The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2362: Word threats (one more pink)

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"Ziyan, wait until the end of the auction, the brothers want to live in Taixu for a period of time, and learn from the teacher and sister?"

"Welcome, as long as the brothers are willing, how long do you want to live for a long time!"

"Ziyan, we also want to stay in Taixu for a while!" Satan and others said with a smile.

"Welcome, too imaginary is nothing else, it is a big place!"

"Ha ha ha..." everyone laughed happily.

Everyone said that I want to stay in the Taixu Zong for a period of time after the auction. Xu Ziyan naturally agreed.

After about an hour, everyone dispersed. In fact, these people are elites. It has long been known that Lang Yue and others have something to say with Xu Ziyan, so everyone has also left with interest. Moreover, these people have also speculated that Lang Yue and others are worried about what they said today. They said that they would stay in Taixu for a period of time. They also concealed that they would support Taixu and reveal their goodwill.

After these people left, there was only Xu Ziyan left in the back garden. Langyue, heart, cold and clear. Song Wanzhong, a thousand cups drunk and Zhang Wujie seven people.

"Little sister, you have a lot of trouble this time!" Langyue said solemnly.

"I know!" Xu Ziyan smiled bitterly.

"Can you have a solution?"

"There is no complete solution, but if someone wants to make trouble in the city of Wangxian, it will cost a lot."

"But too, there is a danger of destruction!" Lang Yue said with anxiety: "You didn't expect it at first? Why don't you be careful, narrow down some scales, don't take out so many good things to auction. A little bit?"

“It’s too late!” Xu Ziyan said bitterly: “Now the Five Saints have been born, the great era of the Yuan Dynasty is coming, and a Zongmen without strength will surely be annihilated in the great era. I don’t want to annihilate in the big times. It is necessary to upgrade the strength of ourselves and the Zongmen. And the more the times, the more opportunities there are, so I need to raise the reputation of the tyrannical sect. Only in this way can we attract the genius of all parties. In the shortest time, the sect will be The strength is improved."

"But you are too imaginary and do not accept masters!"

"I don't want to accept a master!" Xu Ziyan said with a smile: "If the master is willing to join Taixu Zong. The sisters clap their hands and welcome."

Langyue frowned and thought about it for a moment, his eyes brightened: "Small sister, you only recruit young disciples, but for the loyalty of the Zongmen?"

"Yes!" Xu Ziyan nodded: "Tai Xunzong is just established, can not afford to toss. If you recruit a group of monks who have no loyalty to Zongmen, I am afraid that there is a little wind and rain, too imaginary disintegration from the inside. ""

"But how do you pass this level?"

There is a stern color in Xu Ziyan’s eyes: "Taiwan is not a good bully. Since I dare to hold an auction of this scale, I have sufficient preparations. As long as it is not all the monks in Wangxian City, there will be violent attacks. I have the ability to suppress the monks who dare to challenge the imaginary."

"You..." Langyue’s spirit suddenly rose: "Small sister. In the beginning of the Dragon Palace, the brothers did not catch up. But the teacher said that the Yanshan soul is the evil master, is this true?"

Xu Ziyan’s look changed slightly, then he sighed softly: “Yes! He is the evil Lord.”

"Great!" Langyue immediately fluttered and danced: "No wonder the younger sister you dare to make such a big voice, the original Yanshan soul is the evil master, there are evil owners sitting in the town, what are you afraid of!"

The look of Xu Ziyan became more and more bitter: "The mountain soul he... amnesia, he... don't remember me..."

"He... amnesia? Don't remember... you..." Lang Yue and others looked at Xu Ziyan with shock.

"What do you do? Now there is no strong person sitting in the town, how do you cope?"

"My master is here!"

"Master is here?" Langyue's eyes lit up.

"It's my other master."

"Take a senior?"

Lang Yue and others also know that another master who is a thousand-year-old is a master of Xu Ziyan. He also knows how to take advantage of thousands of miles. At that time, the shocking swords outside the Zongshan Gate of the Stars made them remember so far.

"Great, there are predecessors sitting here again, too imaginary can be worry-free."

Xu Ziyan shook his head and said: "I am afraid that some people will provoke in the dark, so that the monks in the whole city of Wangxian will be rioted. Master, when the auction is held, I am afraid that there will be millions of monks in the city of Xianxian. A riot, that is, Master can’t suppress it...”

“What is the repair of the seniors now?”

"Tianzun later, but even the peak of Tianzun's later stage may not be Master's opponent."

"What are you worried about?"

"I said that once the monks rioted together..."

"Don't worry about this!" Lang Yueyi waved: "The strongest monk who came this time is just the beginning of Tianzun. This is why everyone did not think that there will be a monk in the Taizong.

