The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2272: Purple smoke...

I am very grateful to the **** classmates (200), mableip classmates (100), and the water cloud to meet the classmates (100)!


Xu Ziyan looked up at the 30 diamonds in front of him, and suddenly he had an idea in his mind. Is this diamond corundum in the original Dan Fuzong should also smear the fluorescent grass juice every seven days? It’s just that when you charge these cockroaches, the fluorescent grass juice has evaporated.

Anyway, this is the solution. Xu Ziyan worked excitedly with Fushen. She was responsible for softening the corundum with the white bone vine juice, and Fu Shen was responsible for repairing the cockroach. It was only thirty diamonds, and it was Fushen’s personal shot. It took less than a day to repair thirty diamonds.

Afterwards, Fu Shen returned to the pen. Xu Ziyan took the pen into the storage ring this time. The **** did not have the slightest reluctance. He was quietly refining the demon at this time, but it was rare. Hey.

Xu Ziyan took thirty more gold pheasants and collected them. Then they spread the knowledge and saw that one or four people still preached there. Anyway, they were prepared to let them preach for a month. Xu Ziyan did not bother them. Sitting in the hall of the Taixu Peak, Xu Ziyan looked at his chin and thought about the next plan, but he walked away unconsciously.

"So long, how can the mountain soul not come back?"

The vast continent.

Yanshan Spirit sent back outside the Lotus Peak Xu family.

At this time, the Xu family is already the first family in the mainland. At this time, the Yanshan soul has already experienced a lot of vicissitudes. The repair of one body has already fallen to the beginning of the immortal, and it has fallen to the Mahayana period with only one step. At this time, if he and Xu Ziyan stand together, it is definitely a lot bigger than Xu Ziyan.

At this time, the soul of Yanshan was squatting away from the distance of the Xu family. He inexplicably had a feeling of intimacy. He only felt that it seemed important to him. Looking up at the sky, his heart suddenly rose a little frustration.

Whether I know it or not. I can't go back. Nowadays, only the cultivation of the immortal period, how to return to the mainland?

Behind him, followed by Fox, she looked at the back of Yanshan soul, and hesitated in the eyes. It’s fear for a while, and greed for a while...

She is now very keen to swallow the soul of Yanshan, how to refine the body of Yanshan soul, she has a feeling, if he can really refine the Yanshan soul, it is likely to break through the shackles, reaching the legendary holy level.

But she is very scared. Her fear comes from two aspects. On the one hand, can she really refine the Yanshan soul? Even if his cultivation has fallen to the human fairy period. Another fear comes from the demon Lord, if the demon master knows that she refines the spirit of Yanshan. Will you let her go?

Her heart is very clear, even if she successfully refining the Yanshan soul, in a short time is not the opponent of the demon, the demon master can seize her, swallowing her refining.

"You... forget it..." Yanshan soul looked back at the fox. I want to say something, but I don’t know how to speak, and I finally turned it over.

In the past few years, Hu Meier has been with him, so that his confused heart has a good impression on Hu Meier. But it is just a good impression and gratitude.

Fox Meier hurriedly looked at the Yanshan soul and whispered: "What do you think?"

"I... I want to go to the Lotus Peak to see."

Fox Meier looked at the tangled look of Yanshan, but also said that Yanshan soul was afraid of what happened, and repaired to fall again. This is what she expected, and she said softly:

"Let's go see it!"

Yanshan soul looked over him and looked at him. He turned his head and looked at the distant Lotus Peak. He said faintly:

"I am afraid……"

Fox Meier commonly sighed in disposed of, and a holy monk would be afraid.

"I don't know what you are looking for in the past few years, but that must be very important to you." Hu Meier said softly.

Yanshan soul said for a while: "It is very important!"

"Let's go check it out!"

Business time, "Yes to see?" Half-sounding, turning back to Fox, "You are waiting for me here, I will go see."

"Good!" Fox Meier whispered.

With a decision in the soul of Yanshan, he no longer hesitated and swung his sleeves. The figure disappeared. Although his cultivation has fallen to the beginning of the immortal, it is also a level higher than the cultivation of the mainland, a level they cannot understand.

Therefore, Yanshan soul wants to be seen, but no one can see him.

After the disappearance of Yanshan soul, the face of Hu Meier’s face showed a sneer, and the figure disappeared abruptly on the ground. Following the soul of Yanshan, with the cultivation of Yanshan Soul, she could not find her track.

The shape of the Yanshan soul easily passed through the large array of Xu family, appearing on the lotus peak. Then his figure appeared in a secret room, where the original Lotus Peak gas leaked, and it was the place where the Yanshan soul was born.

