The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2343: sensation

"Even if they retreat, they occupy the Huyan family and the Li family, but they may have long-term strength of the entire South stationed in the Huyan and Li families? Can they afford it? Once they evacuate most of the monks The monks left behind can't stop them from joining the Huyan family, the Li family and the Wuhoushan family."

"No!" Xu Tianwo's face showed a smile.

"So, they will eventually give up the Huyan family and the Li family. By that time, the Huyan family and the Li family can return to the ancestral land. If the city government wants to launch the fairy war again, we must consider whether they can afford it!"

"Ha ha ha..." Xu Tianwo and Ling Xiao released their laughter, and the eyes of the step were only admirable.

"In fact, the most important part of this is that the southern monks can't break through the big battles of Xiancheng and Taixu. If there is no such foundation, don't talk about protecting the Huyan family and the Li family, that is, we are too imaginary and only have a way to escape. ”

"Then... there is no problem with our formation?" Xu Tianwo asked with concern.

"The superposition of arrays and striated patterns will play an inconceivable role. Nowadays, the squad of Taixu and Wangxiancheng resists the peak of Tianzun in the late stage. There is absolutely no problem. But..."

Xu Ziyan slightly frowned and said: "I am afraid I can't resist the five holy!"

"Five Saints?" Xu Tianwo suddenly said: "They won't see our little Taixu?"

“Who knows this?” Xu Ziyan sighed softly: “So everything is illusory, only its own strength is real. We must work hard to cultivate. When we have the strength of the holy level, we don’t have to worry about five. Holy."

"Holy level!" Xu Tianwo's face showed a yearning for color.

"Well, let's continue to talk about our plan!" Xu Ziyan laughed.

"The Sovereign..." The step suddenly opened.

"What?" Xu Ziyan smiled and looked at the step, stepping is a very important part of Xu Ziyan's plan. All news needs to be spread by the light dance building, so Xu Ziyan's attitude towards stepping is very mild.

Stepping on Xu Ziyan, the period Ai Ai said: "That... break the order Dan... Can you sell it to me?"

Xu Ziyan slightly wrinkled his brow and said: "I can put people in the fairy period, the fairy season, and the Luo Tian Shang Xian period. The four Luo Danxian period of the Da Luo Jin Xian period gave you ten. If you make a major contribution to Zongmen in the future, I Will be given. If there is no major contribution, you can only go to the auction through the auction."

"Thank you, Lord!" Step by step, I heard a big joy and gave a deep salute to Xu Ziyan.

"Well, let's continue to talk about our plan. Just said the first day of the auction. The next day's auction, in addition to various treasures, the finale auction will be a symbol. We will auction the initial product. The congenital fairy symbol. The beginning of the product is the peak of the congenital fairy, the next product of the mid-term congenital fairy, the next product of the mid-term peak congenital fairy, the next product is the congenital fairy, the late product subversion of the congenital fairy every hundred."

"Great!" Steps shouted in his heart.

"The third day of the auction, our finale auction will be the first in the early stage of the product, the first peak of the product. The next product is the first in the middle, the next product is the first in the middle. The next product is the first, the last peak. There are ten handles for the first hand."

Stepping has risen so much that this mouth doesn't know what to say.

"On the fourth day, our finale auction will be a fortune. In the early days of the product, the first generation will be the first generation. There are ten innate angels."

"This is this..." Stepping and stunned the muscles of his face and said: "This will sensationalize the entire mainland. Will it cause the embarrassment of those big monks to publicly snatch?"

In the eyes of Xu Ziyan, Limang flashed a glimpse: "As long as it is not five saints. They will not be able to leave the city when they enter the city of Wangxian." Don't forget that the big battle of Xiancheng is not only defense but also attacking power. My master is there, if they dare to plot, it is precisely our chance to show strength."

"This... can you do it?" Ling Xiao is also worried.

"Don't worry! I have confidence in the big array." Xu Ziyan said with a sigh: "Of course, there will be losses in Taixu, there will be casualties, but those who dare to **** will die in Wangxiancheng."

"If we kill those big monks..." Xu Tianwo locked his brow and said: "Their sect, the family will definitely come to the door."

"That should be fighting!" Xu Ziyan said firmly: "Wangxiancheng wants to be the first fairy city on the mainland of the Yuan Dynasty. If you want to stand on the mainland, you must go through the baptism of blood. Only after several baptisms of blood. Wangxiancheng is still standing still, so that the monks who come to Wangxiancheng in the future will be honestly guarding the rules of Xiancheng. Otherwise, Wangxiancheng is a joke. Taixu will also be destroyed."

