The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2273: Love is dead, ruthless...

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Yanshan soul slowly struggled from the arms of Xu Qingxue, sitting cross-legged on the ground, sitting in complex eyes. He lost his previous memories, but the memories of these years are very clear. He clearly remembers that in the past few years, Fox has been following him and taking care of him.

Of course, although he lost his memory, he is very clear about his body. At the moment he was swallowed, he knew that he was swallowed up by Fox. In recent years, he is very familiar with the scent of Fox, and he also understands the mind of Fox.

"Is this refining me? In a few years, is the tenderness of a few years just waiting for this day? Hehe..."

The shackles of Yanshan's soul gradually became cold and indifferent, and indifferently said: "There is love, death, ruthlessness..."


In the world of Yanshan's soul, the vast ocean suddenly rolled over, and the five large islands that had been inundated were once again revealed from the ocean, and higher and higher...

The breath of Yanshan soul is constantly rising...

During the refining period...the base period...the knot period...the yuan period...the **** period...the distraction period...the Mahayana period...

The five large islands of Wang Yangzhong began to gather toward the central government. The rumble of the rumbling provoked thousands of waves, but they could not stop the convergence of the five large islands.

Xu Qingxue looked at the Yanshan soul in front of him with shock, but this time, she could not see through the cultivation of Yanshan soul. I just feel that the breath of Yanshan soul is still rising rapidly.

The fairy period... The fairy period... The fairy period... Luo Tian Shangxian... Da Luo Jinxian... Jiu Tian Xuan Xian...


The five large islands merge into one place, and they are seamlessly combined, as if they have never been broken, and merged into a huge mountain.


The huge mountain peak opened a mouth, like a huge mouth, a horrible suction, and the surrounding ocean was sucked into the air. Pour into the huge mouth.

The breath of Yanshan soul has increased dramatically.

Xianjun period... Xianwang period... Xiandi period...

The positive film Wang Yang was swallowed by the huge mouth opened by the mountain, no longer leaving a drop of water.

At this time, Xu Qingxue’s body was already on the ground, and the momentum radiated from the Yanshan soul made her irresistible.

The period of respect for human beings...the period of respect for the people...the day of worship...

The giant mouth of the huge mountain peak suddenly opened and closed a few times, and the sound of the rumble sounded through the body space of the Yanshan soul:

"Love is dead! Loveless!"

"Booming rumbling..."

The huge mouth was closed. From the outside, it is a five-colored mountain peak, and there is no way to find that there is a love spring.


The Yanshan spirit suddenly stood up, and the breath of his body was terrifying.

Holy level... Holy level two level... Holy level three level... Holy level four level... Holy level five level... Holy level six level... Holy level seven level!

The breath of the air, the eyes of Yanshan soul passed through the cold light, and the eyes swept over Xu Qingxue, who had just climbed up. The look hesitated, and finally left his hand, releasing a ball of light to cover Xu Qingxue, but his right hand was rushing toward the sky. Bombardment went out.

Xu Ziyan is chasing Foxes, and is in a space. Just as she wore it out of the crack in the space, she saw that the body of Hu Meier suddenly burst, and two figures appeared in a **** fog, which was Yanshan Soul and Xu Qingxue.

"Mountain Spirit!"

"Ziyan sister!"

Xu Ziyan and Xu Qingxue spoke at the same time, but the Yanshan soul did not speak. His eyes looked up and down with Xu Ziyan, and he finally asked:

"You are Xu Ziyan?"

"Mountain Spirit?" Xu Ziyan's face is a white: "You... what?"

"Ziyan Sister!" At this time, Xu Qingxue has come to the side of Xu Ziyan: "Mountain Spirit... seems to have lost memory."

"Impressed memory?" Xu Ziyan was shocked, and his body shape swept away toward the soul of Yanshan, but the figure of the Yanshan soul was swung backwards, and Xu Ziyan opened the distance.

"Mountain Spirit..." Xu Ziyan's face is paler.

Yanshan soul looked at Xu Ziyan's gaze and hesitated. The appearance of Xu Ziyan became familiar in his vision for a while. It became strange for a while.

Inside the huge five-color mountain peak in the body space of Yanshan, a group of emotional springs boiled up, and the five-color mountain peak began to shake. The peak of the mountain seemed to split a gap...

Xu Ziyan’s memory suddenly has a clear definition in his memory.

At the door of a restaurant, a muddy woman said with a look:


This silk memory softens the eyes of Yanshan Soul. Looking at the opposite Xu Ziyan whispered:


"Mountain spirit, your feet..."

Xu Ziyan’s exclamation interrupted the memory of Yanshan’s soul. Yanshan’s soul looked down and saw his feet turned into stones and was spreading towards his legs.


