The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2384: City owner

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But it is such a jealous person who is careful to hold a woman at this time. The woman is also a cultivator, and the feeling of being cultivated is not low, but it is a little bird, and it looks weak. Nestled beside the man.

The woman’s eyes are full of happiness, and the man’s eyes are full of compassion. This kind of scene reminded Xu Ziyan of Ling Xiao. At the beginning, he also treated his sister like this, but he did not know whether the pair of men and women were brothers and sisters or Taoists.

Xu Ziyan couldn't help but look back at Ling Xiao. When she saw Ling Xiao, she was also a little lost, and her thoughts were missing. Xu Ziyan turned his head and couldn't help but glance at the two people who were slowly coming across from each other. At that time, the big man also felt the eyes of Xu Ziyan and looked at Xu Ziyan.

Seeing Xu Ziyan with a fight, he naturally would not use the knowledge of God to explore the appearance of Xu Ziyan, which is provocative in the fairy world, unless your gods are powerful and do not care about the other side.

However, even if you can't see the appearance of Xu Ziyan. He was also able to feel the temperament of Xu Ziyan, and he recovered his gaze from Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan also regained his gaze and saw the woman showing a gentle smile towards her, and nodded softly. Both sides passed by.

Just at the moment I passed by, I heard that the big man suddenly said: "Mu brother, not practicing at home. How come out today?"

Xu Ziyan couldn’t help but look back. This eye couldn’t help but look at it. The Muslim brother Xu Ziyan in the big Hankou knew it, but it was the great controller of Tianfu Commercial Bank in the southern branch.

Now the South has already driven out the three major commercial banks. I don't know how Mu Dayong will appear in the North Plains. At this time, Mu Dayong also saw the big man, and he said with a smile:

"Ginger brother, Yin Xian is really waiting for me!"

The monk surnamed Jiang laughed happily: "If Mu brother is envious, the younger brother can introduce you to one, but there are many good sisters."

Mu Dayong smiled and said: "I don't have the **** brother that Fuyuan, Jiang brother. There are still things under, and I will leave first."

Mu Dayong walked quickly from the side of Xu Ziyan, and the soft voice of the child came from the wind:

"You talk nonsense all day, if you let my good sisters know. They won't spare you."

Xu Ziyan looked at the background of Mu Dayong. Slightly frowned. Tianfu Commercial Bank chased itself three times and five times, and Xu Ziyan did not forget. Just has been too busy, no time to avenge. As for what Mu Dayong did in the South, Xu Ziyan was clear about everything that was too sinister.

At this time, Xu Ziyan saw Mu Dayong slow down and turned his head and looked over. But Xu Ziyan can know from his gaze that Mu Dayong is not looking at himself, but the monk who was surnamed Jiang. And the eyes show the killing.

At this time, a monk who followed Mu Dayong whispered: "The owner. Let's go, it won't take long for the surname Jiang to be a dead person."

This voice is absolutely low, but Xu Ziyan, who has been paying attention to Mu Dayong, has heard it clearly.

"Does this Mu Dayong want to kill?"

"Why did he kill the monk named Jiang?"

"The temperament revealed by the monk surnamed Jiang is definitely not an ordinary person."

Xu Ziyan’s knowledge was swept away, and he knew that Mu Dayong’s cultivation was now the peak of the late Ming Dynasty. He frowned slightly and his heart moved. He secretly released the space mouse that he had obtained in Shangyuan League. The space mouse said:

"Follow the Mu Dayong."

Intoxicated and watching Xu Ziyan suddenly had a mouse in his hand, then the mouse suddenly disappeared, and even a trace of space fluctuations, the heart could not help but be surprised:

"Ziyan, what is that?"

"Space Rat!"

“Space Rat?” The beauty of the intoxicated flower smashed. Then he whispered, "Do you let it track Mu Dayong?"

"Yeah!" Xu Ziyan nodded: "Tianfu Shangxing must kill her hatred, and I see that the surname Jiang is very good, so Mu Dayong can't kill him."

"How do you know that Mu Dayong is going to kill him?"

"I just saw the killing in the eyes of Mu Dayong."

"What do we do then?"

"First, don't do anything, go shopping. Wait for the space mouse to come back."

Xu Ziyan and others put down their minds and began to wander around the street. From time to time, they entered a shop. With optimistic materials, Xu Ziyan purchased all of them. Of course, other people also bought a lot of things. This is not just a dance color and other people are being stared, that is, Xu Ziyan and others are also eyeing.

Xu Ziyan and others did not care. Although they were suppressed by the lock Yuanfu, they did not suppress the gods. It has long been known that someone is following them with the knowledge of these people.

But do these people need to care?

Even their slight interest has not affected.

After visiting most of the streets, Xu Ziyan realized that within the city of Xian, there are shops in the three major commercial banks, but there are quite a few good things. No wonder Beiyuan Xiancheng is so bustling.

Occasionally turned around and saw two familiar figures walking into a restaurant. Xu Ziyan recognized the two people who were the surnames of Jiang. They thought about it a little, and they also walked toward the restaurant.