"Are we a little anxious?" Xu Tianlang said in a condensate voice.

“Yes!” Xu Ziyan nodded. “It’s just the situation. And as long as we have survived the difficult time, the entire Shangyuan continent, including the remaining six families, will also send their disciples to join the Taixu, too The virtual sect will go to the real road of rejuvenation. This risk is worthwhile and must be taken."

"Good!" Xu Tianwo hit the left hand with his right fist: "We will fight once."

"Step by step, you immediately secretly left Taixu, and began to spread the news to the world."

"Yes!" Step by step and pray.

Xu Ziyan waved four jade bottles and floated in front of the step: "This is four kinds of broken orders, you collect!"

"Xie Zongzhu!" Stepping to put the four jade bottles away, and praying again to Xu Ziyan: "Subordinates leave!"


After the step of leaving, Xu Ziyan said to Xu Tianwo: "Knock the clock and gather the masters and elders."

"When ~~ when ~~ when ~~"

The bell echoed over the Taixu sect, and a strip of people flashed from the cave, flying toward the Taixu Hall...

The establishment of the Taixu Zongwang City was held in two months, and the news of the finale auctions spread through the light dance building at an extremely fast speed, spreading to all corners of the Upper Yuan Dynasty.

The whole Yuanyuan continent has boiled, there is confidence, there is no belief. However, there are a large number of monks who have set off in the direction of the Yuan Dynasty.

Among these monks, there are some monks in the Tianzun period, and there are also Yaozu and Mozu, but there is no such thing as a monk in the late Tianzun. This kind of monk is not interested in this type of auction item, it is a bit of interest, as long as the hand is sent, it is not necessary to go in person.

Therefore, the highest in these monks is only the peak of Tianzun's early days, but even so, the lineup is strong enough, and no auction on the mainland has never been so attractive.

Four of the Danfu Arrays are particularly valued, and the four-day finale auction of Wangxiancheng is the area they own. What makes them embarrassed is that they have not had such a big auction in four of them. Fu Zong, the ancestors and the sects are better. They have also auctioned the innate precursors of the products, the innate fairy tales and the congenital fairy tales. The most embarrassing thing is Dan Zong. Although they also auctioned the inferior Xiandan, but never auctioned the broken Dan. Although Wang Xiancheng auctioned only the broken Dan of Da Luo Jin Xian, it was enough to make Dan Zong lose his face.

Therefore, all four of these sent monks to Wangxiancheng. If Taixu is just a bluff, and fools the world, they must dismantle the city. If all this is true, then it is necessary to auction some more back to study.

The three major commercial banks were also embarrassed. Originally, they had four Danfu squadrons on their heads. In the middle, there were four halls of the town’s demon city, and they rushed to the business. Now they have come up with a fairy city. The space is getting smaller and smaller.

Therefore, they came with the same heart as the four sects of the Danfu, and even held a confusing mind.

The four halls of the Danfu of the town demon city were calm and waveless, but they also sent monks to visit Xiancheng.

The entire Upper Yuan Dynasty was raging because of an auction. Many monks come with different purposes. Because they all know that Taixu is only a three-stream medium-sized sect. What kind of masters will there be in this size? Maybe this auction will lead to the destruction of too imaginary.

How big is the amount of rice to eat, not the amount of rice to eat so much, the result is only one, that is to die.

Therefore, there are many fairy thieves who have been famous in the Yuan Dynasty, scattered, demon and demons have come one after another. They are holding the idea of ​​destroying Taixu and Wangxian.


Ouyang Xun slammed a teacup on the ground, and Xu Zi’s actions completely disrupted his plan. The six families that had no reason to delay have had a unified reason this time. That is now that the monks of the Upper Yuan Continent gathered in the South. At this time, the battle between the Huyan family and the Li family was not only to let the eastern, western and northern monks see the chaotic aspects of the southern continent, but to cause the three mainland monks to smash the southern continent.

Since the southern continent is so chaotic, why not plug it in?

This will completely confuse the situation in the South, and Ouyang Xun is also afraid that his mind will be seen by other mainland monks, especially the nine major sects. He knows deeply that the nine sects will never allow the tenth big door to appear. If the nine major sects find themselves in the reunification of the South, and build a big-minded mind, they will surely slap their Ouyang family from the Upper Yuan when their plans have not yet been completed.

Therefore, Ouyang Xun is fierce in his heart, and then he is unwilling, and only patience, waiting for the auction of Wangxian City to end.

*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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