The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2391: Secret

So, Xu Ziyan said half-jokingly and half-heartedly: "You brothers and sisters, Ziyan gave you only one request for these bows."

The eyes of everyone gathered on the face of Xu Ziyan, guessing the requirements of Xu Ziyan.

"It is the brothers and sisters who can't use these bows and arrows to deal with the disciples of Taixu in the future!"

There was a silence in the space fairy, and Jin Ge waved his bow and arrow in front of him and said seriously: "Ziyan, this road is deeply blessed. I can't promise too much, I can't represent the Zongmen. But Jin Ge Commitment here, as long as the purple smoke does not bear my Jin Ge, I will not bear the purple smoke. Purple smoke but need, Jin Ge must help. Even if we have a fight in the two sects in the future, my Jin Ge is also I don’t help each other.

Everyone looked awkward, and they all understood that Jin Ge’s vows were already heavy, and everyone understood that Jin Ge was doing this because it was not because of the arrow in front of him, but because of the previous tea.

"Ziyan!" Xuan Daozi also put away the bow and arrow in front of the eyes: "My Xuan Daozi promised here, as long as the purple smoke does not bear me, I can not afford the purple smoke, purple smoke but also need, Jin Ge must help. Even if there are battles between our two sects in the future, my Jin Ge is also taking things out of the way.


One monk swears toward Xu Ziyan, even the monks of Langyue and other swordsmen are no exception. Only the monks who are too imaginary have no words, because they are not necessary.

"You brothers and sisters are heavy!" Xu Ziyan was delighted in his heart, but his face was not well-known: "The things of bow and arrow have been solved now, should we design clothing? Fashion design is my specialty..."

"I am a master in fashion design. I can imagine it if I listen to my name!" said the dance color costume.

"I am not bad!"

A group of female practitioners immediately argued, and they saw that the men were worried about each other. They had a thought at the same time:

"They won't give us a set of women's costumes? It won't work!"

After having this idea. These men’s repairs were no longer reserved, and they joined the discussion one by one. Only Ye Fei was looking at everything that happened in front of him...

It took a full half of the time, and the people ended their arguments dryly. The final decision was a black tights, a **** red cloak, a yellow brawl, and a golden mask.

Make a black tights. The **** red cloak, the task of the yellow fighting, was handed over to a group of female repairers, but Xu Ziyan is not listed here. She also made 39 masks together with Jin Ge and Hua Gu Ren, because this mask needs to have the effect of detecting the gods.

Xuan Daozi is also unwilling to be lonely, and proposes to give black tights. Bloody red cloak. The yellow brawling is arranged on the battle, and the worst can also withstand the three full-scale attacks by the monks.

Ma Jingying volunteered to go out and buy materials. Lang Yue and others were not at ease. Some people were sent to protect Ma Jingying to purchase materials.

Soon, Ma Jingying came back with excitement. These people gathered in the space fairy and began to get busy. The space mouse was sent out by Xu Ziyan to monitor the Tianfu business.

Three days passed quickly.


The northern capital city of Xiancheng City is shrouded in the night, and nothing can be seen during the day. At night it showed a solemnity. Thirty-nine people were now hidden on the roof of the city's main house, and everyone's body was opened with a convergent charm. There is no breath. Xu Qinyang lay on his back on the ridge, holding a grass in his mouth, looking at the crescent moon in the air, and his leisurely manner.

The moonlight falls on the ground, like a layer of hoarfrost, silent. Xu Ziyan spit out the grass in the mouth, and the gods know the voice:

"Ziyan, how can people from Tianfu Commercial Bank not come yet!"

Xu Ziyan pulled out a blade of grass and slammed it in his mouth. The gods said, "What are you worried about?"

"The defense of this city's main government is really not very good? Just like this, we don't know what we touched!" Ma Jingying, a singer, said.

Xu Ziyan directly turned a white eye, and the heart said: "In addition to Xianzun, are you monks under the Emperor's Emperor who brought me in with space?"

"Ziyan, do you say that this city capital will let the people of Tianfu Commercial Bank touch it in this way?"


A black shadow got into the arms of Xu Ziyan, the space mouse. Xu Ziyan listened to the voice of the space mouse, collected the space mouse, turned over and looked to the front:


The other monks looked aggression, and they all turned over and looked over the roof toward the front. I am very excited, and I am excited to think that I am going to be on the scene.

In the distance came the sound of robbing the air.

"Tianfu Commercial Bank is tough! It is not in the eyes of the Fairy League!"

Under the bright moonlight, a silhouette came from the air, and in the silent night, it only smelled the air and hunted.


