The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2364: Misunderstanding (three more pink)

I am very grateful to the shallow dreams of the general classmates (588), the light moon dance 629? classmates (100), the remnant of the flying stars? Classmates (100) of the reward!

Although Xu Ziyan was very surprised, Zhang Xuesheng was so polite to her, but she waved the ban and then looked at Zhang Xuesheng. Zhang Xuesheng looked around and looked around:

"Xu Zongzhu, can this prohibition resist the gods of Heaven?"

"Zhang Daoyou is relieved that the gods of the peak of Tian Zun's late stage are also not explored."

"That's good!" Zhang Xuesheng's face showed a rest assured look, followed by a tight-knit: "Xu Zongzhu, do you know the dangers of you and Taixu?"

Xu Ziyan frowned slightly, and her heart was a bit greasy, but Zhang Xuesheng was still respectful of himself and eventually nodded. Zhang Xuesheng did not care about Xu Ziyan’s attitude, but instead smiled:

"Then, what is the danger of telling too imaginary now?"

"Daoyou is testing me?" Xu Ziyan raised his eyebrows.

Zhang Xuesheng smiled and said: "Even if you test your brother, you will not give this face to your brother?"

"It's weird!" Xu Ziyan really didn't understand how Zhang Xuesheng was so polite to himself. But still sit up straight and say:

"Since the Taoist friend evaluates the purple smoke, the purple smoke will be divided into one or two."

"Brother is listening."

"In fact, there is nothing, but some greedy people want to rob the city of Xian, but some people who are uneasy and willing to help, want to hope that the city will be completely rioted. If so, too imaginary can not cope, will be in an instant Overturned."

"So how are you going to respond?"

"The guns are the first birds. Whoever dares to take the lead, whoever has to be prepared for death. As long as the troublemakers are killed at the beginning, large-scale riots will not happen."

"If it happened?" Zhang Xuesheng's look became dignified.

"This is not what I want to see." The look of Xu Ziyan has also become dignified: "But it is too vain to be a jade."

"I know that the madmen from your sword peak are like this!" Zhang Xuesheng sighed: "What else?"

"What else?" Xu Ziyan looked at Zhang Xuesheng inexplicably.

"Are you too dangerous to face?"

"Is there still danger?" Xu Ziyan felt a shock in his heart. He frowned and thought for a while, but eventually he turned to Zhang Xuesheng:

"Ziyan can't think of it, please teach me."

Zhang Xuesheng's look became very dignified: "Xu Zongzhu, the following words are my mouth. As your ear. Don't let the third person know."

"Yes!" Xu Ziyan also felt the eyes of things, and some things must have exceeded their expectations.

"You know why there are only nine sects in the mainland."

Xu Ziyan’s heart was a shock, she realized it in an instant. I have forgotten one of the biggest things. A heart immediately smashed up:

"You mean that the nine major sects do not allow the tenth big door to appear on the mainland?"

"Not bad!" Zhang Xuesheng condensed the focus.

Xu Ziyan’s eyes suddenly showed a trace of irony: "But the Shangmeng League is not good?"

Zhang Xuesheng’s look is a bit unpleasant: “Xu Zongzhu, my brother, I treat each other sincerely, and you ask yourself, is it too strong to have the strength of the Yuanmeng League?”

Xu Ziyan is silent. Halfway: "How do the nine major sects prepare for me too?"

"Have you seen the four ancestors of the Danfu Array?"


"Their idea is just to divide your inheritance. So too, the illusory will lose the opportunity to grow up, and it will not become a big door, and the Danfu Array will also make a maintenance heart for Taixu. The crisis of Taixu is naturally solved, but the Taixu dynasty is a dog of the four ancestors of the Danfu dynasty. It must have been rejected by your temper."

"Not bad!"

"This is a method. Although this method is extremely dissatisfied with the Shenji Zong and the Xingji Zong, the four ancestors of the sect of the sects are united. How does the sacred sect and the sect of the sect?


Now you have refused, and the crisis of too imaginary is really coming.

In fact, the means of the nine major sects to deal with the medium-sized sects that want to be promoted to the big gates is simple. This kind of thing cannot be done publicly, and it must be done by means of shackles. Once the nine sects believe that a certain sect will be promoted to a large gate, the nine sects will join hands and send their own monks. These monks are not disciples, but elders, and there are many late monks. Then secretly lurking around you too imaginary, looking for the opportunity to kill the Taizong, killing all the tyrants.

Even if the Taixu sects have a large array of guardians, they can also be kept outside the Taixu sect. While cultivating and monitoring the Taixu sect, as long as there are too imaginary monks out of the mountain gate, they will be killed.

And as long as the imaginary emptiness reveals a trace of flaws, such as a friend who is too imaginary to come to worship the mountain, too imaginary to open the mountain gate for a moment, with the strength of the nine masters sent out to the monks, then a moment is enough for them to rush into the virtual Zong. You can imagine that a group of Tianzun rushed into the Taixu, and there was a late monk in the Tianzun period. The demise of Taixu was only in an instant. ”

Xu Ziyan took a breath of cold air, Zhang Xuesheng said very well, as long as there is such a moment of effort, the nine major sects will be smashed into the illusory, no wonder the mainland has never had the tenth big door.

