The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2380: Crying and laughing (two more pink)

"How did the dragons who escaped from the Dragon Palace?"

"They fled in all directions. Now there are also monks from all walks of life. The monks of the various parties have killed some dragons, but there are also many fallen monks. Some dragons have disappeared and they don't know where to hide."

“Oh?” Xu Ziyan’s eyes lit up: “How many dragons are there to hide?”

"About nearly a thousand!"

Xu Ziyan is silent. The huge Dragon Palace now has less than a thousand dragons left. I don't know how much it will eventually be left. But now Xu Ziyan has no strength to help them. Shake his head and sigh a voice:

"Is there any news in Wusheng?"

"No!" Don't shake your head: "They went to chase the holy dragon. There is no news of this. They and the holy dragon disappeared, there is no news."

Xu Ziyan frowned slightly. Where did they go? Also explained the steps to shake some things, concede to shake away.

Sitting in the chair of the main hall for a while, I felt that the account of the account was explained, Xu Ziyan left Taixufeng and returned to Qin Yangfeng.

At this point, seeing those breakthrough monks are nearing the end, maybe it will take another hour or so, and these people will break through.

When I saw Xu Ziyan coming back, Langyue asked casually: "Little sister, where are you going to go this time?"

"Thunderstorm mountains!" Xu Ziyan did not conceal his destination.

"Thunderstorm Mountain Range?"

The hearts of the monks are all moving. Is it true that Xu Ziyan is going to the Thunder? Thunder's fairy has been searched and scraped! What else is she going to do?

Is it true that Xu Ziyan is just going to the Thunderstorm Mountain Range?

However, Thunder Xianfu is really a wonderful place to experience. It’s not bad to go there.

No one speaks, Xu Ziyan has no further explanation, and they are not good to ask. Everyone is thinking. What are you doing? Where is the experience not to experience? Xu Ziyan is going to the thunderstorm mountain range, then go to the thunderstorm mountain range.

After letting go of their minds, the monks began to chat. Everyone is a person who cultivates immortals, and the topic quickly revolves around cultivation.

The time of one hour passed quickly, and the masters who had broken through the repairs began to break through. They stood up in excitement and thanked Xu Ziyan for giving thanks. Their hearts were very clear. If you don

When they learned that the tea was the legendary Enlightenment Tea. The gratitude in the heart is even more unrecognizable. Xu Ziyan also gave them the five monks and the one hundred big peaches of the monks who had just broken through. Then everyone began to discuss how to go out and practice.

"I think we still have to secretly leave the Taixu sect!" Lang Yue thought and said: "Now the imaginary side seems calm, but I don't know how many forces are staring at the tyranny. Some of these forces are people, There are demons and demons. If these forces know that the younger sisters have left Taixu, there are still many high-ranking monks who leave with the younger sisters. Whether it is for the younger sisters or for the Taixu, It is not a good thing."

"Not bad!" Xindao also nodded next to him: "For the younger sister, I am afraid that there will be a large monk coming to intercept, and too imaginary may also have a large monk coming to take advantage of it."

The monks all nodded and looked at Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan smiled and said: "Then we will quietly leave."

"It's not that easy!" Leng Qingyu frowned slightly: "I am afraid that there are many hidden secrets of the various forces outside the Taixu sect. Although they can't be big monks, it is not easy to get rid of them. We have a lot of people."

"This is not a problem!" Xu Ziyan said with a smile: "Give it to me."

I heard that Xu Ziyan said that the hearts of the monks are all loose. These people have long felt that Xu Ziyan is mysterious. Besides, a monk who can build a sect. And is there a way for a monk who has established a third-rate gate?

"Do you still have questions?"

Jin Ge frowned slightly: "We people don't know how to make the world, but there are also many monks who know me. We don't need to wear a mask or something?"

"No need!" Hua Gu Ren: "Not everyone knows us!"

"Not bad!" Xuan Daozi also laughed: "The monks who know us are also people who have cultivated themselves. In general, it is still a minority to recognize our monks in the Upper Yuan."

"I can't see it like this." Cang smiled without a smile: "Everyone wears a fight."

"That's it!" Xu Ziyan said with a smile: "We are too good to hide and hide. We are going out to practice."

"Yes, hahaha..." everyone laughed.

"Then we don't need to hide it, right?" Satan said with a smile.

"I agree with the hidden repair!" Liu painted on the side of the screen said weakly.

"Oh?" The monks looked at Liu Jianping with gaze. As the granddaughter of the patriarch of Liu Zongshan, and his character is very good, everyone has a respect for Liu Pingping.

"I..." Liu painted screen was a little nervous: "Your cultivation is too high, and you are walking with you, let others see, do you think that I am your younger disciple?"

"Oh... hahaha..."

