The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2305: Virtual array

The soil is swaying in the water and can't help but screaming at the sword. The sword is not empty but unmoved. The soil was helplessly looking at Xu Ziyan again. Xu Ziyan shook his head gently:

"The patriarch, I said before, the attachment is impossible, and the alliance can be discussed."

Tu Yishui felt the change in Xu Ziyan's words sharply. He clearly remembered that when he first talked about this matter with Xu Ziyan, Xu Ziyan said that it is impossible to attach, but it can be allied. But now it has become an alliance to discuss. The change in this statement is that even if she is allied with Yuzong, she will compete for greater discourse power and interests.

This is not to make the soil a little displeased in the water, but in the end it still suppressed the dissatisfaction in the heart, no matter how Xu Ziyan came from.

"Ziyan, in fact, the crisis of too imaginary, you have not clearly realized."

“Well?” Xu Ziyan looked awkward and marched toward the soil. “Please ask the Tuzen Lord to point out the maze.”

"Your Zongmen has grown too fast, but it does not have the corresponding strength. If you only maintain the strength of this third-rate sect, then you will not attract the attention of the Eastern Zongmen. But with the strength of this third-rate sect. It is inevitable that the whole South will be at a disadvantage. If there is no strong support, the illusory will be destroyed.

If you continue to develop Zongmen with this momentum, you will soon develop into a third-rate block. This will inevitably attract the attention of the nine major sects in the east. Do you know that there are only nine large gates in the entire Upper Yuan Dynasty? ”

Xu Ziyan silently, she has already understood the meaning of soil water. I have always maintained the current Zongmen strength, and will be wiped out by the South. If I develop Zongmen into a third-rate block, it will lead to the suppression of the nine main gates, and it may be the same as the Zongmen. The nine major sects will never allow another big door to appear on the mainland.

Too imaginary is in a situation that is extremely dangerous and seemingly unsolvable!

Xu Ziyan's temper is soft in most of the time, and is unwilling to take the initiative to provoke others, but at the same time she does not allow others to provoke herself, and it is the kind of temperament that is more frustrating. Under the words, there is also dissatisfaction in my heart. The look is a little faint:

"In this way, in the future, the Taixu and the Emperor Zongzong may also become enemies. Why should the Tuzhu Lords make the Taixu sects attached to the ancestors?"

"This is exactly what is too imaginary!" Tu Yishui said with a grievance: "Too tyrants are attached to the ancestors, and we are two families. And too sects and other sects attached to the ancestors." Differently, if you say that you are a monk who is a monk, you can compete for the position of the patriarch. So you don't have to work hard to build a big door from scratch, and directly control a big door."

Xu Ziyan immediately shook his head: "I will not be the lord of the ancestors."

“Why?” The soil is stunned by water.

Xu Ziyan just shook his head, but no words. Her mind can't say it. Even if she became a lord of the ancestors, she could not completely control the ancestral sect, because she was too young, the time in the ancestral dynasty was too short, and she did not make anything to save the arrogance. Instead, he has offended many people in Yuzong.

In the future, once the lord appears, he will ascend. I am afraid that the whole ancestral sect will immediately be sent to the lord of the lord. If you dare to oppose it, you will kill yourself without the lord. The prestige of the lord can definitely make the nine masters of the sects crazy.

But too imaginary is different, too imaginary is built by oneself. And most of them are children. They can continue to instill a concept for them, so that they only have her purple smoke in their hearts. Moreover, Xu Ziyan's personally established Taixu Zong was upgraded from the third-class Xiaozongmen to the third-rate medium-sized Zongmen, personally established Zongmen, unified the Wuthering Mountains, and repelled the Yaozu several times. This has left a deep influence on the hearts of those children. When Xu Ziyan is doing something, these children will worship Xu Ziyan. Once the heart worships, they will swear to follow Xu Ziyan, even if they are the face of the lord, they will die and die.

As for the young people who are too imaginary, Xu family disciples need not say, they will firmly follow Xu Ziyan. Not to mention a fairy, that is, the five holy joint face, Xu family disciples will not step back. And Pu Songhe and others were recruited into the Taizong by Xu Ziyan when they were very hard, and these people were not willing to join the Southern family no matter how difficult they were. This shows that these monks are also determined people.

This kind of determined person. Once you decide to follow Xu Ziyan, it is absolutely life and death.

Therefore, Xu Ziyan wants to use this method to develop Zongmen, so that there will be a real power in his own hands.

