The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2340: The influence of the Five Saints after the birth

Xu Ziyan nodded, and took out two jade bottles and handed them to Jin Invincible and the Magic Road: "This jade bottle contains a violent dan, and swallows it in an emergency. This singer can make you Repaired to reach the peak of the late Tianzun."

Jin Invincible and the magical face of a happy, hurriedly took over the hands of the increase in Dandao: "Thank you for the master!"

Xu Ziyan turned his head and looked at Shaqianli: "Sha brother, you are responsible for choosing some monks to follow the gold invincible and the magical demon. This is the task that every Taixu monk must complete, and of course the sect will be rewarded after completing the task."

"Yes, the lord!"

"And it is up to you to levy the monks in the Wuthering Mountains to participate in the city."

"Yes! Sovereign!"

"Okay! I am going back!"

After Xu Ziyan finished speaking, he flew his sleeves to fly to Taixu. On the plains, the monks began to build the city under the command of one, one, and one, and the monks of various properties of the golden woods and the fires and soils showed their abilities. Built at extremely fast speeds.

The invincible and magical magic is to protect the first class with four diamonds.

When Xu Ziyan returned to Taixu, he began to establish a fusion of beasts and extraterrestrial secrets, and issued a sect of sects. In the future, every sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect must be killed in the realm of the same realm. After upgrading, you can get the corresponding benefits from Zongmen.

After finishing all this, Xu Ziyan was retired. Now that she has learned the top-grade Xiandan alchemy eight methods, she wants to break through her own alchemy realm to the peak of the last grade, and also just use this opportunity to refine some Immortal.

Xu Ziyan is a retreat for half a year. During this half year, she refines a large number of elixir, and the realm of alchemy has reached the peak of the real top grade.

When she came out of the alchemy room with joy, she realized that the stepping wave had already arrived in Taixu, waiting for her for more than a month. Xu Ziyan hurried to the Taixufeng Hall, and soon he was brought in by Sha Xiaofan. At this time, Xu Ziyan has officially handed Sha Xiaofan and Liang Dongtian as a disciple, and Sha Xiaofan’s current cultivation is also the peak of Luo Tianshang’s late stage. Only one step away, I stepped into the Great Luo Jinxian.

Xu Ziyan first stepped into the seat, and then looked at Sha Xiaofan, his face smiled:

"Xiao Fan, waiting for you and Cave Day to come to Master's Dongfu at night."

Sha Xiaofan’s face is a joy. All the way to court: "Thank you Master."

"Well, you go ahead!"

"Yes. Master!" Sha Xiaofan ran out happily.

Xu Ziyan turned his head and looked at the road and said: "You have nothing, really great! When the Dragon Palace collapsed, why didn't I see you?"

There was a bitter smile on the flattering face: "I suffered some injuries when the Dragon Palace collapsed, so when the monks fought the Dragons, I secretly left."

Xu Ziyan knows how to sweep, and now that the stepping of the foot has been healed, and the cultivation has gone one step further and reached the middle of the human respect. The original immortal that Xu Ziyan gave to her was just enough for her to break through to the peak of the early Renren. Now she can break through to the middle of the humanity. That is the benefit of getting in the Dragon Palace. Not only is the strength of the ontology improved, but the most important thing is that the strength of the gods has been improved. This is the second time that Xu Ziyan has given the help of Xiandan.

"Congratulations!" Xu Ziyan shook hands.

"This is thanks to the lord!"

"It's not worth mentioning!" Xu Ziyan waved: "The step-by-step owner is too imaginary, what advice?"

Step by step, his face changed slightly: "Does the lord forget our original agreement?"

Xu Ziyan fixedly looked at the step and said: "Do you really want to lead the light dance building to join the Taixu?"

"Yeah!" The gaze of the step became firm. Since she got the elixir from Xu Ziyan, she decided to follow Xu Ziyan, and now she has seen Taixu Zong to establish Wangxiancheng. Her heart is more determined.

"Can you be the master?"

Naturally, I know the meaning of Xu Ziyan. The tone is firm and said: "I also ask the lord to lend me two monks. If there is a disagreement in the light dance building, I will remove them."

Xu Ziyan said faintly: "What are you worried about, the four elders who oppose you?"


"Okay, I promise you! But..." Xu Ziyan looked down and said: "The light dance building must be kept secret and must not be known to outsiders."

"Understand!" Stepped and nodded immediately.

"When you go, I will arrange two Taixu monks to follow you secretly. Now tell me about the situation on the mainland."

"Yes!" Stepped and sat there and thought a little. Then he said: "Since the birth of the Five Saints, the whole Yuanyuan was quiet.

