The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2287: Yang Yunlin

Looking up, there is a table there. There is a monk sitting high in the upper center of the table. If the middle age is like a leopard, the head is a gentle look, wearing a white embroidered body. The robes of the green bamboo, a refined temperament.

On the left hand side, he was sitting on a tall man with a very tall body and a very fierce appearance. There was a scar on his chin to his chin, which further increased his fierceness. Sitting opposite him is a fierce monk with the same face, but his temperament is not so bloody, with a touch of nobleness.

There were three men sitting next to a huge table, and the food was filled with a table.

The roof of the main hall is inlaid with sixteen night pearls, which illuminate the entire hall, but the light is very soft. But in this soft light, the atmosphere is very depressed.

Although the three people faced the table full of delicacies and fairy tales, no one moved a chopstick, and no one brought up the wine glass in front of him. Instead, the two monks who were sitting opposite each other clasped their own fairy instruments.

The air inside the hall has become more and more heavy, like the rising tide, which gradually drowns people, giving people a feeling of suffocation. The fingers and joints of each monk holding the fairy became white because of the force.

The monk who wore a white embroidered green bamboo robes suddenly laughed. His smile, the gentleness and elegance of his body disappeared instantly, and the boldness of the leopard's head was undoubtedly unmistakable:

"Everyone, here is the Yang family. As long as you are in the Yang family, you can guarantee that you won't fight, so you don't have to be so nervous. I don't believe anyone who will give me Yang Yunlin's face in the Yang Family's hall." Do you have any deep hatred? Why bother to fight for you?"

"Yang Jiazhu!" The monk next to the right hand said: "Our city government and Yang family are alliances, but this person is just a fairy thief. Now Yang family has let me sit with him, I hope Yang family can Give me an explanation."

"Oh..." Yang Yunlin smiled two channels: "Qin Daoyou misunderstood it. Ji Daoyou is not a fairy thief. They are just a hunting team. They live on the hunting demon. It is also accidental to collide with you this time.

"Yes. Yes, it is accidental!" The left-handed monk quickly said: "We usually only hunted the Yaozu. This time, only the two sides had a squabble, and then they smacked."

"Yang Jiazhu. According to the investigation, this person is not only hunting the demon, but also for the city of our city is not once or twice. This time Ouyang City sent us to join the Yang family to expel the three major firms. But these fairy thieves Always squatting at the monks of our city's main house, or killing us when the number is small."

"Qin Daoyou!" Yang Yunlin's look suddenly became awkward, but the voice was low, but full of killing. When Qin Wuyang hit Yang Yunlin's gaze, there was a feeling of being stared at by the poisonous snake, and the heart could not help but tremble.

"Oh..." Yang Yunlin suddenly laughed again, and the cockroaches on his face disappeared instantly, and he changed into a gentle look:

"Qin Daoyou also knows that this time, we will jointly expel the three major commercial banks with our Yang family! However, you must remember that there is a lot of chaos here. Our enemies are not just three major commercial banks. There are many monks who are bought by the three major commercial banks, who Let the three major businesses of the family be rich! So the people who sneak around the city of your city may be disguised as a monk, you should not be confused."

Reaching out the wine glasses on the table, and then looking at Qin Wuyang smiled: "I can't see it like this. Since you always complain about being sneaked around, I will send some people to protect you. Or you will leave here. Even if you give this to the Ouyang City Lord, you will say that our Yang family will completely expel the forces of the three major commercial banks. However, when you leave Longye, our Yang family must fully deal with the three. If you are a big business, you will not send someone to you."

Qin Wuyang listened. The face suddenly changed color. Yang Yunlin’s words have no problem at all on the surface. But the meaning of the words is only understandable to those who have the heart. If Yang family is sent to protect themselves, then the reputation of the city's government will completely stink the streets. Later, the city government wants to infiltrate the forces into the dragon field, which is undoubtedly a dream.

However, if it is not appropriate to leave Longye in this way, he believes that the Yang family will send people to kill themselves and others. Of course, those people will not be Yang family. At the very least, it will not appear in the face of the Yang family. It is likely to appear in the form of three major firms. That way, even if he can escape the siege, it will be the result of fleeing back to the city government with the remnants. In this way, the news that the city’s main government was defeated by the three major commercial banks will be immediately spread throughout the southern continent. The reputation is also stinky.

He does not understand why the Yang family wants to do this? How dare you do this?

