiezhong, Zheng Hongzhen, snow flies, and intoxication. These six people are the masters of the late Emperor Xian. Xu Tianwo is the original cultivation of Xiandi, unknown. Ling and Xu Lin are the masters of the late Emperor's peak. The solitary smoke of Ximen, Di Yi, Ling Yijian, Fire Dance, Gongzi Forging, Ximen Yu is the Emperor In the mid-term cultivation, Xu Qinyang was the cultivation of the peak of the early Emperor of the Emperor, and Xu Xingfan was the cultivation of the peak of the late Xian Wang. Xu Yutian was the cultivation of the late Xian Wang, and Xu Zhenshan was the cultivation of the immortal king. There are also some of the immortals and some of the kings of the Xu family brought by five of them.

In fact, the strength of the Xu family is really weak, that is, it is weak in the Taixu. However, if you know that these people have not been flying up for a long time, they will be surprised at their speed of cultivation.

Most of these monks were geniuses in the genius of the mainland, and they were cultivated hard in a sealed world, which is not comparable to those of the finest monks in the immortal world. And not only the question of qualification, but also the cultivation in the sealed world, which one is not a tough person.

This is one side of the water and soil to raise one person, but the hard environment can create a group of true geniuses.

Moreover, some of these people still have some adventures. Xu Tianlang and Ling Xiao got the squatting and white tigers in a coincidence. Xu Lin has a unicorn blood in his body. Ling Yijian got the sword of thousands of miles. These people have been rushing all the way to nature.

The nameless qualification is undoubtedly the strongest. It alone has realized the meaning of the sword. The fire dance has the rare roots of the Nether, and the son of the man has realized the meaning of sorrow. The Ximen jade has been transformed into a water body, and it has also been realized. The meaning of water. Xu Qinyang and Xu Xingfan are the roots of no attribute. Although the qualifications are excellent, the speed of improvement is therefore behind, but these two people are also because they have no attribute roots, and they have strong combat power, like Xu Ziyan. Can be more challenging.

The solitary smoke of Ximen was cultivated to the Mahayana period before the seal was unveiled in the mainland. Is his qualification and understanding likely to be poor? Di Yi carving can be taken in a million miles, can his qualifications and understanding be poor? Can Xu Tiantian be the master of a family, and the qualifications and understanding may be poor? Here, if you say that there is some difference in qualification and understanding, it is Xu Zhenshan.

“It’s better to let them take this opportunity to improve and repair!”

Xu Ziyan knows that this is an excellent opportunity. It is a big opportunity for these monks of Taixu, because it is so simple to accumulate Yuanli in their realm, and they need an understanding of Heaven. Nowadays, these Dan Yaos not only have a strong celestial force, but also a trace of heaven, which will greatly reduce the difficulty of breakthrough. This is definitely an opportunity that any monk dreams of.

Thinking of this, Xu Ziyan’s voice rang in the tower space: “I’m fine, I’ll be there to deploy a time array here, any I will send the killed Danden to here, after the Dan’s demon is killed It will become a gas with a strong vitality and a trace of heaven, and you will practice here and strive for a breakthrough."

When the words fall, Xu Ziyan's mind is moving, the whole space has changed. At this time, Xu Ziyan is incarnate in Tiandao, and it is very simple to lay a time array in the purple smoke space.

But she didn't know that these people in the tower were stupid. The bodies of these Danemons still contain heaven.

This is this... As long as it completely absorbs these forces and heavens, isn’t that easy to break through?

Among these people, Zheng Hongzhen’s heart is the most shocked.

Time array method?

As a martyr, he naturally knows how difficult it is to lay out a time array. That is simply a legend!

The monks of the Xu family exchanged their eyes with joy, especially the Xu Tianwo Xu Lin and Ling Xiao, who had only one meaning in their eyes.

"Look, as long as it comes out with the purple smoke, the speed of repair will be lifted up soon."

At this time, Xu Ziyan was quietly opening the space. This time she took in ten Xianjun period medicinal herbs, then closed the space, and instantly smashed the ten Danshes, and then immediately put the ten The group gas was sent into the pagoda. It’s just that Xu Ziyan is very helpless. This Ziyan space is automatically competing with Xu Ziyan for these gases. It’s just a short-lived effort to steal half of it. This is still the premise of Xu Ziyan’s incarnation in the purple smoke space.

However, Xu Ziyan also knows that this is the natural reaction of the purple smoke space. It is like a hungry person. You have sent things to his stomach. He naturally wants to digest some.

Xu Ziyan immediately opened a hole in the space. This time she ingested more Danden, and then immediately strangled and immediately sent into the pagoda. Of course, it was still half of the purple smoke space.

Xu Ziyan wandered around the outer world of the whole world, and the speed of ingesting the Dan Yao was getting faster and faster, and the amount of each intake was getting bigger and bigger. Because she found that the number of Dandens is too much, and she did not care about being discovered by Dan.

Just half an hour's time, Xu Ziyan ingested tens of thousands of Xianjun Dan demon, the gas inside the pagoda has been liquefied, and was absorbed by the Taixu monks frantically, and the trace of the heavens circled within the pagoda, a trace of silk The earth was absorbed into the sea by the Taixu monks, and the atmosphere of every monk climbed rapidly.

Xu Ziyan knows that he can no longer transport the gas of the Danish demon into the pagoda, which is not only good for the monks who are too imaginary, but also the possibility of exploding them.

She quickly took out countless jade bottles in the space, then began to ingest the Danden, then strangled, and then put those gases into the jade bottle.

Xu Ziyan just forgot the charge, and the action is getting bigger and bigger. Gradually, she appears as a black hole in the valley, and the Danes are continuously collected into the purple smoke space. Like a rainbow, it flows into a black hole.

How can such a big movement not be discovered by those Dan Yao?

At this point all the Dandens found this black hole. All of these Dandens panicked. They didn’t know what the black hole was. They instinctively wanted to avoid it, but no matter how they hid, the black hole was With infinite gravitation, the Dan demon is constantly absorbed into it.

At this time, Xu Ziyan already knew that he had been discovered by the Dan Yao, so he did not do two, and opened the mouth of the purple smoke space. This time, more Dan Yao was absorbed, not only Xianjun. The Dan Demon of the period has begun to absorb the Dan Demon of the Xian Dynasty.

The Tiandun Dan demon finally couldn’t bear it. He immediately commanded the heavens and the earth to move up and began to surround the black hole. He wants to try to pack this black hole into a big battle, can he hold it?


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