Walked into the restaurant and saw the pair of Taoist members on the second floor, Xu Ziyan also stepped toward the second floor. On the second floor, I saw the couple seated in a window seat.

At that time, the nephew heard the footsteps from the stairs, and could not help but look over his head. The face showed a strange look. She did not expect to encounter Xu Ziyan here. Although Xu Ziyan still carries a pair of fights, but the figure is definitely not wrong.

Xu Ziyan also did the occasional encounter. In the first two steps, I said: "This sister, we really have a chance, and we met again."

Xu Ziyan has a fight. However, the temperament and grace made the admiration admire, and then stood up and said:

"Seeing is a good thing, may you take a narrative?"

Xu Ziyan naturally wants to sit down. She came to make friends with each other and wants to know the strength of Tianfu Commercial Bank in Beiyuan Xiancheng through the other party. If it is not strong enough, she does not mind to erase the Tianfu business from Beiyuan Xiancheng.

Intoxicated flowers and condensed cream also sat down and sat down. Xu Ziyan is not good to fight again. The bucket was taken down and collected.

The surnamed Jiang and the nephew looked condensed, and then there was some sorrow. Xu Ziyan is a happy heart. It seems that the other party did not recognize himself. However, if you think about it, you will be relieved. The mainland of the Yuan Dynasty is too big. There are many people who know themselves, but they are compared with the monks of the entire Yuan Dynasty. That is a drop in the ocean. It is normal to not know yourself.

Intoxicated flowers and cold fragrant coagulation also put up the fight, Lang Yue and others have long taken off the fight, sitting in the second floor on the second floor to find a seat.

"These sisters are not northerners?"

Xu Ziyan's knowledge was swept away, and his heart was slightly shocked. The surname Jiang Xiushi was no longer low. It was a mid-term respect, but the repair of this nephew was higher than the surname Jiang Xiushi, and it turned out to be the mid-peak peak of the land.

"The sister is guessing good. The younger sister is from the south, the small Lingbo. One is a repair, and the whole sea is home." Xu Ziyan said without hesitation.

There is a glimpse of the gaze in the eyes of a child, and a meditation can be cultivated at such an age to the peak of the early Emperor, but it is a person who can be handed over.

"Lingbo's sister, my sister changed to Situ Yuer, this is the sister's husband, the owner of the Sanxian League, the owner of the North Plains, Jiang Yihe."

Jiang Yihe saw that Xu Ziyan was only the peak of the early Emperor, although his face was not proud, but he only slightly nodded:

"Welcome three fairy to Beiyuan Xiancheng, today I am doing east."

Xu Ziyan three people hurriedly put up a look of the excitement of the master, Shi Lidao: "Thank you for the Lord Jiang."

“You don’t have to pay more!” Jiang Yihe waved: “Everyone is a person who cultivates immortals.

The words fell, you are welcome, reached out and recruited the guys, ordered a few dishes. The dishes are very fast, although both the dishes and the wines are far from the cooking and scent of the peach blossoms, but they are also excellent.

Xu Ziyan took out a gourd fairy and said with a smile: "Jiangcheng master, sister-in-law, younger sister accidentally got a gourd scent, the quality is good, today has a fate, two taste."

“Hey?” Jiang Yihe’s eyes lit up.

When Xu Ziyan opened the gourd cover, a scent of wine floated out, so that Jiang Yihe sucked his nose and his eyes became brighter.

Xu Ziyan personally filled the wine for everyone, Jiang Yihe immediately took the wine glass and drank it, and then looked at Xu Ziyan's eyes to reveal a trace of shock, silently refining the power of the fairy. In the eyes of Situ Yuer, there was also a shocking color. After a quarter of an hour, Jiang Yihe’s attitude towards Xu Ziyan was much warmer.

"Lingbo Fairy, good wine, today is the old man dimmed!"

"Ginger City has a reputation!"

"But it’s a reputation, it’s a reputation. The old man has never had such a wonderful wine!”

Jiang Yihe no longer spoke, just a glass of drinking, but Situ Yuer chatted with Xu Ziyan, and chatted more and more hot.

Although Xu Ziyan is not old enough, he can be described as broad-spectrum and chat with Situ Yuer. In a short while, two people are like friends for many years.

"Ling Bo, how long have you been in the South, you know that there is a city in the south now?"

"I have been away from the South for a long time. I hope I heard that Xiancheng has been rumored, but I don't know the truth."

"This is a loss for you!"

Xu Ziyan’s face is amazed: “Is the sister going to the auction of Wangxiancheng?”


"That... is the Jiangcheng Lord going?"

"I didn't go too!" Jiang Yihe finally put down the wine glass: "But some of us in the league have gone, and I came back to tell you about the scene. It is really enviable!"

Next, Jiang Yihe began to hear the Xuxian City auction in detail and gave it to Xu Ziyan. He would also like to praise the many people in the city, and Xu Ziyan said it was very mysterious. Straight to say that the intoxication and condensation cream screamed and suppressed the smile.

Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!

*(To be continued..)

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