The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2378: The power of enlightenment tea (three more pink)

I am very grateful to the rest of the 123 students (100), the evil master classmates (100), the snow marks 1225 classmates (100) reward!


There are many monks with the idea of ​​Xu Ziyan. At this time, most of the monks opened their eyes and they all encountered bottlenecks. In particular, the higher the person who is repaired, the stronger the bottleneck will be encountered.

Suddenly, the fairy tales gathered on the top of the mountain, and the monks could not help but look at the past, but Ma Jingying got a breakthrough. From the mid-peak of the Emperor, the breakthrough to the late Emperor.


Someone broke through, and it was the same as Ma Jingying who was also the same. Lan Bailing also made a breakthrough, from the peak of the mid-century Emperor to the late Emperor.

Then some people broke through, Luo Tianzong's Luo Yu broke through, from the peak of the late Emperor of the Emperor to break through to half a step.

Luo Tianzong's Yan Xingyun broke through, and he broke through the peak of the late Emperor's Emperor to a half step.

Tian Xiangzong’s Li lazy broke through, from the peak of the late Emperor of the Emperor to the half step.

Liu Qingmeng of Tianxiangzong broke through, from the mid-century of Emperor Xian to the peak of the mid-century Emperor.

Danzong's Liu painting screen broke through, and directly broke through the middle of the Emperor.

The dance color clothing also broke through, from the late Emperor of the Emperor to the peak of the late Emperor.

But the breakthrough is also the people of these Xiandi level, but those of the Xianzun people did not break through, even if the half-step people respect Zhang Wujie and the light moon dance did not break through.

But even so, they have received tremendous benefits. The understanding of Heaven has deepened, and there has been improvement in cultivation. However, there has been no breakthrough. Some people have reached the critical point of breakthrough.

I took a ride from the ground and took a turn and said to Xu Ziyan: "Ziyan, you come with me."

"Yes, Master!"

The two figures disappeared into space and the next moment fell to Wan Jianfeng. This is the cave house where you live and practice in a thousand miles. It fell to the top of the mountain and said softly in thousands of miles:

"Ziyan, do you still have Gou Tea? Give Master some more, the previous Master has already drunk!"


Xu Ziyan heard the words immediately took out a pack of Enlighten Tea and handed it to Master. Take the Wanli to collect the tea, and said with emotion:

"If it weren't for these teas, Master didn't know what year and month to be able to cultivate until today's cultivation. Purple smoke, after listening to the age of the Dragon Palace, those high-level extraterrestrial demon and fusion beasts made the mountain of Longye. A forbidden place, for the teacher to go there to experience, perhaps to be able to break through to the peak of the late Tianzun."

"Master, isn't the disciple established a space for cultivation of the extraterrestrial demon and the fusion beast in Taixu?"

"The extraterrestrial demon and fusion beasts there are still not strong enough for Master!" said the faint mile.

"But..." Xu Ziyan said weakly: "The disciples also want to go out and practice. If we both leave, who is sitting in the town?"

I frowned slightly in a thousand miles. I meditated and said: "Forget it, let's go through the experience first. Master is sitting in the town of Taixu. Waiting for you to come back and say it!"

"Thank you Master!"


After ten thousand miles, he turned and walked toward Dongfu. Xu Ziyan's body shape faded, and the next moment appeared in the sky above Xu Tianwo and others, his eyes swept down. Then I saw that Xu Tiantian and Sha Qianli have disappeared, and the young people are still behind the mountains.

Xu Ziyan's body shape fell from the sky and sat back to his seat. Ma Jingying over there was still breaking through. Xu Qinyang looked at Xu Ziyan:

"The Sovereign, what are you going to do next? Are you ready to subdue in Zongmen?"

Xu Ziyan shook his head gently: "No, I am going to go out and experience it."

“Going out and practicing?” Xu Qinyang’s eyes brightened: “Sovereign, I am going with you.”

"Xu Zongzhu!" Cang said with a smile: "Is it possible to be with you in the next?"

"We also have this meaning!" The remaining monks also said one after another.

Jin Ge said with a smile: "Xu Zongzhu. When we were practicing together, why, the scent, the peach and the tea just can enjoy it once?"

Hua Gu Ren also said with a smile: "We know that these things are very precious, we can take treasures to change!"

Xu Ziyan couldn’t help but feel funny. I said that I was not in a hurry to return to the Zongmen. I have been practicing with myself. It turned out to be a good thing.

Xu Ziyan is not lacking in scent, because these scented wines are made from various kinds of dried fruits in the purple smoke space, and they are not made of high-grade fairy fruit. They have added several years of medicinal herbs. Made from the secret method.

Xu Ziyan does not lack the low-grade fairy fruit. It is too much in the purple smoke space. As for the long-established herbs, it is grass for Xu Ziyan. So how much is the sensation?