Seeing Xu Ziyan, although he shook his head gently, his look was extremely firm. The heart of the water suddenly regretted it. He regretted that Xu Ziyan won the first place in the Yuanmeng competition and was qualified to open the school. If Xu Ziyan does not take the first place, even if Xu Ziyan does not act as the lord of the ancestors, at least she is still a sect. But now he has felt that Xu Ziyan is getting farther and farther away from Yuzong...

"If Taixu became a third-rate sect, will Emperor Zong also suppress the Taixu?" Xu Ziyan asked faintly.

"How is this possible?" Yan Zong smiled bitterly: "Isn't that the other sects laughed at the end? But by that time, since you didn't belong to the ancestors, you can't help you."

"Thank you!" Xu Ziyan said sincerely, Xu Ziyan understands that a big door promises not to suppress you, this is already a help.

"But..." The soil sounded with anxiety in his voice: "I really have to go to that time, even if I have made a good deal with you, I will probably suppress the Taixu, and put your friendship on you." One side."

Xu Ziyan silently, she admits that there is such a possibility, but there is always some loss in her heart, and her face suddenly shows sarcasm and smiles:

"It’s just a strength competition. Isn’t the nine major sects saying nothing about the establishment of the Shangmeng League?”

This time it was the turn of the soil, and Xu Ziyan said nothing wrong. Everything is respected by strength. If Taixu has the strength of Shangyuan League, there is no big dare to say anything.

At this time, several people lost their interest in speaking, and they could not help but look at Huayu and Xuantianao at the Longmen. Xu Ziyan looked at it for a while and then asked for it:

"Array one, Xuan Tianao and Hua Yu can crack the Longmen array?"

"Yes, it's almost already!" One has been observing Xuan Tianao and Hua Yu, and listened to Xu Ziyan and immediately replied.

"Hui Ziyan looks awkward, what should these two people be today?"

"The two of them should have reached the middle of the middle class."

"It seems that they have been consuming a lot of money in Tianmen! Even if there is nothing in Tianmen, these two people are not worthwhile."

At this time in front of the Longmen, mainly Xuan Tianao is in the hands, and occasionally negotiated with Hua Yu. Gradually, there was a glimpse of the top of the gantry. The monks in front of the gantry were all shocked by the spirit, staring at the gantry, and they were also repaired to the peak. Because no one knows what will happen after cracking the array.

The silk was getting stronger and stronger, and finally, like a surface of the water, a layer of layers of ripples, Xuan Tianao and Hua Yu flew back, watching the Dragon Gate from a distance.

The dragonfly above the dragon gate finally stopped, and there was silence around. But no one immediately rushed to the Dragon Gate, and they were waiting for the Dragon Gate to change.

Sure enough, the gantry changed again, and the whole gantry gradually released the light. This kind of ray was very soft. The light of the height of ten feet wide and the width of the five feet moved toward the front, and it stopped moving about 100 meters. The light gradually dissipated, and everyone stared at it. At a distance of about 100 meters from the Dragon Gate, an independent space was formed. The appearance of this space is like an alchemy room with five alchemy furnaces in five alchemy. Some herbs are placed next to the stove.

All of this is enveloped in a transparent mask, which can be seen clearly through the mask, and even the gantry 100 meters away.

"What does this mean?" Xu Ziyan asked in the sea of ​​knowledge.

"This is the test of cracking this endless barrier!" One side of the array looked out and whispered:

“There are many ways to crack the endless barriers. It seems that the dragon ancestors who set up this endless barrier are very fond of alchemy, so only the alchemists who meet his requirements can be allowed to enter.”

"Only the monks who meet the requirements will enter, will not open the gantry?"

"I don't know! This will only be known until I have passed through the virtual world."

Xu Ziyan nodded, his eyes fell on the herbs in the virtual environment, and he could not help but frown slightly.

"This... can only refine a product of immortality! The assessment of endless barriers will not be so simple?"

The monks still have no movements. Everyone looks at Xuan Tianao. Although everyone has speculations, it is only speculation. They are waiting for Xuan Tianao’s explanation.

"There are two big arrays on this door!" Xuan Tianao said: "One is called an endless barrier, and one is called a virtual environment. This virtual situation is like opening the key to the endless barriers. After the assessment of the virtual environment, the gantry can be opened."

"The virtual environment?" The sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sects of the sects of the sects of the sects of the sects of the sects of the sects of the sects of the sects of the sect

"Not bad!" Xuantianao nodded: "But for the alchemy master, it is undoubtedly true. As long as you enter the virtual environment, it is as real as it is, and once you can refine the quality of the elixir in it, he will really become Which grade of alchemy teacher."


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