The people couldn't help but burst into laughter. Liu Huaping was laughed at by everyone, and turned to the eyes of several emperors. Ma Jingying is a person who is not afraid of fear and fear. No matter what the monks in front of him are, what is the background, the first one jumps out to support Liu Huaping.

"Yeah! I agree with Liu Shimei's opinion. It is best for everyone to hide and repair. Well, it will be adjusted to be worse than us."

Xu Ziyan and other immortals looked at each other and then laughed and couldn't help but laugh. Langyue laughed and tears came out, but eventually he said to everyone:

"Everyone, do we have to meet the requirements of several younger sisters?"

"Good! Good! Satisfied. Must be satisfied!" These people laughed and nodded.

"Great!" Ma Jingying and Liu painted screens jumped up. Ma Jingying jumped to the side of Xu Ziyan: "Xu Zongzhu..."

Xu Ziyan smiled and said: "Mr. Ma Shijie, you still call me purple smoke, or Xu Shimei." The words fell to the monk in the room:

"You don't have to call my lord. You go to experience together, or call me purple smoke, or sister!"

The monks heard the words and nodded, which proved that the feelings between the people were a step further.

"Xu Shimei!" Ma Jingying is also welcome. Besides, there seems to be no polite words in her heart.

"I know that you have a kind of fairy charm that can hide the cultivation. We don't need these emperors. Give them one of these fairy deities. Then adjust the repairs to be worse than us."

The monks looked at Ma Jingying, who was jumping and laughing. Xu Ziyan also laughed and nodded:

"No problem, no problem."

Xu Ziyan immediately took out the convergence of the fairy. Each person sent a piece, and looked at these people who were there to adjust and repair, and Xu Ziyan sighed in the heart.

In front of these people, because of their status, they do not know that the nine major sects are not allowed to have a tenth big door. Today, Taixu has become a third-rate gate. It can be said that it has reached the opposite of the nine major sects, and the conflict with the nine sects is inevitable.

Most of these people are the disciples of the nine major sects. Can you think of this intimacy in the future?

Xu Ziyan suddenly had a sad feeling, sitting there was a little lost.

"Ziyan, you are left, you have to adjust to repair, you must adjust to me! Do not always make an ordinary person." Ma Jingying jumped to the front of Xu Ziyan, happy eyes smiled Crescent.

Xu Ziyan looked to the crowd. Seeing that the Xianzuns will be adjusted to the peak of Xiandi at this time, it is a lower order than the lowest Liu painting screen. How to make Xu Ziyan feel full of joy. Then nodded again and again:

"Good! Good! I also adjusted to the peak of the early Emperor."

Seeing Xu Ziyan will also be adjusted to the peak of the early Emperor, Ma Jingying happily laughed with Liu painted screen. Lang Yue and other immortals look at the two of them crying and laughing.

At this point, a large number of hidden monks are ready to begin their first joint experience.

Xu Ziyan, the late stage of the land.

Langyue, the late stage of the land.

Hua Gu Ren, the middle of the middle of the peak.

Jin Ge, the mid-term peak of the land.

Xuan Daozi, the middle of the middle of the peak.

Sacrifice, the middle of the land.

Zuo Pengming, the middle of the land.

There is no shadow, and the land is in the middle.

Even the city is in the middle of the land.

Ink **** machine, the middle of the respect.

Ling Xiao, the middle of the land.

Xu Xingfan, the first peak of the land.

Ling Yijian, the first peak of the land.

Ximen jade, the first peak of the land.

Xu Qinyang, the first peak of the land.

Intoxicated with flowers, the first peak of the land.

Fire dance, the first peak of the land.

The male is forging, the first peak of the land.

Xu Lin, the first peak of the land.

Xu Tianwo, the first peak of the land.

Mind, the beginning of the land.

Cold and clear, people respect the peak of the late.

Song Wanzhong, the first person to respect.

Thousands of cups are drunk, and people respect the beginning.

Condensing cream, people respect the beginning.

Zhang Wujie, half step people respect.

Luo Yu, half step by step.

Yan Xingyun, half step people respect.

Li is lazy and half-step.

Light moon dance, half step people respect.

Lou Ruyun, half step people respect.

Sea blue, half step people respect.

Xu Tianqi, half step people respect.

Dance color clothes, the peak of the late Emperor.

Lan Bailing, the late Emperor.

Ma Jingying, the late Emperor.

Liu Qingmeng, the mid-century peak of the Emperor.

Liu draws the screen, the middle of the Emperor.

This time, the old people of Xu family did not leave the Xuxu Zong with Xu Ziyan. After all, the Taixu class still needs the monks to stay behind. At this time, the situation of being too imaginary is not clear. There is danger at any time.

Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!

*(To be continued..)

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