The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2351: Streak

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I really envy and hate!


The figure of Xu Tianwo has disappeared, and they only look at Ling Xiao.

The situation of Ling Xiao is not good. His white tiger power has begun to suppress the opponent. After all, his white tiger is thin and thin. He did not get the second banyan beads from the hands of Xu Ziyan like Xu Tianwo. However, his white tiger will be equally shocking. Every time he shot, the white tiger image behind him screamed and screamed.

This makes the monks who are concerned about it a bit of envy and hate, although the white tiger of Ling Xiao is not as good as the scorpion of the scorpion, but it can also be more challenging!

Looking at Ling Xiao will be defeated by the end of the land, if the land will be killed in the late stage. Do you go out and grab the white tiger?

Forget it!

As long as you dare to grab it, you will not leave the city of Hope. With the strength of the current Wangxian City, it is not that you can resist it. And the most important thing is that Wang Xiancheng opened a big array. Keep everyone in it. Even if you want to **** the white tiger and sneak at the speed, there is no place to escape.

But the reason they finally gave up was that they didn't believe that Ling Xiao would be dealt with and killed. They could understand that there are already many monks who have been idle now. Although they can't see them in the air, they are definitely Pay attention to this battle and be ready to shoot at any time. Kill the land in the late stage.

God knows Xu Lin, who is in the air, and these people are beginning to envy and hate!

This is too imaginary, what are some people who are against the sky!

This is is there a monk with a unicorn blood! The image of the unicorn behind it must be more than the white tiger power behind Ling Xiao! And looking at the performance of two people, Ling Xiao is only refining a white tiger. Xu Lin has the blood of Qilin.

With the power of the blood, the power gained is not the pressure on the will, but the power of the blood and the power of the immortal, the release of the fairy. It’s not just power that goes beyond ordinary monks. The speed of releasing the fairy is almost twice as fast as that of the ordinary monk.

As a result, his opponent has decayed to the extreme. It was only the mid-term peak of the land. It was only a small step higher than Xu Lin, but it was completely suppressed by the kylin blood of Xu Tianlang, only passively beaten. Xu Lin and the previous Xu Qin Yang, Xu Xingfan, Xu Tianwo and Ling Xiao are different. These four people all have attacks against the soul and will of others, but Xu Lin is completely pressing people. After the opening of the blood force of Xu Lin, every release of the fairy 诀 will force the power to the extreme.

Xu Ziyan's eyes are a condensate, she found that Xu Lin actually realized the power of the righteousness. This point is not only seen by Xu Ziyan, but also the monks who are concerned about Xu Lin. It is also seen in the late stage of the battle with Xu Lin. The heart is a little confused.

Xu Lin was a hard sweeper, pushing forward arbitrarily, and slammed the other side out.

"I surrender!"


The flame knife in Xu Lin’s hand went straight down the sky.


A huge unicorn swooped down, and the four hooves ran on the flame, instantly submerging the mid-level peak of the land...


More than 100,000 monks who were concerned about the collective sucked a breath of air, and the power of this force was too fierce.


Suddenly in the sky, I remembered a burst of crying, crying so many people were shocked, and the gods swiftly swept the past. However, I found that it was the sadness of the mid-term peak of the battle with the son.

If you say that the world is the most sad, only scattered!

There is no sanctuary for the sanctuary. There is no support from the family. Only one person struggles on the road of cultivation. It is a common thing to cultivate resources. It is hard to have a little cultivation resources, but also beware of other scattered training. Not to mention being bullied and exploited by those sects and family disciples.

and so……

The days of scattered repairs are really unbearable, and their unrulyness is forced out in this environment. However, these scattered studies survived in this environment, and the personality also changed abnormally. In the face of Zongmen and the family, both envy and jealousy, and the mind became extremely dark.

Their rule of survival is that since someone can bully me, exploit me, rob me. Then, I can bully a monk who is weaker than me. Exploitation is weaker than me, a monk, and a monk who is weaker than me.

And they are doing more than those sects or family shackles, and all the monks they are looking at have only one way to go, that is death.

They think that they are too weak and weak, so they came, so they shouted out to wash the city, and the blood was too imaginary. Just did not expect this kick to kick on the iron plate.

If there is something wrong, there must be hateful things.


When the mid-level peak of this land meets the male son, he is tragedy!

Because the sorrowful meaning of the son of the forge evokes the memory of the heart that is unbearable in his heart, the sweet, bitter, salty and salty moments come to mind, and the endless sorrow fills the heart.