However, Xu Ziyan lacks the real big peach, and the big peach from the peach blossom. Because Xu Ziyan is also a delicious person, every time the peach blossoms come out of the big peach, Xu Ziyan will eat in a short time, this time because the peach blossom just came out of the peach, Xu Ziyan did not eat.

Of course, in the purple smoke space, in addition to the peak of the peach blossoms in the late stage of the land, there are two peach trees demon in the early stage of the land, and the peach trees demon in the early stage of the 16th person’s respect to the late peaks. It is the favorite of Xu Ziyan. As for the countless peach trees that are below the level of the Emperor Xian, Xu Ziyan is too lazy to eat.

Since entering the purple smoke space, these peach tree demons have grown very fast under the extremely rich Xianyuan force in the space, and there are no natural enemies to catch them, so that they can grow without any concern. Peach blossom has planted a lot of new peach blossoms, so now there are many peach trees in the purple smoke space from the refining period to the Xiandi period. The peaches that have been formed are sealed by the peach blossoms in one storage space. The accumulation of one year and one year has reached an unclear level.

Therefore, Xu Ziyan is not prepared to give them the peaches above the period of respect, but it is indifferent to the peaches of the Xiandi period. In fact, Xu Ziyan is very clear in his heart, even if the Emperor of the Xiandi period has great benefits for the monks such as Langyue, it is no less than the congenital immortal, and even passed.

Because no matter what grade of elixir has two disadvantages, one can not be completely absorbed by the monks, there is always a loss of 10% to 30%, the second is to leave impurities in the body of the monk, the need for monks in the use of quenching The technique slowly forced them out.

However, the peaches do not have the disadvantages of these two aspects. They are not only able to completely absorb the immortal forces, but also do not produce the slightest impurities in the body of the monks.

In the distance, Xu Ziyan moved in the heart. The Xiantao period of the peach is not willing to eat, can give Zongmen's disciples to eat! This is more effective than Xiandan.

The most important thing is that the disciples of Taixu are too low. The disciples from the refining period to the Mahayana period account for more than half of them. Those disciples who have invested too much in the past are now only from the immortals. At the level of Xianjun, the cultivation of the King of the King is too small.

I can distribute these accumulated peaches to these disciples, and then prepare them to break through the various orders of the order, and the disciples of the Taixu should be upgraded quickly.

Temporarily pressing the thoughts in my heart, Xu Ziyan began to calculate how many enlightenment teas he had. In fact, Wu Tao was not lacking in the realization of tea. The tea tree was too big. The tea leaves that were formed every year, Xu Ziyan could not finish drinking every day.

However, Enlightenment Tea is too precious, and Xu Ziyan cannot open to others to drink. That will make people feel awkward, even if a good friend does not produce a heart, it will not feel precious. So Xu Ziyan shook his head gently:

"The scent can be almost satisfied with everyone's requirements, but the oysters that have just been eaten are gone. I have some peaches of lower grade, and everyone can eat and see."

When the words fell, Xu Ziyan took out some of the fairy peaches on the table. Then smiled and said:

"As for Enlighten Tea, I really don't have much..."


"What you just said is... Enlighten Tea?" Xuan Daozi asked in shock.

"Yeah!" Xu Ziyan nodded. "That was a little bit of what I got under the chance. Now, I can still drink it ten times and eight times."

At this time the monks are not calm.

Enlighten tea!

The legendary thing! It’s just that my own master has not drunk!

I actually drank the tea...

No wonder that I feel that the cultivation has grown a lot, and the understanding of Heaven has deepened a lot. The several emperors also got a breakthrough.

"This..." Saturned his face with gratitude and said: "If this is one or two, you can auction the price of tea!"

Zuo Pengming smiled bitterly: "No one will take this precious treasure out of the auction."

"Even if you take it out, I am afraid it will cause a battle in the fairy world." The eyes of the ink gods flashed with excitement.

"Thank you Xu Zongzhu!" These monks together saluted Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan puts a hand in his hand: "This tea also needs a state of mind. When we have a state of mind, the purple smoke will make a pot for your friends."

"Don't dare!" The faces of the monks showed excitement.

This is a chance! Definitely a big chance! Their own situation is clear to themselves. They can now be sure that although they have not broken through at this time, they are not far from the breakthrough. This is the effect brought by Wudao Tea. This is the gift given by Xu Ziyan.

The people who cultivated the immortality are paying attention to causality. Now they have the grace of Xu Ziyan. There are still some strange relationships, and they immediately feel a lot of intimacy.

However, they did not dare to ask Xu Ziyan to give them tea. Every monk knows the preciousness of Wudao tea and can publicly give it to them once. This is already a great heart for Xu Ziyan, and most people can’t do this. thing.


Make up one more today, it is really not coded, still owe 26 chapters!



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