The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2285: request

Then she summoned Yu Yi and Fu Yi from the space of Ziyan in the air and said her plan. Array I and Fuyi totaled a moment, and soon listed a list and handed it to Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan is also a big fan at first glance. The various materials needed to build such a huge Xiancheng are really huge.

This is going to go back and ask for a thousand miles. She is really unclear about how many homes there are in Taixu. I can’t say that I’m sent back to the Ziyan space and then returned to Taixu. Upon returning to Taixu, he summoned Sha Qianli and said his plan to Sha Qianli.

Wang Xiancheng... This handwriting... is too big!

But then Sha Qianli was excited. If this is really established, it would be too imaginary. Then he suffered from a loss, and a face turned out to be a dyeing house. ,

He finally made a daze and made Xu Ziyan somewhat impatient, and he could not help but cough twice. The two soft coughs in the silent hall immediately woke up the sluggish sand, and Ai Ai said:

"The Sovereign, this plan of Xiancheng is of course good, but...but..."

"But what?" Xu Ziyan frowned slightly: "Do you have a word to say good?"

Sha Qianli turned a blank eye in the dark, and the heart was dark, I don't want to talk well? The key is that your plan is too scary, isn't it?

"This ... the sovereign, after the establishment of the fairy city, will someone come? We are blocked by the southern continent!"

Xu Ziyan puts his hand in his hand: "This doesn't have to worry about you!" I glanced at the sand-filled squatting there, and explained one more:

"Do you think that the four great masters who taught the Danfu dynasty refining some things, selling them in Wangxian City, and letting them refine some high-quality items for auction, will anyone come?"

"Yes!" Sha Qianli was overjoyed, and then looked worriedly at Xu Ziyan: "The sovereign, this is safe..."

"I will arrange a big-scale squad with a sample of the imaginary sect, and let me know if my master is here?"

"Know!" Sha Qianli nodded, but he still whispered: "He... he is not your master."

"He is my other master!" Xu Ziyan glanced at him with a sigh of relief: "My master is a late master of Tian Zun. And even if the Tianzun late peak monk is not cheap in front of my master."

"This is this...this is great!" This time, the sand was excited.

"Okay!" Xu Ziyan waved his hand: "I just want you to see if you can get these materials together!"

This time, Shaqianli began to pay attention to the jade slip that Xu Ziyan gave him. He couldn't help but smile, revealing a glimpse of the gods into the jade slip, and then his face changed. Staying there again.

"Hey!" Xu Ziyan was really angry this time, how old this sand is!

"Oh!" Sha Qianli swallowed two spit, and said with great enthusiasm: "The lord... This demand is too big. We don't have so much material. If the whole monk of the Wuthering Mountain is started to dig in the Wuthering Mountains, maybe Digging for a hundred years can make up, and maybe still, because the concentrated materials here are not necessarily in the mountains."

Xu Ziyan raised his hand and rubbed his eyebrows: "It seems that I have to go out and buy it again!"

Sha Qianli knows that the lord has a way to go out and buy materials. Although the Taizong is now blocked, did the last lord also go out and buy a batch of materials? just……

Sha Qianli said with a frowning face: "The lord. These materials need a lot of fairy crystals, we...there are so many celestial crystals in Taixu!"

"Oh? How much?"

"About about one trillion yuan." Sha Qianli thought about it, and added: "It is the best fairy crystal."

Xu Ziyan glanced at Sha Qianli with a smile, and the heart was secret, would it be the next product? Really... Really... People who used to live in poverty have no knowledge. It is a shame to say that it is inconvenient:

"There are not many one trillions of rare crystals. You stayed in Zongmen to preside over Zongmen things, and I went to buy materials."

“There are not many 10,000 best crystals?”

Sha Qianli is screaming at all, how many people are there in this lord? He left Xu Ziyan here, while walking down the mountain road and pondering, in fact, he is not pondering anything, the seriousness of Xu Ziyan was shocked by the big tone and big handwriting of Xu Ziyan.

"Deputy Sovereign!" Walking, I heard someone calling him. Then he looked up and saw that Xu Qinyang was coming to him with a smile.

"Oh, it is Qin Yang! You are here to find the sovereign?" Sha Qianli asked casually.

“Yeah!” Xu Qinyang nodded and smiled. “Some questions on cultivation want to ask the lord. Right, deputy lord, are you?”

"I? Hey, scared by the lord!" Sha Qianli also knows the relationship between Xu Qinyang and Xu Ziyan, but there is no defense.