A ringing arrow hit the night sky and burst into a spark. A figure rushed into the air from the city's main house, and shouted to the opposite monk of the Tianfu Commercial Bank:

"Come to stop! Here is the city's main government, go forward, kill innocent!"

"It seems that the city government is also prepared!" Light moon dance whispered.

"The ambition of Tianfu Commercial Bank, they don't know, how can they be unprepared!" Xu Tianwo said with a low voice: "But only if you are prepared to have no strength, you can't escape the fate of being killed."

A group of people in the air, a burst of laughter in the night sky: "Ha ha ha... Deity Mu Dayong, tell Jiang Yihe, give you a quarter of an hour. In a quarter of an hour, all the people in the Xianxiang League leave the city government. From this moment on, the city's main house is owned by Tianfu Commercial Bank. It has not left the city government within a quarter of an hour to kill innocent people."

Jin Ge snorted: "It’s really arrogant!"

"Mu Dayong!" Two figures flew up from the ground, but it was Jiang Yihe and Situ Yuer. Jiang Yihe shouted:

"Do you want to run against the Xianxian League?"

"No! Not!" Mu Dayong converges with a smile and faintly said: "The position of the city owner depends on strength. Now the strength of your scattered Xianmeng is not enough to maintain the safety of the North Plains, so we will replace it with the business.

Our Tianfu business has no idea of ​​fighting with the scattered Xianmeng, otherwise it will not give you a quarter of an hour to leave. Jiang Yihe. I advise you to leave the city government and get a life. ”

"Ziyan, you said that I am giving that Mu Dayong an arrow now?"

Xu Ziyan was shocked, and reached out and held Ma Jingying whispered: "Don't mess!"

In the sky, Jiang Yihe hurriedly said: "Mu Dayong, Jiang will meet you today to see how you can keep my life!"

"Oh... are you sure?"

"I am sure!" Jiang Yihe's hand swayed in the air.


The figure in the city seat flashed. In an instant, more than 3,000 figures flew into the air, and everyone’s body was full of murderousness, squatting at the opposite of the Tianfu business.

Facing the Sanxian monk who is three times more than his own side. Mu Dayong waved his hand indiscriminately.


The monk of the Tianfu Commercial Bank behind him rushed to the opposite side.


Jiang Yihe screamed and took the lead in killing the past with Mu Dayong. The monk of the Xianxian League behind him also sipped and rushed to the opposite side.


The teams on both sides slammed into one place and took time to shoot. Deafening. Flesh flesh...

Although the number of people on the side of the Fairy League is more than that of the Tianfu Commercial Bank, the strength is not a grade at all. It is not said that Jiang Yihe and Situ Yuer were completely suppressed by Mu Dayong and a late peak of the land, that is, between the monks and the monks. The battle was also a one-sided situation. It was only after a collision that there were a large number of monks falling from the air, especially those who had died in the past nine days.


The figure of Jiang Yihe and Situ Yuer was shot down from the air and fell to the ground. The ground was pulled out of two deep pits.

"Ha ha ha..."

Mu Dayong laughed loudly, and the other land was swept down to the ground. At the same time, both hands are out of the fairy, and they are printed on the two deep pits.

"Do it!" Xu Ziyan sighed softly.

Thirty-nine wearing yellow brawlers, wearing **** red cloaks, black tights, and people with golden masks stood up on the ridge, holding a bow in each hand.

Pulling a bow like a full moon, the arrow looks like a meteor!



Thirty-nine arrows shot thirty-nine monks, and Xu Ziyan’s hand-cranking speed was too fast. Only thirty-nine people had a hard-earning shot of a rainy day, one by one. The monk fell from the air.

The air was a quiet, both monks stopped and looked at them.

On the ridge, under a crescent moon, a row of monks appeared like ghosts. Everyone had a yellow brawl, a golden mask on his face, a black tights, and a **** red cloak in the night wind. From the beginning, hunting and screaming.

The same dress, the same mystery...

The same bow and arrow are held in the hand, and each arrow shoots out a life.

It was only this moment that a thousand people of Tianfu Commercial Bank had already fallen by more than 300 people.


Mu Dayong's body shape rushed to the sky. Before the monk of Tianfu Commercial Bank, his arms were raised, and countless fairy libers were released. A huge mask appeared in the air to cover the people of Tianfu Commercial Bank.


Thirty-nine of the arrow spurted on the reticle and exploded, but the hood was just like a ripple, but it was not broken.

"Who are you? Do you dare to obstruct the business of Tianfu?" Mu Dayong stunned.

"Secretary!" A beautiful voice rang in the air.


All the monks have a look, and have never heard of the name Secret. But looking at the equipment of these 39 monks, this secret is definitely not a small sect.

What is this secret sect?

Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!

*(To be continued..)

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