Yanshan soul hides his body and stands in the secret room. His eyes fall on a woman, but the woman is Xu Qingxue. Xu Qingxue at this time is already the cultivation of the peak of the Mahayana, and is sitting in the secret room to practice.

In another corner of the Chamber of Secrets, Hu Meier also concealed his body and looked at Xu Qingxue.

Yanshan soul moved his eyes from Xu Qingxue to her body, where there is a very familiar feeling, and his body has a kind of echo.

Yanshan soul walked to the front of Xu Qingxue, sat down on the knees and closed his eyes.

The force of the earth and the earth enters the body of Yanshan Soul. The soul of Yanshan does not care about the power of these earths. What he cares about seems to make him have some memories, a very intimate memory, but these memories are very vague and can’t be seen. Clear, can't hear clearly.


Yanshan soul spurted out a blood, sprayed the opposite face of Xu Qingxue, let Xu Qingxue surprise, opened his eyes. This opened his eyes, but his heart was even more shocked.

At this time, the soul of Yanshan lost his mind and revealed his body shape. Xu Qingxue naturally saw the soul of Yanshan. Suddenly he saw Yanshan soul appear in front of himself, and sprayed his face blood, how can she not be surprised? Xu Qingxue, who has been cultivated and not shocked, is not stuttered:

"Yan... mountain... soul!"

"You... know me?" The look of Yanshan's soul is very complicated, with some wings and fear. A repair has fallen to the Mahayana period.

Xu Qingxue looked like a sigh: "Yanshan soul, you don't... don't know me?"

The face of Yanshan soul showed a bitter bitterness. At this time, his heart has already understood that he must have a deep relationship with this place, otherwise he will not recognize himself in a small Mahayana period.

"I... amnesia."

"Amnesia?" Xu Qingxue's face showed a faint color.

"Can you tell me about my things?" At this time, there is no fear in the eyes of Yanshan soul, and some are just the wings.

"You... don't even remember the purple smoke sister?"

"Ziyan..." The eyes of Yanshan soul are confused. I felt very painful in my heart, and suddenly I squirted a blood, and I fell into a distracted period.

"Do you think of it?" Xu Qingxue's eyes lit up.

"No..." The mouth of Yanshan's soul is still flowing with blood, and it has been reduced to the stage of the gods. Raised his hand and wiped the blood on his lips, revealing a stubborn smile:

"You still tell me to listen!"

"But... your injury..." Xu Qingxue looked worriedly at Yanshan.

"Nothing!" Yanshan soul smiled.

"Okay!" Xu Qingxue's look hesitated, and finally said: "I don't know a lot..."

Xu Qingxue knows very little about what happened before Yanshan Soul and Xu Ziyan, but only knows that two people are lovers. So it didn't take much time, just about a quarter of an hour to tell, Yanshan soul has not spurted blood at this time, but the blood between the nose and mouth is always flowing. The repairs on the body have fallen to the Yuan Ying period, and they will fall to the knot stage.

"I only know so much, what do you think of?" Xu Qingxue asked with concern.

Yanshan soul shook his head in pain and said: "No, just... I feel very familiar with Ziyan, maybe as you said. We are two Taoists!"

"So... what happened to the purple smoke sister?"

"I... don't know..." Yanshan soul slowly stood up from the ground and said slowly: "I am leaving!"

"You... where are you going? Your body..."

"My body...hehe..." Yanshan’s soul is laughing but laughing: "Nothing, I want a person to be quiet!"

"Yanshan soul..."

Xu Qingxue saw the appearance of Yanshan soul thoughts, and shouted with concern.

"leave me alone!"

Yanshan’s soul fell, and he walked outside. At this time, he did not care about the signs, and he staggered toward the outside. How Xu Qingxue would let the Yanshan soul in this state sway outside. Looking at the back of the Yanshan soul, sighed and followed the Yanshan soul.

Xu Jia disciple saw a man suddenly coming out of the patriarch's closed secret room, and his chest was full of blood, and his heart was shocked. He just wanted to open his mouth and ask. However, I saw that the patriarch also came out of the secret room. Behind the man, the eyes of the two men did not hide their feelings of concern. They hurriedly closed their mouths and stood aside.

The soul of Yanshan came out of the Xu family. Wandering aimlessly, Xu Qingxue is behind him, her brow is locked. She is not only concerned about the soul of Yanshan, but also cares about Xu Ziyan. I don't know if it is the story of Yanshan Soul and Ziyan Sister?

Yanshan soul did not know how many days have passed. The ocean in the body has gradually drowned five large islands, and the body has been reduced to the refining period.


Yanshan soul spurted a blood out of his head, and his body repair finally fell below the congenital and became the day after tomorrow. The eyes closed, and they fell down behind them. At the moment before the coma, these two words that had been haunting in their hearts blurted out:



Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!



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