"Oh?" Xu Qinyang's face showed curiosity. I got together in front of Sha Qianli: "Talk?"

Sha Qianli was being uncomfortable by Xu Ziyan's big hand, so the two stood in the middle of the mountain, and Sha Qianli was wow and said things again.

After Xu Qinyang listened, the eyes turned. Then he turned and ran, but he was caught by Sha Qianli and asked:

"Qin Yang. You... what is this? Can't harm me!"

When Sha Qianli saw Xu Qinyang running, he ran, and it was really a matter of running Xu Qinyang to make Xu Ziyan unhappy. So I grabbed Xu Qinyang and my face was anxious.

"You just didn't say that you need a lot of materials to build a fairy city?"

"Yeah!" Suddenly, the eyes of the sand are bright and bright: "Do you have a way?"

Xu Qinyang’s face immediately said with a smile: “You have no way, where can I come?”

"What do you run?"

"It's not that you said that the main thing is to go out and buy materials. So much of the material is bought when you buy it. The sovereign will definitely go to a lot of places. I am going to find them, then we ask for the sovereign. Take us with us. After a few years in Zongmen, I am almost dying."

"Oh!" Sha Qianli released Xu Qinyang. This is not a big deal, so Sha Qianli said with a smile: "Can you guarantee that the Sovereign will take you there?"

"This is not to find the Sirius, they will go to the Lord!"

"Oh... go, go!" Sha Qianli said with a smile.

Xu Qinyang flew into the air with a bang, and disappeared instantly.

Xu Ziyan sat in the hall and sank into the jade. This time she was going out to buy materials, so I need to look carefully at what materials are there. When she was given to her, she just glanced at it in a hurry, thinking that it was the case for Sha Qianli.

But now she watched it in detail, and she was shocked. This...there is too much material needed. And there are many high quality metal materials.


I couldn't help but remind her of the war castle that was built in the Xujiasi Hall of the Zhongyuan Galaxy, but this Wangxian City is a million times bigger than the War Castle.

This...Building a material that looks like a fairy city plus a layout, and there are not so many 10,000-strong fairy crystals.

When I was feeling here, I heard the sound of the clothes outside the hall, and then the shadows fell outside the gate and looked up.

what! It’s quite a lot to come here!

Xu Yitian, Xu Zhenshan, Di Yidiao, Ximen solitary smoke, the nameless five old people walked in front, followed by Xu Qinyang, Xu Tianwo, Xu Xingfan, Xu Lin, Fire Dance, Gongzi Forging, Ling Xiao, Ling Yijian Ximen jade, intoxicated.

"You are this?"

To be honest, Xu Ziyan was really scared by this lineup, and the most direct thought in my heart was an accident. To know that these people can really be his shackles, and now all the people are the early masters of the land, so they ran to her in front of it, saying that it is a small matter. Can this not make Xu Ziyan nervous?

The five old people are still relatively calm, standing there thinking about how to open to Xu Ziyan. Xu Tianwo is no matter what, directly smashed it out:

"Sovereign, are you leaving Zongmen to go out and buy materials?"

"Yes!" Xu Ziyan was somewhat inexplicable, and he said in his heart: "Is this related to you?"

"We have to go!" Xu Tianlang said very directly. In fact, he also understood very well in his heart, and Xu Ziyan could not help but hide it. There is something to say, otherwise it is not a birth point?

Xu Ziyan heard a word and couldn’t help but look at the five old people and asked tentatively:

"You too?"

The faces of the five old people are a red, but the five of them really want to go out and turn. Since they came to the Upper Yuan Dynasty, they have been practicing in the Zongzong, and later they have practiced in the Taixu Zong, and they went to Dan once. The remains of Fu Zong. To be honest, they really want to go out and travel. Now that I heard that Xu Ziyan is going out, I naturally want to go out and walk.

In particular, they have heard from Xu Tianwo and Xu Qinyang that they and Xu Ziyan went out to travel more than once. It is good to be an old man in front of Xu Ziyan and Xu Tianwo, but now their age is not the old man, but also a young man. Therefore, the old man’s mentality has gradually disappeared, and he has become as willing to join in the fun as young people.

Xu Haotian said this time, Xu Ziyan is really laughing and laughing. In the heart of the dark road, Xu Tianwo, they can not sit still, you are five old people, how come together this fun?

Xu Ziyan did not hide his habits before these people, so her expression was suddenly understood by the five old people. The five old people are also a bit embarrassed. The solitary smoke in Ximen is numb with a face:

"Sovereign, isn't our age too big?"


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!



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