He... How can you not cry?

A sword mans hangs from the sky, and the clouds are in harmony. Heaven and earth are sad...

The cry of the monk in the middle of the middle of the monk stopped abruptly, and the gray sword light flashed through the air, and his body was smashed into countless pieces. Even the gods are annihilated.

The dark clouds of the sky are forging together with the sons, and the sound of "bang" is scattered, and the shadows of the sons are disappeared.

At this time, outside the city of Wangxian, there were countless monks flying. These monks heard that the monks who had left the city government had come to attack the city of Xianxian, and rushed to see the lively monks. They also thought about observing the strength of Taixu by such a battle.

of course. If too imaginary is defeated by these monks, they don't mind robbing the fire.


When they came to Wangxiancheng, they saw the inside of Wangxiancheng through the mask of the array. One by one is sluggish in the air.

Doesn't it mean that there are more than a thousand monks attacking the city of Xianxian? How do you leave sixteen monks? Where did the monks go?

The eyes moved down and the face was shocked. There are countless dead bodies lying on the ground in Wangxian City. No dead body is complete. Seeing all this, what do you think of these monks outside the city of Xianxian?

The strength of Taixu will be so strong?

This is the idea that all the monks are at the same time. These monks are also southern monks. It is also a monk closer to the Whistling Mountains. Among them are the two major families, the Huyan family and the Li family. I thought that they were still thinking about forcing the tyrannical tyranny to ask them to form an alliance, so as to earn too cheap. But now I can't help but feel cautious and careful.

These monks outside the city of Wangxian will pay attention to the remaining 16 pairs of fierce battles in the city, and want to explore the reality of the illusory. Although they had received the return of the family monk who had arrived through the communication of Yu Jian, but after all, they did not see it with their own eyes, and there was still great doubt in their hearts. But this serious watch, my heart is wary of the Taixu.

The first thing that caught their eye was a huge phantom lamp. It was a black lamp body burning with a gray flame. They are only watching outside the city of Wangxian. Did not personally experience the horror of the Nether Light.

However, the mid-peak of the land that is playing against the fire dance feels the horror of this kind of Netherfire. It is a cold flame of bone marrow. This reverse flame makes him very uncomfortable, and not just The body is hurt, that is, the soul has a feeling of being frozen.

The hand dance of the fire dance danced faster and faster, pulling out a trace of the residual image, the phantom lamp hovering in the air, the lights splattered, like the glaze falling from the lamp, entangled in the middle of the land. go with.

The fire dance is only the peak of the early stage of the land. Even if he has the root of the Nether, he can overcome the challenge, but it is only a tie with the mid-level peak. But now he has begun to fully grasp the upper hand, suppressing his opponents in jeopardy.

This is the difference between the monks and the scattered monks.

It is very difficult to have a decent celestial device in the meditation, just like the mid-level peak in front of the land. He is a water monk, and the fire dance is a fire monk. The original fire is a gram, and his cultivation is more than a fire dance. High, you should succumb to the fire dance. However, his hand is only a piece of the early nine-piece fairy, and even the peak of the nine products is not. In fact, a fairy that can have such a grade has been considered a good one.

However, his opponent is a fire dance. The most important thing is that the fire dance has a lord Xu Ziyan. The nymph lamp in his hand is re-refined. It is a top-grade fairy treasure in the late stage of the last product. I don't know how many grades are higher.

This is the sorrow of the disintegration, but a congenital celestial treasure traps a mid-level peak in the midst of a mysterious fire.

Suddenly, the sky circling and dancing, forming a gray vortex. Although the mid-level spurs of the mid-level spurs struggled, they could not stop the powerful suction, and eventually the whole body was sucked into the wick.


The sorrow of continuous sorrow came from the wick. The monks inside and outside the city looked at the wick and saw the gray flame. A twisted figure was struggling...

The voice of mourning disappeared.

The figure in the gray wick is turned into silk fly ash...

The monks inside and outside the city not only took a breath of cold air, but even those monks outside the city who could not feel the power of the Nether Light understood the horror of the solitude lamp. The figure of fire dancing in the air is full of vigilance and alertness.

The Nether Light circled and shrunk, and it was incorporated into the body of the fire dance. The eyes of the fire dance looked at the monks outside the big squad of the sacred city. The eyes were swollen and cold, and the two smoldering fires jumped in the eyes.

The essence is all over, and will be added next week.

*(To be continued..)

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