The huge mountain peak in the space of Yanshan soul. The crack that just happened was closed, and the memory of Yanshan Soul was abruptly stopped. The feet of Yanshan soul gradually returned to their original appearance, and the spirit of Yanshan looked up and the eyes had become cold.

The restoration of a trace of memory just let him know that this purple smoke must have an entanglement with himself, but at this time, the heart has raised a kind of resistance to restore memory, through the realm of his holy level seven, just happened, just I realized in an instant that I don’t know what the reason is. It seems that if she restores her memory, her body will become a stone.

He instinctively closed the mountain in an instant, cut off the recovery of memory, and his eyes became cold again. Looking at Xu Ziyan, half-sounding, seems to have some understanding, and no tearing space, the figure will disappear in the space, just echoing the sound of Yanshan soul and a helpless sigh in the air:

"Love is dead, ruthless, oh..."

Xu Ziyan looked at the space where the soul of Yanshan disappeared. At this time, there was no other scene in her mind. Only the scene of Yanshan Soul became a stone scene. For a long time, a drop of tears dripped across the cheeks...


On the mainland.

Tianfu Mountain Villa.

Falling snow and Mu Dayong sit opposite each other.

"Deputy patriarch!" Mu Dayong said respectfully: "The situation in the south is very unfavorable to our Tianfu business."

"Yeah!" The snow fell and nodded: "I also heard some news before I came here. You tell me the specific situation."

"The deputy patriarch, you know that our Tianfu business is not really a southern force at all. Our headquarters is also set to the north. Therefore, the more chaotic the South is, the better it is for us."

“Not bad!” Tian Xuexue nodded: “Traveling around the forces of all parties can get the most benefit.”

"The original South has just experienced a hundred years of fairy fighting. Although the Ouyang family has gained the position of a city owner, it has not obtained absolute control in the South. It does not say that it has full control over the South. It wants to gain the greatest voice. It also takes centuries, or hundreds of years.

Because successive city owners have to face the same thing, that is, the eight major families in the south are not so good to speak. From ancient times to the present, the eight major families and the city government have become a tradition. The more they fight, the more powerful they are.

However, nowadays it is inserted into a too imaginary, and things have changed. ”

Mu Dayong’s face showed a bitter smile: “The contradiction between the city’s government and the eight major families is internal contradictions for the southern continent. The Taixu sect is an external contradiction for the southern continent. And this is too imaginary. It is very strong, but in a few years it has been upgraded from a third-rate small family to a third-rate medium-sized Zongmen.

And this third-rate medium-sized sect is still the kind of three-stream medium-sized sect. Absolutely not the kind that is just enough people, but not strong. ”

Having said that, Mu Dayong frowned slightly: "There has been a recent incident that shocked the entire southern continent. The Yaozu sent a large army to attack Taixu, but the result was that the Yaozu was defeated."

"Oh?" There was a shock in the eyes of the falling snow: "What is the real demon of the realm?"

Mu Dayong smiled a bit: "It is a peak of the late stage of the land. The demon and the Taixu have tried ten games, and the result is too imaginary to win, and the too imaginary appearances are the monks of the land."

" is it possible?" The sky is snowing: "Is it... Is it a secret to send someone to help the Taizong?"

“No!” The snow fell and shook his head: “The monks who went to war were the monks who joined the Taixu class very long ago, and at that time their repairs were still very low, and the highest level was only the Xiandi level. ""

"You mean..." Luo Tianxue said with amazement: "With so many years of hard work, those emperors have broken through to the dignity period?"

"Yeah!" Mu Dayong nodded solemnly.

The snow fell a long time, and the look was a bit frustrating: "Is this... Is this the purple purple smoke from the contents of the big gate?"

"No!" Mu Dayong whispered: "The past is the past. I don't know how many of the nine masters of the sects came out to open the mountain. They have never heard of the improvement of the sect of the sects in such a short period of time."

"What do you mean?" The eyes of the falling snow gradually lit up.

"I think Xu Ziyan got any treasures..."

The room was silent, and the two men looked at each other and the eyes sparkled. However, after a while, the two people could not help but sigh. Whether it is too imaginary, is there any treasure? It’s not that both of them can remember, at least not the two of them can now be remembered. At this time, they can only be considered.

Mu Dayong sighed a little and pulled the words back: "Tai Xu is so strong, the forces in the south will naturally give up their conflicts for the time being. Join hands to deal with Taixu.

With such an opportunity, how can the Ouyang family be let go, naturally this year, the eight major families will be divided and divided, and then they will be recruited as masters of the city. Now they have not only competed for the biggest voice in the South, but also have faint control. The whole south. I don't think it will take long for Ouyang Xun to start to suppress their Tianfu business. Of course, he will not drive us out, but it will suppress our profits very low. And not only will our Tianfu Chamber of Commerce be suppressed, but also the Tiandan Commercial Bank and the Tianyi Commercial Bank will be suppressed. ”


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