But since I came to Longye. The strength of one's own side is constantly losing. This time he led the men to set up a trap, and then killed the other side, and deliberately let go of these dozens of people, and finally secretly tracked these dozens of people. However, I did not expect that these dozens of people actually fled to the Yang family.

He thought that he had caught the handle of the Yang family, and he did not think that Yang Jia dared to kill himself so blatantly. So he left five whistle outside, and then led his own more than a thousand monks to rush in.


Today he is afraid, he feels that all this is premeditated.

At this time more than a thousand monks were outside the main hall, and there were only dozens of monks and those thieves in the hall. His heart is turning, isn't the Yang family going to kill himself and others?

His heart suddenly jumped. At the time, Ouyang Chengzhu and Yang Jia agreed that Yang Jia was responsible for the Tianfu Commercial Bank and Tiandan Commercial Bank of the three major commercial banks, and their city government was responsible for the Tianchan business. Therefore, they have not been brought together with the Yang family, and the Yang family has invited them several times. However, because he also knows that the six major families and the city's mainstays are incompatible with each other, they have jealousy in their hearts and have not agreed on several occasions.

Is this self-investment now?

In fact, this does not blame Qin Wuyang. He brought a total of two thousand monks from the town of Demon, but has degraded nearly eight hundred monks, and he found that some monks died unclear, and they decided to investigate. The investigation found doubts, and then after leaving the war with the merchants, leaving 50 monks to clean the battlefield, and he was led by other monks who chased the monks of the merchants.

However, chasing the celestial business is just a scorpion, and he quickly quietly led the people back to hide. Then he saw about two hundred monks suddenly appearing and began to kill the fifty monks. So he led more than a thousand monks to anger and smothered.

These two hundred monks saw Qin Wuyang led more than a thousand monks to kill, sighed and turned and ran. Although Qin Wuyang pursued all the way, eventually more than 80 people fled into the Yang family.

After thinking back to one side, the cold sweat on his body came down. This is probably the trap of Yang Jiabu. The purpose is to introduce all of them to the Yang family, and then go to the net here.

In the middle of the panic, I saw Yang Yunlin put down the glass in his hand, then bent his finger and gently slammed it on the glass.


A melodious sound was heard from inside the main hall, and the monks outside the gate suddenly saw the fairy in their hands. The look on everyone's face was very hard.

"Yang Jiazhu!" Qin Wuyang began to rise, Yang Yunlin faintly waved his hand: "Qin Daoyou, don't worry. They just fell into the big array."

The words fell, and the fingers were shot on the glass.


A ringing sound came out again, and I saw a Yang family monk entering the big array outside the hall, taking a jade bottle from the storage ring, then opening the lid and pinching a fairy. There was a breeze blowing, and then where the breeze was scraped, the monks immediately fainted to the ground.

Dozens of monks in the hall held the hands of the fairy more hard, but the forehead was sweating. In fact, everyone knows in their hearts that since the Yang family dared to overthrow the more than a thousand people in front of them, they were not afraid of what they dared to do in the hall. I am afraid that as long as I wait for someone to launch an attack, I will immediately be ambushed in the surrounding monks. At this point they have felt the murder around the hall.

Yang Yunlin filled his wine glass with wine and once again picked up the wine glass: "Qin Daoyou, there is nothing wrong with your heart! All this is my design. Since you entered Longye, I started to design you. Of course if You accepted the invitation to come here when I sent out the invitation, and there would be no current things."

Having said that, he reached out and pointed to the monk who was surnamed Ji: "He is my own, but also a real fairy. It is a force I cultivate outside."

“Why?” Qin Wuyang still stood there and said: “We are the people of the city government. You don’t consider the consequences?”

"It is because of the consequences that we will do this!" Yang Yunlin said faintly: "You will not say that you do not know that our six major families and the city government are not in harmony?"

Qin Wuyang’s face is a change. Yang Yunlin continued to say faintly: “In fact, the threat of the three major business banks is far from the threat that the city owners bring us. Our six families are not fools. We are very clear in our hearts. The city government is thinking about it. With the strength of the three major firms, we weaken the strength of our six families. Once we successfully expel the three major firms, it is the time when the city government began to deal with our six families.

Of course, the city government may also use us to deal with the Huyan family and the Li family. Further weaken the strength of our six families, and finally completely conquer our six families.

Therefore, our six major families have to start with a strong one! Ha ha……"


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!



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