Xiao Shimei, with your wisdom, I don’t think that thousands of people will have thousands of thoughts. You are losing your calm. As long as there is a sign of riots, immediately killing those monks who dare to go out can calm the matter. Taking advantage of the strength of the predecessors, even if the early monks in Tianzun dare to take the lead, it is not a problem to kill in an instant. The auction of Wang Xiancheng will definitely not appear the kind of riot you imagined. ”


Xu Ziyan took a long breath and heard the analysis of Langyue. Xu Ziyan felt that he wanted more.

"Little sister, starting today. Six brothers will listen to your instructions. Where do you need us?"

Xu Ziyan shook his head: "The brothers and sisters still don't want to participate. Now I don't know what the intentions of the emperor are. The sisters don't want the brothers and sisters to do it. After all, you are still a disciple."

"Little sister..."

Xu Ziyan shook his head and stopped Lang Yuedao: "As the master said, there is a master sitting in the town, too imaginary can handle all difficulties, brothers and sisters still do not participate in this time, it will make Master difficult to do. Of course, too If the virtual sect is really in crisis, it is the teacher and the sister who do not speak, and the brothers and sisters will not look at it."

Lang Yue and others know that the master of the teacher’s mouth at this time refers to the sword, if they are involved in the affairs of Taixu. Contrary to the intentions of Mou Zong, it will indeed make the sword awkward. I think that Taixu is now sitting in the town, and there should be no accident. Langyue nodded.

I talked with my brother and sister. Xu Ziyan’s mood was slightly relaxed. When Lang Yue and others learned that they were sitting here in Wanli, they also let go of their worries. After drinking a lot, they left.

Xu Ziyan sent away the brothers and sisters, standing in the courtyard and looking at the moon in the air, the fears in the heart were not all put down. Suddenly, Xu Ziyan's eyes were slightly stunned, and a figure appeared under the shadow of the moon. Just a dozen meters from the left side of Xu Ziyan.

When the space has just fluctuated, it has been perceived by the power of Xu Ziyan’s current god. Gold invincible and magical are not here. They are watching everything in the city of Xian. Instead, I swept over the thousands of miles of knowledge, and Xu Ziyan’s knowledge immediately greeted the gods of thousands of miles, because she had already recognized that the person was the first of Tianzong’s.

The **** of thousands of miles recaptured and stayed in the air to monitor Dan Zong Tianzun. All of this Tian Zun did not know at the beginning, and with his power of the gods, it was impossible to perceive Xu Ziyan and the knowledge of thousands of miles. As a result, the face of Dan Zong Tianzun also showed a trace of disdain, thinking that Xu Ziyan has not found him yet. Gently coughed and shouted:

"Xu Zongzhu!"

Without the shock of Dan Zong Tianzun’s imagination, Xu Ziyan slowly turned around and calmly looked at the Dan Zong Tian Zun:

"Dow friends come to visit late at night, I don't know what?"

Dan Zong Tianzun frowned slightly, he did not expect Xu Ziyan to be so calm, the heart secretly:

"Did she have discovered herself? Impossible! I am Tianzun, and Xu Ziyan can't be Tianzun. How can she find herself in advance? It must have been that she would have expected to come here to find her and be a master of the Lord. People really are not simple."

After thinking about this, Dan Zong Tianzun’s eyes showed a confident smile: “Hsu Zunzhu, let me stand here and say? This is not the way to treat!”

Xu Ziyan smiled and said: "Please!"

After two people entered the room, Dan Zong Tian Zun waved the next ban, and then said:

"Xu Zongzhu, you have a big disaster!"

Xu Ziyan smiled and smiled. Dan Zong Tianzun said something unnaturally: "Why, Xu Zong does not believe?"

"Letter!" Xu Ziyan nodded: "But I believe that I can clean up these scourges."

"You..." Danzong Tianzun’s face showed a trace of disdain: "I am afraid you still don't know how big the disaster is caused by you?"

"I don't need to know!" Xu Ziyan's look is still faint: "Daoyou, telling you the purpose of coming here, late at night, I need to rest. My brother and I are also at the turn of the year. If there is anything, you will have something to say. Just say it."

The appearance of Dan Zong Tianzun once again showed a trace of disdain. In his heart, he said: "You don't know how much your misfortune is, that is, the sovereign cannot stand on your side this time."

He really wants to tell Xu Ziyan in your heart. You make the nine major sects feel threatened. The nine sects will never allow you to grow into a big door. No matter which sect is in front of you, what is the relationship between you? In front of you, there is no sect to dare to help you, but also to deal with you. This is the alliance of the nine major sects to protect their own interests.

But this matter can not be said with Xu Ziyan, because this interest alliance is extremely secret, it is impossible to let other sects know, otherwise it will not cause an uproar.

"That's a side attack!" Dan Zongtian said solemnly: "Hou Zongzhu, do you really don't know that Taizhi and Wangxian are in a state of being destroyed?"

Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!

*(To be continued..)

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