Let me talk about the eastern sects, which are the same as before, but the monks of each sect of the sects have been careful and many have worked hard. The sacred dragons and sects that were brought back from the Dragon Palace were taught by the nine sects. So the eastern Zongmen is now much deserted. Almost everyone is retreating.

The same is true of the Shangyuan League in the north, but Shangyuan League gives people an uneasy and tense atmosphere. As for why, the light dance building was not detected. ”

Xu Ziyan nodded, and the heart understood that it was because the gods were cracking the heavenly gate of the lord, and the lord was born. How could they not be nervous? Although they don't say it, this tension and uneasiness will always spread unconsciously.


Will they continue to crack the Tianmen now? If you continue, the bravery of these monks is big enough.

"Step by step, the lords of the nine sects of the sects can now be in their own ancestral halls? And the sect of the 11th day of the squad, is often on the road of the Yuanmeng League?"

"No!" Stepping slightly frowned and said: "It is very strange that the lords of the nine sects and the eleventh princes of the Shangmeng League seem to have disappeared. So the eastern Zongmen and the northern Shangmeng are both very Calm. Perhaps it is because their lords are not there that they dare not have too much action."

"Yeah!" Xu Ziyan nodded casually, but his heart was thinking fast: "Since the birth of the lord has been born, does he not know that his old nest Tianmen is being cracked?

Impossible not to know!

Since the birth of the lord, how could it not go back?

There are only two reasons for this. One reason is that the lord still has to do something urgent, and he can't take care of Tianmen. Anyway, the prohibition of Tianmen is not so easy to crack, and the lord is not worried. The other aspect is a conspiracy of the Lord. Once the Tianmen breaks open, it is the beginning of the conspiracy.

But what kind of conspiracy would it be? ”

"Right, is there any news about the five saints?"

"No!" Stepping and shaking his head immediately: "Since the Dragon Palace, I have never seen and heard of the Five Saints. They and the several holy five-color Huanglong do not know where to go. I think the Five Saints should not have yet. Grab the holy five-color dragon, so they should still be chasing the five-color dragon."


Xu Ziyan nodded, and his heart was also very praised. The five-color Emperor Dragon Kings can't beat Yanshan Soul and the Emperor and they join forces, but if they want to escape, Yanshan Soul and the Emperor want to catch up is also very difficult. This chase does not know when it will last.

"Go on!"

Step by step and gently nodded and said: "The Western Mozu also restored calm, the Mozu no longer attacked the Devil's Secret, seems to be waiting for the return of the Lord.

The Southern Yaozu once sent the Yaozu in the southern continent, and even went to the mainland to investigate you. What kind of actions they will take after investigating you, the light dance building has not been investigated. But now they have given up all the action, because the sudden appearance of the demon Lord has made the four demon kings quiet. I am afraid that for a long time, only the demon will not return to the demon, the demon will not have any move.

The loss of the Southern monk in the Dragon Palace was very serious. The most lost in the battle after the collapse of the Dragon Palace was the Southern Monk. After all, it was the South, and the Southern Monks who went to the Dragon Palace were also the most. That Ouyang Xun is a courageous person. When the Dragon Palace collapsed, when the Five Sacred and the Five-Colored Dragon King were excited, he knew that the battle on this level could be as far away as possible, so he decisively led. The people in the city's main house left the Wolong Mountain Range and did not even look at it.

As a result, after the Dragon Palace, the power of the men’s parties was seriously lost, but there was almost no loss in the exclusive city government. The city government has begun to recruit six family masters, ready to work on the Huyan family and the Li family.

If this happens before the Dragon Palace, such a transfer is simply impossible. Because this is not a war against the Yaozu, nor a public enemy against the Southern Terran, but the city government wants to destroy the eye-protection family and the Li family, and expand the power of the city. This has not been too late in the past six major family opposition, how can I listen to the dispatch of the city government?

But now the city's main government is in full swing, and the loss of the six major families in the Dragon Palace is not light, and the six major families are jealous. But the six big families are not stupid. They know that if they help the city government to destroy the Huyan family and the Li family, then they will turn to their family. Therefore, they are all dragging, not agreeing, not disagreeing, but stressing that the family has many difficulties and is preparing for the transfer of the city government.

The Huyan family and the Li family sent people to seek peace with the city government. However, Ouyang Xun suddenly ignored it. Today, he saw the city's main government, and countless scattered works were cast to the city's main government. The city government has also changed the style of the past, opened the door and welcomed all the monks who went to the city government.

Nowadays, the power of the city's main government is getting bigger and bigger, and it has already been overwhelmed by the eight major families in the south. Many small and medium-sized forces that belonged to the eight major families were transferred to the city government, which further weakened the strength of the eight major families, and the gap between the city and the city government was further widened. ”



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