The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2312: Take the lead

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So I pulled the Yuanshen of the first one into the sea and let the array look. I looked at it for a while:

"The grade of this virtual environment has increased, and all the variables have increased. Naturally, it takes a little more time."

"Oh!" Xu Ziyan understood.

After another day and a half or so, Xuantianao finally cracked the virtual environment, and once again released the light on the gantry, then there appeared a virtual alchemy room with five alchemy furnaces. The body shape flashed, and immediately five monks entered the virtual environment. Among these five people, Liu Jinsong naturally.

At this time, in the face of this eight alchemy method, all the alchemists are jealous. This is not as simple as learning the eight methods of alchemy. The more important thing is to win a promise of the red dragon in this second layer.

Xu Ziyan did not go to grab the position. For the commitment of the dragon, she did not pay attention to it. Others promised not to be stronger than their own strength. Of course, if the Dragons give her a promise, she will be very happy to accept, but will not deliberately grab. As for the eight methods of alchemy, just look at it outside.

This time, it was the eight-character of the four-character immortal to the six-pronged immortal. It was necessary to use a lot of time. It took three days for Liu Jinsong to complete the eight-pronged method of the four-character Xiandan to Liupin Xiandan.

The gantry slowly opened, and the pressure and the ancients sprang out. Fortunately, the people standing here are Xianzun. Although they are pale, they are not ruined. Only in an instant, these great monks disappeared into the Dragon Gate.

Xu Ziyan’s figure was quickly retreating, and then he began to summon flying otters.


Twenty thousand flying otters flew toward Xu Ziyan, and Xu Ziyan took a wave of sleeves and put them into the purple smoke space. Then the body flashed and entered the gantry.

After entering the Dragon Gate, it turned out to be an independent space, and there was a burst of dragons in the ear. Xu Ziyan flew toward the front. While sinking into a glimpse of the gods, the flying otters were ordered to pour the harvest in the storage bag onto the purple smoke planet. They began to collect and organize the peaches and then planted the herbs.

When Xu Ziyan flew over the Longmen, he saw hundreds of red dragons flying in the sky and the ground, and a huge breath was released from them.

Outside the Longmen stood a lot of monks who were above the honor, and Xu Ziyan fell behind them, erecting their ears and listening. Sure enough, the Red Dragon King in the hall is telling about the same thing as the Green Dragon King, and because of Liu Jinsong’s reason. The Red Dragon family is also willing to form an alliance with humans, and then promises Liu Jinsong one thing. All the people envy and look at Liu Jinsong with hatred.

This Liu Jinsong has already obtained the promises of Green Dragon King and Red Dragon King respectively. How could it not cause the envy of the monks?

After this, the Red Dragon King sent another monk to the monk to practice the body Dan. Then I took everyone to the third floor of the Dragon Gate.

There were still three steps before the Dragon Gate. This time everyone did not hesitate and stepped on the first step.

After stepping on the first step, Xu Ziyan swept his eyes, and it was the same as the space inside the first gantry. It appeared in front of a huge square, looking up. There are eight levels of steps like squares on the top, and heavy gravity fills the space.

Immediately, there was a message that entered the sea of ​​Xu Ziyan, which was the fourth to sixth change of the Shenlong nine. Xu Ziyan immediately transferred the three changes in the dragon to the Thunder giant sword, and then sat on the ground waiting for the Thunder giant sword to push out the middle three layers of the world.

The Thunder giant sword from the Xu Tian of Xu Ziyan into the time array of the purple smoke space, began to push the world to quench the body, Xu Ziyan has not waited for ten times. The Thunder's Great Sword ran back and transported the three-layered workmanship of the world's quenched body into the sea of ​​Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan read the three-layered exercises, and the heart is a joy. The three-layer practice has not changed much, and it is still evenly oscillating. However, the frequency of vibration is constantly increasing. This is too simple for Xu Ziyan. It has the basis of even shock, but it increases the frequency of shock, and the body strength of Xu Ziyan is originally the late stage of the land. This is too much for Xu Ziyan. Simple.

Xu Ziyan only used the time of thirty interest, and even became the first small layer of the fourth layer of the world's quenched body. The body shape flew in the longitudinal direction of the second step, and it turned out to be the first to fly to the second floor. The monks were robbed before the monks of the late Tianzun. Those monks and monks could not help but look at the back of Xu Ziyan, and then immediately speed up their own derivation of the Shenlong nine changes.

It is not easy to make the third layer of the dragon in the nine dragons. When Xu Ziyan enters the fourth step, only the peak of Tianzun flies to the second floor, and the gap between Xu Ziyan and them is getting bigger and bigger.

When the late peak of the day embarked on the third step, Xu Ziyan had already passed through the light curtain and entered the treasure space of this layer.