Too bad!

However, Xu Ziyan has never understood Zhang Xuesheng's mind. From now on, Zhang Xuesheng has always released true goodwill, and he has handed it to him:

"What does my brother teach me?"

Zhang Xuesheng was very satisfied with the attitude of Xu Ziyan. He smiled and said: "Ziyan, in fact, you also know that the original lord let you leave the sect to come to the south to open the sect."

Xu Ziyan is silent, smart people need not say more, Zhang Xuesheng's words let Xu Ziyan understand. At the beginning, the soil was separated from the Zongmen by the water. The purpose of coming to the south to open the sect was to let oneself experience the benefits of being the lord, and then pass on the position of the patriarch. Today, Zhang Xuesheng’s intention must be that the old tune is heavy.

"Brother, what do you mean by wanting me to return to the emperor?"

"This is not what I meant. This is what the Sovereign meant." Zhang Xuesheng said with a serious look: "Ziyan, we have some contradictions between Rizhaofeng and Yijianfeng, but the contradiction cannot be compared with the Zongmen event. I know that you have a very high inheritance of the Danfu Array. If you are in control of you in the future, you will definitely take off. This is the desire of each of our monks. Before this event, any Mustard can give up.

Nowadays, the Taixu sect has come to a dead end. Only the dissolution of the emptiness and the return of the ancestors, so the Yuan dynasty is still the nine major sects, even if the other eight sects are dissatisfied, there is no way. This is the only way to solve the problem. ”

Xu Ziyan once again silently said, "If I don't agree, is it that Yuzong will eventually go to Taixu?"

"I will definitely shoot!" Zhang Xuesheng said without hesitation: "As a member of the nine major sects, it is impossible to not shoot, otherwise it will be attacked by the other eight sects. At that time, it was not too illusory." But the ancestral lord will also be destroyed. Zongmen can't ignore the hundreds of thousands of monks who died for you alone, I think you can understand."

"I understand!" Xu Ziyan spit out a breath of air. "But I still want to fight. The nine sects don't dare to provoke the Yuanmeng, but dare to provoke the tyranny. Do you think that it is too weak to be deceived? ?"


"Zhang Laoge thank you!" Xu Ziyan stood up from the chair and gave a deep gift to Zhang Xuesheng. She was grateful to Zhang Xuesheng from her heart. From the words and demeanor of Zhang Xuesheng, Xu Ziyan could feel that all of his enthusiasm for the ancestors was not mixed with a bit of selfishness, and it was worthy of admiration. Even if the two sides become enemies in the future, it is worthy of admiration. He only wanted to let Xu Ziyan return to the ancestral ancestor and become the future patriarch of the ancestors. He did not annex the imaginary mind, which made Xu Ziyan grateful.

Zhang Xuesheng blinked a bit, and suddenly his eyes showed a happy color: "Ziyan, but the Yanshan soul is now sitting in Taixuzhen?"

Seeing Xu Ziyan's look changed, Zhang Xuesheng immediately explained: "Ziyan, you can rest assured that there are not many people who know the evil spirits of Yanshan. There are not many people who know that the people who arrived at the Dragon Palace in time are Tianzun monks. As for this matter, everyone is also ignorant. As for the other eight sects, they don’t even know about it. If the Yanshan spirit is really in the Taixu, I will be relieved. But..."

Having said that, Zhang Xuesheng’s face has a complicated color: “Yu Zong eventually lost your genius.”

Xu Ziyan is silent, neither acknowledging nor denying. This attitude has taken Zhang Xuesheng's thoughts and thought that Yanshan soul must be sitting in the town of Taixu. Maybe he would observe himself in the city of Wangxian at this time, and his body not only oozing a cold sweat. Standing up from the chair, I said sincerely:

"Ziyan, if you want to deal with Taixu in the next nine sects, you also want to open a side to the sect. Of course, the people sent by the ancestors only show a gesture that will not really attack Taixu. ""

"I understand!" Xu Ziyan nodded gently.

Zhang Xue grew a long sigh of relief, and the pressure of an evil master was too great for him. Standing there and meditating and said:

"You don't have to wait anymore tonight, no one will come again."

"Hmm?" Xu Ziyan looked at Zhang Xuesheng with amazement.

"Shenji Zong and Xingyu Zong are holding the idea of ​​destroying Taixu, and will not talk to you about any agreement. As for Luo Tianzong and Tianxiangzong, all they need to do is to protect themselves and survive in the nine sects. They also don't have the guts to talk to you about the agreement. They can't bear the anger of the **** machine and the celestial domain. So, you don't have to worry about Luo Tianzong and Tianxiangzong for the time being, but you should be very careful about the ceremonial and the celestial sect."

"Thank you brother!" Xu Ziyan once again sincerely thanked him.

To make up, I still owe 28 chapters.

Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!

*(To be continued..)

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