Upon entering the treasure space, Xu Ziyan immediately released 20,000 flying otters, and then flew toward the Dan Palace in front. Far away, I saw that Dan Palace has been covered by Danden. These Dan Yaos form a mountain river, and there are various kinds of Dan Yao. Some are like the Yaozu, some are like the Terran, some are like the Mozu, The Dan Palace is tightly enclosed in the middle.

Xu Ziyan’s brows could not be slightly wrinkled. After the gods passed, she knew that the essence of these Dan Yaos in front of them was the innate fairy of the peak of the early stage of the Chinese products to the early stage of the Chinese products. The formation of the Dan Xiu was mostly in the early days of the people. At the beginning of the people's respect, even a small part of the Dan demon has reached the beginning of the land.

This revision is not really a problem for Xu Ziyan, but the number is really too much. It is not clear how many. Even if the strength of Xu Ziyan is strong, it can't stand the siege of these Dan Yao.

Xu Ziyan slightly thought about it. When the peaks of Tianzun entered the treasure space, it would take at least a few hours. Now there is no monk in this space, just giving himself a chance to devour with the purple smoke space.

When I thought about it, Xu Ziyan summoned the chaos, let the chaos hide far away, and watched the light curtain that entered the space. As long as the monk of the late Tianzun came in, he immediately notified himself.

Then Xu Ziyan entered the purple smoke space and became the heaven of the purple smoke space. It rushed into the sky above the Danden, opened a huge hole and formed a huge black hole, sweeping over the Danish.

A large number of Danxes are absorbed into the purple smoke space by a purple smoke like a big river. Then it was annihilated by the heavens of the Ziyan Space, and was taken into the space fairy.

The speed of the purple smoke space to absorb these Dan demon is too horrible, and the devour of a space is actually comparable to those of the late monarchs. It was only two hours, and one-half of the entire Dan demon was absorbed into the purple smoke space by Xu Ziyan. At this time, the message sent by the chaos, Xu Ziyan immediately closed the purple smoke space, flew toward the chaos, then collected the chaos, appeared in shape, and once again flew in the direction of Dan Palace.

Almost all of the Tianzun's late peak monks entered the treasure space at the same time. When they came to Dan Palace, they couldn’t help but look at them. They didn’t see Xu Ziyan, and they didn’t see the traces of fighting. One by one could not help but think:

"What about Xu Ziyan?"

Behind them came the sound of robbing the air. Zhong Tianzun looked back and looked at it again. It was Xu Ziyan who flew over. The soil is not asked by the water:

"Ziyan, where have you been in for so long?"

Xu Ziyan’s face showed a shy color: “There are too many Danemons here, so I am alone, afraid to cope, so I will go to search for some herbs first. This is not to see you coming. I dare to come over. !"

All the heavens are stunned, let alone the Xu Ziyan, that is, they are the peaks of the late Tianzun. If they are just one person, they will not be so shocked.

After all, there is no doubt about Xu Ziyan. The crowd split in several directions and rushed toward the Dan. Xu Ziyan naturally rushed to the past, and opened the world at the moment of rushing. Those peaks of the late Tianzun also opened up the circles, began to frantically collect the Danden, and then annihilated the Danish in the world, collecting the Danish spirit.

Xu Ziyan also released his own world, but only released a metallic world. On the surface is a metallic world, but it is connected to the purple smoke space.

Gradually, there were other monks and monks coming to the scene. Later, the monks and monks came, and even after three days, there were people who had come to the monks, and they madly entered the battle to collect the Dan.

From this point of view, you can know how scary the purple smoke space of Xu Ziyan is. She only spent half of the time, and charged half of the Danden, but the remaining monks spent more than three days and did not charge the remaining half.

Xu Ziyan’s knowledge of the gods swept toward the next four, and felt that after half a day’s time, they were able to get these Dan’s demon to get the job done, and the body shape switched quietly and chaotically. And she is controlling the purple smoke space to leave the Dan Palace, to collect those flying water.

The flying otters were collected into the purple smoke space, so that they poured the herbs and ore in the storage bag on the purple smoke planet, and gave them to the peach blossoms to deal with them, while she flew back to the Dan Palace and switched again. The body.

About half an hour later, all the Dandens outside the Dan Palace were charged, and these monks rushed into the Dan Palace, and began to capture the Danden one by one. After half a day, the Danden in the Dan Palace was also collected, and then everyone flew forward.

There is no battle between each other, because the monks know that no monk has received a large number of Dandens, but the repairs are higher and more, and the lower ones are less, which is basically divided by everyone. Of course, this is because they do not know that Xu Ziyan collected more than half of the Dan Yao, if they know, they will be besieged Xu Ziyan.

And these great monks know that there is a Dan Palace in front, and it is better to go to the next space if they fight each other.


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